Date: Sun, 6 Jul 1997 02:40:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 144 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

Part 2 of 2 parts:

	NANCY TATE TURNER, the 8th of Rev. John Turner's family,
born in Henry county, Va., Jan. 17, 1818, a strong, vigorous brave
character, possessing unusual individuality, trained carefully in the arts of
domestic housekeeping, possessed a practical common school education. 
She had a strong mind and was inclined to judge for herself and arrive at
her own conclusions.  We have no record of her making mistakes.  She
married her cousin, Edward Philpott, Jr., and resided at mouth of Town
creek, Henry county, Va.; owned a valuable farm.  There were born to
them 8 or 9 children, 3 or 4 of them died of scarlet fever when quite young. 
If we mistake not 5 grew to maturity, 2 sons, 3 daughters.  The sons were
John Edward and Albert B.  Last accounts John Edward, resided at or near
Roanoke City, Va.  The latter owns and occupies the old home property. 
The place is now called "Philpott."  Albert B. is a prominent primitive
Baptist minister.  Has a general store, good farm and a portable steam saw
mill, and is Henry county's representative in the Legislature of Virginia; in
politics a Democrat.  As to the 3 daughters, they married and reside in that
neighborhood.  Their father, Edward Philpott, was a valued citizen, much
esteemed, and enlisted in the Confederate service and perished in defense
of the lost cause.  His brave stalwart widow, a devoted primitive Baptist
that tipped the beam at 240 pounds, lived on and managed well the
domestic affairs of the family until about 1902 and died at about the age84.
	ADELPHIA TURNER, the 9th of Rev. John Turner's family, was
born in Henry county, Va., Jan. 24, 1821.  Naturally heroic and grand,
grew up to womanhood amid toil and romance; had a brilliant mind and
similar to John Q. Adams, her "memory was an index."  About 1838 she
married John Young, of Floyd county, Va.  He was truly one of "God's
noblemen."  They made a good living; there were born to them about 8
children.  they are widely scattered over several states.  He was a
Confederate soldier, serving the two last years, quitting at Appomatox. 
He, his wife and several of their children, were members of the Missionary
Baptist church.  She died at Tallula, Illinois, March 11, 1900 age 79 years. 
Mr. Young died at St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 23 1901, aged 81 years.
	ELKANAH B. TURNER, the tenth of Rev. John turner's family
was born in henry county, Va., Jan. 6 1823.  Grew up to manhood on the
farm.  Had an acquiring mind and strove to excel, and did in an educational
way.  Was a scholar above an average.  Was 6 feet 1 inch tall, straight and
erect; weight about 160 pounds, "a star figure," was intellectual and proud,
bordering on to hautiness.  He owned a farm and 12 or 15 colored servants
and worked them for profit.  Was a successful trader, bought and
discounted interest-bearing paper; he seldom failed to collect his debts or
win his law suits, he was widely known and recognized as a high-toned
gentleman.  In "the upper ten class."  In politics a Democrat.  Served a
term as a Civil Magistrate; was Land Valuing Commissioner for Patrick
county; was a militia officer, holding the rank of major.  In 1861 he was for
Secession and whooped up the boys to wad in and fight for the South. 
Toward the close of the conflict he entered the rank and file himself and
fought on to Appomatox.  In the conflict he lost his fine estate.  He strove
manfully to recuperate, became depot agent.  His health was broken down,
dropsey set in, and death came about 1899.  He died unmarried, aged about
76 years, and many friends of the best class lamented his demise.
	As to ELIZABETH JANE TURNER, the 11th in the family, she
was born in Henry county, Va., August 23, 1825.  She grew up from girl to
womanhood, naturally cheerful and wholesouled, with brilliant intellect and
personal charms, way above an average.  Among the daughters of Eve. 
About 1848 she married George Woody, a widower, a little past middle
age, of Oak Level, Henry county, Va.  A splendid gentleman, who owned a
nice farm immediately east from the mouth of Town creek (now owned by
James E. Via), and a number of colored servants and other property.  She
was a model housekeeper and a devoted wife.  Mr. Woodey died of "heart
dropsey" Feb. 15, 1856, age 56 years.  His surviving widow without issue
inherited her legal portion of the estate.  Two years later on she was
remarried to Mr. Adda L. Jarrett; a widower.  They resided near Sanville,
Va.  By her second marriage she became the fond mother of 5 or 6
children.  She was a member of the Missionary Baptist church.  She was
the last survivor of Rev. John Turner's large family to bid adieu to earth
and time, died in 1906, age 81.  Mr. Jarrett died 1913, at approximately 90
	STEPHEN HUBBARD TURNER, the twelfth of the family, was
born in Henry county, Va., Dec. 8, 1826.  Grew up to maturity; 5 feet 11
inches tall; weight about 165; married his cousin in Dec. 1854, Malissie
Ruth, a daughter of Shadrich Turner, of near Elamsville, Va.  There was
born to them that lived two children, a girl and a boy.  they occupied the
possessions of Rev. John Turner.  Stephen H. died Jan. 23, 1905, age 79
years.  Malissie Ruth died Feb. 9, 1905, age 74 years.

	JAMES CORNELIUS TURNER, the 13th and youngest of the
family, was born in Patrick county, Va., May 10, 1829.  Was raised on the
farm and was given a fair practical education; was 6 feet 1 1/2 inches tall,
straight and of beautiful carriage; weight 180 pounds; very strong, a perfect
type of physical manhood, a man of fine parts; whole souled and good-
hearted; a mother's joy and father's pride.  He married Miss Elizabeth
Bright of Floyd county, Va., about 1858.  There was born to them a
beautiful little daughter.  The cruel war came.  He enlisted and marched
away to fight for a Southern Confederacy; soon sickened and died in
hospital at Richmond, Va., July, 1862, age 33 years.  Sad, oh so sad!  His
widow afterwards married Wm. Beamer, and they moved off to Missouri. 
So said.  further of them we know not.  O, that we did know what became
of the orphaned child of James Cornelius Turner.


	WILLIAM TURNER, of Franklin county, Virginia, was born
January 19, 1753, died December 18, 1845.  He married Jane Hunter
(daughter of Wm. Hunter) who was born June 7, 1753, and died May 20,
1851.  Wm. lived 93 years, 10 months, 22 days.  Jane lived 92 years, 11
months, and 18 days.  Their children were as follows:

No.	Name			      Date of Birth		Date of Death		Age/Years
1	George Turner		Oct. 17, 1776					             82
2	James Turner		April 23, 1778					             82
3	John Turner		      Sept. 21, 1779		May 20, 1874		95
4	Martha Turner		May 7, 1781		June 21, 1835		54
5	Elizabeth Turner	      Jan. 25, 1783					             *
6	Josiah Turner		Dec. 9, 1784		1856			       *
7	Adephia Turner	      Feb. 4, 1787					             *
8	Sarah Turner		Dec. 21, 1788					             * 
9	Wm. Turner		      Jan. 1, 179					                   *
10	Jane Turner		      Oct. 3, 1792		Aug. 15, 1880		88
11	Andrew H. Turner	May 27, 1797		1877			      80
12	Meshach Turner	      Aug. 16, 1799					            82
13	Elkanah B. Turner	Aug. 14, 1801		July 25, 1887		86
	1067 / 13 = 82.1	Observe the average is over 82 years for the 13 children. 
Eliminate the one who died at 54 and the average will be much higher.

	Kindly furnished me by Morton W. Turner, Roanoke, VA.

*	Unable to read.  (njd)

The end of this compilation.