Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 01:42:01 -0400 (EDT) From: To: Subject: Comp 145 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 7 July 1997 Greetings to Everyone, The eMails are still coming. Hope you enjoy them. Nyla CREED DePauk ================= Subj: George/Thomas Burnett Jr. Date: 97-07-06 03:27:00 EDT From: (Kevin K. Stephenson) To: ('Nyla Creed DePauk') Nyla- I don't have June Bork's e-mail address handy, but since she's on our list, will you please forward this to her for me? Thanks! --Kevin K. Stephenson June-- I received from Sharon Burnett Crawford your research on the Scotland Burnett's, and I see that George Burnett is not mentioned in any of your data. However, Thomas Burnett, Jr., born 5/15/1619, is the right age to have possibly been George's father. Can you tell me if this is correct, and whether or not you have any information on George, dates, etc. As you may know, my line is descended through Thomas/George/James/James Cunningham Burnett, but I have no concrete dates before James' death in 1797. Can you help??? Thanks! Kevin K. Stephenson 1114 Mississippi Street, #4 Lawrence, KS 66044-3188 (913)865-1586 e-mail: homepage: =========================== Subj: Will the real John TURNER please stand up ... Date: 97-07-06 07:51:27 EDT From: (Eunice B. Kirkman) "****Well, with Sherry's post of compilation #139 I am back to my usual confusion of which John TURNER is the father of Ruth, Nancy T., and Elizabeth J. It was my understanding based on the research of several people in Patrick County that the following is a correct placement of these children. Note, this is different from Sherry's placement. 1. John TURNER Jr. was born 21 Sep 1779 in Henry Co., VA. He died 20 May 1874 in Patrick Co., VA. He was the son of John M. TURNER and Elizabeth "Betsy" PRICE. Please, anyone with records to back up either position, please let us know. Thanks, David*****" I can't point to any one record and say that it proves this listing, however, census, marriage, and death/cemetery records, as well as personal knowledge from relatives gleaned by O.E. Pilson tell us that this HAS to be right! I wonder if Sherry got her information from the Turner/Rangley book? I found several errors in the listing that I had hoped would be corrected by now. A good example of errors perpetuated as fact. Good luck! Eunice B. Kirkman /\^/\^/\%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%/\^/\^/\ The Blue Ridge Mountains of SouthWestern Virginia ============================= Subj: Martha Burnett Date: 97-07-06 11:22:43 EDT From: (P. Light) To: CC: Hello Glenda, I just saw your posting on the Burnett newsletter and hope I may be able to help you out. I am a descendant of Martha Burnett through her son, John. Since she was not married, it has been difficult to find information, but I now know how she fits into the Burnett family tree. Also, I have recently connected with a cousin, a descendant of Martha's brother, William Burnett, and we have been sharing family information. If you think any of this would be of help to you, I would be happy to share. Peggy Light ============================ Subj: Re: Turner Family in Texas Date: 97-07-06 12:54:21 EDT From: MAStalling This is all I've got and I need help! 1. Polk Turner (Polk probably a nickname, but for what Christian name?) born in McCuen, Tennessee, just outside of Nashville married Valerie Issue: 2. David Alexander Turner b.1875 d.1953 in Denton Co., Texas married: Mabel Selena Robinson b.1875 d.1955 father: J. Thomas Robinson Issue: 3. Naomi Azalea Turner 1899-1938 m. Joe Bailey Smith-Denton Co, TX 3. David Alton Turner 1906-1984 m. Verma Nix 3. James Leon Turner 1910-1997 m. Christine Rachel Dougherty 3. William Fred Turner m. Irene Beale 3. John Walter Turner b.1904 m. Audrey Smith 3. Alma Turner m. (1) Henry Fuqua and (2) Jim Wallace 2. Tom Turner married Lillie Robinson Issue: 3. Joseph Bailey Turner b 1907 Denton Co., Texas 3. Charles Lanier Turner b. 1915 Denton Co., Texas 2. Azalee Turner 1868-1937 buried: Denton Co. TX m. Walter McClurkan 2. Dan Turner 1872-1923 I'd appreciate any help I can get. Thanks. Michelle ======================== Subj: Re: Comp 143 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 97-07-06 09:37:17 EDT From: HarrisSEM Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!! That Memorium Letter was WONDERFUL!!!!! : D It clearly showed the family of John Tuner and Nancy Burnett and