Date: Sat, 2 Aug 1997 22:40:56 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 157 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

2 Aug 1997

Greetings to Everyone,
	A big welcome to the new folks.  Be sure to check all our compilations on
Gaunt's home page:
	Thanks to Kevin all the compilations have been zipped and can be downloaded.

And a great big hug to everyone who has shared information on their family.
made it possible for us to have 157 compilations.  

Nyla CREED DePauk        San Diego CA

Date:	97-08-01 12:15:38 EDT

Please UNSUBSCRIBE me.  Thank you for your efforts, but my TURNER's seem to
in IL (so far) & none of yours are.   Annette

Subj:	Re: Comp 156 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-08-01 07:56:11 EDT
From:	CarBurCo

Dear Ricky,
	I would like to know about price on th Gatewood book if it is still
available. If too
high I will have some questions for you on the Gatewods: John and Amy Weeks
Gatewood, Amy Gatewood who m. John Burnett II and CLARA  Gatewood and Richard
Gatewood Rachel Kemp dau of Richard Gatewood. I am a descendant of Joseph and
Clara as well. 
	Wanted in addition to see if William Gatewood who m. Ann Ransom dau of James
Ransom & Mary Peyton Baldwin  (my ancestors) in 1755 was a member of the same
	Thanks so much, Caroline

Subj:	 Allied families list
Date:	97-08-01 12:09:42 EDT
From: (Thomas F. O'Connell)

	Would like to be added to your list.  Will post some details later.  Tom
Pedigo desc
Thomas F. O'Connell
1241 California Road
Eastchester NY 10709-1016
ICQ Pager;
Home Page;

Subj:	Re: Comp 156 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-08-01 14:16:05 EDT
From:	Yoricat

	My early Turners came from England.  There are a couple of books put out in
late  1800s on the Turners which said they were of English descent.  I think
the first
emigrant was Richard Turner but have not proven it.
	As far as religion, back in the 1700s people simply went to the nearest
regardless of what it was since there were not many churches around.  Mary
Turner, wife of James Turner and daughter-in-law of Richard, attended the
Quaker church.  She would have not been allowed to attend if she had married
outside the church.  The grandson of James and Mary was a rather well-known
presbyterian minister in Bedford County, VA.
	 have run across Terisha Turner but have never found a connection to my
Turners.   He was early enough that it could have even been in England if
there was a relationship.  The Terry's came west about the same time as the
Turners.  I have found them in King & Queen and Bedford Counties, VA.
Subj:	Re: Comp 156 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-08-01 22:23:00 EDT
From: (Elizabeth L. Smith)

Hi Burnett's and Turner people.  I'm going to try again to see if anyone has
heard of my Turner relatives.  This time I'm really doing my best because I
have finally retyped a very old journal that was my great, great
grandmothers.  My sister and I hope to publish the journal and to include
pictures and letters that we have.  But we still have very little information
about our Turners.  

Nathan Turner of Fayette Co., PA dates unk Wife Jane Thompson Yates b 1764 

James Higgins Turner b. 9/21/1812 in Lafayette Co. PA. first wife Mary
second wife Esther Ann Koonz Johnson, b 2/21/1825, Dryden, NY,  James died
Jan 1, 1885 in McMinnville, OR

William Burke Turner b 27 June 1860, Vincennes, Indiana, Married Mary Ellen
Holeman 23 Oct. 1856, McMinnville, OR, died May 1924,  Sacramento, CA. 

I keep hoping someone will recognize the names.          Bette

Subj:	RE: Did you Find the Book?
Date:	97-08-02 07:13:58 EDT
From: (Kevin K. Stephenson)
To: ('Danny L Redmond')

