Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 23:01:13 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 148 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

11 July 1997

Greetings to Everyone,

A big welcome to the new folks.  Be sure to check out all our compilations on
Chris Gaunt's homepage.  All the files have been zipped, thanks to Kevin, and
all can be downloaded and searched.  If you haven't shared information on
your family, please consider doing so.  You never know when someone will be
looking for your family.


Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	TURNERS in AL 1860
Date:	97-07-09 00:22:25 EDT
To:, NCreed1

Hello again everyone!

I am still looking for information on Permela (Permelia or Parmela) TURNER,
and her
daughters, Malissa, and Permela, all listed born in GA.  

The thing I found exceedingly odd today on my trip to the FHC library was the
number of
TURNER females who were living with other families.  It seems many of them
may have
reached an age and been placed with other families as help.  

Most of them were in Fayette County, AL in 1860.   This leads me to believe
that these women may have been part of a family whose parents died and the
family split up.  Any ideas anyone!!!

Felicia Turner is listed living with the Thompsons age 21 in Fayette County,
Permela & Toliver living with another family in Georgia in 1840 when she was
12 and he was 6 in Jasper county.

The other Turners I see listed in Fayette county were:
Mary (living with others)
Permela (Living with Hisaw)
These were all in Fayette County.  There are pages and pages in other
counties of AL.

Anyone interested in the microfilm#'s or census pages, let me know!

Debbie Anderson  
Subj:	Fwd: Marriage lookup...
Date:	97-07-10 22:44:18 EDT
From:	GDBurnette
To:	Ceteris, NCreed1

Nyla, maybe your list can help him out ??  Gary
Forwarded Message: 
Subj:	Marriage lookup...
Date:	97-07-01 11:12:37 EDT
From:	Ceteris@AOL.COM (Norman M. Lewis, Jr.)
Sender:	KYROOTS@LSV.UKY.EDU (Kentucky Genealogy & History
Reply-to:	Ceteris@AOL.COM
To:	KYROOTS@LSV.UKY.EDU (Multiple recipients of list KYROOTS)

I hope some kind hearted soul has that one missing piece of information that
would complete my research!!

I am  trying to find a marriage record for my 4th great grandparents so I can
extend the line.  Some documents suggest they may have been cousins, and I
have them connected to a Turner family, but if they are cousins don't know if
it is his or her family.  Knowing her maiden name would help me rule her out.

They were Richard D. Turner and Margret "Polly" --?-- (could be Turner).
They married between 1823 and 1833, most likely in Kentucky.  Some family
were in Pendleton County, but I don't show any record of them there, so I
don't know where to focus.

Thanks for any guidance.

Subj:	Re: Marriage lookup...
Date:	07/11/97
To:	Ceteris, GDBurnette

Marriage Index: Pendleton Co KY
Turner, Abraham	Spouse : Parsons, Hannah
	Marriage date : 9 May 1816
Turner, Alfred	Spouse : Byland, Eliza
	Marriage date : 18 Jul 1843
Turner, Jacob	Spouse : Sanders, Rebeccah
	Marriage date : 21 Mar 1816
Turner, John A.	Spouse : Hutchison, Elizabeth
	Marriage date : 23 Jan 1841
Turner, Richard	Spouse : Ellis, Minerva
	Marriage date : 11 Apr 1837
Turner, Samuel	Spouse : Levingood, Margaret
	Marriage date : 7 Oct 1839
Turner, Thomas	Spouse : Lightfoot, Elizabeth
	Marriage date : 22 Mar 1804

If you'd like to join our Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc mailing list,
please let me know. 
All our compilations can be downloaded at:   


Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA
Subj:	PERSONAL to Nyla
Date:	97-07-09 11:39:18 EDT
From:	N4JED


Is this what you are looking for?  Didn't I get this from you?  Or are you
just looking for more info ?.... By the way, WHAT ELSE ARE YOU HOLDING BACK?
 Thanks for
putting out the 1914 letter on Rev. John's family.  I am modifing my listings
to match your letter but listing there are other interpretations of the
census and other records.