it brought them to life. I love the eloquent language used by the writers of the past. Please transcribe the other letters you have too. I'm sure they are just as great! Thanks again. Sherry =========================== Sherry, How did you like what Capt. Wm Turner had to say about Ruth TURNER Lackey? Now, this is his Aunt he's writing about. It was obvious that he had a few favorites and some he didn't hold at the same level of esteem. He described his sister Mary Jane (my great-grandmother) as "industrious, looked well, spiritually minded, rather inclined to melancholia." Wish I knew exactly what he was thinking when he used "melancholia". My mom's first cousin told me once that when she had Grandchildren she told her son she wanted to be called Granny. She said Granny Turner was the sweetest person and she thought that was the prettiest name. I have been to the Dickens-Turner Cemetery at Mattville. Right on top of a "hill". They still bury in that cemetery. Haven't been there for awhile, but it was well kept. Nyla ========================= Subj: Re: Comp 143 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 97-07-06 15:31:23 EDT From: HarrisSEM Hi! Well, he didn't exactly go on and on about Ruth did he? Talked about her funeral a lot! I still love the letter and hope you print some more when you have the time. I enjoyed seeing how important politics were then. I really liked the line where he is talking about 4 of William Turner and Naoma A.'s sons-in-law who were "Democrats, but good and and acceptable all the same. No recantations desired." Hee, hee, hee! Sherry =============== Sherry: Captain Turner's comments: "She was an excellent woman." From the text of her funeral: "Many daughters have done virtuously but thou excelleth them all." I think he spoke highly of her. Captain Turner was born 1841. Ruth Lackey died 1844. Since he would have been only 3 years old., I doubt his remembering his Aunt Ruth. I'm guessing he heard his parents describe Ruth. My Grandmother spoke about her family to me. She said, "The Turners are fine people. My mother's people were fine people." So, I suspect Captain Turner's family spoke about their relatives in the same way my Grandmother did. From the time I was a youngster, my Grandmother told me about her family. Interestingly, she always mentioned the relationship and the full name. She said: My Grandmother, Naomi Via Turner. My Grandmother, Nellie Hendrix Dickens. My Sister, Liz Turner Henderson. My Brother, Robert Via Dickens. =============== Sherry, Just wait 'til you see the ones I'll be transcribing before long. Nyla =============== Subj: [Fwd: Elizabeth Tate] Date: 97-07-06 17:11:03 EDT From: (Tony and Linda Martinson) Want to make sure all the TATE researchers are up to date with the clues that have been sent. Linda To: Subject: Elizabeth Tate Linda, I saw your note on Nyla's compilation regarding the parents of Elizabeth Tate. I am looking for this information myself. I believe, but can not prove, that Elizabeth was daughter of Jesse Tate of Bedford Co. This Jesse left will naming children, of which an Elizabeth was his second child. Elizabeth was to have property, either in City of Lynchburg, or in KY. But I have not found evidence of this property being sold by Elizabeth Burnett (or anyone else). Please let me know what you may know or suspect of Elizabeth Tate's origins. Thanks, Ross Chappell Gaithersburg, MD ========================== Subj: Burnett-Turner-Via, etc. Date: 97-07-06 17:11:38 EDT From: (Patricia Ford) To: After reviewing your compilations and with some of my own research I have determined my family line must be as follows: 1. John Burnett b. 1611, Scotland d.1686, Rappahannock Co. (Essex)VA m. Lucretia Children: John, Thomas, Sarah, Phoebe, _____, Charles. 2.John Burnett b. 1660, Rappahannock Co (Essex) VA d. 1718. m. Amey Gatewood. Children: Amey, Richard, Elizabeth, John, Joseph, Anne, Jeremiah, Thomas. 3. Joseph Burnett b. 1703/1705 Essex Co., VA d.1771 Dinwiddie Co., Va. m. Clara Gatewood. Children: Jeremiah, Thomas (?), Nicholas (?) 4. Jeremiah Burnett b. (?) Dinwiddie Co., VA. d. 1813 Lunenburg Co. Va. M. Mildred (Millie) Upshaw. Children: Jeremiah, Joel, Robert, Leroy, Phillip, Catherine, Spencer, Fielding, Forrester, Judith, JoAnna, Matilda. 5. Robert Burnett b. 1776 Lunenburg Co, Va, d. after 1850 Lunenburg Co. Va. m. Cloe Maddux 1800. Children: Lazarus, Samuel, Mary, William. 