Date: Thu, 19 Jun 1997 23:53:13 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 132 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

19 June 1997

Greetings from San Diego,

The trip was great.  I appreciate all the nice wishes that I received.  As
many of you know,  the past few weeks have been hectic for me.  If anyone
sent me eMails at my old address, I might not have received them since I no
longer have that account.  If I haven't acknowledged receiving mail from you
during the past few weeks, it's possible that I have been saving them to send
to the group all at once.  So, please, be patient with me.  I'm trying really
hard to get caught up.  If you think there's a chance that I might not have
received your eMail, feel free to send it again. 

A big welcome to all the new folks who have joined us recently.  Please send
me any
information you wish to share on your family lines.

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Date:	97-06-08 12:15:47 EDT
From: (Glenda Subyak)

OK, all of you BURNETT researchers, **Look in your Family Tree**
one of you have a James (J. W. Burnett) that you don't know anything
about.  "Thats my ggrandpa"  Lets connect him with his parents.
"I know he had parents".  WHO????????? (b) about 1849 - where? I don't


Subj:	Newsletter
Date:	97-06-08 04:23:45 EDT

Nyla, several have told me to write and request your newsletter.  My address
is JUNE BALDWIN BORK, 9375 Bella Vista Road, Apple Valley, Ca 92308.  Phone &
Fax 619-247-3790.  My E-Mail address is: ""  I understand
you are moving to San Diego.  I am in the high desert near Victorville, about
1 1/2 hours from Diego (North).  Thank you, June

Subj:	Newsletter
Date:	97-06-15 09:08:24 EDT

Nyla, I know you are on your way to San Diego, but hopefully you will get
this when you get situated again.  I would like to receive all your past
newsletters.  Many have written in regards to the Burnetts, saying they saw
such and such on your newsletter and I have no way of knowing what they are
talking about.  After 35 years of Burnett research and after the 3rd book was
finished, I quit (1993).  But now, I am back full time on research (10 to 15
hours a day), and need all the help I can get.  Yes, after I see what is
going on in your newsletter, I will gladly contribute info. June.  

JUNE.  All 131 of our compilations are on Chris Gaunt's home page:
All the files can be downloaded.   Also, Kevin has "zipped" the files, if
that is more
convenient for you.   Nyla

Subj:	Turners of Va.
Date:	97-06-08 00:29:50 EDT
From: (Tony Turner)

Nyla,  I do not know if you remember me or not but I am Anthony Turner.  I
was the one that loaded a lot of turner information onto the net about Tn.
Turners.  I have just finished about 14 counties in Va. in search of my
Turners and have put this information onto diskett.  There are over 600
turner names.  What I need is to load this information.  Can you give me
chris gants e-mail address again.  thanks.  I have been following your
progress.  I know you hate to move?  

Tony:  Chris' address:

I'm in San Diego after 8 days on the road.  I'll be moving to another address
in a month or so.  Also, my office will be moving to another location here in
San Diego in August.   Between my personal moves and my office moves, I may
get enough experience to become an "expert".  -- Nyla

P.S.  Of course, I remember you.  Chris has your TN Turner info on her home

Subj:	Subscribe
Date:	97-06-11 20:23:56 EDT
From:	Bervi

Please add my name to your send list.

	Peter A. Ramsey
	1111 Circle Dr.
	Latrobe, PA 15650

Allen Richmond, a Goode cuz of mine told me of y'all. and I need to be here,
since my family is in the middle of almost every line here...! You're gonna
LOVE this: (Yes there is LOVE in the line too;>)

Victoria Minerva ROSS m John Lodmer MCGHEE (my gg-grandparents)
Victoria Minerva d/o Robert Venable and Lucinda (TURNER) ROSS

John Lodmer MCGHEE s/o William MCGHEE and Francis RAMSEY
Francis d/o Thomas RAMSEY s/o Woodson RAMSEY and brother of Booker RAMSEY (my
paternal gg-grandfather). Booker m. Isabella Jane THORNTON d/o John W. and
Lucy P. (ASHWORTH) THORNTON. John W. s/o Sterling and Sarah (MOSELEY)

My paternal grandmother Cola Eva MOORE was d/o John Peter and Bettie Mary
John Peter s/o Alexander J. MOORE m Elizabeth GOODE. Elizabeth d/o Jacob and
Alexander s/o William and Nancy (MAYES) MOORE

Alice MULLINS d/o Booker and Jane (STANLEY) MULLINS.

My g-grandfather Thomas RAMSEY m Eliza Jane PACE d/o Joseph and Mary Anne

Mary Anne HURT d/o Ira and Eliza Lewis (SLAUGHTER) PACE.

My grandmother's sister Selma MOORE m Ezra MASON s/o Gilbert and Sue Floyd
(GOODE) MASON. Sue d/o David Gardner and Jane (TATE) GOODE.

My grandfather Andrew Judson RAMSEY and grandmother Cola Eva MOORE were 5th
cousins, so I'm related to nearly every body in Franklin Co. VA at least
once, and most of them twice;>

The family of George Kinner MULLINS who m Geneva TURNER d/o Ulysses Grant and
Coretta (MCGHEE) TURNER is related to me in 8 (yes, eight) different
directions...Coretta was the sister of my g-grandmother Bettie Mary (MCGHEE)

I need to be here...

(Wondering why RAMSEY isn't included in the core list of families?) <g>

[PETER:  Etc/Etc covers a multitude of families.  Glad you're here with us.