Descendants of William "Capt. Will" TURNER

First Generation

1.	William "Capt. Will" TURNER was born 17 Jan 1841 in Patrick Co., VA. He
15 Jan 1926 and was buried in Cedar Hill Cem, Suitland, MD.  William married
Martha Doliver "Mattie" HINCHMAN, daughter of James Harvey HINCHMAN and
Martha Pine "Mattie" GORE on 11 Apr 1866. Martha was born 11 Apr 1848 in
Co., VA, (now WVA). She died 20 Oct 1937.
They had the following children:
	+	2	F	i.	Martha Ann TURNER was born 23 Jun 1867 and
died 18 Jul 1939.
	+	3	F	ii.	Sarah Alice TURNER was born 27 Mar 1869.
	+	4	F	iii.	Nancy Louise TURNER was born 26 Aug 1872.
	+	5	M	iv.	James Dix TURNER , Dr. was born 2 Aug 1874 and
died about 1923.
	+	6	F	v.	Virginia TURNER was born 24 Apr 1876.
	+	7	M	vi.	John Roscoe TURNER was born 15 Feb 1881 and
died Oct 1969.
	+	8	F	vii.	Princess TURNER was born 4 Aug 1884.
		9	M	viii.	May TURNER , Dr. was born 22 May 1886 in
Mattville, Raleigh Co., WV.
May was a eye surgeon.
May married (1) ___ REICH.
		10	M	ix.	William Wirt TURNER was born 27 Nov 1889 in
Mattville, Raleigh Co., WV.

Second Generation

2.	Martha Ann TURNER was born 23 Jun 1867 in Mattville, Raleigh Co., WV. She
died 18 Jul 1939.
Martha married (1) Lee CHAMBERS, son of LeRoy B. CHAMBERS on 2 Feb 1886 in
Raleigh Co., WV. Lee was born Jan 1861 in prob Wyoming Co., VA (later WV). He
20 Jun 1901 in Mattville, Raleigh Co., WV.
They had the following children:
		11	F	i.	___ CHAMBERS.
		12	M	ii.	Okey CHAMBERS was born Nov 1884. He died
about 1923.
		13	M	iii.	Pierce CHAMBERS was born May 1888.
		14	F	iv.	Estelle CHAMBERS was born Jun 1893.
	+	15	M	v.	Virgil L. CHAMBERS was born Sep 1895.

3.	Sarah Alice TURNER was born 27 Mar 1869 in Mattville, Raleigh Co., WV.
Sarah married (1) John H. MEADOR on 24 Feb 1884 in Raleigh Co., WV. John was
Dec 1861 in Summers Co., VA (later WV).
They had the following children:
		16	M	i.	___ MEADOR was born before 1900.
This child died an infant.
		17	F	ii.	Ruth MEADOR.
Ruth married (1) ___ LOUDERMAN.
		18	M	iii.	Paul MEADOR was born Nov 1888.
		19	F	iv.	Lucy MEADOR was born Apr 1897.
Lucy married (1) ___ MITCHELL.

4.	Nancy Louise TURNER was born 26 Aug 1872 in Mattville, Raleigh Co., WV.
was buried in Cedar Hill Cem, Suitland, MD.
Nancy married (1) Peter Benjamin DAVIS, son of William DAVIS and Lucinda
WILLIAMS on 10 Feb 1895 in Raleigh Co., WV. Peter was born about Dec 1867 in
Raleigh Co., WV.
They had the following children:
		20	M	i.	Orval R. DAVIS was born about Feb 1896.
		21	F	ii.	Trace E. DAVIS was born about Nov 1898.

5.	James Dix TURNER , Dr. was born 2 Aug 1874 in Mattville, Raleigh Co., WV.
He died about 1923. James married (1) Vivian BARRETT on 5 Feb 1900. Vivian
born about Apr 1880. She died before 18 Oct 1961.
They had the following children:
		22	M	i.	William Edward TURNER was born about 1902.
		23	M	ii.	Thomas Pierce TURNER was born about 1904.
		24	M	iii.	James Dix TURNER Jr. was born about 1907.
		25	F	iv.	Mattie T. TURNER was born about 1911.
		26	M	v.	Joseph Bruce TURNER was born about 1915.
		27	F	vi.	Lucille TURNER was born about 1917.
Lucille married (1) ___ STRALEY.
		28	F	vii.	Charmion TURNER was born after 1920.
		29	F	viii.	Faye TURNER was born after 1920.
Faye married (1) ___ MCCARTY.

