Date: Sun, 3 Aug 1997 00:32:44 -0400 (EDT) From: To: Subject: Comp 161 - (Peregory) Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc DOCUMENTARY AUTHORITY A copy of a land warrant from the State land office of Virginia, which is certified and sealed: and private and letters and documents, some of which are verified in the Hstory of Kentucky, by Perrin, Battle, and Kniffin in its current addition of six or eight years. Verified from land warrant submitted to registrar general for inspection. Given by Mrs Ray Edward Pediford (Pedigo), capacity of private 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 11th Virginia Regiments. Report of the Virginia State Librarian for 1911-1912 page 236 in "A List of Soldiers from Virginia in the Revolution" by H. J. Eckenrode. Family Bible and family records, Daughters of the American Revolution, National 3757 Henry Peregoy's (Pedigo) two sxons, Robert and Edward, ran away from a tyrannical stepmother--Variations of the names: Peregoy, Pedigo, Pedigoy, Peregory, Perrigo, Perego. The brothers, Robert and Edward settled in the York river valley and later immigrated to Patrick and Henry Counties, the first settlers of those counties, Robert settled in the north side of Henry county and Edward settled on the south side of Smith river in Patrick county. Robert lived to be 102 years old. Edward lived to be 105 years old. Robert and Edward married sisters, Edwards wife's maiden name was Hannah Elkins -- Elkins were Austro-Hungarian Jews. Henry Peregoy, etc., probably ancestral beginning came at the time of Louis XIV -- French Hugenots. Name in France is Periford, Perigeueux, old French form Periford Cathedral of Perigeus. Children: 36. i Joseph PEDIGO Sr,(AR). b. 3 May 1761. 37. ii Levi PEDIGO I. b. Abt 1763. 38. iii Henry "Jepso" PEDIGO/PEREGOY b. Abt 1765. 39. iv Abel PEDIGO b. Abt 1770. v Elizabeth PEDIGO/PEREGOY b. Abt 1773, Pittsylvania Co, VA,1 Ref # 136-5, m. 18 Mar 1793, in Franklin Co, VA, William EDWARDS II., b. Abt 1757, VA, (son of William EDWARDS I. and Ann _____- EDWARDS) Ref # XXX, Location: 1810 Census, Rockingham Co, VA. === NOTE === Original Census schedules for 1790 covering all of Virginia were destroyed. Schedules of 1800 and 1810 for both Patrick and Henry Counties are "Missing", as are those for Franklin Co. Those of Franklin Co, VA are the only ones (available as photostats) in the National archives in Vol 6, 1810 Census of VA. The census schedules of 1820 are available for Patrick, Henry and Franklin Counties, but by then most of Edward's tribe had gone to Kentucky. ============ 40. vi Bathsheba "Bashie" PEDIGO b. Abt 1778. 41. vii Elijah PEREGOY/PEDIGO b. Abt 1780. 42. viii Lucy PEDIGO/PEDDIGOE b. Abt 1783. 43. ix Elkin PEDIGO/PEDDIGO I. b. Abt 1784. x Hannah PEDIGO b. Cir 1785, Franklin Co, VA, Bapt/Rel,Pref: Henry Co, VA ?, Ref # 136-A, m. 29 Oct 1807, in Patrick Co, VA, John REEVES/RIVES/REIVES, b. Cir 1780, VA ?, Ref # XXX, Location: 1807, Patrick Co, VA. Hannah died KY ?, Location: 1810 Census, Barren Co, KY. Surrogate, Lewis Hancock; Minister Lewis Foster. John: Also spelled RIVES-SHIVES ? 44. xi John PEDIGO (A). b. Abt 1787. 