Date: Sun, 27 Jul 1997 18:47:04 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 154 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

27 Jul 1997

Greetings to One and All,

Be sure to check out all the compilations at:

Any information you care to share would be appreciated.

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	Re: Comp 153 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-07-23 01:03:52 EDT
From:	RTact
To:	NCreed1

Does anyone have any detailed info on Stephen Terry Turner, I am hoping he
ties into my Turner line, but my info only goes back to about 1880. Does
anyone know what was the last census he may have shown up on and where?
Thanks for any help.

Subj:	Re: Turner Family
Date:	97-07-24 12:22:56 EDT
From:	MAStalling
To:	JT398
CC:	NCreed1

The Stallings side of our family has a geneology book that sounds like the
Turner book.   No index or any consequence and the devil of a time figuring
it out!  I have over 2,200 names input so far and it's a slow go!  I'd love
to get my hands on the Turner book, but I need more info.  I have David
Alexander Turner's death certificate that lists his parents and the county,
McCuen, in TN where they came from, but McCuen no longer exists.  I wonder
where I could get old county maps of TN??? I've run into the same problem
with other family trees.  The town names change or they just die.  It's
frustrating, but fun, like a puzzle.  My husband thinks I'm insane!  It's too
coincidental having Turners in TN in 1895, and one with a son called "Dave".
 They were probably cousins or brothers or whatever.  I'd appreciate anything
you could send.  

The Turners probably came in through Collin Co., like so many settlers did in
the middle and late 1800's.  It was the east door.  A lot of folks migrated
southwards as it was much more settled than our Denton County area which is
north of Ft. Worth and Dallas.  The Indians were still raiding here up to
1868 and it was pretty rough and ragged.  Harlingen is 1189 miles from
Nashville.  Quite a trek.  In the book, History and Reminiscences of Denton
County, several Turners are mentioned.  On April 11th, 1846, the First
Legislature of the State of Texas was held and Joseph Turner was appointed a
commissioner to find a townsite for Pinkneyville which would thereafter be
the county seat and hold elections.  
Joseph was additionally appointed Chief Justice at this time and was listed
on the rolls in 1846 as the County Judge in this document in the book.
 Joseph T. Turner signed and witnessed a document in 1848, stating that a
William H. Dickson was elected to his office of Chief Justice of Denton
County, Texas on Aug 7, 1848.  Joseph Turner had evidently held the post
prior to Dickson's election.  The community of Pilot Point, just north of us,
was started in 1856.  The books calls the roll of the community, but neglects
to say the date, but it is obviously after that date and probably fairly
close to the date.  Mentioned are Dave Turner (Your Dave???), Cobb Turner,
Campbell Turner, William Turner.  Any connecton with your Dave?  Brothers,
Uncles, Cousins?  Most of them moved in family groups of some sort.  

The next mention of a Turner in the book is in the 1861 after the war,
listing the veterans of the County, J.P. Turner among those names and Mr.
A.D.Turner as a daughter of the confederacy. After the war, a citizen of the
County corresponded regularly with a friend in Arkansas and mentioned the
Turners again....
"August 29, 1869
Your letter received and I was very glad to know that you are all well except
your father is chilling.  Well that is nice pastime.  A young man was the
raiser of quite a disturbance in our city the first Saturday in the month.
 He wanted to get license to marry and could not get his daddy's consent nor
the consent of his girl's mammy, hence the disturbance.  He lives out in the
country somewhere.  J.M.McNeil and Company are getting in a large stock of
goods.  Dave Turner, the Pilot Point merchant, is bragging about his peaches.
 I hear that yellow fever has broken out in New Orleans on July 21.  I saw
the thermometer last Monday sitting in the sun that registered 115.  Thomas
Jenkins, the mail carrier, tells me that on August 20, a week ago Friday,
thirty Indians rode up close to Jacksboro and began to gather horses.  They
rode through the streets of the town at full speed whooping,
shooting and killing yearlings.  Teh people were aroused from their slumbers
and hastily formed a company and rode out to meet the savages.  They met them
at the edge of the town, riding like devils incarnate.  The whites poured a
volley into their midst and several fell off of their horses, but one could
not be found after the skirmish was over.  The Indians fired eighteen or
twenty shots, but no one was injured ."  The book is incredible.  
You might want to copy this and put it on the newsletter.  I'm not sure of
how to do that yet!  Any help is appreciated.  Maybe someone will recognize a


Subj:	 Burnett  Immigration
Date:	97-07-25 22:24:09 EDT

Some immigrants to the American Colonies with reference of each. 
Apparently, our JOHN BURNETT was one of the first.  When the reference
gives "shipped" it means they came voluntarily; "transported" means

1635 Oct 24 - JOHN BURNETT, Merchant from London to Virginia in ship 
"Abraham" of London; born 1610.  Ref: Calendar of State Papers,  America
& the West Indies, printed in London, 1880 Series; also Public Record
Office, London.