6.	Virginia TURNER was born 24 Apr 1876 in Mattville, Raleigh Co., WV.
Virginia married (1) Ward MANKIN, son of James MANKIN and Marinda ___ on 7
1893 in Raleigh Co., WV. Ward was born 1874.
They had the following children:
		30	F	i.	Haven MANKIN was born 15 Mar 1922. She died
Nov 1994.

7.	John Roscoe TURNER was born 15 Feb 1881 in Mattville, Raleigh Co., WV. He
died Oct 1969 in Stockton, CA.
John was president of West Virginia University.
John married (1) Effie VERTNER on 23 Aug 1905. Effie was born in prob ADA,
They had the following children:
		31	F	i.	Elizabeth TURNER.
Elizabeth was adopted.

8.	Princess TURNER was born 4 Aug 1884 in Mattville, Raleigh Co., WV.
Princess married (1) J. E. KING.  They had the following children:
		32	M	i.	Phillip Turner KING.

Third Generation

15.	Virgil L. CHAMBERS was born Sep 1895.
He had the following children:
		33	M	i.	Virgil L. CHAMBERS Jr..
		34	F	ii.	Dorothy Ann CHAMBERS.
		35	F	iii.	Betty Jo CHAMBERS.

... END ...


Howdy.  How is life in VA?  I miss it already.

Yes, I'm sure you got the info on Captain Turner from me.  Occasionally, I
like to mention him in hopes that someone out there might be one of his
descendants.   Funny thing, I  do know descendants of all his siblings, but
none of Williams'.  He moved from the Raleigh Co area.  So, who knows where
his descendants are today.   I'll just keep looking 'til I find one.

WHAT ELSE AM I HOLDING BACK?  Well, I've got some copies of letters William
wrote to his brother John.  I plan to start typing them.  The problem I have
with the letters as well as the 1914 information is the fact that I can
hardly read the copies.  They are xerox copies of xeroxed copies which were
typed on a manual typewriter, with strike-overs and all.  

Based on the 1914 information, it seems that I had difficulty distinguishing
between 3's and 8's.   I'd like to be accurate, but when we're dealing with
information so old who can say whether a person was born on the 3rd or the
8th, if you know what I mean.   When it's all said and done, who will
remember that I was born on the 28th of July, not the 23rd.  Two hundred
years from now, if they get the year right, I'd be surprised.   And we all
know that official records aren't always correct.  Tombstones have numerous

Obituaries and Bible records aren't perfect.  Whose to say the document we're
using as a source is correct?  So, I guess all I can do is give it my best
effort and hope that I don't introduce too many more errors.    Does any of
that make sense?

I notice a lot of people are directing their replies to you.  Your work is
recognized and appreciated.  I still am amazed at the way people have shared
information.  Who would have thought?

Subj:	Turner Newsletter
Date:	97-07-10 11:41:47 EDT
From:	Yoricat

Please include me on your Turner mailing list.

Subj:	Burnetts
Date:	97-07-09 10:54:45 EDT
From: (Sharon Crawford)

Noticed a lot of Burnett researchers joining the list. Is anybody
researching Cornelius S. Burnett born 1820 to Cornelius and Jane
"Dawson" Burnett. Cornelius married Nancy Wallis 1841 in Trigg Co. KY.