Danny -  	How are you?  I just moved and am getting myself reorganized in my
new place...what a job!
	I remember our conversation, but I don't remember the name of the book on
Pryor's family...can you send that to me again?  I really would like to get
that book!
	With regard to James C.'s parents and grandparents, I can tell you that
James C.'s parents were James Burnett & Mary Morrison.  James was born
1720-1735, died 1797, Pittsylvania County, VA.  Mary Morrison born 1750, no
marriage date.
	James C.'s grandparents were George Burnet and Margaret Cunningham (hence
James Cunningham Burnett).  George born 1685-1695, Scotland, emigrated to
Halifax County, VA., 1755.  
	James C.'s great-grandparents were Thomas Burnet and Margaret Blakeley of
	Don't have anything more definitive on them yet, but we are related to the
Burnetts of Leys, Scotland.
	June Bork is gathering up some info for me on this line.  Stay in touch and
I'll let
you have whatever I get from her.
	With regard to the zipped files, go to my website (address is in the footer
and click on the link entitled "Burnett Family Tree Research".  When you get
to that page, click  on the arrow which is labeled "Go to download site", and
you'll find the two zipped files, of compilations 1-100 and 101-155.  They're
big files, but they have all the messages that the Burnett research group has
sent to each other in the last year and a half.  Click on them and you can
download them to your computer, and then unzip them to view or search them.
	With regard to the research at Saline County, IL, I am sending a copy of
message to Nyla and the Burnett Group so if anyone is close to that area,
they should be able to contact you and arrange something.
	Let me know if there is anything else I can do!!!

Kevin K. Stephenson
1600 Kentucky #2
Lawrence, KS  66044

Subj:	HOLLAND / TURNER connections
Date:	97-08-02 09:58:50 EDT
From:	N4JED

	 I need some help with a HOLLAND connection for a friend.  I have a Frances
HOLLAND (daughter of John M. HOLLAND)  who married 5 April 1824 in Franklin
County, VA to Andrew H. TURNER who was born 27 May 1797 in Henry County, VA
and died 3 December 1887 in Franklin County, VA. I have Andrew's family
pretty solid.
	Now, I also have the following:
	Peter HOLLAND born Bedford Co. in the 1750's son of Peter Holland and Mary
Diggins who had moved from Cumberland County, VA to present day Franklin
County in 1750. Son Peter was a farmer in Blackwater River area of Franklin
County, VA and died in Franklin County March 1836.
	Peter married in Bedford County, VA 1777 to Mary MEADOR who was born
Cumberland County 5 July 17?? (daughter of John MEADOR and Jane HOLLOWAY).
She died in Franklin County, VA before 1827.  Peter and Mary had 9 children,
whom I have in name and spouses but no list of their children. My question is
concerning their first son:
	John Meador HOLLAND  b. 30 Jan 1778 in Bedford County, VA  d. 6 May 1845
in Franklin County, VA married 2 January 1797 in Franklin County to Mary
January 1780 daughter of John SMITH and Frances ___. She died in Franklin
County, VA 6 June 1863. John and Mary had 13 children.
	My question ... Is the John M. HOLLAND - father of Frances HOLLAND - the
one and same John Meador HOLLAND who married Frances SMITH?  Does anyone
have this line or any other of the HOLLAND family line to share?
	Thanks,      David

Subj:	ROSS family
Date:	97-08-02 09:59:06 EDT
From:	N4JED
To:	Destiny741

Amy,  Please don't run from our list toofast. There arequite a few ROSS
researchers and compilers on our list.  Here arethe first four generations of
the data I have compiled from posts by others here on the list along with
other sources. I have much more available if you are interested.  David

Descendants of unknown ROSS

First Generation

1.	___ ROSS.  He had the following children:
	+	2	M	i.	John ROSS was born about 1770 and died 1823.
	+	3	M	ii.	Milton ROSS.
		4	M	iii.	Robert ROSS.

Second Generation

2.	John ROSS was born about 1770. He died 1823 in Bedford Co., VA.
John married (1) Relender BASWELL.   They had the following children:
		5	M	i.	John ROSS.
		6	M	ii.	Robert ROSS.
	+	7	M	iii.	Sutherland ROSS was born about 1793 and died 9
May 1870.
	+	8	F	iv.	Milly ROSS was born 1797 and died 18 Mar 1870.