1684 - WILLIAM BURNET, to East New Jersey.  Ref: Scottish Colonial 
Schemes by G.P. Insh, Glasgow, Scotland, 1922, p.242.

1695 Mar 19 - ANNA & JANET BURNET, whores, transported from Edinburgh.  
Ref: Scottish Record Office, Edinburgh & Register of the Privy Council
of Scotland, 3rd Series, Edinburgh, 1908.

1700 - ______ BURNET, to Virginia, Clergyman.  Ref: A List of Emigrant 
Ministers to America 1690-1811 by G. Fothergill, London, 1904, p.18.

1747 Apr 22 - JOHN BURNETT, transported from Liverpool to Virginia in 
the "Johnson;" arrived Port Oxford, Md, 5 Aug 1747; born 1719, a 
miller, Jacobite.  Resided Ballandorg Kirriemuir Angus.  Ref:
	Prisoners of the '45 by B. Seton, Edinburg, 1929; Muster Roll of 
Prince Charles, Edward Stuart's Army, 1745-1746 by A.
	Livingstone, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1984; Public Record Office, 	
	[Meaning of Jacobite: in English history, a supporter of James 	II
after his abdication, or of his descendants' claims to the throne].
1751 Aug - GEORGE BURNET - Transported from Aberdeen, Scotland to 
Virginia.  Ref: Aberdeen Journal, Aberdeen, 1748.

1755 Nov 22 - MARGARET BURNET, infanticide - transported.  Ref:
Scottish Record Office, Edinburgh [meaning of infanticide: a person 
guilty of murder of a baby; one who kills an infant.]

1774 Feb 7  - ALEXANDER BURNET, a resident of Edinburgh, Scotland, left 
London to Virginia in the "Planter;"  Arrived Fredericksburg, Virginia
on 10 May 1774.  Ref: Public Record Office, London.

1776 (pre) - WILLIAM BURNET, physician, resided in Dumfriesshire; 
settled in W. Fla.  Ref: Scottish Record Office, Edinburgh.

[I wonder if the above George Burnet is the one Kevin is looking for???]

Subj:	[Fwd: KY-F: Land Grant pages attached]
Date:	97-07-26 04:21:32 EDT
From: (Tony and Linda Martinson)

Thought you would be interested in the Burnett entries.

Linda Martinson
Chelan, WA


	Here's the first part of what you sent me, computerized. I typed up
both pages since I figured someone else could use some of the data.

