Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 23:04:56 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 131 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

7 June 1997


More family information.  Please wait until you hear that I am in San Diego
before sending me any additional family information.  Thank you.


Subj:     Confusing THOMAS family
Date:     97-06-01 13:46:09 EDT
From:     Samplnajar
To:  NCreed1

Hi!  I wanted to clear something up about the THOMAS  family that
was just printed on the 29th of May. This isn't even one of my
lines but I found the conflicts so odd that I didn't know what to
make of it.  

Info from Compilation 69 :  Martha TURNER (dau. of Adam Turner
and Nancy Pilson) b. 22-May-1801 was married to Richard THOMAS on
24-Nov. 1825. (son of Charles Thomas Sr.  and Judith Patterson). 
Richard was born Aug 8,1773 and died Sept. 18, 1852. Martha died
Oct. 19, 1875.  The info also says that she married Richard
Thomas and this was a second marriage.

Info from Comp. 81:  Martha "Patsy" TURNER ( dau. of Adam Turner
and Nancy  Pilson) b.May 22, 1801  married (2) .  Richard THOMAS
b. Aug. 3, 1773 (son of Charles Thomas and Judith (Ripley)
Patterson. ) Their children were:  Wellington, Walter Henry,
Tyler , Tazewell, James Marshall, Andrew Jackson.  Richard was
also married (1) To Elizabeth FERRELL and their child was Lucy 

THOMAS info from May 29, 1997---  Martha "Patsy" TURNER b. May
22, 1801 ( dau. of Adam  Turner and Mary Pilson)  died Oct. 19,
1875 was married to Richard Carroll THOMAS b. Oct. 25, 1816 (son
of Richard THOMAS  b. Aug. 3, 1773 d. Sept. 18, 1852 and
Elizabeth FERRELL)  Richard Carroll and Martha's children were:
Wellington, Walter Henry, Tyler, Tazewell, James Marshall, Andrew
Jackson.   The info states that Richard Carroll Thomas' first
marriage was to Rebecca DEHART.

Can somebody help clear up this confusion?  :  )   Thanks!

Subj:     Burnett / Nowlin line
Date:     97-06-01 14:24:56 EDT
From:     Knights5
To:  NCreed1

Hello Nyla,

I am still looking to connect on the line of Mary (Polly) Burnett.  She
Married Richard Nowlin Jun 03, 1796 in Patrick Co. VA.

I understand that her father may have been Jeremiah.

Please contact me via email at  Thanks!

Subj:     Roundtree
Date:     97-06-01 14:32:19 EDT
From:     N4JED
CC:  CarBurCo, NCreed1


If you have not already, check with Caroline Burnett Cook who has posted recently in our compilations. 
Your Search for the ROUNDTREE family mentioned in compilation
#121 reminded me that Caroline had ROUNTREEs  married in about
the same time frame into the BURNETTs.  This family was also
moving south at the same time and there could very well be an

I have a Stephen TURNER from Bedford County, VA in the correct
time frame for yours except listed as Married to a Lucy Snead and
died in Henry Co. VA. Sorry.

Descendants of Stephen TURNER

First Generation

1.   Stephen TURNER was born about 1760 in Bedford Co., VA. He
died 1817 in Henry Co., VA.  Stephen married (1) Lucy SNEAD in
Bedford Co., VA. Lucy was born about 1782 in Bedford Co., VA. She
died 1883 in Henry Co., VA.  Stephen moved to Henry County
Virginia in 1805 where he lived till his death. His wife Lucy
lived to be 101 years old.  They had the following children:
          2    M    i.   Isaiah TURNER was born about 1780 in VA. 
Isaiah married (1) Elizabeth GILLEY, daughter of George GILLEY
and Mary "Polly" WILSON on 29 Jun 1830 in Henry Co., VA.
Elizabeth was born about 1810 in Henry Co., VA. She died 1901 in
Franklin Co., VA.
          3    M    ii.  Stephen Terry TURNER was born about 1785
in VA. He died 1 Feb 1861 in Franklin Co., VA.  Stephen married
(1) Nancy GILLEY, daughter of George GILLEY and Mary "Polly"
WILSON on 3 Dec 1828 in Henry Co., VA. Nancy was born about 1810
in Henry Co., VA. She died in Rockingham Co., NC.
          4    M    iii. Aaron TURNER was born about 1797.  Aaron
and family are believed to have moved to Tennessee.  Aaron
married (1) Fanna Texceney BATEMAN, daughter of Eleazer BATEMAN
and Exoney "Oney" WRIGHT on 23 Jan 1831 in Henry Co., VA. Fanna
was born 1814 in Henry Co., VA.
          5    M    iv.  John TURNER was born Feb 1805 in
Franklin Co., VA.  John married (1) Eliza NORMAN on 14 Jan 1831
in Henry Co., VA. Eliza was born about 1810 in VA.
          6    M    v.   Meadows TURNER was born 1807 in Franklin
Co., VA.  Meadows married (1) Eliza Jane GRIFFITH on 13 Dec 1841
in Henry Co., VA. Eliza was born about 1810 in VA.
          7    M    vi.  Moses TURNER was born 1813 in Franklin
Co., VA.  Moses married (1) Martha ___.

