Date: Sun, 13 Jul 1997 23:36:49 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 149 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

12 July 1997

Hello Everyone:

A big welcome to our new folks.  Be sure to check our Chris Gaunt's homepage
for all our compilations:

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	Burnett Kentucky Marriages
Date:	97-07-12 08:14:13 EDT
From: (Kevin K. Stephenson)
	I sent this to you earlier this week, but haven't seen it in the
compilations, so I
thought maybe I'd better re-send it.  I got it from one of our Rudd
researchers, Celia
Snyder, who is with the Engineering School at the University of Illinois at
Urbana.  Hoping this will help those who are looking for Burnett connections

Kevin K. Stephenson
From:	Celia G. Snyder []
Sent:	Sunday, July 06, 1997 9:35 PM

	Here are the Burnett marriages in Kentucky.  Hope it helps!

Taken from Early American Marriages:  Atlantic South

Groom			Bride			Date		County
Burnett, Cornelius	Bishop, Elizabeth 	26 Jun 1816 	Barren 
Burnett, Cornelius  	Dawson, Jane		26 Mar1818	Christian
Burnett, David  	Price, Elizabeth	19 Mar 1796	Mason
Burnett, Griffin	Cantrill, Phebe    	28 Dec 1811 	Bath 
Burnett, Henry  	Mcgaughey, Nancy	06 Sep 1817	Shelby
Burnett, Isham  	Dodson, Winnie S.	16 Oct 1819	Wayne
Burnett, Isham  	Vanwinkle, Lucinda	08 Jul 1824	Wayne
Burnett, James		Barrier, Jane 		22 Dec 1825	Wayne
Burnett, James M. 	Brown, Roda M.	23 Apr 1823	Shelby 
Burnett, James  	Owsley, Betsey	04 Aug1824	Lincoln
Burnett, John		Barnes, Martha 	05 Apr 1820	Caldwell
Burnett, John	  	Medor, Mary[Mrs]	20 Feb 1811	Nelson
Burnett, John  		Skidmore, Sarah	31 Jul 1797	Nelson
Burnett, John  		Withrow, Elizabeth	06 Dec 1819	Washington 
Burnett, Joseph  	Small, Jane		15 Jun 1820	Wayne
Burnett, Matthew  	Clarke, Elizabeth	11 Apr 1807 	Breckinridge
Burnett, Reuben  	Tuggle, Betsy		18 Sep1825	Wayne
Burnett, Richard  	Herndon, Pamelia	08 Jan1824	Logan
Burnett, Robert  	Coppage, Mary	15 Mar 1796	Washington 
Burnett, Robert  	Smith, Polly		21 Jul 1807	Jefferson
Burnett, Robert  	Wood, Ruth 		04 Apr 1816	Barren 
Burnett, Stephen  	Hancock, Polly	14 Oct 1823	Henry
Burnett, Thomas P 	Davis, Lucy		08 Mar 1825	Bourbon
Burnett, William  	Oest, Nancy		06 May 1802	Nelson
Burnett, Wm.  		Skidmore, Elizabeth	03 Jul 1798	Nelson
Burnett, William  	Stricklen, Peggy	20 May 1818	Madison 
Burnett, William  	Springer, Polly		27 Dec 1802	Washington 
Burnett, William  	Withrow, Tabitha	11 Jun 1814	Washington 
Carter, Israel 		Burnett, Agnes 	04 Jun 1801	Mason
Corbin, William	Burnett, Anne 	1	5 Feb 1816	Woodford
Metts, Peter		Burnett, Betsey 	28 Sep 1811	Jefferson
Lynch, James 		Burnett, Betsy 	16 Jan 1815	Estill
Skidmore, James	Burnett, Damie 	27 Nov 1798	Nelson
Graham, James 	Burnett, Eliza 		07 May 1809	Henderson
Crisp, Anthony J.	Burnett, Elizabeth 	12 May 1818	Washington 
Pomphrey, Noah 	Burnett, Elizabeth 	25 Mar 1818 	Gallatin 
Cain, Robert 		Burnett, Jane 		08 Jul 1813	Shelby
Adams, John  		Burnett, Margaret	25 Nov 1821	Washington 
Head, Edward 	Burnett, Margarett	23 Apr 1823	Shelby
Howard, Samuel 	Burnett, Martha	14 Nov 1822	Shelby
Burge, Samuel  	Burnett, Mary		16 Mar 1820	Woodford
Witt, Abner 		Burnett, Milly 		14 Mar 1815	Estill
Dodson, Stockton 	Burnett, Nancy 	18 Dec 1820	Wayne
Gowdy, Samuel 	Burnett, Nancy	08 Feb 1814	Washington 
Perry, David 		Burnett, Nancy 	02 Oct 1819	Jessamine
Hulsan, Joel 		Burnett, Polly 		20 May 1813	Shelby
Stone, Dudley		Burnett, Polly       	08 Feb 1816 	Bath
Stratton, William 	Burnett, Rhoda 	08 Feb 1805	Shelby
Ashby, David  		Burnett, Sally		13 Dec 1808 	Shelby
Dodson, John		Burnett, Sally 		26 Aug 1816	Wayne
Bentley, John  		Burnett, Susan		25 Mar 1820	Washington
Hurt, James 		Burnett, Usley 	05 Mar 1810	Wayne
Bond, Burnett  	Campbell, Betsy	03 Jan 1815	Madison
Duwitt, Burnett  	Jackson, Arcada	13 Nov 1806	Fleming
Evans, Burnett		Brodrick, Margaret 	08 Dec 1804	Mason
May, Burnett		Gibson, Nancy 	03 Apr 1810 	Mercer
Ray, Burnett 		Davis, Eleanor C.	01 Aug 1820	Union