45. xii Nancy E. PEDIGO/PEDEGOY b. Abt 1789. xiii Amy PEDIGO b. Abt 1790, Potluck, Patrick Co, VA, Ref # 136-D, m. 20 Jan 1819, in Barren Co, KY,2 Note of: A. Mattingley, KY,3 Benjamin HARDY, b. Abt 1788, Ref # XXX, d. 20 Jan 1819, Barren Co, KY. Copy of Group sheet for Edward in Bruce Pedigo's papers from Mar 1983, signed A. Mattingly (Arnita Biggs whom has corresponded with me in 1996 and has contributed more data to this line, Arnita and her sister Lela Biggs-Peers had done a lot of work on this in the early 80's). <TO'C> Benjamin: Barren Co, Ky, County Court Orders. Vol 4-B, 19 Jan 1829: On motion of John Pedigo Certificate of Adminastration of the estate of Benjamin Hardy deceased is granted with full power and authority to adminstrate said estate where upon he took the mephany oath and entered into hand with Edward Pedigo his Surety in the sum of 200 dollars as the law directs the widow of said Benjamin Hardy signed the right of adm. (Copied by Naomi Murphy 1979). 46. xiv Keziah PEDIGO b. Cir 1792. 11. Nathan PEREGOY/PERRIGOE/PERIGO Sr. also known as: Nathan PERIGO b. 20 Oct 1737, Baltimore Co, MD,4 Ref # 122, ### Farmer, m. 7 Oct 1757, in St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore, MD, Rebecca EVANS, b. Cir 1740 ?, (daughter of Job EVANS) Ref # PPP, d. Bfr 1799, Location: 1757, Baltimore Co, MD. Nathan died By 1787, MD.5 Rebecca: Not mentioned in will of second husband, Lawrence OYSTON. Children: i Flora-Floria PEREGOY/PERRIGOE/PERIGO also known as: Flora PERIGO b. 24 Dec 1758, Baltimore Co, MD,6 Bapt/Rel,Pref: St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore, MD,7 Ref # 122-1,8 m. 12 Mar 1785, in Baltimore Co, MD,9 Josias WATTS, b. Cir 1755, Ref # PPP, Location: 1785, Baltimore Co, MD. ii Jemima PEREGOY/PERRIGOE ?. b. Cir 1760, Ref # 122-2?, m. 30 Jun 1781, in Baltimore Co, MD,10 David SINDALL, b. Cir 1760, Ref # PPP, Location: 1781 1799, Baltimore Co, MD. Jemima Location: 1781, Baltimore Co, MD. AKA; Delilah PERRIGOE. This Jemima is unidentified, not a proven child of anyone at this time. She may have been an Aunt of Joseph. Need work here. David: David SINDALL was named guardian of Joseph "Captain" PEREGOY, in 1791 is David's wife Jemima an older sister ?. David was also made guardian of Nathaniel and Daniel 1792-1799. "Records of Guardians And Wards. Book II, 1779 - 1808 p 103, Sec 160." iii Mary PEREGOY/PERIGO b. Cir 1765, MD, Ref # 122-3, m. 15 Feb 1787, in Baltimore Co, MD, Thomas BROCK, b. Cir 1765 ?, Ref # PPP, Location: 1791, MD. Mary Location: 1791, Baltimore Co, MD. iv Joseph "Capt." PEREGOY/PERRIGO (1812). b. Abt 1772, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 122-4, ### Farmer, m. 15 Aug 1817, in Eastern Ave. M.E. Ch,11 Elizabeth "Rebecca" BRIGGS, b. --- 1798/9, MD ?, Ref # PPP, ### D.S.P., d. Nov 1880, Home of the Friendless, St. Louis, MO.12 Joseph died 12 Jan 1853, Little Gunpowder, MD. Joseph was a member of the 46th Regiment, MD Militia, War of 1812. Elizabeth: Sister of S. Chaw BRIGGS v Nathan PEREGOY Jr. b. Cir 1775, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 122-5. May Have been the operator of the Starr Tavern, Corner of High and Low streets in 1831 vi Rebecca PERRIGO/PERIGO b. 23 Jul 1777, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 122-6, m. 1 Aug 1798, in St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore, MD,13 Joseph WEARY, b. Cir 1775, Ref # PPP, Location: 1798, Baltimore Co, MD. Rebecca Location: 1798, Baltimore Co, MD. Birth Date not proven 47. vii Daniel "Old Defender" PERRIGO (1812). b. 25 Sep 1782. 