The following was shared by Barbara:

Subj:	[Fwd: HUMOR]
Date:	97-05-31 18:58:26 EDT
From: (Barbara F. Bonham)
Barbara Farthing Bonham
The Family Snitch
Cherry Stone Creek, formerly Farthing Family Finders


 You brake for libraries.
 You hyperventilate at the sight of an old cemetery.
 You would rather browse in a cemetery than a shopping mall.
 You would rather read census schedules than a good book.
 You are more interested in what happened in 1697 than 1997.
 Savage, Torry, and Pope are household names, but you cannot remember
 what to call the dog.
 You can pinpoint Harrietsham, Hawkhurst, Kent, but can't locate your
 state capitol on the map.
 You think every home should have a copier and a microfilm reader.
 You know every register of deeds in the state by name, but they lock
 the doors when they see you coming.
 You store your clothes under the bed, because your closet is full of
 books and papers.
 All your correspondence begins "Dear Cousin".
 You have traced every one of your ancestral lines back to Adam and
 Eve, have it documented, and still don't want to quit.

Subj:	RE: New Turner Kin on the Block!
Date:	97-06-03 23:11:01 EDT
From: (Kevin K. Stephenson)
To: ('')
CC: ('Nyla Creed DePauk')

   We're always ready to welcome the new kin on the block!!  I am 
forwarding the entire contents of your message to the organizer of our 
little group, Nyla Creed DePauk.  She compiles all the messages that we 
send back and forth to each other, and sends a 'group' e-mail out to 
everyone with all the info, so we're all up to date.  When she sends this 
out, I'll add the compilation to the zipfiles on my web page, so future 
'new kin' can get to it when they download the zipfiles.  Thank you very 
much for contributing, and if you want to be added to the newsgroup, so you 
get our future compilations, be sure to let Nyla know that.
   With regard to the pictures you mention, if you can package them well 
and mail them to me registered mail, I would be willing to scan them into 
my computer and post them on my website for the group to enjoy.  I would 
also make gif files of them and send them to you via  e-mail before I mail 
the photos back.  Let me know if you're going to do this, so I'll know to 
be watching for the photos.

   Nyla-I've been busy with school the last two weeks...I have a little 
more time now, so I'll be finishing the update to my website, including all 
of the latest compilations and some Burnett photos I've been sent.  Watch 
for them!!

Kevin K. Stephenson
1114 Mississippi St. #4
Lawrence, Kansas  66044-3188

-----Original Message-----
From:	DeCody Brad Marble []
Sent:	Tuesday, June 03, 1997 11:30 AM
Subject:	New Turner Kin on the Block!

I had a bulletin requesting information of my Shadrack Turner lineage.
Someone E-mailed me a tip about site:

Well, I checked it out and saw all these resources and your E-mail

I am the new kin on the block. How do I get my lineage into this site?
I have a picture of Louis "Lucy Turner with her 2nd husband Swept Kirby"
and a portrait of Daisy Mae Turner, daughter of Elisa & Louis.

...DeCody Brad Marble.....E-mail:

Web page: Marble's "My Grandparents' Grandparents' Grandparents"
Web URL:

Scroll to the bottom of my Web page and click on Hypertext
The Report is an database index of over 2,500 indivduals with birthdate,
birthplace, and deathdate. Within the report click on Index of Pages to
help find your Surname within the 50 pages.

The following is a CUT & PASTE from my OUTLINE DESCENDANT TREE:
My Turner lineage follows:
[See compilation #130 for the information.]

Subj:	RE: Burnett
Date:	97-06-04 01:14:44 EDT
From: (Kevin K. Stephenson)
To: ('Jean Hanks')
CC: ('Nyla Creed DePauk')

  I don't have one in my branch, but I'm forwarding your message to the 
Burnett-Turner newsgroup, to see if they have anything on might 
also wish to download the compilations of the group at my website(address 
below) and look through them to see if he's in there.  I maintain the 
zipfiles on my site for the group, but I haven't thoroughly searched them 
yet for links to my own family.

 Do we have anything on this couple?

Kevin K. Stephenson
1114 Mississippi St. #4
Lawrence, Kansas  66044-3188

-----Original Message-----
From:	Jean Hanks []
Sent:	Tuesday, June 03, 1997 10:54 AM
Subject:	Burnrtt

Do you have a Robert Burnett who married an Elizabeth Gish in Virginia?

>Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 16:26:39 -0400 (EDT)
>Subject: Turner Family
>I am looking for information on Robert B. Turner -b. 1803  d.____ ; M.  Aug
>9, 1827 to      Sophronia (Sophronie) L Boyd - no information on her. They
>are said to both be buried in the Old City Cemetery in Nashville, Tn.  Their
>children: Kate, Augustus Madren, Thomas (or Tomas), Charles Carol, Rachael,
>Carrie, Roberta May.  Charles and Augustus moved to Texas. Charles married
>Mary Ellen Mudd. Augustus married Sarah J. Dowdy Taylor.  My husband is a
>direct decendant of both Augustus and Charles - Augustus' son John Cox, Sr.
>married Charles' daughter Ellie Caroline. John Cox, Jr. was my
>If you have any information on Robert and/or Sophornia I would greatly
>appreciate receiving copies. Will glad to pay for copies and mailing. 
>Charlotte Howard Turner
>355 W. Seaview Dr.
>Benicia, CA 94510

Date: Thu,  5 Jun 1997 15:52:37, -0500
Subject: George Turner

Nyla, I am looking for a George Turner who died in 1815 in Culpeper 
Co., VA.  He m. Elizabeth (surname unknown).  After his death, 
Elizabeth and family moved to Harrison Co., KY.  Their children are:  
William, Ezekiel, Daniel, Mary, Rachel, Lavina, John, and Thornton.  
Do you have any data on this family?

Adelene Mullins

The end of this compilation.