3.	Milton ROSS.  He had the following children:
	+	9	M	i.	Daniel ROSS was born 9 Nov 1740 and died after

Third Generation

7.	Sutherland ROSS was born about 1793 in Franklin Co., VA. He died 9 May
in Franklin Co., VA.  Sutherland married (1) Docia TURNER on 1819.
Sutherland and Docia had the following children:
	+	10	M	i.	Robert Venable ROSS was born 1820.
		11	F	ii.	Emily ROSS was born 1822 in Franklin Co., VA. 
Emily married (1) Ludwick BOON on 6 Nov 1837 in Franklin Co., VA.
		12	M	iii.	James H. ROSS was born 1824 in Franklin Co., VA.

8.	Milly ROSS was born 1797 in VA. She died 18 Mar 1870 in Monroe Co., IA and
was buried in Lemaster Cem., Monroe Co., IA.

**There is question as to which John Ross was father of Milly.  Many
researchers have listed Milly with John of Adair Co., North Carolina. In
those listings, she appears as the only child born in Virginia in the middle
of all the other children born in North Carolina.  She fits better with John
from Franklin Co., Virginia.  Here she is listed with Sutherland Ross as
brother. Sutherland was surety for Milly when she married Jubal and a direct
family tie makes more sense.**

Milly married (1) Jubal Franklin TURNER, son of Admire TURNER and Sarah
TURNER on 16 May 1818 in Franklin Co., VA. Jubal was born 2 Oct 1793 in
Co., VA. He died 18 Sep 1862 in Monroe Co., IA.  They had the following
		13	M	i.	John S. TURNER.
	+	14	M	ii.	Robert L. TURNER was born 1 Mar 1818 and died
10 Nov 1862.
	+	15	M	iii.	Whitfield Ross TURNER was born 29 Apr 1819 and
died 11 Apr 1880.
		16	M	iv.	Jeffrey C. TURNER was born 1819 in Henry Co.,
VA. Jeffrey married (1) Nancy A. MASON on 7 Dec 1893 in Franklin Co., VA.
		17	F	v.	Nancy E. TURNER was born about 1820 in Henry
Co., VA. Nancy married (1) Thomas BARKER on 3 Nov 1859.
	+	18	M	vi.	Washington TURNER was born about 1823 and
died 1889.
		19	M	vii.	Richard H. TURNER was born about 1825 in
Franklin Co., VA. He died 22 Oct 1871 in Franklin Co., KS.

9.	Daniel ROSS was born 9 Nov 1740. He died after 1790. Daniel was a Second
Lieutenant in Captain Owen Rubell's Company of Henry County in the Virginia
Militia and during the Revolutionary War he supplied foodstuffs to the army.
(McAllister p. 210, P.  S.C. VA Archives)  Daniel married (1) Elizabeth
"Betty" GARTH, daughter of John GARTH about 1765. Elizabeth was born about
1745 in prob. Louisa Co., VA. She died  before 1822 in prob New Castle, Henry
Co., KY.  It is believed that Betty remained in Kentucky with one of her sons
nearby when Daniel moved to Missouri.  Daniel and Elizabeth had the following
	+	20	M	i.	William ROSS was born 1763/1764 and died after
		21	F	ii.	Sarah "Sally" ROSS was born 1764/1765 in prob.
Louisa Co., VA.  Sarah married (1) James Joe COX on 22 Jan 1799. James was
from Franklin County, VA.
		22	F	iii.	Elizabeth "Betsey" ROSS was born about 1768 in
VA. She died 1822 in KY. Elizabeth married (1) Thomas RUBLE on 17 Oct 1786 in
Franklin Co., VA. Thomas was a Revolutionary War soldier.
		23	M	iv.	Nathaniel ROSS was born 1768/1770 in VA.
Nathaniel and his family were located in Henry County, Kentucky by the 1820
census which listed 5 children. Nathaniel married (1) Milley PENN on 20 Dec
1794 in Patrick Co., VA.
	+	24	M	v.	David ROSS was born 10 Sep 1771 and died 25
Aug 1846.
	+	25	F	vi.	Rachel ROSS was born about 1773 and died 22
May 1852.
	+	26	F	vii.	Susannah ROSS was born 1773/1774.
	+	27	M	viii.	Daniel ROSS Jr was born 4 Jun 1777 and died 10
Aug 1861.
	+	28	M	ix.	Lewis ROSS was born 1779 and died before 1850.
	+	29	F	x.	Mary "Polly" ROSS was born 1780 and died
	+	30	F	xi.	Theodocia Docia ROSS was born 1784 and died
after 1830.
	+	31	M	xii.	Churchill B. ROSS was born 1786 and died after
Nov 1822.