Children were:
John J. Burnett, 1842-1927
William H. Burnett, 1843-1917
Mary J. Burnett, 1845- ?
Rufus M. Burnett, 1846-1925
Sarah M. Burnett, 1847- ?
Nancy E. Burnett, 1848-1911
Georgian Burnett, 1850- ?
Virginia Burnett, 1852- ?
Lucretia C. Burnett, 1854-1880
Charles R. Burnett, 1856-1945
Cornelius T. Burnett, 1858-1927

Sharon Burnett Crawford

Pontotoc Co. Oklahoma usgenweb page:


Subj:	Burnett's of NY
Date:	97-07-09 06:46:19 EDT
From: (Burnett)

Could you post this for me.   Once again I shall send out a cry for help.  

I am looking for information on Thomas Burnett born 1776 probably in NY.  Who
really knows for sure. I would like to find out.  He was Married to Grace
born 1777 in NJ. they had at least one child Amiz or Amzi Burnett born
1808 he was married to Joanna Granger.  I have come close a few times
but my leads have failed me.  Anyone wishing to see my full lineage can
view it at

Ricky Lane Burnett

Subj:	Mailing list 
Date:	97-07-09 09:42:42 EDT
From: (Patricia Linden)

Dear Nyla,

I would like to be added to the mailing list for Burnetts and Turners.
My family has a line going back on the Burnett side.  I am also
interested in finding out how I can gain access to June Bork's works.
Kevin Stephenson told me to contact you regarding this--I am so happy to
have found this group, relating to our family!

:-)  Patty Linden
     Great Falls, Montana

Subj:	BURNETTS & THEIR CONNECTIONS; Patrick Co, Va; Wayne Co, Ky
Date:	97-07-11 04:43:06 EDT

I have relocated in Santa Maria, to help my daughter for awhile.  Anyone
wishing to contact me by snail-mail: 227 Varner Ct, Santa Maria, Ca
93454; Ph & fax: 805-925-0724; e-mail:; web:; I am behind on answering email, so bear with

Date:	97-07-11 21:46:48 EDT
From:	GDBurnette
To:, NCreed1

Lon, try Nyla Reed at  You may want to join her Turner list.
Forwarded Message: 
Date:	97-07-11 15:28:58 EDT
From:	lonfink@DMRTC.NET (Lonnie Fink)
Sender:	KYROOTS@LSV.UKY.EDU (Kentucky Genealogy & History
Reply-to:	lonfink@DMRTC.NET (Lonnie Fink)
To:	KYROOTS@LSV.UKY.EDU (Multiple recipients of list KYROOTS)

Can anyone help with these Families of Lee Co,VA and Knox Co,KY?
All MASSEY children of Joseph MASSEY Jr & wife Sarah!


>>1850 Knox co,KY!!
>>hh 238/-241 John TURNER 63,TN
>> Elizabeth 61,VA ( Nee: MASSEE/MARSEE
>> Benjamin 22,Ky
>> Margaret 24,KY
>> Emily 20,KY
>> Green 18,KY
>> America 15,KY0
>> J. Jack 10,KY
>>hh 259/262 Joseph TURNER 60,VA
>> Mary  ( Nee: Polly MASSEY) 50,VA
>> Josiah 26,TN
>> Thomas 18,Tn Idiot
>> Franklin 16,TN
>> Margaret 12,TN
>>hh 262-265 Ballinger RAINS 44,KY md(2) Sarah GREGORY 5-apr-1857 Knox
>> Margaret 43,KY ( Nee: MARSEE/MASSEY/MASSEE)
>> sarah 19,KY
>> Redin 19,Ky
>> Josiah 14,KY
>> William H. 5,KY
>> Green p. 3,KY
>> Martha A. 6/12,KY
>>1860 Knox Co,KY
>> hh 903 John TURNER 70,TN
>>  Elizabeth 70,VA
>>  Margarett 35,KY
>>  Jack 28,KY
>>   Fanny 8,KY
>>1870 Knox Co,KY
>> hh 55-49 John TURNER sr 84,TN
>> elizabeth 75,VA
>> Margaret 40,KY
>> Fanny 18,KY

Lonnie fink
InGenWeb Coordinator Floyd/Dubois Co,IN
KyGenWeb Coordinator Shelby/Pulaski Co,KY

FOLKS:  Anyone recognize the above-mentioned TURNERs?    Nyla

The end of this compilation.