Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 23:55:32 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 147 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

8 July 1997

Hello to Everyone:

Trying to keep up with all your wonderful eMails.  Be sure to check all our
compilations at Chris Gaunt's homepage:

Nyla CREED DePauk

Subj:	RE Comp 141
Date:	97-07-08 09:38:51 EDT
From:	KarenWood

I was reading Descendants of James Turner from David ( when I
excited in seeing in generation 3 that Richard Turner  had married Celia
George.  I have same info from George Family History, based on Bible records.
 INTERESTINGLY, the Richard Turner in Comp 141 was born about 1728 and died
1769, while the Celia George I have was born 18 Sep 1806 Pittsylvania Co, D/o
Hugh George and Ceelia McHaney m. 1830 to Richard Turner of Bedford/Patrick

What is most interesting is that the George family all originated in Caroline
Co, so there must be an earlier marriage between a Richard Turner and a Celia
George.  That's wierd!   I have an earlier Celia George but she was born in
Pitts. as well, and not early enough to have been wife of Richard Turner.
 Since the George family History follows only the line of one brother
(Robert) and leaves Richard's line and others as slight mention, it is quite
possible that a Celia George remained in Caroline and married in 1750 or so.

Date:	97-07-08 10:32:51 EDT
From:	JCNi

Please take me off the e-mail list of the Burnett-Turner-Ross, etc group.

I will continue to check in at


John Nichols.  San Antonio, Texas.

Subj:	Re: Comp 145 & The Real John Turner
Date:	97-07-08 13:30:31 EDT
From:	HarrisSEM

Hi! I did respond to N4JED-David about my sources about John Turner , but I
guess I
should have also made a copy to send to the group. I am also sending more
detailed info than what I sent him.

I got my preliminary info years ago from a book called " Meshack Turner
111-His Wife Sarah Robey Tucker" by Lucille R. Maddox published 1976.  On
pages 154-170, she discusses the Shadrack Turner family including his son
William Turner who married Jane Hunter.  It continues by listing their 8
children including "John Turner,  b. 21 September 1779 , married Nancy
Burnett 15 October 1804.  She was the daughter  of John Burnett and was B.
8-15-1787, D.11-19-1871".  The book lists 12 of John and Nancy's 13 kids as
follows: " William Turner, Judith Turner, Ruth Turner, Parmelia Turner, Nancy
Turner, Adelpha Turner, Elkannah Turner, Elizabeth Turner, Stephen Turner,
James Turner."

After an 11 year break from genealogy, I recently came back and was informed
of Nyla's group.  When I contacted her, we discovered that Rev. John Turner
and Nancy Burnett were our common ancestors.  She told me about the 13th
child,  John Burnett Turner who her line descends from.  My husbands line
descends from his sister, Ruth Turner , who married John Lackey.

Since I was new to the group, I was invited to go back through the
compilations which I did and found information there that helped fill in
details about Rev. John and Nancy's family.  These compilations include 32,
47, 57, 100, and 103.  I also found additional information on Chris Gaunt's
page where it says "My Geneology Data" .  It lists John Burnett and his wife
Elizabeth Tate, and their children including Nancy Burnett who married John
Turner and lists their 13 children (same as above) as I have them also. 

 I also have a brief mention of Nancy and John in a book called "The Burnett
Family with Collateral Branches.  Also Historical and Genealogical Notes on
Allied Families and Biographical Sketches on Various Eminent Burnetts"  By
Charles Howard Burnett, published in 1950.  The book is full of missing
details(!) , but it does give a rough outline and says that "John Burnett b.
abt. 1727, d. 1827 m, 1rst abt 1744, Elizabeth___, d. after 1825; m, 2nd
Nancy____"  It lists children from the first marriage "1, _____ m. 25 Jan.
1798, Elisha Packwood, of Mo., 2.Cornelius, 3. Crawford, of Trigg Co., Ky, m,
29. Dec., 1810, Viny Sharp 4.  Jane, m. 22 Nov. 1800, James Hall, Howard Co.
Mo.  5. John, m, Judith____, and had dau, Judith, who m. 28 Jan. 1813
Shadrack Turner, 6. Nancy .m, 15 Oct. 1804 John Turner, Henry Co. Va. 7.
Elizabeth m. 13 March 1810, Jesse Corn, Patrick Co, Va. and had s. , Samuel
Corn , of Franklin Co. Tenn., 8,  Mahala. m., 22 July 1822, William Ross,
Patrick Co., Va."

Also, according to the book, "Pioneer Families of Franklin Co., Virginia " by
Wingfield,published in 1964, on pages 220-224, he talks about Shadrach Turner
and his wife, Ann who had 5 sons: Larkin, Jeremiah, William, John, and
Josiah.  They also had 3 daughters:  Elizabeth, Excony, and Mary.  William
married Jane Hunter, dau. of William Hunter.  It is interesting to note that
he says " ...a remarkable thing was their longevity.  Twelve of his sons and
daughters averaging 83 years of life."  William  died  Dec. 11, 1845, aged 93
years.  His wife, Jane was 88 when he died.  "They had lived in wedlock 72
years.  At his death, his progeny numbered 363, many of whom were in the
fifth generation."  Jane Hunter Turner died "May 20, 1851, aged 92, 11
months, and 13 days."