12. James (Twin to Joseph) PERRIGO Sr. b. 19 Dec 1742, St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore, MD,14 Ref # 123, m. Unknown WIFE, Ref # PPP, d. Bfr 1817 ?, Location: Baltimore Co, MD. James died Abt 1817, Baltimore Co, MD. Unknown: Wife's name not mentioned in Jame's will. Children: i Daniel PEREGOY b. Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 123-1, m. Emily A. _____- PEREGOY, Ref # XXX, Location: Baltimore Co, MD. ii James PERRIGO Jr. b. Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 123-2, m. 6 Apr 1808, in Baltimore, MD ?, Mary BOWER, b. Cir 1790 ?, (daughter of Daniel BOWER) Ref # XXX, d. Aft 1849, Location: Baltimore, MD. James died By Nov 1840, Baltimore Co, MD.15 No Children mentioned, Estate probated 24 Nov 1840. Mary: Her Will dated 1849 named her father and a nephew David Bower Banks. iii Rachel PERRIGO/PERIGO b. Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 123-3, Location: 1803-17, Baltimore Co, MD. Member of Methodist Church list 1803 iv Fanny PERRIGO b. Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 123-4, m. in Baltimore Co, MD, _____ WILKERSON, b. MD ?, Ref # XXX. 48. v Susan-Susana PERRIGO/PERIGO. vi Elizabeth PERRIGO b. MD, Ref # 123-6. 13. Joseph (Twin to James) PERRIGO III. b. 19 Dec 1742, St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore, MD,16 Bapt/Rel,Pref: Methodist,17 Ref # 124, ### Bricklayer, m. 9 May 1783, in First Presb Church, Baltimore Co, MD,18 Jemima _____- WOODWARD, b. Cir 1750, Bapt/Rel,Pref: Methodist, Ref # PPP,19 Location: 1800, Baltimore Co, MD.20 Joseph died 12 Aug 1800 Aft.21 Light Street Methodist Church "List of leaders" 14 Apr 1799. Estate Probated 12 Aug 1800. (Also spelled PEREGO). In 1790 Census ther was also listed one male under 16 and 2 females, beside the wife in the household, which also tallied 4 slaves. Compiled by Dennis Eugene Oakes 1992 By Joseph's 1800 will, Jemima was to have use of brick home during her life. He named nephews [sons of brother, Nathan]: Daniel, Nathan and Joseph. He than named Sarah Parks "My Half-Sister". Also Mary freeburger and Sarh Parks, "My half-sister's daughters and sarah Jenkins, my niece". To his own daughter [but not so designated], Elizabeth Jemima Coffee, he gave "sum of money lent to husband John Coffee". He also mentioned his [twin] brother James Perigo (Perregoy). One witness was named Jesse Morgan. On 12 Nov. 1800, Joseph Perrigo [probably his nephew (Captain Joseph, later) son of his brother Nathan] was made executor of estate. Inventory showed only $249.15 (3 Admins. 