6. Lazarus Burnett b. 1815 Lunenburg Co., Va d. approx 1865, Lunenburg Co., Va. m. Elizabeth (Susan) Edmunds 1840. Children: Lee, Betty, Annie, William, Mary, Indeana, Robert, Charlie, Lucy, John, Sarah (may have died in infancy). Lazarus died defending his home from the Yankees when they marched through Blackstone (Blacks and Whites, VA) on their way to Saylor's Creek Battlefield in the last days of the Civil War. There is a cloth pouch in the archives of the Virginia State Library with Lazarus' handwritten letters, notes and bills. I have no information on how it got there. 7. Robert Burnett b. 8/11/1846 Lunenburg Co., Va d. Old Soldier's Home in Richmond Va 10/25/1932. m. Lucy Robertson. Children: Willie, Robert, Lucy, Charlie, May, James, John, Richard, Addie Lee. Robert served the Confederacy during the Battle at Petersburg Va hauling the dead from the field. This qualified him for Veteran's benefits of the Civil War. 8. John Burnett m. Sallie Roberts Lunenburg Co., Va. Children: Sally (died in infancy), Wilma, Nat (drowned as a teenager), Hamilton, Herbert, Louise, George, Haynee, Joseph, Bodie(?). Sallie died in childbirth when Louise was born. John Burnett disappeared, leaving his oldest daughter Wilma to raise her younger brothers and sisters. John returned approximately 1964, had been living in Florida and had remarried. Died in Petersburg, Va approximately 1965-66. 9. Joseph Burnett b. 1912 Lunenburg Co., Va, d. 1974 Richmond Va. m. Pearle Ellen Ward 1936. Children: Joyce, Patricia, James, Johnny (died at age 18 of Muscular Dystrophy) At least three (3) Burnetts from Lunenburg Co., Va served in the Civil War: Adolphus, (believe son of Samuel Burnett) died in 1863, while serving the Confederacy, of Chronic diarrhea & Consumption. My records show he was 16 when he died. John R. Burnett (not sure of relationship) was captured and held as a Prisoner of War in Elmira, NY. William H. Burnett (son of the younger Jeremiah) was serving at time of Surrender at Appomattox. His record reads: "List of Prisoners of War belonging to the Army of Northern Virgina who have been this day surendered by General Robert E. Lee C.S.A. commanding said Army to Lieut. Genl U.S. Grant commanding Armies of the United States." I'm not sure if he was with Lee at time of surrender. This is basically all I have. I have had some help from Retired Marine Colonel Herbert Seay of Triangle Va, whose wife was of the Burnett line. Thanks for your help. ======================== Subj: Internet Message Date: 97-07-06 12:42:25 EDT From: (MS CORNELIA B HOLLAND) CC: Subject: Crawford Turner b.1817 From: SJVW18B I am interested in how the Turner, Raiford and Pearce of Isle of Wight VA early 1700s tie to the Crawford of Johnston Co. NC mid-late 1700s. A Lazarus Turner b.c. 1700 received a land grant on South Side of Neuse River, NC (Lenoir Co area) c.1736. There is also a Lazarus Pearce of Halifax Co. NC about this time. My ggg grandfather was Lazarus Crawford of Johnston Co. NC b.c.1745. So, I'm interested in how Crawford Turner received his name.. Can anyone provide me with that information? ====================== Subj: LA. TURNERs Date: 97-07-06 17:13:17 EDT From: (Digger) To: Dale Ducote sent me the following obituary on my husband's great Aunt Covita Mary TURNER. Please, if you can connect to ANY of them, please let me know!! I will include my husband's TURNER line at the bottom. Take notice of the other TURNERs in this obituary. Do you know them?? HELP! I have been looking sooooo long. Cottonport-Services for Covita Mary Turner were held at 11:00 am,Wed., June 4,1997 at St Mary's Catholic Church with Rev. Louis Voorhies Officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery under the direction of of Avoyelles Memorial Home. Miss Turner, 101 years and 7 months,a resident of Dora Bend at Cottonport,died at 1:22 pm, Monday, June 2,1997 at Bunkie General Hospital. She was born Oct 7,1895 and her parents were Ozias Turner and Clara Ducote. She was preced in death by Eustache Turner, Eugene Turner, Gervias Turner, Euge Turner, Oge Turner, Leonard Turner, Forrest Turner, Rezaire Turner, Ida Rosa, Ena Hill and Lillian Chenevert. (Those who preceeded her in death were her siblings also born in Avoyelles Parish, LA.) Survivors include numerous neicies and nephews. (She never md.) Pallbearers were Raynor Juneau, Kent Juneau, Daryl Turner, Donald Spears,Mervin Galland, Joey Chenevert, Lamonte Chenevert and Gerald Chenevert. Honorary