Jim Raney
Kentucky Land Grants: Grants South of Green River

p. 278
Grantee             Acres   Book    Page    Surveyed    County

Buford, Simon       200     16      323     5-24-1803   Barren      none
Buford, Simon       60      16      326     11-1-1807   Barren      Beaver Cr
Bullinger, Joseph   150     13      487     11-5-1807   Christian  Montgomery
Bullinger, Joseph   36      13      488     11-6-1807   Christian  Montgomery
Burnett, Jeremiah   170     7       397     8-12-1806   Wayne       Turkey Cr
Burnett, Robt.      200     27      394     9-10-1798   Green       Green R
Brunts, Jno.        200     19      238     4-7-1803    Livingston  Deer Cr
Brunts, Peter       200     10      403     5-16-1799   Green       Indian &
Spring Cr
Buller, Isaac       200     23      288     1-1-1799    Christian   Donelson
Buller, Elijah      200     28      48      ?-?-1799    Warren      Sinking
Buckham, Andrew     260     21      188     9-4-1812    Hopkins     Bull Cr
Buckham, James      200     28      297     2-23-1830   Pulaski     Pittman
Burriss, Jno.       44      10      276     10-30-1807  Logan       Little
Muddy Cr
Burris, Jno.        200     22      42      11-22-1798  Logan       Little
Muddy Cr
Burriss, Thos.      100     28      95      2-13-1817   Allen       Little
Trammel Cr
Buckner, Wm.        177     19      138     12-25-1811  Green       Stoners
Buckner, Richard A. 100     28      264     10-30-1832  Green       Little
Russell Cr
Burdit, Joshua      400     4       262     7-12-1804   Lincoln     Buck Cr
Burdit, Wm.         88      6       344     7-23-1807   Wayne       Sinking
Burdett, Enoch      200     25      390     3-5-1804    Lincoln     Fishing
Burdett, Enoch      260     28      189     3-21-1806   Lincoln     Green R
Bull, Isaiah Jr.    200     28      263     10-19-1831  Laurel
     Rockcastle R
Bull, Isaiah        400     28      420     5-24-1809   Pulaski     Pitman Cr
Buckhart, Geo.      100     26      369     10-1-1818   Knox        Cranks Cr
Buckhart, Geo.      400     24      117     2-24-1806   Knox        Cranks Cr
Bullock, Rolling    70      14      389     9-7-1813    Pulaski     In
 Sinking Cr
Bullock, Jesse      263     14      390     9-14-1813   Pulaski     Buck Cr
Bullock, Wm.        50      14      391     9-14-1813   Pulaski     Sinking
Valley Cr
Bullock, Edward     207     23      445     6-28-1805   Green       Green R
Bullock, Edward     143     23      446     8-10-1805   Green       Green R
Bushong, Jacob      200     18      508     8-1-1799    Cumberland  none
Bushong, Jacob      50      18      509     10-10-1807  Barren      E Fk Big
Barren R
Bushong, Geo.       200     24      269     8-1-1799    Cumberland  Andersons
Bushong, Geo.       250     28      221     11-8-1804   Barren      E Fk Big
Barren R
Burdin, Elijah      39      15      192     2-25-1814   Pulaski     Dry
Valley Buck Cr
Burdin, Elijah      100     25      343     8-5-1799    Pulaski     Buck Cr
Burch, James        200     2       130     9-26-1799   Christian Carpenters
Burch, Chedle       40      6       227     5-10-1808   Warren      Gasper R
Brutton, Geo.       200     23      509     6-20-1799   Green       W Fk
Otter Cr
Burton, David       100     23      518     3-10-1813   Wayne       Dry Fk
Otter Cr
Burbridge, Wm.      200     1       373     11-9-1798   Green       Cedar Cr
Burbridge, Wm.      75      2       241     11-21-1803  Adair       none
Buck, Jno.          270     3       487     3-24-1806   Pulaski     Buck Cr
Buck, James         344     13      168     4-13-1811   Pulaski     Pittman
Bullard, Isaac      200     3       133     1-28-1799   Christian   Eddy Cr
Bruce, Wm.          110     8       361     12-15-1803  Adair       Wolf Cr
Burwell, Jeremiah   200     9       236     5-15-1800   Barren      none
Burnett, Rowland    178     11      26      2-9-1799    Green       S Fk
Connady R
Burrow, Aaron       180     15      133     10-7-1807   Pulaski     Wolf Cr
Button, Jacob       200     15      267     3-30-1805   Barren      Skaggs Cr
Burch, Cheadle      10      17      467     8-31-1812   Warren      Gasper R
Brunk, Jacob        250     18      147     10-17-1807  Christian   Little R
Butt, Adderson      198     18      149     2-20-1807   Pulaski     Clifty Cr
Bunton, Jas.        100     17      421     12-7-1807   Clay        ? Cr
Burnham, Jno.       300     18      346     2-2-1803    Livingston  none
Burge, James        100     18      411     11-27-1815  Allen       M Fk
Drake Cr
Buckles, Peyton     47      18      544     8-16-1815   Christian   Flat Lick
Bumpass, Augustine  115     20      531     10-18-1807  Livingston
Busbey, Matthew     300     23      591     6-10-1816   Adair       Sulphur
Burgher, Jesse      200     24      44      9-22-1817   Butler      Little
Muddy Cr
Busey, Benj.        200     26      73      3-5-1822    Livingston  Piney Fk
Blunt, Levi         246     27      345     10-20-1804  Green       Green R
Burcham, Elizabeth  100     28      220     12-1-1804   Barren      E Fk Big
Barren R
Brumnall, Joniah    200     29      188     10-27-1806  Cumberland  Galloway
Bryan, James        50      4       436     4-3-1807    Logan       Red R
Bryan, Thos.        100     7       17      3-12-1803   Christian   W Fk Red
Bryan, Thos.        200     8       475     6-10-1806   Henderson   Clear Cr
Bryan, Jno.         100     9       167     6-10-1808   Christian   Little R
Bryan, Jno.         400     9       169     12-20-1809  Christian   Little R
Bryan, Henry        200     12      501     6-5-1800    Henderson   Ohio
Bryan, Daniel       65      14      514     10-30-1807  Pulaski     Puncheon
Camp Cr
Bryan, Wm.          200     15      1       3-26-1799   Green       Little
Barren R
Bryan, Daniel       200     15      134     7-31-1799   Pulaski     Fishing
Bryan, Jno.         80      15      547     11-27-1804  Barren      Falling
Timber Cr
Bryan, Lewis        200     16      212     7-14-1799   Warren      E Fk Big
Barren R
Bryan, Robt.        200     19      524     8-28-1799   Warren      Green R
Bryan, James        20      21      265     6-2-1815    Logan       Spring Cr
Bryan, Enoch        300     22      313     12-3-1805   Christian   Clifty Cr
Bryan, Jno.         85      24      403     11-6-1807   Muhlenberg  Cypress
Bryant, Edward      200     1       258     8-4-1796    Logan       Gasper Cr
Bryant, Absalom     200     4       133     5-16-1807   Logan       Taripen