Nyla-I sorted and put these in a table so they'd be easier to use!

Kevin K. Stephenson
1114 Mississippi Street, #4
Lawrence, KS  66044-3188

[KEVIN,  I'm glad you resent this.  I didn't receive it.]
[FOLKS, If you send me something you want to share, and it doesn't appear in
one of the compilations within the next week or so, let me know. Nyla]

Subj:	Burnett's and June Bork's Burnett Books
Date:	97-07-12 10:52:49 EDT
From: (Burnett)
To: (Patty Linden)
CC: (Nyla Creed)

I have all three volumes of "The Burnett's and Their Connections" I will
try to help anywhere I can.  

Ricky Lane Burnett 

Researching Burnett-Manzer-Granger-Lane-Felton-Smith.

Subj:	I want to find my Turners
Date:	97-07-12 18:36:29 EDT
From: (Elizabeth L. Smith)

Hi Nyla and all,

If I missed my earlier question about my family please excuse me.  But I
do have a little more information and am hoping that someone will
recognize a name.  So here goes again:

Nathan Turner
Fayette Co, PA
  Jane Thompson Yates, 1764
   Hampshire Co., VA
   D 1854/60

James Higgins Turner
B Sept 21, 1812
 Laffayette Co., Pa
M twice (1) Margaret McGregor
         (2) Esther Ann Koonz Johnson
             b 2/21/1825, Dryden, NY
             d 11/7/1910, McMInnville, OR
d McMinnville, OR 1/1/1885

William Burke Turner
 b 27 June 1860
   Vicennes, IN
 m. 6/30/1881, McMinnville, OR
    Mary Ellen Holman
    b.  10/23/1856, Polk Co. Oregon  (Mary Ellen's Mother was Mary
Elizbeth Burnett, daughter of Glen Owens Burnett, neice of Peter)

Patricia Lee Turner
  b 17 Mar 1896, Los Angeles, CA
  m. Lloyd Shawver, 10/6/1917
  d. 1968, Portland, OR

Thanks for your help.  

I am currently working on an old Manuscript that is about the Esther Ann
Johnson line -- I hope to have it done this fall.  