pallbearers were Richard Juneau, Terry Guillory, Richard Rosa, Rushing Juneau, Butch Daigre, Josh Daigre, Richard Galland, Trey Chenevert, David Turner, John Turner, Robert Harold, Milton Daigre and C B Turner. My Husband's TURNERs: 1 Ozias TURNER Born: 1840-1870 Died: Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna +Clara DUCOTE Born: 1840-1870 Married: Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna (Cottonport?) Died: Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna Father: Mother: 2 Eustache TURNER Born: Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna 2 Eugene TURNER Born: Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna 2 Gervias TURNER Born: Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna 2 Leonard TURNER Born: Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna 2 Forrest TURNER Born: Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna 2 Rezaire TURNER Born: Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna 2 Ida TURNER Born: Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna +Mr. ROSA Father: Mother: 2 Ena TURNER Born: Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna +Mr. HILL Father: Mother: 2 Euge TURNER Born: 13 January 1891 Cottonport? or Evergreen?, Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna Died: December 1976 Bunkie, Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna +Rosina _____ Born: 1890-1900 Evergreen?, Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna Married: Bef 1914 Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna Died: 1957-1960 Bunkie, Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna Father: Mother: 3 Harris TURNER Born: 1910-1925 Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna 3 Herman TURNER Born: 1910-1925 Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna 3 Lloyd TURNER Born: 1910-1925 Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna 3 Edna Rosina TURNER Born: 20 January 1914 Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna Died: November 1985 Bunkie, Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna +Lourie Joseph MAYEUX Born: 25 January 1910 Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna Married: Abt 1930 Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna Died: January 1973 Bunkie, Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna Father: Mother: 3 Rose Lydia TURNER Born: Aft 1915 Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna Died: of Nachitoches, Louisianna +Houston BOYD Born: 1900-1920 Died: of Nachitoches, Louisianna Father: Mother: 3 Roland TURNER Born: 18 March 1925 Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna Died: 14 September 1994 Bunkie, Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna 3 Jimmy TURNER Born: Aft 1926 Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna 2 Oge TURNER Born: 19 June 1893 Cottonport, Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna Died: January 1977 Cottonport, Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna 2 Covita TURNER Born: December 1895 Cottonport, Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna? Died: 2 June 1997 Bunkie General Hospital, Bunkie, Louisianna 2 Lillian TURNER Born: Avoyelles Parish, Louisianna +Mr. CHENEVERT Father: Mother: Karen K. Hogue McClaran "Digger" <> M c C l a r a n Tree Climbers Genealogy Services; LEWIS Legacy & COLLINS Connections Email Newsletters "Life is not trying, it is merely surviving, if you are standing outside the fire."~Garth Brooks~ ============================= Subj: Re: BURNETT John married Elizabeth TATE Date: 97-07-06 23:10:19 EDT From: (BURNUTTI) There is a mention of Elizabeth Tate in Vol 3 of June Bork's Book "The Burnett's and their Connections" check your library & see if you can find a can buy from June but it costs $65 & it'd be nice to know if this is the Tate you are looking for before buying the books like I did! (I have 1 & 2, book 2 has vol 3 indexed with it). Good Luck Debra =================== JUNE: Some of us have not seen your books. Would you like to tell us about them? Do you still have copies for sale? Thank you. == Nyla =================== Subj: Turner Family Date: 97-07-07 12:18:37 EDT From: (Rita Halpin) I was just referred to you by Jo Thiessen of Sumner Co.Tn Site. My ggg grandfather was William Turner, who died in Wilson Co.Tn in 1813. His eldest son was Edmund, born on 8 Oct.,1793 in NC. Edmund married Jennie Dodson ca.1815.She died ca.1849. He