Date: Sun, 29 Jun 1997 21:24:30 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 137 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

Dear Cousins,

We've been together a year and a half now.  We are 155 strong and still
growing.  I keep laughing when I think that I volunteered to combine a few
eMails and send to the other half dozen or so folks who were exchanging
information on a few Southwestern Virginia families.  The success of this
group depends on the generosity of its members.  You have been very generous.

Check out Chris Gaunt's home page:


Subj:   Burnett Research
Date:   97-06-28 06:01:48 EDT
From: (Patricia Ford)

Please add my name to the group of Burnett family researchers.  The 
oldest link I have been able to confirm (time is very limited) is 
Jeremiah Burnett, m Mildred (unable to determine maiden name) in 
Lunenburg County.  Twelve children appear in will of Jeremiah as 
follows:  Jeremiah, Jr m Diana Davis in 1804, Robert Burnett m Cloe 
Maddux in 1800, Fielding Burnett d 2/14/1814, Leroy Burnett m Ann Keats 
2/12/1819, Phillip Burnett, Spencer Burnett d 1/3/1816, Forester Burnett 
m Martha Andrews 5/12/1814, Catherine Burnett m Robert Murrell 4/9/1800 
- two children Malissa & Narcissa (possibly twins), Matilda Burnett m 
John Goodwin 4/1819, Judith Burnett, JoAnna Burnett m William Davis 
10/10/1804, Joel Burnett d 3/1/1818.  All occurred in Lunenburg County, 
Virginia, however early deeds indicate Jeremiah came to Lunenburg Co., 
from Dinwiddie, County, VA.  Other information available if interested.

Subj:   Burnett list
Date:   97-06-28 08:05:01 EDT
From: (Ginger Ballard)

Thank you for allowing me to listen in on your BURNETT discussions for a

My interest in the family is as neighbors in Patrick County to "my"
Isham BARNARD.  One researcher some years back wrote a book based on the
premise that Isham BARNARD was really Isham BURNETT but later others
convinced her that she was mistaken.

Anyway, please remove my name from your distribution list.  It's time
for me to get back to work on my own puzzles.

BTW, hope you enjoy the left coast as much as we do!  We came out here
(from Virginia) thinking we would be here four years.  That was 28 years

--Ginger in San Jose

FOLKS:  Does anyone researching the Patrick Co VA area recognize the name
BARNARD?  Sure would be nice if we could help Ginger.  -  Nyla 

Subj:   Good Luck on your move to San Diego
Date:   97-06-28 14:52:50 EDT

Nyla, I have asked this before...

What  genealogy program do you use for storing your Descendants?

Before I purchased a powermac I used PAF from the Mormon 
Organization.  My Son gave me a program called Family Gathering. Before
I begin to transfer all my Turner info I just need to know what might be

Thank You, Johnny Turner

PS  My wife and I were married in San Francisco 35 years ago this June
24th and later lived in San Diego

Hi Johnny,

Sorry I didn't answer your question.  I am using Family Tree Maker.  I have
updated it as the new versions have become available.  I'm using 3.4 and I
received a notice that there's an update (4.0) available now.  So, I guess
I'll check on updating to  that soon.  (Lately, everything seems to be on my
"soon to do list" or my "sooner or later to do list".  I'm just making lists,
not doing much.  Unfortunately, it has been months since I have done anything
much with FTM.  There seems to be so little time.

Why don't I put your question in the next compilation?  It would be
interesting to hear
what folks are using and their opinions.

I'm finding the weather here wonderful.  After last week's 100 degree
temperature and
high humidity in Northern VA/DC/MD area, this is a real treat.


FOLKS:  Anyone want to tell us about your genealogy program or programs?

Name of Genealogy Program and version?
Approximate price?
How long have you used it?
Would you recommend it to others?  
What do you like about it?
What do you dislike about it?
Additional comments.


Subj:   Fwd: burnett line
Date:   97-06-29 01:09:54 EDT
Forwarded Message: 
Subj:   Re: burnett line
Date:   97-06-15 13:13:45 EDT

Yes, that is Aunt Georgie.  This is so exciting.  My mom has a cousin that
has been
researching the line.  His name is Phil Baker.  He sent us pictures and
several items
that he had found. I was trying to find him on line but haven't located him
yet.  Do you
have any idea what his e-mail address might be?

