Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 21:47:08 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp #134 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

25 June 1997

Dear Cousins,

	A special welcome to the new folks.  Be sure to check out all our
compilations on Chris Gaunt's home page:

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	Hi Nyla and Cuzins!
Date:	97-06-23 06:08:49 EDT
From: (Waddie)

Hi Nyla and old and new cuzins,

	It's been a while since I did this so figured I would for the benefit of
all the new Burnett researchers.

	I have ALL my Burnett info I have compiled located on my home page.
Soon I plan on adding more bits and pieces I have collected.  I'll let
everyone know when I do.

	If anyone can connect to my Burnett line at any point, PLEASE let me
know.  If you have questions, additional information, corrections, etc.,
again PLEASE let me know.

	DO YOU HAVE A HOME PAGE and are researching Burnett?  Let me know this
too so I may create a link to it.

Thanks yall,
Cuzin Waddie

Waddie Salmon

Salmon - Burnett - Mason - Sowell
Carwile - Hudson
ICQ #1198171

Date:	97-06-23 11:35:21 EDT
From:	BekahAnn

	I am looking for Wilbur TURNER.  He is the father of my Great-grandmother
Nellie Mae TURNER.  Per Nellie's death certificate she was born in WV on 14
Aug. 1891 to Wilbur Turner and Mae STONE.  A request for a birth certificate
for Nellie, Wilbur and Mae from the State of WV met with negative results.  A
cousin who is also researching this line received a letter from West Virginia
Culture and History Center stating there is a birth record for a Nella M.
Turner born 14 August 1892 (not 1891) in Kanawha Co.  She was born at
Winifrede which was the residence of her father, W.H. Turner.  He was a
miner.  The mother's name was not given although the record says that the
mother gave the birth information.

	According to family members, Wilbur and Mae stayed in WV (near Charleston)
where they died (by 1908).  Request for Death Certificates also met with
negative results.   Nellie Mae removed to Wellsville, OH where she married.
She later moved to Cleveland,  OH where she died in 1967.  Her husbands
include:  Wilber NEWLEN, Herbert SALT, and William FOSTER.  She outlived all

	Does anyone have any information on this family?  I sure could use some

Rebekah Shelton                EMail:
Clarksville, TN

Subj:	Re: Comp 133 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-06-23 20:19:22 EDT
From: (Ann N. Hughes)


	I'm glad you are back on line.  Hope you are feeling "at home" by now. I
have some comments regarding the "Confusing Thomas family info" thread in
recent compilations.

	The family gets more confusing. Matthew, not Martha, was the child born to
Adam and Mary Turner on 22 May 1801 according to the Adam Turner Bible. My
cousin has the Bible and has sent me photographs.  There are only 3 legible
handwritten pages.  Only births seem to be written on the photographs I
have, no marriages or deaths are listed. I don't know how the confusion
started.  As far as we know, the Bible has not been seen by anyone other
than my cousin and my aunt (now deceased) in the last 40 or 50 years.  I
spoke with O. E. Pilson about the Bible before I located it and he said
that my aunt had invited him over to see the Bible, but she died before he
had the change to go. So, he never saw it. The Bible is in poor condition.
I have a handwritten letter from my aunt written in the early 1970's
listing the children and the list agrees with the photographs.

	I posted the names and dates in Compilation #70. Adam and Mary had 11
children--Batsey (Betsy), John, Pollay, Francis, Ester (Easter), Sallay
(Sally), Matthew, Adam, Ganay (Jane), Diack (Richard) and Nancay (Nancy). 

	Polley Turner, 20 May 1827, is the daughter of Francis Turner, Jr. Adam
Turner, Jr. had a daughter named Judith who according to O. E. Pilson was
born CA 1833. Judey Turner, 4 Apr 1832, may be the daughter of Adam Turner,

	I do not know yet who the parents were for Paggia (Peggy), Patsey and
William Green Turner. Perhaps someone out there has some documentation that
will shed some light on these three.