then married Eliza Whitworth,widow of Weden Byrum. Edmund had settled in Sumner Co. Eliza and Edmund had one daughter named Emily, born on 15 Oct.,1852. Emily married James A.McMurry of Smith Co.on 2 June,1870.Edmund died ca.1871 and James and Emily went to Obion Co.for a short while but moved on to Dallas,Texas where they remained for the rest of their lives.I know that William Turner's wife was named Frances but I do not know her surname. I found a record of a marriage of William Turner and Frances Dodson in Granville NC in the right time frame but do not know if it's the same W.T.. Edmund's siblings were Wylie{m.Mariah Thompson}, Betsy{m.William Foster}, William, Robert, James, Thomas, Stephen and Stephen B..Some say that my William was the son of Stephen Reuben Turner and Susannah Hamner. I have William's birth date ca.1760, but they list it as 1768, eldest listed child of Stephen R. and Susannah. Please include me in your list. Thank you, Rita Halpin ===================== Subj: Re: Martha Burnett Date: 97-07-07 08:47:37 EDT From: (P. Light) To: wrote: > > Anything you care to share with the list would be appreciated. Someone else > may be looking for the same line. Hi Nyla, I am planning on sharing my information with the group. Unfortunately, I have some sort of computer glitch that I have to work out first, but I'll get it there as soon as I can. Peggy =================== Subj: Re: Comp 144 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 97-07-06 22:26:35 EDT From: (Philpott) To: Dear Nyla, I am wondering if there might be an error on these dates. I collected (unconfirmed) information previously that gave the birth dates for Jane HUNTER Turner as June 7, 1759 and May 4, 1758 (both in Louisa Co., Va.) If she was 92 when she died in 1851, it seems that the date 6-7-59 would be most likely to be correct. Does anyone have a good source for her date of birth? I am guessing that the year of William's birth was inadvertently given as Jane's here. Also, Thank you so much for the wonderful service you provide. Rhonda >====================== >APPENDIX - GREAT GRAND FATHER > > WILLIAM TURNER, of Franklin county, Virginia, was born >January 19, 1753, died December 18, 1845. He married Jane Hunter >(daughter of Wm. Hunter) who was born June 7, 1753, and died May 20, >1851. Wm. lived 93 years, 10 months, 22 days. Jane lived 92 years, 11 >months, and 18 days. - - - - - - - - Rhonda: First, let me say, this wonderful service is possible because wonderful folks generously share their information. My role from the beginning has been to "cut and paste" all the eMails I receive. (I think I'm also responsible for correctly numbering each compilation.) It's those wonderful eMails that folks like yourself share with the group that keep us going. It's the wonderful service that Chris and Kevin provide that make it possible, too. This is definitely a group effort. You're right the year of birth for William Turner should be 1752. Now, let me own up to that typo. As to the date of birth, date of death, and age at the time of death for Jane, I agree that there is definitely something wrong. The copy that I typed from back in 1985 was very difficult to read. It is entirely possible that I made an error in reading the year of Jane's birth. If Jane's age at the time of her death was 92 years, 11 months, and 18 days, then she was 12 days short of being 93 years of age at the time of her death. So, if the date of death was in fact 20 May 1851, then it would seem she was born about 2 June 1758. Here's how I calculated it: 1 Jan 1851 to 20 May 1851 (date of death) = 4 months 20 days 1 Jan 1759 to 31 Dec 1850 = 92 years 2 Jun 1758- 31 Dec 1758 = 6 months 28 days 92 years 10 months 48 days equals 92 years 11 months 18 days Here's another computation: If she was 92 yrs 11 months and 18 days at the time of her death and her death was 20 May 1851, we know she was within 12 days of being age 93. Add 18 days to 20 May, and she would be born 2 June. Either way, 2 June 1758 is about the time of her birth. Whether the date is 2 June, or 7 June, the year seems to be 1758 -- not 1753. Does anyone have a better way to calculate the date when you know how old a person was at death? Am I supposed to ignore the day of birth and the day of death in my calculations? If so, the date would be 4 June 1758. HELP! Don't change your records yet. I'm just thinking out loud. Nyla ============= The end of this compilation.