I haven't find anything yet that looks like your Nathan Turner lline.
 However, did find this in the Social Security Death Index:

Patricia Lee Shawver
Social Security # 541-24-0981
Issued in  OR
Residence code: OR
ZIP code of last known residence: 97128
Primary location associated with this ZIP code:  Mcminnville, OR
Death Date Feb 1968

Do not know if this is your Lloyd Shawver.  
Lloyd Shawver
Social Security # 176-10-0926
Social Security issued in PA
Birth 2 Apr 1891
Death Date Sep 1968
Residence code PA
ZIP code of last known residence 16511
Primary location associated with this ZIP code:  Erie PA

Subj:	Re: I want to find my Turners
Date:	97-07-13 13:23:44 EDT
From: (Elizabeth L. Smith)

Thank you Nyla,  That was my grandmother's Social Security Number but
not my grandfathers.  I would appreciate it if you would include my
message in the next compilation.  There might be someone reading who
will recognize it.

Thanks again.

Subj:	Fwd: Bedford Co. TURNERS
Date:	97-07-12 21:37:44 EDT
From:	VFTurner2
To:	NCreed1

I just sent this reply.  Then I realized that you were CC'd.  Here it is,
just in case he doesn't forward it to you.

Vern Turner
Forwarded Message: 
Subj:	Re: Bedford Co. TURNERS
Date:	97-07-12 21:33:30 EDT

You certainly have a lot of information on the Turner's of Bedford Co.  I am
from #64, Meador and Piety Hackworth.  They had seven children, (I don't know
them all, but there was Lucinda, Jane, George, Calvin and Albert, my 2nd
ggfather.  Piety died soon after Albert's birth (1819) because she is not
indicated in the 1820 census.  In a few years (I'm doing this from memory,
because my records are not where I am -- long story), Meador remarried
Catherine Thurmond (son Calvin later married a Thurmond girl).  The family
moved to first to Preble Co., Ohio in the early 1830's, with Albert finally
settling in Clinton Co., Ohio.  The family were evidently nominal Quakers
(maybe at that time, staunch Quakers).  Albert married Elizabeth Hiatt, dtr
of Asher Hiatt and Lucy Mount.  At the time of their marriage (1843), Asher
and Lucy were evidently dead, because, Elizabeth's grandparents, Christopher
Hiatt and Jermania Hunt were her sponsors.   Elizabeth's brother got married
at the same time. 

Albert and Elizabeth migrated to Page Co., Iowa (1859)  and then to Taylor
Co., (1869).   They had eight daughters and one son who lived, my ggfather,
Asher Hiatt Turner.  Asher moved to Lincoln Co., Kansas and married Martha
Brooks.  They had four children who lived, the eldest of which was my
Grandfather, Alonzo Grant Turner.  The rest as they say, is history.

I was in contact a number of years ago, with a 5th cousin, Barbara Turner
Edmonson, of Chico, CA.  She shared some research that she had had done that
strongly suggests that your James Turner (#2), was the son of a Richard
Turner.  (I mentioned that I am without my records, so I don't have the
specifics)  The records indicate that Richard Turner of Caroline Co.,
Virginia, deeded over to his son, James, two young slaves, with specific
names.  A number of years later, our James (of Bedford Co.) deeded slaves by
the same names to his son Elijah.  Census records indicate that both James
and Elijah were slave holders.  I believe that this more than just

Where do you fit in this august group?  Do you live in or near Bedford Co.?
 If so, I
would very much like to find out just when Piety Hackworth died.  That is one
of my
favorite ancestor names.

That is about all for now.  I am looking forward to hearing from you again.
 Thanks for all of the information.

Vern Turner,
Menlo Park, CA

Subj:	about the Turner Family
Date:	97-07-13 03:34:48 EDT
From:	Sharaim

	I also am from the Turner family, My grandmother ( Susy  C. Turner) married
Witcher Law. My father William Roy Law is the son of above. They lived in
Stuart, Va
near the famous Turner homeplace. Was reading in the family tree and found
you listed there.   I also copied the web site but had no luck, probally
because it is 3:40 am and am sleepy, but before going to bed though  I would
send you  a note.
	My name is Sharon Law Shelton 

	Bye for now.  Iif you need info please contact me, even if you do not.