Fourth Generation

10.	Robert Venable ROSS was born 1820 in Franklin Co., VA. Robert married (1)
Lucinda TURNER, daughter of Meshack TURNER and Nancy MARTIN. Lucinda was
born about 1832 in VA.  They had the following children:
		32	M	i.	Charles Lee ROSS.
		33	M	ii.	Lee ROSS.
		34	M	iii.	William E. ROSS.
		35	F	iv.	Victoria Minerva ROSS. Victoria married (1) John
Lodmer MCGHEE, son of William MCGHEE and Frances RAMSEY.

14.	Robert L. TURNER was born 1 Mar 1818 in Franklin Co., VA. He died 10 Nov
1862 in battlefield, Keokuk, IA. Robert married (1) Minerva JOHNSON on 1858
Franklin Co., VA.  They had the following children:
		36	F	i.	Mary S. TURNER was born 1859 in Monroe Co.,
IA. She died 21 Mar 1864 in Monroe Co., IA.
		37	M	ii.	Robert L. TURNER Jr. was born 1862 in Monroe
Co., IA. Robert married (1) Iva COLLINS on 17 Oct 1882 in Monroe Co., IA.

15.	Whitfield Ross TURNER was born 29 Apr 1819 in Henry Co., VA. He died 11
Apr 1880 in Albia, Monroe Co., IA. Whitfield and his family moved from
Virginia to
Adair Co., Kentucky.  They then headed for Iowa arriving in Monroe County
1855. Whitfield married (1) Martha Jane KING, daughter of Solomon KING and
Elizabeth "Betsy" TURNER on 12 Jan 1853 in Franklin Co., VA. Martha was born
5 Dec 1830 in Lynchburg, VA. She died 18 Apr 1920 in Plano, Appanoose Co.,
They had the following children:
		38	F	i.	Amanda Ellen TURNER was born 23 Oct 1853 in
Franklin Co., VA. She died 14 Sep 1908 in Centerville, Appanoose Co., IA.
Amanda died of tuberculosis. Amanda married (1) James Marion CATE on 30 Dec
1881 in Monroe Co., IA.
		39	F	ii.	Elizabeth K. TURNER was born 6 Oct 1854 in
Adair Co., KY. She died 30 Jan 1885 in Cedar Mines, Monroe Co., IA. Elizabeth
married (1) Thomas F. WATKINS on 31 Dec 1877 in Albia, Monroe Co., IA.
	+	40	M	iii.	George Whitfield TURNER was born 6 Feb 1857
and died 30 Sep 1895.
		41	M	iv.	Greenville E. TURNER was born 29 May 1860 in Monroe Co., IA. He
died Aug 1860 in Monroe Co., IA and was buried in Lemaster Cem.,
Monroe Co., IA.
		42	M	v.	Zeriah TURNER was born 1862 in Monroe Co., IA.
Zeriah never married.
		43	M	vi.	Allen C. TURNER was born 1864 in Monroe Co., IA.
		44	F	vii.	Octavia "Tave" TURNER was born 13 Sep 1868 in
Moravia, Appanoose Co., IA. She died after 1955. Octavia married (1) Hauge
Augustus STEVENS on 9 Jun 1891. The marriage ended in divorce. Octavia also
married (2) Fremont S. MCPHERSON.
		45	F	viii.	Martha TURNER was born after 1870 in Monroe
Co., IA. She died 27 Apr 1872 in Monroe Co., IA.