Here's info to add to your line in case you don't already have it.

Cornelius/Nancy Burnet had 11 children. The oldest was John J Burnett and the
youngest was Cornelius T Burnett. My mother's grandfather was next to the
youngest. Charles Richard Burnett b 17 Feb 1856 d 2 Jan 1945. m Miranda Irene
Their children:
Millie May Burnett Wolsey b 15 Dec 1880 d 19 Mar 1965(my grandma)
John Burnett b 27 Mar 1882 d 27 Mar 1882
Thomas Burnett (twin) b 10 Jan 1883 d 10 Jan 1883
Cornelius Burnett (twin) b 10 Jan 1883 d 10 Jan 1883
Myrtle Leona Burnett b 15 Jan 1884 d?
Georgian or Georgia Ann Burnett b 17 Mar 1886 d 14 Nov 1959
Etta Burnett b 20 Mar 1888 d 8 June 1957
Ora Burnett b 13 Apr 1890 d 2 Nov 1964
Charles Burnett b 6 Aug 1892 d?
Ida Burnett b 27 Oct 1894 d?
Burty Burnett b 9 June 1897 d?
Millie May married Ernest Eugene Wolsey(Woolsey) 13 Jan 1901
their children:
Marie Lois Wolsey b 12 Dec 1901 d 25 Mar 1965
Elbert Wolsey b 21 Apr 1904 d?
Oakley Wolsey b 8 Sep 1906 d 15 Oct 1980
Fern Wolsey b 22 Nov 1909 (my mom)

Fern Wolsey married Almon Gordon Anderson 21 Sep 1937
their child
Donna Leilani Anderson b 19 Aug 1938

Donna Leilani Anderson married Samuel Neal Briggs 20 Dec 1961
their children:
Angela Diane Briggs b 22 May 1962
Samuel Neal Briggs Jr b 31 Mar 1964
Michael Allen Briggs b 2 Aug 1967

Angela Diane Briggs had two children out of wedlock
Elizabeth Rachel Briggs b 15 Oct 1980
Nicholas Barrett Briggs b 8 Jan 1982

Angela married Bradley Douglas Jones ?
their children
Amie Marie Jones b 15 Aug 1990
Bradley Douglas Jones Jr b 6 Aug 1992

Date:   97-06-29 16:47:03 EDT
From: (Tony and Linda Martinson)

Elizabeth TATE married John BURNETT possibly in Hanover Co., VA.  
Elizabeth is thought to have died after 1825 in Patrick Co., VA.  Have 
Elizabeth's parents been identified?  Would appreciate help from the 
list members to fill in Elizabeth's ancestry.


 Subj:  Re: Comp #135 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
 Date:  97-06-29 16:23:29 EDT
 From: (Ann N. Hughes)
 Two things....
 First, how about we add the Tate family to this compilation?  I noticed
 Jerry Lou Patterson's message about Elizabeth Tate and John Burnett, Sr. 
 They are among my ancestor families and I know next to nothing about the
 Second, regarding an message in Compilation #124 from David, I made a copy
 of the total compilation and sent it to James Turner.  Jim is the author of
 Cathell-Rangeley-Turner, Gateway, 1988 and the supplement. He had several
 comments about filling in some of the blanks and some corrections to the
 data starting with the first generation.  Unfortunately Jim is not well and
 his information is not computerized; however, the information can be found
 in his book along with the documentation.  Again, unfortunately, Rangely is
 not a line of mine and therefore not in my database.


Ann and All,

Linda Martinson just asked about the parents of Elizabeth Tate, too. 

The Etc/Etc in our title allows us to include any family we care to discuss.
 The Via
surname just hasn't brought much interest.  I think I will get back on AOL's
genealogy forum and add info on our group for TATE, ROSS, and VIA.  Also,
I'll add a post on VA about the families.  We've been getting new TURNER and
BURNETT researchers.  So, I'll work on the other families and see if anyone
shows an interest.

The end of this compilation.