Happy to share and glean what I can. My goal is to compile ALL the
descendants of
Thomas RAMSEY, Patriot (ca 1734-1790), My direct gggg-grandfather, in one
Not only do I need to be on your list, I need the kind prayer of everybody on
it for such a foolhardy undertaking....Thanks in advance.

Use what you want from this info as my intro to the group...

Peter Allen Ramsey (1947)
	s/o Blair Judson Ramsey (1916-1976)
	s/o Andrew Judson Ramsey (1891-1935)
	s/o Thomas Allen Ramsey (1854-1935)
	s/o Booker Ramsey (1823-1898)
	s/o Woodson Ramsey (ca 1760-1849)
	s/o Thomas Ramsey (ca 1734-1790)

Subj:	Burnett family line
Date:	97-06-15 21:33:20 EDT

I think that I have already sent you an inquiry but I'll send it again. I am
a descendent
of John Burnett 1, John Burnett II, Jeremiah Burnett, Isaac Burnett,
Burnett, Sr, Cornelius Burnett Jr,Cornelius S Burnett, Charles Richard
Millie May Burnett Wolsey, Fern Wolsey Anderson.

I have traced the line of Salmon where it comes in and also the Lawrence
Please furnish me with any info you have on other children that John Burnett

Thank you in advance

Donna Honberger

Subj:	RE: Daisy Mae Turner Photo & Obituary
Date:	97-06-13 16:48:14 EDT
From: (Kevin K. Stephenson)
To: ('')
CC: ('Nyla Creed DePauk')

Apparently, the photos did not come through...can you resend them?
Will forward the obit. on to the Burnett Group.  Thanks!!

Kevin K. Stephenson
1114 Mississippi St. #4
Lawrence, Kansas  66044-3188

-----Original Message-----
From:	DeCody Brad Marble []
Sent:	Wednesday, June 11, 1997 11:13 PM
To:	Kevin K. Stephenson
Subject:	Daisy Mae Turner  Photo & Obituary

 Kevin K. Stephenson
 1114 Mississippi St. #4
 Lawrence, Kansas  66044-3188
From:   DeCody Brad Marble []

Subject:  Daisy Mae Turner Obituary

Hello, Did you received the scanned photos in your E-mail OK ???
Louisa "Lucy" Turner with 2nd husband Swept Kirby and a photo of Daisy
Mae Turner.

Lineage Information on Daisy Mae Turner follows:

Daisy Mae Turner

Wife of Joseph Newton Sadler
Daughter of Elisha "Elijah" Turner and Lousia "Lucy" Turner
Grand daughter of Shadrack Turner and Ann Elizabeth Hays
Great grand daughter of Jeremiah Turner and Rachel Ross
Great Great grand daughter of Shadrack Turner and Ann Hill

Daisy Mae Turner
Born: October 06, 1881 in Red Boiling Springs, Macon County, Tennessee
Died: July 22, 1957 in Chattanooga, Tennessee
Married: September 1898 in Red Boiling Springs, Macon County, Tennessee
Buried: at Chattanooga Memorial Park (now White Oak Cemetery) near Red
Bank, Tennessee

Obituary of Daisy Mae Turner follows:


	Mrs. J. N. Sadler, wife of the late J.N. Sadler of 106 E. Euclid St.
died Monday in a local hospital.
	She was the widow of the Rev. J. N. Sadler and lost a grandson, Sgt.
Joe N. Armstrong, in World War II.  Mrs Sadler was a member of the St.
Elmo Methodist Church and the Bates Sunday School Class for 27 years.
	She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. T.W. Roberts, Lebanon, Ky.;
Mrs. G. J. Armstrong, Mrs W.A. Cofer, both of Chattanooga; son, E. N.
Sadler, Chattanooga; two grand-daughters, Mrs. Duane Marble, Ashland,
Ohio; Miss Deidra Ann Sadler, Chattanooga; three grandsons, T.W.
Roberts, Lebanon, Ky; Gary Sadler, Chattanooga, and the Rev. W.A. Cofer
Jr., Sequatchie, Tenn.; four great-grandsons, two brothers, Hayden and
Blant Turner, Red Boiling Springs, Tenn.
	Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the St Elmo
Methodist Church with the Rev. Paul Dodd officiating.
	Interment will be in Chattanooga Memorial Park. The body is at National
Funeral Home.

Subj:	Re: TURNERS from VA and elsewhere
Date:	97-06-14 11:56:25 EDT
From: (RTact)


I have downloaded Kevin's,  Turner info from the internet. In one section
there is info on a Stephen Turner it is   FROM:N4JED   TO:DAMTROYOH.   Any
idea how to get in touch with the N4JED as I am hoping to tie into that
Turner line.

Thanks Cynthia



Subj:	Newsletter
Date:	97-06-15 09:08:24 EDT

Nyla, I know you are on your way to San Diego, but hopefully you will get
this when you get situated again.  I would like to receive all your past
newsletters.  Many have written in regards to the Burnetts, saying they saw
such and such on your newsletter and I have no way of knowing what they are
talking about.  After 35 years of Burnett research and after the 3rd book was
finished, I quit (1993).  But now, I am back full time on research (10 to 15
hours a day), and need all the help I can get.  Yes, after I see what is
going on in your newsletter, I will gladly contribute info. June.  

JUNE:  Thanks for joining us.  This "newsletter" covers the
Etc/Etc families.  The Etc/Etc covers any family that ties into the other
four families or lived in the same areas where these families lived.   All
our compilations are on Chris Gaunt's home page.  Feel free to download any
or all of them.  Kevin has "zipped" the files for our convenience.  Chris has
links to other pages that may be of interest to this group.   

All the information in our compilations has been contributed by the generous
members of our group.  

The end of this compilation.