Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 00:26:30 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 138 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

Greetings to Everyone,

A big welcome to our new members.  Be sure to check out all our compilations
on Chris Gaunt's homepage:

Thanks to Kevin, all the files have been "zipped" for easy downloading.
   And a big thank you to Everyone for their generosity in sharing family

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego

Subj:   Family Tree Program
Date:   97-06-29 22:09:29 EDT
From: (Kevin K. Stephenson)

        Thought I would tell you that I also use Family Tree Maker, and I just
updated to
version 4.0.  It is a great program, and the new upgrade is much improved!!!
        Among other things, you can now store SOURCE DATA, it's compatible with
GEDCOM version 5.0, and it has a provision in its 'on-line' option to publish
your tree to a website at Family Tree Maker.  Others can access the page
without having any
genealogy software!  
        Anyone with version 3.4 or higher can use the FTM bulletin boards, and there
is a
NETSEARCH feature which looks for surnames out on the net in version 4!!!  
        I'm probably biased, but I highly recommend this program.  For those
purchasing it in the store, I don't think you can even get version 3.4 yet.
 To get the latest version, order it online from Broderbund Software at: 
        Also:  for groups who are seriously into genealogical research,
Broderbund is
sponsoring a grant program and will award research grant money to someone
pursuing something which will add to the knowledge of the genealogical
community.  I put in a request for a grant for the Rudd research group that I
belong to, in order to fund a search for the name of the first 'American'
Rudd's wife.  Lt. Jonathan Rudd, one of the first settlers of Saybrook
Colony, in what is now Connecticut, was married in the winter of 1646-7 at a
place later named "Bride Brook" in honor of his bride, but no one knows who
she was.  The ceremony was performed by Governor John Winthrop, the younger,
first Gov. of Connecticut. 
         My grandfather, Ralph Burnett, married Ethel Rudd, who was the one who got
me interested in this stuff in the first place, so I thought I might try to
help find out this bit of fairly important historical trivia.

Nyla-You and I and Ricky Burnett and Sharon Crawford have discussed the
Burnett lines and you know that I'm related to the George Burnet line, which
Peter Hardeman Burnett, first governor of California,  and James Cunningham
Burnett.   We know that the John Sr. line and the George Burnet line both
came from Scotland.  Does anyone know exactly how these two lines tie
together?  We're talking about a pair of brothers, probably, but at what
generation?  Does anyone know?  I'd like to know exactly how I'm related to
the rest o' yas!!!!

Kevin K. Stephenson
1114 Mississippi Street, #4
Lawrence, KS  66044-3188

Subj:   Re: Comp 137 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:   97-06-29 22:22:19 EDT
From:   Bervi


Program used: Gene 4.1.1 Shareware $15.00 (MAC Format)

        I run it off the CD it came on (Software of the Month Club) so it doesn't
take up
HD space, only the file I generated (over 2400 names and growing).
I've been using it for about 5 months, since I started my Tree and have been
happy with it so far.
        I like the grids and relation charts it creates. I can save them as PICT
files and
email them out, tho the MAC/PC thing is sometimes tricky, that is not the
software's fault  It accepts GEDCOM files from any source AOK, tho if I send
a GEDCOM to a PC user it requires translation work that is probably a pain in
the patoot (they shoulda bought a MAC).
        It puts everything in index card type format which is neat and easy to read.
I might wish it gave me all the info on every name in an Ancestor Grid, but
it only gives the principal name b. and d. dates/places--not for the spouse.
On the other hand that is economical for printing and screen-size purposes.
        If I had one piece of paper large enuf (printer to match) I could print out
every one
of my ancestors at once. <omagod> Limits are not a bad thing after all;>
I've thought about getting Family Tree Maker, but if my $15.00 toy is ok, why
spend $80-90? Maybe in the future, not just yet...

Other Matters: Where is that BARNARD/BURNETT from/dates?

Are folks here aware of the PACE Network site for the Pace Family? There is
also a Clan Ramsey web page. They make no distinction between RAMSAY/RAMSEY.

Til next time...
Peter Ramsey <>

Peter:  I believe Isham Barnard was from Patrick Co VA.  -- Nyla
BTW, I just learned about a RAMSAY REUNION at Summersville, WV.  If anyone is
interested in the information that I have, let me know.