193: 4 Peroceedings, 138 143 163-41 and accts of sales, No 8 Liber WB 2, Fol. 247) Personal estate was sold at public sale in 1801. A dispute arose between executor Joseph, and John Coffee [Son-in- law]. On 3 Apr. 1801, arbitrators were appointsed to settle all disputes. John Coffee was given award, conftrmed by Court on 18 Apr. 1801. Joseph Perrigo presented account of disbursments in 1801 showing estate had been overpaid by 201.89, all of which was paid to John Coffee. in 3 Admins., 193 Estate of Widow Jemima [Woodward] Perigo of $20.00 was adminisrered 7 Jan. 1801, by John Coffee, and in 15 Adm. Accts., 150, it is duly recorded he got the $20.00 on 16 Feb 1803. Joseph and James Perigoy took the oath of allegience in August 1778 to state of maryland. They were from Back River Upper Hundred. (Mimute Book of Court, August 1778 p 319) Joseph and Jemima Perego were listed as "leader in a list of the names of Baltimore Town" (Light Street Methodidt Church). Jemima Periog in "List of the Society in the City of Baltimore by Thomas Morrell 1 Jul 1799" Jemima: The widow of John WOODWARD who died by 4 May 1783. She had Issue by Woodward. Children: i Elizabeth Jemina "Elsey" PERRIGO/PERIGO b. Cir 1785 ?, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 124-1, m. in Baltimore Co, MD, John COFFEE, b. Cir 1780, Ref # XXX, Location: 1801 Court, Baltimore Co, MD. Elizabeth Location: 1801, Baltimore, MD. Member of Light Street Methodist Church, Apr 1801 ii Alice PERRIGO/PERIGO b. Cir 1786 ?, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 124-2, Location: 1802, Baltimore Co, MD. Light Street Methodist Church member 1802 14. John PERRIGOE/PERRIGO b. Abt 1735, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 111, ### Planter, m. Abt 1765, Rebecca SOLLERS, b. 1747 1750 ?, (daughter of Samuel or Thomas SOLLERS and Avarilla BOWEN ?.) Ref # 11ss1, d. 1794/5, Baltimore Co, MD, Buried: 13 Feb 1795/5, St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore, MD. John died --- 1795/6, Baltimore Co, MD,22 Buried: 1 Mar 1795/6, St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore, MD,23 Location: Patapsco Neck. also spelled Perricoe; Peregey; There were only 3 daughters named in John's will (Only 6 years after 1790 Census which showed 6 males under 16 and 7 females in this household). Children: 49. i Rebecca-Rebeckah PERRIGO/PERRIGOY b. Abt 1765. 50. ii Deborah PERRIGO/PERIGO b. 23 Jun 1768. 51. iii Sarah "Ellender" PERRIGO/PERIGO b. 2 Feb 1772. 15. Susannah GREEN (See marriage to number 6.) Next Generation 16. William PEREGOY b. 24 Jul 1752, Baltimore Co, MD,24 Ref # 134-2, m. 7 Apr 1776, in Baltimore Co, MD, Henrietta PARKS, b. Abt 1756, Baltimore Co, MD, (daughter of William PARKS and Eleanor _____- PARKS) Ref # PPP. William died 1 Sep 1820, Baltimore Co, MD. Bought land from his father 15 Oct 1787, a tract Called "Union" This land touched on "Constant's Persuasion" one of 3 parcels sold by William Wheeler his grandfather to Joseph, his father in 1754. (Area now flooded by Loch Haven Dam. Children: 52. i Elener-Eleanor PEREGOY/PERRIGO b. 28 Sep 1777. ii Joseph PEREGOY (3a). b. 29 Aug 1779, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 134-22, ### Child, d. 30 Aug 1784, Baltimore Co, MD. 53. iii Elizabeth PEREGOY b. 23 Dec 1781. iv Edna Ann PEREGOY b. 7 Apr 1784, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 134-24, ### Unmarried in 1826, d. 18 Aug 18___, Location: 1824. 54. v Joseph (PERRIGEY) PEREGOY (3b)(1812). b. 10 Mar 1786. vi Rebekah PEREGOY b. 17 Apr 1788, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 134-26, d. 2 Jul 1809. Probably unmarried. 