[SHERRY:  In one of the compilation I sent last night, I wrote:  "If Jane's
age at the time of her death was 92 years, 11 months, and 18 days, then she
was 12 days short of being 93 years of age at the time of her death.  So, if
the date of death was in fact 20 May 1851, then it would seem she was born
about 2 June 1758. "  Based on the info just above, which gives her age as 92
yrs, 11 months, and 13 days, Elizabeth would have been born 7 June 1758?
 Someone, please check my math.   Thanks.  Nyla]

Also, Nyla's wonderful " In Memorium of My Grandparents "letter written in
1914 by
William Turner clearly describes the 13 children of Rev. John Turner and
Nancy Burnett.  This letter alone should erase any doubt as to who Ruth
Turner, Nancy Tate Turner, and Elizabeth Jane Turner 's parents were. He also
says that" Rev. John Turner was the third son of Wm. Turner and was born
Sept. 21, 1779  and married Nancy, a daughter of John Burnett"  

I also have marriage records etc.

When this information was submitted about the Lackey family, I didn't realize
that Ruth Turner's parents were in question.  I think that the above should
help clarify my
understanding that Ruth was indeed the daughter of John Turner and Nancy
Burnett. John was the son of William Turner and Jane Hunter and  William was
the son of Shadrack Turner and Ann Hill.  

I hope this clarifies the confusion about  Rev. John Turner and his
daughters, Ruth, Nancy Tate, and Elizabeth Jane.  By the way , I have never
seen the Turner/ Rangley  book. 


Subj:	Re: Burnett descent continued
Date:	97-07-08 15:22:41 EDT
From:	CarBurCo
CC:	NCreed1

Kevin and the rooters on the list: I am a descendant of the SAME BURNETTS as
Patricia Ford delineated on comp # 145. HOWEVER, mine diverge after
Generation 3. I.E. my RICHARD BURNETT was the brother of her JEREMIAH
It goes like this:


4. RICHARD BURNETT (son of Joseph and Clara Gatewood Burnett) b. 1732 
Old Rappahannock/Southfarnum Parish, Essex County VA. d. 1796, Dinwiddie
County, Va. m. MARY BOUGHAN dau of JOHN BOUGHAN & CARY who m. betw 1760-1765
K&Q Co. Va.

5.TALIAFERRO BURNETT b.abt 1767 Old Rap. or Essex;d. 1822 mid Tenn.
m. MARY BAUGH dau of DANIEL BAUGH & wife ____Clark (dau of Bolling Clark.)

6. JOSEPH BOLLING BURNETT  17 Mar 1800 Dinwiddie Co., Va; m. 25 Mar 1819
d  28Jul 1849 Rutherford County, Tenn. M: ANNA BEASLEY (BEEZLEY) dau. of
Bernard or Barnet BEEZLEY or BEASLEY

7. WILLIAM WILTSHIRE (BUCK) BURNETT (1829-1873)Dinwiddie Co Va-
Rutherford  Co, Tn. M. MARGARET J. ROUNTREE (ca 1846-ca1880 Rutherford Co.,
Tn) ( on Carter's Creek near Columbia, Tn)

8. JOSEPH LEE BURNETT (b.24 Oct. 1872-Jan 1934) Rutherford Co., Tn -
Birmingham,Al.M FANNIE ELIZABETH JORDAN dau of Edward Leland Jordan &
wife Martha Susan Faris. (14 Nov 1873-5 May 1963)Concord Tn -Birmingham, Al.

9.CHARLES ARCHER BURNETT (25 Dec 1906- 1 Jun 1984) Nashville, Tn - 
Birmigham, Al  M (8 Sep 1934) CAROLINE BEASLEY NORTON (3 Jan 1906- 
22 Apr 1985) Montgomery Al - Birmigham, Al dau of ELDRIDGE GREENWOOD
NORTON & FANNY PERRY RUDULPH dau of James Murray Rudulph & Caroline
White Beasley of Lowndes Co, Al.

10. CAROLINE BURNETT b. Birmingham Al

This same line is spelled out, possibly with more details on the homepage 
 ..I do not remember the URL but maybe Nyla will repeat it once again.

 If anyone  who is descended from WILLIAM WILTSHIRE (BUCK) BURNETT or his


Subj:	Lazarus Burnett
Date:	97-07-08 22:34:31 EDT

From:  Cornelia Holland

Re:      Lazarus Burnett son of Robert Burnett b.1776

            Lazarus Turner b.c.1700 NC Land grant c.1735
            Lazarus Pearce Halifax Co. NC late 1700s.

            Lazarus Crawford b.c.1740 Johnston Co. NC

            Robert Raiford, close friend/relative(?) of Lazarus 

            Robert Raiford Sr. closely tied to Thomas Turner, Isle of 
Wight and William Pearce early 1700s

The previous NCreed1 email listed a Lazarus Burnett in one of the 
lineages.  I believe this name is the key to several unknowns 
involving the Turner, Pearce, Crawford, and Raiford families from 
Isle of Wight, VA and in fact  may provide the information proving 
the relationships of these families.  They were too close not to be 

If anyone has additional names of individuals from the 1700s/early 
1800s   named Lazarus, I would appreciate receiving them.  

The end of this compilation.