FOLKS:   I checked to see how many responses I got to my message board posts
on AOL's genealogy forum.  Here they are:

= = = = = = = = = = = = =
Subj: Re: TURNERS from VA and elsewhere
Date: 27 May 1997 19:47:45 EDT
From: SDunham153

Nyla, I'm also from the Turners from Va., Shadrack Turner, father of
Jeremiah, father of Larkin, father Wm Carr, father of Lewis Ross, father of
Sally who was my G-mother. Our annual Turner Reunion is in Thompkinsville,
Ky. Sun  June 1st. Most of my grandmother's generation are gone now. As you
probably know Jeremiah  Turner married Rachel Ross, and I see you also
include the Ross name in your mailing list.  Thanks, Sue 

Subj: Re: TURNERS from VA and elsewhere
Date: 29 May 1997 23:27:06 EDT
From: TCline1582

Have a Sterling Hart Turner from either Va or Nc. Ever hear of Him


Tracey Saunders Cline
Hampton Va.
Subj: Re: TURNERS from VA and elsewhere
Date: 03 Jun 1997 23:53:12 EDT
From: VFTurner2

My Turner's were from Bedford Co.  The line starts with Richard (Caroline
co.), James, Elijah, Meador, Albert (all born in Bedford Co.), Asher (bn in
Clinton Co., OH). 
Subj: Re: TURNERS from VA and elsewhere
Date: 07 Jun 1997 01:44:44 EDT
From: Mrp35

Does anyone show a Mary Emma Turner who married Oscar Stanley Dunn.  Don't
know when they married, but they had several children; Mattie Louise, J.L.,
Margie, Mary, Myrtle, Bessie and James.  Mattie was born in Roanoke,
Al/Randolph Co. March 12, 1914.   Original  birth certificate showed name as
Dwra (or something like that).  I think the  family spent several years in
the LaGrange, GA/Troup Co. area.  

Thanks, Marcie

Subj: Re: TURNERS from VA and elsewhere
Date: 27 Jun 1997 22:11:31 EDT

My grandparents were Turner's and I also live in Troup Co. LaGrange, Ga.  I
am not from LaGrange, but I have lived here for 16 years.  If there is any
research I can do for you here would be more then happy to do so.

My grandfather was John B. Turner, he married my grandmother Jewell Izetta
Green.  Do you have these names in your files?


Subj: Re: TURNERS from VA and elsewhere
Date: 14 Jun 1997 11:50:38 EDT
From: RTact

Does your Turner line have a Stephen Born around 1860 who married an Emily ?
 Five children:  Albert George Terry Ramie Lizzie and Nancy Susan.

Cynthia      Rtact@AOL.COM

Subj: Re: TURNERS from VA and elsewhere
Date: 29 Jun 1997 19:25:47 EDT

I have an Harriet Amanda Buzzard Turner b7-21-1839 d 9-19-1841.  She only
lived 2
years. Could she be who your Amanda was named after? Her father was Benjamin
Turner b.Maryland 4-26-1792 d.9-22-1841.He married a Racheal King .Their
Children were Pamela B11-23-1818 d 3-27-1887, Jane King b.10-4-1820
d.3-21-1902, Mary Buzzard b- 7-11-1823 d1-9-1905, Andrew Buzzard, b 6-4-1825
d8-12-1899, Susan C. Buzzard b10-4-1827 d?,Elizabeth T Buzzard b 11-5-1830 d
8-26-1906, John King Buzzard b 4-10-1833 d 10-11-1864, Thomas Washington
Buzzard b3-22-1836 d 7-17-1840 and finally Harriet Amanda Buzzard Turner
7-21-1839 d 9-19-1841. All these children were Turner's. It is evident that
the Buzzard name must be a family name from the King side or the Turner side.
I don't know where the Buzzard's fit in. These records came from a family
bibles in Bettsville Oh.  Much Turner and King names. Any info would be
appreciated as I can't get past Benjamin Turner. Benjamin served with Major
Croghan and Gen Harrison in the war of 1812.

Subj: Re: TURNERS from VA and elsewhere
Date: 28 Jun 1997 20:15:37 EDT
From: MMay722215

Where in GA are your Turners from?  My gggrandmother was Mary Jane Turner who
married Thomas Flynn (born in Ireland).  Mary Jane born SC @1827.  I believe
her father to be Aaron Turner.  they were in Henry Co, GA by 1843, as I have
a copy of the deed where Thomas Flynn bought land from Aaron Turner, Sr.  My
line follows the Flynns.