Subj:	Burnett
Date:	97-06-23 21:49:09 EDT
From: (Jerry Lou Patterson)


	Some one asked about a Burnett reunion.  A group of the members of the 
House of Burnett meet at the Pleasanton Highland Game held in Pleasanton, 
CA. every Labor Day Week end.  

	I have drawn a Family Tree of the Burnett using the information 
from June Bork Book.  It gives you a picture of how we a related.  I 
represent the House of Burnett in the Southwest part of the United 
States.  I met Ricky Lane Burnett in Costa Mesa and started him on the 
quest for his ancestors.  His Burnett's come from the North.  My Husband 
and I orginally started out to compile a book of all the information we 
could find on the Burnetts.  I have several Volumes of information, but 
they are only indexed by state.

	I still have two mysteries in my Family of Burnetts that I have not 
solved.  I still haven't located my Grandfathers Brother, James William 
Burnett.  He left Texas, went to Arizona and worked as a Teamster in the 
mines there.  I found him listed on the pay roll for the Mammoth Mines 
back in 1902, he never collected his pay.  We do not know where he is 
Buried.  He supposedly never married.

	There is another member of my family that doesn't fit, A Doctor 
James Burnett, list on the 1850 Censuses as an Uncle born in Tennessee.
He was a Doctor.  I have found him listed on a Census in Missouri, but I 
can't seem to connect him to any Burnett family in Tennessee.

	Also I have found a Tate Group that is sharing info via the 
internet.  I'm related to Elizabeth Tate that married John Burnett Sr., 
born in 1761, they are the parents of Cornelius Burnett born in 1780.

Jerry Lou (Burnett) Patterson

Subj:	Burnette's
Date:	97-06-23 22:34:08 EDT
From:	KarenWood


	I am trying to find two Burnette's who married two Jackson sisters, in
Bedford, Campbell or Pittsylvania Co.  It's hard to say, but I'd bet on
Pittsylvania.  Their
father, Francis H. Jackson and mother Sarah A. Hamlett Jackson were married
Charlotte Co, in 1846, were in Campbell Co in 1860 census as "overseer" for
brother in law William St. John (m. Elizabeth Hamlett), and in Bedford as a
Farmer in 1870.

	Daughters of Francis (frank) Jackson and Sarah Hamlett were 
Frances E. (Mary Fannie) Jackson b. 19 Jan 1854 m. A. B. Burnette, probably
about 1870, I'd guess Pitts. Co, VA

Sarah A. Jackson b. 20 Mar 1862 Campbell Co, VA m. James C. Burnette, prob
abt 1878-80 in Pittsylvania co. or nearby.  

	Their brother Raliegh Jackson bought the "Pocket" farm near Hurt on the bend
the Stanton River that juts into Campbell and Halifax Co.  

	ANYONE recognize James C. Burnette or A.B. Burnette.

	I'd like to find descendants to see if they can unravel Jackson mystery.
 Have lots to share on maternal lines, but can't get past Francis Jackson's
father, Ralph T. Jackson m. Polly Harvey.  Also like to know who the
Burnett's are.

Subj:	Subscribe
Date:	97-06-24 09:08:49 EDT
From: (walika)

	I would like to subscribe to the Burnett researcher group.  I am looking for
information about:

	Joseph Burnett Moore, born at Fannin, TX in 1852 died after 1900.  His
parents were Robert Moore (1813-1881), who was born in TN, who married
Mary Alsbrooks (1815-1928) born either in SC or TN.

Rick Breithaupt

Subj:	Re: Burnett family tree
Date:	97-06-24 12:15:47 EDT
From: (Christine E. Gaunt)
To: (Patricia Linden)

On Wed, 18 Jun 1997, Patricia Linden wrote:

> Dear Christine,
> I am a member of the Burnett family tree that you are researching--my
> grandmother was Eva Lee Burnett (daughter of John Quincy A. Burnett).  I
> received information on our family tree back to Thomas Burnet (wife
> Margaret Blakeley) from Kevin Stephenson--where I also received the
> information that you and Nyla DePauk are compiling information on the
> Burnett-Turner-Ross family trees.
> Could I have the address of your website?  I would be glad to forward to
> you the information that I have compiled on the Burnett family
> tree--(some of it differed slightly--or , in some cases, a lot--from the
> files I received from Kevin).  Let me know if you would want me to
> upload my file (Family Tree Maker format).
> :-)  Patty Linden
>      Great Falls, Montana
Hi, Patty,

	Sorry for the delay in responding - I was getting ready for a graduation
open house for my daughter, and was only just barely managing to keep up
with emails.