p. 279
Grantee             Acres   Book    Page    Surveyed    County

Bryant, Ezekiel     400     9       277     6-24-1803   Christian   Sugar Cr
Bryant, Samuel      38      15      541     12-5-1807   Pulaski     Pitman Cr
Bryant, Edward      38      17      89      8-10-1809   Logan       none
Bryant, Thos. O.    200     17      139     1-15-1802   Christian   Little R
Bryant, Enoch       160     22      300     10-29-1810  Christian   Clifty Cr
Bryant, Enoch       400     22      301     10-4-1814   Christian   Piney Fk
Bryant, Lawrence    400     26      337     11-12-1806  Christian   Sinking
Byers, Stripling    100     19      440     3-29-1812   Christian   Muddy Cr
Byers, Wm.          400     26      149     9-28-1807   Cumberland  Illwill
Bryson, Reubin      144     17      375     2-4-1806    Cumberland  Illwill
Bryson, Reubin      200     18      80      10-25-1799  Cumberland  Illwill
Campbell, Mitchell  100     1       65      8-9-1796    Green       Little
Barren R
Campbell, Robt.     100     1       204     8-23-1796   Logan       Duck Lick
Campbell, Robt.     70      1       205     8-8-1797    Logan       Elk Fk
Campbell, Robt.     200     1       409     3-24-1799   Logan       none
Campbell, James     191     1       443     4-3-1799    Green       none
Campbell, David     200     1       477     1-7-1799    Christian   Blue Lick
Campbell, David     400     2       235     9-12-1803   Christian Casilberry
Campbell, Samuel    200     2       298     6-9-1804    Warren      none
Campbell, James     200     2       483     5-30-1799   Livingston  Crooked
Campbell, Jno.      400     3       175     11-16-1803  Christian   Bucks Cr
Campbell, Jno.      20      3       334     5-26-1806   Christian   E Fk
Little R
Campbell, Jno.      200     3       492     7-21-1804   Barren      E Fk Big
Barren R
Campbell, Jno.      100     4       2       11-29-1806  Christian   E Fk
Little R
Campbell, Jno.      200     5       503     6-20-1799   Christian   W Fk Red
Campbell, Jno.      60      5       511     5-5-1803    Christian   W Fk Red
Campbell, Jno. HEIRS 400    5       517     3-6-1805    Christian   Little R
Campbell, James     112     6       81      3-26-1799   Christian   W Fk Red
Campbell, James     45      6       108     6-10-1807   Christian   W Fk Red
Campbell, Neil      175     6       251     5-28-1807   Christian   Blue Lick
Campbell, James     200     6       348     8-29-1798   Barren      Spring Cr
Campbell, James     180     7       58      12-10-1803  Christian   W Fk Red
Campbell, Jno.      300     7       443     10-13-1807  Christian   W Fk Red
Campbell, Benj. P.  200     8       227     8-25-1803   Christian   Little R
Campbell, Aaron     200     8       422     10-8-1798   Logan       Duck Lick
Campbell, Benj.     200     9       133     6-27-1799   Green       Smith Cr
Obeys R
Campbell, Geo.      100     10      15      12-29-1803  Christian   W Fk Red
Campbell, Jno.      390     10      204     10-30-1803  Christian   W Fk Red
Campbell, David     200     10      411     5-19-1804   Muhlenberg  Elk Pond
Campbell, David     200     10      412     6-15-1804   Muhlenberg  Elk Pond
& Jarrell Cr
Campbell, Wm.       200     10      422     3-10-1803   Muhlenberg  Pond Cr
Campbell, Robt.     200     12      234     8-5-1799    Pulaski     Elk