Subj: Re: BURNETTE, Pernelia/ VA
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 17:30:10 EST
From: Bryanbrad

I am searching for info on BURNETTE  from NY.  I have Cathering Mary BURNETTE
b. approx 1865  m. William DEWAR.  Lived Upstate.  Thx Karen
Pls email to   I dont read message board often


Subj: Re: BURNETTE, Pernelia/ VA
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 02:21:29 EST
From: JeriGarner


What mailing list are you referring to and How do I find it?


Jeri Garner

1. Thomas BURNETT
Birth Date:     1755
Birth Place:    Virgina? Of Scottish Decent

Killed by a Troy, about the time of the battle of King's Mt., in which his
brother Joseph was killed.

Spouse: Eliazbeth LITTLEBERRY

Children:       Swan Pritchett

1.1 Swan Pritchett BURNETT
Birth Date:     24 Oct 1779
Birth Place:    VA?
Death Date:     2 Dec 1804

This couple lived near Asheville before Del Rio, TN  had 14 kids?.  Native to

Spouse: Frances "Fanny" BELL
Birth Date:     25 Nov 1782
Death Date:     24 Jul 1858

Spouse Notes: 
from Burke Co. NC

Marriage Date:  19 Sep 1801

Children:       Jane Adelyn
        Jefferson J.
        Jesse M. L.

1.1.1 Jane Adelyn BURNETT
Birth Date:     14 Feb 1820
Death Date:     7 Mar 1882

Spouse: John Jehu STOKELY 2
Birth Date:     14 Mar 1814
Death Date:     25 Feb 1885

Marriage Date:  1 Dec 1836

Children:       Mary Frances
        Narcissa Caroline
        Jane Adaline
        Susan Eleanor
        John Burnett
        Louisa Elizabeth

1.1.2 James BURNETT

Spouse: Caroline HUFF

1.1.3a Jefferson J. BURNETT*
Birth Date:     7 Feb 1824
Birth Place:    NC Near Asheville.
Education:      Holston College, Jefferson Co. TN

Spouse: Ester LEA

Other spouses:  Mary E. HUFF

1.1.3b Jefferson J. BURNETT*
(See above)

Spouse: Mary E. HUFF
Death Date:     1836

Marriage Date:  10 Feb 1853

Children:       Jehu J.
        Stephen F.
        Jesse A.
        Frances E. C.
        Sissie Elizabeth J.
        Cynthia A.

Other spouses:  Ester LEA

1.1.4 Narcissa BURNETT
Death Date:     1880

Spouse: Andrew C. HUFF Capt.
Birth Date:     1819
Birth Place:    Cocke Co.  TN

Spouse Notes: 
In 1863, Capt. Huff commanded Company B, second NC Infantry, Federal, and was
mustered out in March 1865.  He remarried after wife died to a Mrs.
Shackelford.  He
served as justice of 2 terms, once by electon and once appointed by Gov.
Brownlow.  A strong Union man.  Republican

12 Children with Narcissa Burnett

Spouse Religion: 
Missionary Baptist Church

1.1.5a Jesse M. L. BURNETT*
Birth Date:     14 Sep 1829
Birth Place:    Buncombe Co, NC Near Ashville

Spouse: HS CODY

Other spouses:  Eva (Evelyn?) Ann HUFF

1.1.5b Jesse M. L. BURNETT*
(See above)

Spouse: Eva (Evelyn?) Ann HUFF

Marriage Date:  31 Aug 1854

Other spouses:  HS CODY

Thanks in advance for helping to find this family.

Jeri Garner (
Researching: Tipton, Reno, Reneau, Tompkins, Jenkins, Cope, Buck, Buchanan,
Morris and others.