55. vii James Charlton PEREGOY (1812). b. 11 Nov 1790. 56. viii Nathan Wheeler PEREGOY b. 1 Nov 1794. ix Amelia PEREGOY b. 12 Feb 1798, Baltimore Co, MD,25 Ref # 134-29, m. 23 Sep 1819, Samuel BENNESS/BINIS, b. Cir 1795 ?. 17. Elisha PEREGOY/PERREGOY b. Abt 1761, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 134-3, m. 14 Jun 1786, in Baltimore Co, MD,26 Note of: Harry H. Lee, CA,27 Welthy HALL, b. Cir 1768, Ref # PPP, Location: 1786, Baltimore Co, MD. Elisha Location: 1790 Census, Baltimore Co, MD. Purchased land 15 Ocy 1787 from father, tracts called "Cold Friday" and "Eleanor's Lookout". Children: i Ruth PEREGOY Ref # 134-31, Location: 1790 Census, Baltimore Co, MD. ii Welthy Ann PEREGOY Ref # 134-32, Location: 1790 Census, Baltimore Co, MD. iii Mary PEREGOY/PERRIGOY Ref # 134-33, m. 15 Sep 1804, in Baltimore Co, MD, Benjamin BOND, Ref # PPP, Location: 1804, Baltimore Co, MD. Mary Location: 1790 Census, Baltimore Co, MD. +++ NOTE +++ No proof this is the correct Mary dau of Elisha iv Elisha ? PEREGOY Jr. Ref # 132-34, ### Oak Cooper, Location: 1828 Directory, Baltimore Co, MD. +++ NOTE +++ Possible son of Elisha and Welthy 18. Charles PEREGOY/PERREGOY b. Abt 1768, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 134-6, m. 23 Jun 1785, in Baltimore Co, MD,28 Sarah GORSUCH, b. --- 1766, (daughter of Charles GORSUCH and Eleanor BOND) Ref # PPP, Location: Baltimore Co, MD. Charles Location: 1790 Census, Baltimore Co, MD.29 Children: 57. i Elizabeth PEREGOY b. Cir 1786. ii Eleanor PEREGOY/PERRIGOE b. Cir 1788 ?, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 134-62, m. 8 May 1797, in Baltimore Co, MD, Hays BOSS, b. Cir 1780 ?, Ref # PPP, Location: 1797, MD. === NOTE === Need more on this marriage 58. iii Nicholas PEREGOY/PERIGOY b. 12 Sep 1790. iv James PEREGOY b. Cir 1791, Baltimore, MD, Ref # 134-64. v Ann PEREGOY b. Abt 1794, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 134-65, m. 27 Nov 1810, in Baltimore Co, MD, Elias READ, b. Cir 1790, Ref # XXX, Location: 1810, Baltimore Co, MD. vi Sarah PEREGOY b. Cir 1795, Baltimore, MD, Ref # 134-66. 19. Elizabeth Gale PEREGOY/PERRIGOE b. Abt 1769, Baltimore Co, MD,30 Ref # 134-4, m. 7 Jun 1786, in Baltimore Co, MD,31 Note of: C. Franklin, TX,32 Jacob JONES Sr., b. 17 Jun 1760, Joppa, Harford, MD,33 (son of Richard JONES and Elizabeth CLARK) Ref # PPP, d. By Aug 1829, Penn Twp, Morgan Co, OH, Location: 1809, Jefferson Co, OH. Elizabeth died Aft 1850, Jefferson Co, OH, Location: 1850 census, Penn Twp, Morgan Co, OH. Jacob: === NOTE === Which parents are the correct parents of this Jacob needs to be proven. Children: 59. i Thomas JONES b. 3 Nov 1787. ii John JONES b. Abt 1789, Baltimore City, MD, Ref # 134-42, m. 12 May 1812, Elizabeth NAYLOR, b. Cir 1789, Ref # PPP. John died Abt 1875, Smithfield Twp, Jefferson Co, OH, Buried: Jefferson Co, OH. iii Temperance JONES b. Cir 1791, Baltimore City, MD, Ref # 134-4D, m. 20 May 1824, in Jefferson Co, OH, William PEREGOY, b. --- 1792, Bapt/Rel,Pref: --- 1848, Ref # ?. Temperance died 26 Jan 1850 ?. === NOTE === All the lists have this Temperance here, This