Subj:	Obediah Via
Date:	97-07-13 08:43:36 EDT

I  would like to goin your band of researchers.  My family is as follows:

1.  Obediah Via Rogers b. 1 Nov 1800 d. 9 May 1880
    2. Thomas Calhoon Rogers b. 8 May 1840 d.19 Dec 1919
        3.  Thomas Newton Rogers b. 1869 d. 1938
            4. Vernon Burrell Rogers d. Oct 1979
                5 Rex Brooks Rogers b. 15 Aug 1940
                    6. Den Michael Rogers (me) b. 18 July 1961

The following info comes from Virginia Rogers Walker in Ann Arbor, MI:
"O.V. Rogers is the son of MIlly Via and John Rogers and was born in
Albemarle Co, Va.  They moved to Rutherford Co, TN after the 1810 VA census
along with her brothers Obediah and William Via.  Obediah was married to
Nancy Ann Rogers, who was John's sister."  She has a copy of the marriage
bond signed by John Rogers and Micajah Via, who was Milly's Father.  

Does any of this info fit with yours?  


Den Rogers  

Subj: Re: TURNERS from VA and elsewhere
Date: 12 Jul 1997 11:18:59 EDT
From: EurekaKids

I too need help.  My gggrandmother Elizabeth Tennesse Turner was obviously
from TN.  Married John Richard Fly and emigrated to CA.  Can't find her
family in TN.  Anyone out there who researching the TN line?  Would
appreciate hearing from you.  e-mail me at

Subj:	BURNETT, Felix Grundy
Date:	97-07-13 22:57:29 EDT
From: (Patricia Linden)
To: (

I would like to share information with anyone researching the following
Burnett line--Felix Grundy Burnett was my gg-grandfather.

Descendants of Felix Grundy Burnett

 1   Felix Grundy Burnett 1807 - 1852 b: May 24, 1807
..  +Mary Joanna Morton 1814 - b: 1814 in Kentucky m: February 10, 1828
in Shelby County, KY
....... 2   [1] James Cunningham Burnett 1829 - 1904 b: 1829
...........  +Nancy Harrison 1830 - 1871 b: 1830
.......  *2nd Wife of [1] James Cunningham Burnett:
...........  +Sarah Belle Harrison
....... 2   Dianna Burnett 1836 - b: 1836
....... 2   Elizabeth A. Burnett 1839 - b: 1839
...........  +McCreary
....... 2   John Quincy A. Burnett 1843 - 1921 b: May 11, 1843 in
...........  +Mary Alice Hughes 1851 - 1905 b: 1851 in Monroe, Missouri
m: July 31, 1873
................. 3   Thomas Elbert Burnett 1875 - 1927 b: 1875
................. 3   Eva Lee Burnett 1877 - 1923 b: March 10, 1877 in
Victor, Monroe County, Missouri
.....................  +William Mathew Marks 1870 - 1950 b: October 12,
1870 in Wyandotte, Jackson County, Kansas m: September 4, 1901
................. 3   Grundy Wilson Burnett 1878 - 1940 b: 1878 in
Shelby County, Kentucky
................. 3   William Kelly Burnett 1880 - 1898 b: 1880
................. 3   Kate E. Burnett 1882 - 1909 b: 1882
................. 3   Josephine Mary Burnett 1885 - 1963 b: 1885
.....................  +Carl Howell   m: January 21, 1910 in Paris,
....... 2   Theodore F. Burnett 1846 - 1916 b: February 21, 1846 in
Shelby County, Kentucky
...........  +Louvelda Utterback 1871 - 1940 b: 1871 m: October 10, 1897

....... 2   Eugenia Hasseltine Burnett 1849 - 1910 b: 1849
...........  +Joseph W. Adams 1839 - 1909 b: 1839 m: 1868
................. 3   Minnie Adams 1870 - b: 1870
................. 3   William Wallace Adams 1871 - 1927 b: 1871
................. 3   May Adams 1873 - b: 1873
................. 3   Ulalee Adams 1875 - b: 1875
................. 3   Mary J. Adams 1877 - b: 1877
................. 3   Glendora Adams 1879 - b: 1879
................. 3   Alice Vera Adams 1888 - 1936 b: 1888
.....................  +William S. Utterback

Patty Linden
Great Falls, Montana
The end of this compilation.