Subj:   Tate
Date:   97-06-30 18:25:25 EDT
From: (Jerry Lou Patterson)
To: (nyla creed)


The URL for Tate
Jerry Lou

Subj:   Re: Comp 137 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:   97-06-30 22:37:21 EDT
From:   MAStalling

        I upgraded to version 3.01 of Family Tree Maker last year on CD ROM.  If
a 4.0 version I'll upgrade again.  I've really enjoyed the FTM.  Most helpful
are the CD
ROM's of their World Family Trees that you can purchase that are compilations
everyone who's bought the program and researched their ancestors.  They run
it off on a disk and send it in.  FTM puts everyone's data on CD's and offers
them for sale.  I've found a lot of "missing" info on parts of the family
where I was really stumped from other enthusiasts and heartily recommend it
to everyone.  It's really user friendly and there is lots of space and
different areas you can put information.  I can even scan photographs of my
ancestors into the FTM "scrapbook".  

        I'd like to get in touch with Johnny Turner from your last contact and see
what he
has.  I'm stuck on my Turner line from down here in Texas!

Subj:   Genealogy Programs
Date:   97-06-30 06:33:38 EDT
From:   JaniceBT


I have used the following genealogy programs:

Brothers Keeper  for windows 95
Can download from the web and try before purchasing and as far as I know you
purchase from the author--I have never seen it commercially advertised.

Inexpensive but I don't remember the cost--less than $40.00 I think
Easy to use.  The person creating it is a genealogist and knows what is
Best feature--printed charts--anything you can imagine in
I don't use it as my primary program but keep it for producing printouts.

My principle program is Family TreeMaker for Windows from Broderbund--Banner
Can download trial version.
Delux is about $60.
Easy to install and use--has direct online link through your server--is
linked to use of
world Family Tree resources--which can get expensive if you buy the CD's as
fast as they publish them--up to nine now.
You can submit your tree to them to be published as one of their World Family
Trees.  I personally have a bit of trouble about letting someone else make
money from my work--I don't mind "giving".  It has been very useful to me,
however--I have found connections among other family trees in their

Family Origins from Parsons Technology
inexpensive--abt $29
good charts
easy to use
I find that Gedcom's produced by this program are sometimes not totally
compatable with other programs--that may just be me--but I bought it to read
a Gedcom someone sent me created by Family Origins that I could not make work
on either of the other two.

If one were not interested in the resources of Family Treemaker
online--Brothers Keeper is an excellent tool. 

Subj:   Tate family
Date:   97-06-30 09:18:38 EDT
From:   HarrisSEM

The only thing I have on Elizabeth TATE who married John BURNETT is that her
father was John Tate.  I got this info from Comp.#42.  Glad you are enjoying
San Diego!  Sherry

Subj:   Genealogy Program
Date:   97-06-30 15:30:58 EDT
From: (Eunice B. Kirkman)

You can't beat Brothers Keeper, the one software recommended by genealogists
above all others, and written in several different languages. Written by a
genealogist for genealogists as well as the novice.  You can't go wrong, try
before you buy and it isn't limited or crippled in any way.  The shareware
version is full featured, yet the registered version contains more.  The
cost to register is $49, one free upgrade, further upgrades at very low
cost, about $10.  No, I have no monetery interest, I'm just a loyal user.

Net Sites for Brother's Keeper

For the Windows version:

For the new release of the DOS version:

http://www.coastnet/       When the page
loads, use the search engine and ask for bk5.  Download all five files.

I have used several genealogy programs over the years, some of them quite
good, but Brother's Keeper has been the easiest and most productive of them
all.  It has features not found in some of the others.  You can set up
hotkeys that save hours of typing, print your material out in story book
style using the Register  report , and in the Windows version you can choose
your favorite word processor to edit and write text files.  You can print
index cards, group sheets, pedigree charts, ascendancy charts, etc.  You can
import photos, import and export ged-com files, do anything that other
programs do that cost much more. There is a discussion list devoted to the
program and monitored by John Steed, the writer of the program, who answers
the 'hard' questions posted to the list. To join:

Send a message to with the command subscribe in 
the SUBJECT field.  No signature, nothing in the MESSAGE area.

To unsubscribe, send a message to <> with the
word UNSUBSCRIBE in the header and nothing in the body.