is not right somehow. Who is this William Peregoy ? William: This William is a Mystery. The IGI lists him twice with 2 diff birth dates ??? iv William JONES b. 12 Jul 1792, Baltimore City, MD, Ref # 134-43, m. 17 May 1816, Jane HOLSTEN/NOLSTEN, b. Cir 1795 ?, Ref # PPP. v Elisha Peregoy JONES b. Abt 1796, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 134-45, m. 3 May 1831, in Jefferson Co, OH, Margaret HOOVER, b. Cir 1796 ?, Ref # PPP. vi Stephan JONES b. 30 Jan 1797, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 134-46, m. 7 Oct 1823, in Jefferson Co, OH, Mary ROWLAND, b. Cir 1800 ?, Ref # PPP. Stephan died 22 Aug 1873, Penn Twp, Morgan Co, OH, Buried: Mt. Olive Cem, Penn Twp, Morgan Co, OH. 60. vii Rachael C. JONES b. Abt 1799. viii Elizabeth JONES b. Abt 1802, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 134-48, m. 1 Mar 1826, Joseph ASHBURY/ASHBERRY, b. Cir 1800 ?, Ref # PPP. ix Jacob JONES Jr. b. Abt 1804, PA, Ref # 134-47, d. Bfr 1829. x Joshua JONES b. Abt 1805, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 134-49, m. 14 Jan 1831, in Jefferson Co, OH, Margaret MARSH, b. Cir 1805 ?, Ref # PPP, Location: OH. xi Naomi JONES b. Abt 1806, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 134-4A, m. _____ NAYLOR, Ref # PPP. 61. xii Marinda-Miranda JONES b. 6 Feb 1807. xiii Harriet JONES b. Abt 1807, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 134-4C, m. 20 Dec 1827, Edward CROWLEY, b. Cir 1805, Ref # XXX. 20. Rebecca-Rebeckah PEREGOY/PERRIGOE b. 22 Apr 1772, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 134-5, m. 14 Jan 1795, in Baltimore Co, MD,34 Note of: Jan Howell, OK,35 Samuel N. NAYLOR, b. 22 Sep 1771, Baltimore, MD ?, (son of John NAYLOR IV. and Mary GRIFFITH) Ref # PPP, d. 28 Jan 1852, Smithfield Twp, Jefferson Co, OH.36 Rebecca-Rebeckah died 28 Jun 1852, Smithfield Twp, Jefferson Co, OH,37 Location: 1809, Jefferson Co, OH. Children: 62. i Annie B. NAYLOR b. Abt 1796. 63. ii John S. NAYLOR b. --- 1800. 21. Amy PEREGOY/PERRIGO b. Aft 1788, Baltimore, MD, Ref # 134-B, m. 19 Mar 1806, in Baltimore, MD,38 Issac MALONEE/MALLERNE, b. Cir 1775 ?, MD ?, (son of William MALONEE) Ref # PPP, Location: 1809, Baltimore City, MD. Children: 64. i Sarah Ann MALONEE/MALLERNEE b. 3 Jul 1809. ii John MALLONE/MALLERNE b. Abt 1811, Baltimore City, MD, Ref # 134-B2. iii Margaret MALLONE/MALLERNE b. Abt 1813, Jefferson Co, OH, Ref # 134-B2. iv Sarah MALONNE/MALLERNE b. Abt 1815, Jefferson Co, OH, Ref # 134-B4. v Naomi MALONNE/MALLERNE b. Abt 1817, Jefferson Co, OH, Ref # 134-B5. 22. Keziah PEREGOY b. Cir 1750, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 132-2, m. Abt 1797, in Baltimore Co, MD, Jacob COX II., b. 6 Jul 1725, St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore, MD, (son of Jacob COX I. and Elizabeth MERRYMAN/MERRIMAN) Ref # PPP, d. By Jul 1798, Baltimore Co, MD.39 Keziah died By Apr 1828, Baltimore Co, MD.40 Estate Probated 9 Apr 1828. Keziah's will named all 11 children. The 10 of Jacob and Elizabeth Gain and 1 from Jacob and herself. Children: i Jesse COX b. Cir 1798, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 132-21, ### Child ?, d. Abt 1798/9. Born after Fathers death