18.	Washington TURNER was born about 1823 in Franklin Co., VA. He died 1889
Newton Co., MO. Washington married (1) Eve BRUBAKER on 25 Nov 1845 in
Franklin Co., VA.  They had the following children:
		46	F	i.	Mary TURNER was born 18 Oct 1846 in Franklin
Co., VA. She died 1876.
		47	M	ii.	Owen TURNER was born 25 Dec 1849 in Franklin
Co., VA. He died 18 Feb 1934.
		48	M	iii.	Joel TURNER was born 15 Dec 1851 in Franklin
Co., VA.
		49	M	iv.	Benjamin TURNER was born Jan 1853 in Franklin
Co., VA.
		50	F	v.	Nancy TURNER was born 1855. She died 1875.
		51	M	vi.	Daniel TURNER was born 1859. He died 1875.
		52	M	vii.	Christian TURNER was born 1862. He died 1862.

Washington also married (2) Judith ___ on 1863.

20.	William ROSS was born 1763/1764 in Louisa Co., VA. He died after 1850 in
Moniteau Co, MO. William and his family left Virginia before 1810 moving
first to
Kentucky where his son Churchill was born. They then moved to Missouri
where they were found by 1819.  He had the following children:
	+	53	M	i.	Churchill ROSS was born 1810.

24.	David ROSS was born 10 Sep 1771 in VA. He died 25 Aug 1846 in Patrick
VA and was buried in David Ross Cem., Patrick Co., VA. David married (1)
Sarah "Sally" ANDERSON, daughter of John ANDERSON , Col. and Rebecca MAXWELL
on 20 Oct 1802 in Franklin Co., VA. Sarah was born 25 Nov 1782 in Franklin
Co., VA. She died 15 Jun 1860.  They had the following children:
	+	54	M	i.	David Jefferson ROSS was born 12 Apr 1806 and
died 9 Jul 1853.
	+	55	M	ii.	Robert Anderson ROSS was born 29 Nov 1808 and
died 23 Apr 1875.
		56	M	iii.	Joseph ROSS. Joseph settled in Missouri.
	+	57	M	iv.	Peyton Rufus ROSS was born 30 Nov 1813 and
died 15 Aug 1885.
	+	58	M	v.	Samuel Anderson ROSS was born 9 Dec 1818 and
died 12 Aug 1903.
		59	M	vi.	Benjamin ROSS. Benjamin settled in Texas.
		60	M	vii.	James ROSS. James settled in Kentucky.
		61	M	viii.	Wiley ROSS.
		62	F	ix.	Jane ROSS. Jane married (1) Elias LUNDY on 3
Nov 1848. Elias was born in Grayson Co., VA.
		63	F	x.	Mary "Polly" ROSS. Mary married (1) James
ANDERSON. James and Polly moved to Grayson County, Virginia.
		64	F	xi.	Docie ROSS died young.