	The URL for the Burnett/Turner/Via/Ross/Etc page is:

	So far we have not gotten very sophisticated with the web site - there
aren't any gedcoms to download, nor are there linked trees, something I
think would enhance the site.  I've just not had time to instigate it,
which is why I'm Cc'ing my reply to Nyla, so she can include it in the
next compilation.  But you are very welcome to send me your file in
whatever format you have, for download from the site.  What I'd like to do
is create one big database with the info we've gotten so far, and note the
conflicting info, but I just don't have the time to enter the data.  (Too
many pots on the stove still - I've got a big backlog of web sites to add
to Genealogy Resources on the Internet.)  Once the data has been entered
in a genealogy database, it can be put on the web site as linked html
files.  Nice pipe dream, isn't it? :-)


Christine Gaunt,
Campbell-L listowner (
Co-compiler of Genealogy Resources on the Internet (web pages and file)
       File (950K):  via autoreply from

Subj:	William Turner, son of Terisha
Date:	97-06-25 18:12:35 EDT
From: (Nancy Grogan)

	I am looking for information on the Terisha Turner family.  In a book "Gone
to GA" there is information that Edward Turner in the 1820 GA Census was
"perhaps" of the Terisha and Sarah Turner line "by way of " Pendleton Dist.
SC.  I believe  that the father of my Edward b c 1778 in SC was a William
Turner.  I would like to know if the William, son of  "Old" Terisha could be
this person.  Do you have a listing of this William Turner's children?
Thank you.  

Nancy Turner Grogan

researching Southern family lines of:

Date:	97-06-25 18:51:57 EDT

Hi Nyla,

	I happened to stumble across the Burnett-Turner news letters by accident
about a month ago, and left my own message on the Burnett family we are
searching for info on. I must say I enjoy receiving the compilations
from you and am hoping that one of these days something will happen to
turn up.

	I've a little more information than the first time I wrote, but
unfortunately not much! We are decendants of the Kentucky Burnetts
(Burnette) that no one seems to know much about!! Including us!

	As I wrote before my great grandfather was Bruce Burnett, born in
Rockcastle, Ky., in 1868, died 11-16-1933 in Richmond, Ky. Madison Co.
He married a Mattie ?, when?. She was born 1872 & died 1895. They had
two children, Clay & Nancy Burnett. He married 2nd, Nannie Crowley
(Crawley), b.5-18-1877, Madison Co. Ky., d. 4-29-1960 in Lexington, Ky.,
Fayette Co. MOTHER: no records, FATHER: Crawley.
Bruce and Nannie Burnett's children were Jerry, (my grandfather),
Caywood, Joe Edward, Charlotte and two other daughters, one possibly
named Lottie.

	We've since learned that Bruce's parents names were, Jerry and Charlotte
Baker Burnett both born in Rockcastle, Ky. We're guessing birth dates of
these two to be anywhere from 1830's to 1840's. We'd like to find out
more about Jerry and Charlotte Baker Burnett, parents, other children
besides our Bruce, ect. I know with all those Burnetts down there in Va.
& Ky. we have to fit in someplace!! Do you suppose that Jerry could have
been short for Jeremiah? We heard a story that three Burnett brothers
migrated from back east and two settled in the Kentucky area and one
went on down to Texas. Does anyone know about this story?

	I would be ever so grateful if anyone out there know ANYTHING about
these Burnetts!!!

	Thank you, and keep up the good work!!

Tammy Burnett Lillich
Alta Vista, Ks

The end of  this compilation.