Campbell, Joseph    254     12      339     11-20-1807  Casey       Fishing
Campbell, Wm.       148     13      470     2-27-1804   Muhlenberg  Sand Lick
Campbell, Wm.       200     14      453     7-3-1799    Muhlenberg  Elk Pond
Campbell, Wm.       200     14      453     6-6-1799    Muhlenberg &   Casey
Campbell, Benj. P.  400     14      502     4-12-1813   Christian   Little R
Campbell, Wm. & Jno. 100    14      558     9-11-1813   Christian   Horse Cr
Campbell, David     200     15      198     8-31-1810   Christian   Lick Fk
Little R
Campbell, Benj. P.  185     16      32      2-15-1803   Christian   Little
Flat Lick Timber
Campbell, James     375     16      209     5-3-1805    Christian   W Fk Red
Campbell, Benj. P.  250     16      233     4-21-1810   Christian   Caseys Cr
Campbell, Jno.      200     16      358     12-18-1806  Christian   Muddy Fk
Campbell, Wm.       140     16      470     5-15-1806   Muhlenberg  Salsberry
Campbell, Chas.     300     16      519     9-29-1805   Muhlenberg  Gibsons
Campbell, David     150     17      60      9-12-1810   Christian   Little R
Campbell, Alexander 377     17      242     11-25-1807  Casey       Fishing
Campbell, Samuel    200     17      283     2-20-1815   Warren      Big
Barren R
Campbell, Wm.       172     17      555     ?-?-?       Muhlenberg  Br of
Pond Cr
Campbell, Wm.       31      17      559     8-17-1815   Clay        N Fk Ky R
Campbell, Michael   400     18      164     7-20-1804   Livingston
Campbell, Benj. P.  63      18      422     11-26-1812  Christian   Sinking
Campbell, David     200     18      528     8-31-1810   Christian   Little R
Campbell, Samuel    200     19      95      12-22-1815  Warren      none
Campbell, Alexander 125     20      245     10-8-1814   Muhlenberg  Long Cr
Campbell, Sally     109     21      214     10-21-1807  Christian   Cole Cr
Campbell, Sally     200     21      216     6-21-1806   Christian   Blue Lick
Campbell, Benj. P.  327     22      165     5-14-1817   Christian   Sinking
Campbell, Allen     125     22      422     12-9-1817   Logan       Little
Campbell, David     400     23      80      9-27-1808   Christian   Gests &
Carpenters Crs
Campbell, David     285     23      129     1-20-1814   Livingston  Donelson
Campbell, Benj. P.  200     23      497     9-25-1817   Christian
  Cumberland R
Campbell, James     200     24      175     7-15-1799   Warren   Dougherty
Licking Cr
Campbell, Archibald 100     25      445     7-27-1809   Pulaski     Frozen Cr
Campbell, James     56      25      446     12-18-1819  Pulaski
    Rockcastle R
Campbell, Benj. P.  30      27      27      2-12-1813   Christian   Horse Cr
Campbell, Wm.       200     27      338     8-12-1800   Warren      Bays Fk
Campbell, David     192     27      472     8-17-1799   Green       Harrods

Subj:	GA Turners
Date:	97-07-27 17:56:41 EDT
From:	JEMcB
To:	NCreed1

Thanks for responding.  I've been away on vacation so I'm late in
acknowledging your e-mail.

I haven't had an opportunity yet to check out all the compilations.  Will do
so as time
permits.  Thanks again.

Mary McBride
Huntsville, AL

I have located the copies of the Turner Newsletters that I own.  It is not a
complete set, unfortunately.    If you give me a specific name and location,
I'll check to see if there's any infor in the copies I have.  Nyla

The end of this compilation.