25.	Rachel ROSS was born about 1773 in Pittsylvania Co., VA. She died 22 May
1852 in Cumberland Co., KY.  Rachel married (1) Jeremiah TURNER, son of
Shadrack TURNER and Ann HILL on 21 Apr 1792 in Franklin Co., VA. Jeremiah was
born 1765 in Pittsylvania Co., VA. He died 22 May 1852 in Cumberland Co., KY.
Jeremiah and his family moved to Kentucky during 1818-1819 period.  Jeremiah
and Rachel had the following children:
		65	M	i.	George Pollard TURNER was born 1793 in Henry
Co., VA. He died 9 Nov 1854 in Cumberland Co., KY. George married (1)
PHIFER on 11 Jul 1814 in Henry Co., VA. Elizabeth was born about 1795 in VA.
Elizabeth's last name has also been spelled Fifer.
	+	66	M	ii.	Lewis TURNER was born 3 Aug 1794 and died 24
Nov 1885.
	+	67	F	iii.	Ann "Annie" TURNER was born 1796.
	+	68	M	iv.	Larkin TURNER was born 1798 and died 1857.
		69	M	v.	David TURNER was born 15 Nov 1799 in Henry
Co., VA. He died 1882 in Jackson, Clay Co., TN. Another researcher places
David's death in Cumberland County, Kentucky. David married (1) Elizabeth
CREWS. Elizabeth was born in VA.
		70	M	vi.	Harod "Admire" TURNER was born 1801 in Henry
Co., VA. He died 1850 in Meade Co., KY. Harod married (1) Ruth JOYCE,
daughter of Alexander JOYCE on 10 Mar 1827 in Patrick Co., VA. Ruth was born
in VA.
		71	F	vii.	Susan A. TURNER was born 1804 in Henry Co.,
VA. She died 3 Apr 1857 in Cumberland Co., KY. Susan married (1) John CARTER,
son of Henry CARTER. John was born in VA.
		72	M	viii.	John Foster TURNER was born 1808 in Henry Co.,
VA. He died after 1880 in Cumberland Co., KY. John married (1) Cynthia POORE
on 27 Jul 1820 in Patrick Co., VA. Cynthia was born 1798 in VA.
		73	M	ix.	Edmond TURNER was born 1810 in Henry Co.,
VA. He died before 1878 in Cumberland Co., KY. Edmond married (1) Mary
MCBEE. Mary was born about 1815 in VA. Edmond also married (2) Martha J. ___.
	+	74	M	x.	Shadrach TURNER was born 1813 and died after

26.	Susannah ROSS was born 1773/1774 in Franklin Co., VA. She died in Patrick
Co., VA. Susannah married (1) Abel PEDIGO, son of Edward "Edwin or Ned"
PEREGOY (PEDIGO) and Hannah ELKINS on 17 Sep 1792 in Franklin County, VA.
Abel was born about 1770 in Pittsylvania Co., (later Henry), VA. He died 1847
Frannklin Co., VA. Abel is included in the Patrick County, Virginia tax lists
from 1792 through 1812.   Abel and Susannah had the following children:
	+	75	M	i.	Lewis R. PEDIGO was born 7 Oct 1794 and died 1
Jan 1878.
	+	76	M	ii.	Daniel Robert PEDIGO was born 5 Jul 1798 and
died 19 Jun 1877.
		77	M	iii.	Elijah Bluefield PEDIGO was born 20 May 1800 in
Patrick Co., VA. He died 4 Jan 1892 and was buried in Elijah Pedigo,
Gravesite, Patrick Co., VA. Elijah married (1) Nancy L. PRICE on 26 Mar 1835
in Patrick Co., VA. Nancy was born 1 May 1808 in Patrick Co., VA. She died 29
Apr 1875 in Patrick Co., VA.
		78	M	iv.	Churchill R. PEDIGO was born 1802 in Patrick Co.,
VA. He died 1821. Churchill married (1) Lucinda COCHRAN on 6 Feb 1821 in
Franklin Co., VA.
		79	F	v.	Mary R "Polly" PEDIGO was born 8 Jun 1806 in
Patrick Co., VA. She died 22 Jun 1874. Polly never married.
		80	F	vi.	Elizabeth PEDIGO was born 1808 in Patrick Co.,
VA. Elizabeth never married.
		81	F	vii.	Docia R. "Dosha" PEDIGO was born 1811 in
Patrick Co., VA. She died 1895. Dosha never married.