To send a message to the list:

The current E-Mail address of John Steed who has developed this software
is <<>>

Eunice B. Kirkman               
    The Blue Ridge Mountains of SouthWestern Virginia

Subj:   Tate
Date:   97-06-30 18:25:25 EDT
From: (Jerry Lou Patterson)

The URL for Tate
Jerry Lou

Subj:   Barnard family
Date:   97-06-30 19:45:13 EDT
From:   N4JED
CC:     NCreed1

Ginger,   Don't give up on us yet.  I do have 2 Barnards in my computer
listing shown
below. I believe this info came from Nettie Clifton here on the list.
 Possibly she has
additional info.  Is this one of your ancestors?  I can go back up the Turner
line but  not any further down from here.       David

Descendants of J. BARNARD

First Generation

1.      J. BARNARD.
He had the following children:
        +       2       F       i.      Jathina A. BARNARD was born about 1860.

Second Generation

2.      Jathina A. BARNARD was born about 1860 in Patrick Co., VA.  Jathina
(1) John F. TURNER, son of Samuel F. TURNER and Rachel WOOD on 20 Sep 1877 in
Patrick Co., VA. John was born 1857 in Franklin Co., VA.
They had the following children:
                3       M       i.      Samuel Peter TURNER was born in VA.
                4       M       ii.     James Matterson TURNER.
                5       F       iii.    Hattie E. TURNER.
                6       F       iv.     Annie L. TURNER was born in VA.
                7       M       v.      John T. TURNER was born in VA.
                8       F       vi.     Minnie O. TURNER was born in VA.
                9       F       vii.    Fannie TURNER was born in VA.
                10      F       viii.   Rachel E. TURNER was born in VA.
                11      M       ix.     Henry Washington TURNER.
... END ...

Subj:   [Fwd: Elizabeth Tate]
Date:   97-06-30 22:48:32 EDT
From: (Tony and Linda Martinson)

Found this
Elizabeth Tatte b. in Augusta, Va Parents Robert Tate and Mary McClung
write to Mrs. McCawley 13 Beach Park Blvd. Fosster City, Ca. 94401 no hus.

Elizabeth Tate b. 1800 Father John Tate Mother Sally or Sarah Poindexter No
Hus. Listed write to Roy D. Felkkner 819 Strange Dr. Richmond, TX 77469

Elizabeth Tate B 176 Mecklenburg, Va
Father William Tate Mother Elizabeth Hester write to James Tate 7920 Woodland
Hills Lane  Fairfax Station, Va. 22039

These people may be able to help you

Subj:   [Fwd: Elizabeth Tate]
Date:   97-06-30 22:48:42 EDT
From: (Tony and Linda Martinson)

Subject: Elizabeth Tate

Hi Linda -

I have John Burnett, Jr., son of Isaac, with a first wife named Elizabeth
Tate.  Nothing on her except I had d. ca 1825, but didn't have anything about
Patrick County.

However, if you don't already have it, I have all ten of their children.  If
you need them, let me know.  Have been researching the Burnett line for my
wife and have a pretty good tree built up, mostly through the benefit of June
Bork's book.

John E. Price :-)
Subj:   [Fwd: Burnett & Tate]
Date:   97-06-30 23:14:38 EDT
From: (Tony and Linda Martinson)

Look at what has been sent already.  This list is wonderful!


Subject: Burnett & Tate

John Burnett b. 1761 Hanover, Va D. 1827 Patrick Co. Va. Marr. 1775 in
Parents were Isaac Burnett and Sara Small
Elizabeth Tate b. 1765 Hanover, Va.
John Jr. b. 1787 Hanover, Va
Cornelius b. 1789 Hanover, Va.
Jane  b. 1791 Hanover, Va.
Mary Burnett b. 1793
Crawford b. 1795 Hanover, Va
Nancy b. 1797 Hanover, Va
Elizabeth b. 1799 Hanover, kVa.
Permelia b. 1801 Hanover, Va.
Judith b. 1803 Hanover, Va.
Mahala b. 1805 Hanover. VA

This was submitter to the Family History Center by Florance A. Burnett 6611
Old Hwy 67  Cabot, Ar. 72023.  You may want to write her.

Subj:   Re: Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Mailing List
Date:   97-06-30 20:36:16 EDT
From:   SDunham153
To:     NCreed1

Please add me to your mailing list. I think I already responded but just in
case you didn't receive it, this is to verify. Thank you very much I
downloaded the info from David, Cgaunt pages. It was great.  Sue

FOLKS,  Thanks to suggestion and procedures from,  hopefully,
you aren't receiving the 4 page address listing.  I can provide a copy of the
mailing list if anyone needs a copy.= Nyla

The end of this compilation.