27.	Daniel ROSS Jr was born 4 Jun 1777 in Henry Co., VA. He died 10 Aug 1861
Patrick Co., VA and was buried in Daniel Ross, Jr. Cemetery, Patrick Co., VA.
Daniel married (1) Nancy INGRAM, daughter of James I. INGRUM (INGRAM) and
Martha "Patsy" ___ on 24 Jul 1798 in Patrick Co., VA. Nancy was born about
1780. She died 22 Apr 1822 in Patrick Co., VA. Family records say Nancy died
in 1817.
Daniel and Nancy had the following children:
		82	M	i.	Stephen Burrell ROSS was born about 1799.
Stephen married (1) Ann LESTER.
	+	83	M	ii.	William ROSS was born 20 Aug 1800 and died 15
Jun 1851.
		84	F	iii.	Exoney ROSS was born 15 Jun 1802 in Patrick Co.,
VA. She died 28 Oct 1876 and was buried in William Conner, Cemetery, Patrick
Co., VA.  Exoney married (1) William CONNER on 14 Sep 1819 in Patrick Co.,
VA. William was born 4 Dec 1795. He died 2 Jun 1879.
		85	F	iv.	Martha "Pattie" ROSS was born about 1803.  Martha married (1) John
	+	86	F	v.	Dicey ROSS was born 5 Jan 1805 and died 17 Mar
		87	M	vi.	Pleasant ROSS.
	+	88	F	vii.	Keziah "Kizzy" ROSS was born 24 Jul 1807 and
died 12 Mar 1892.
	+	89	M	viii.	Charles ROSS , Capt. was born 17 Jan 1810 and
died 22 Feb 1896.
	+	90	F	ix.	Augusta Malinda ROSS was born 9 Feb 1813 and
died 25 Apr 1855.
	+	91	F	x.	Susan "Susannah" ROSS was born 14 Sep 1817 and
died 4 Mar 1888.

Daniel also married (2) Joyce HARBOUR, daughter of David HARBOUR and Esther
CRONK on 23 Mar 1820 in Patrick Co., VA. Joyce was born 15 Jun 1792 in
Patrick Co., VA. She died 8 Dec 1888 in Patrick Co., VA.  They had the
following children:
	+	92	M	xi.	McDaniel D. "Mack" ROSS was born 26 Jan 1829
and died 15 Apr 1915.
	+	93	M	xii.	David Lee ROSS , Capt. was born 8 Nov 1831 and
died 16 Jul 1927.
	+	94	F	xiii.	Elizabeth P. "Betty" ROSS was born 1832.
		95	M	xiv.	Abner ROSS died before 1850.
		96	M	xv.	Isaac ROSS. Isaac died in infancy.

28.	Lewis ROSS was born 1779 in Henry Co., VA. He died before 1850 in prob.
Morgan Co., MO. Lewis and his family left Virginia for Kentucky arriving
there by 1822.  The family again after the birth of Preston and is listed on
the 1840 census for Morgan County, Missouri. Lewis married (1) Hanna JAMES,
daughter of John JAMES and Luvica ___ on 16 Jul 1804 in Patrick Co., VA.
Hanna was born 1788/1789 in VA. She died after 1860 in prob. Morgan Co., MO.
 They had the following children:
		97	F	i.	Rachel ROSS was born 1808 in VA.
		98	M	ii.	___ ROSS was born 1810/1820.
		99	F	iii.	Luvicy ROSS was born 1825/1830. Luvicy married
(1) William FEASTER on 20 Jan 1842 in Morgan Co., MO.
	+	100	F	iv.	Frances Jane ROSS was born 1825 and died 20 Jan
		101	M	v.	___ ROSS was born 1825/1830.
		102	M	vi.	Preston ROSS was born 1831/1832 in KY.

29.	Mary "Polly" ROSS was born 1780 in Henry Co., VA. She died 1840/1850 in
prob. White Co., TN. Mary married (1) James RANDALLS on 5 May 1795 in
Co., VA. James was born 1772 in VA. He died in prob. White Co., TN.  They had
following children:
	+	103	M	i.	James RANDALLS Jr. was born 1811.

30.	Theodocia Docia ROSS was born 1784 in Franklin Co., VA. She died after
in prob. Fentress Co., TN. Theodocia married (1) Benjamin RANDALLS on 15 Apr
1803 in Franklin Co., VA. Benjamin died before 1830 in TN.   They had the
following children:
	+	104	F	i.	Amanda RANDALLS was born 1816.

31.	Churchill B. ROSS was born 1786 in Franklin Co., VA. He died after Nov
1822 in
Cooper Co., MO. Churchill married (1) Elizabeth POSTON on 26 May 1813 in
Co., KY.  They had the following children:
		105	F	i.	Eliza ROSS.
		106	M	ii.	James M. ROSS.
		107	M	iii.	Daniel ROSS.
... END ...
The end of this compilation.