Date: Mon, 4 Aug 1997 02:21:29 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 163 - (Peregory) Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

37.	Levi  PEDIGO  I. b. Abt 1763, Halifax Co, VA, Bapt/Rel,Pref: Dripping
Springs Baptist Church, Ref # 136-2, ### Farmer, m.
(1) Abt 1785, in VA, Note of: Maude Jordan, IN,1 Mary "Polly"
(daughter of James NEWLAND) Ref # XXX, d. By Dec 1797, Patrick Co, VA, m. (2)
15 Dec 1795, in Patrick Co, VA,2 Note
of: Arnita Biggs, KY,3 Mary Blakey "Polly" EDEN, b. 24 Dec 1776, Patrick Co,
VA, (daughter of John EDENS  Sr. and
Nancy BLAKEY) Ref # XXX, d. 1 May 1830, Slick Rock, Barren Co, KY,4 Buried:
nr Randolph, Metcalfe Co, KY.  Levi died
2 Aug 1813, Barren Co, KY,5 Buried: nr Randolph, Metcalfe Co, KY, Location:
1810 Census, Barren Co, KY.6  More data is
needed on the first marriage to Mary Newland. No marriage record has been
found. Childrens birth dates fron Bible record of Levi
Pedigo in possesion of Miss Maude Johnson,  copied by Ruby Lee Pedigo cir
1955 The Personal Property Tax Lists for Patrick
Co., Virginia lists Levi for the years 1791, 1792, 1793, 1798, 1799, 1800,
and 1801. and Henry Co., 1786, 1787 and 1788.

	There seems to be a complete mix up in the records of Levi's second marriage
dates, I believe the 18 Dec 1797 is the correct date.
and the 14 Dec 1797 is the license date.  Why it is recorded as 1795 I do not
know I do not know.
	Mary: Some Say Mary was the Widow of John Eden.  Need more imput here.
				Children by Mary "Polly" NEWLAND/NEWMAN/NOWLAND:
	  	121.	i	Sarah "Sallie" PEDIGO b. Abt 1787.
	  	122.	ii	William "Swapping Bill" PEDIGO  Sr. b. Bfr 1791.
	 	  	iii	Henry PEDIGO  (1812). b. Abt 1791/2, Patrick Co, VA, Ref # 136-23,
### Unmarried, m. Judith _____-
PEDIGO, b. Cir 1790 ?, Ref # XXX.  Henry died Abt 1812, War of 1812, Buried:
	  	123.	iv	Joshua W. PEDIGO/PETIGO b. Abt 1793.
	 	  	v	James PEDIGO  (1812). b. Abt 1793, Barren Co, KY, Ref # 136-2E, d.
Abt 1813, War of 1812.7  Died in
	 	  	vi	Joseph PEDIGO b. Abt 1794, Patrick Co, VA, Ref # 136-25, ### Infant,
d. Abt 1794, Patrick Co, VA.
	  	124.	vii	Elizabeth "Betsy" PEDIGO b. Abt 1795/6.
				Children by Mary Blakey "Polly" EDEN:
	  	125.	viii	John Paterson PEDIGO  Sr. b. 18 Jul 1800.
	  	126.	ix	Mary Blakey "Polly" PEDIGO b. 13 Aug 1801.
	  	127.	x	Levi E. PEDIGO  II. b. 20 Dec 1802.
	  	128.	xi	Agnes PEDIGO b. 5 Jul 1804.
	  	129.	xii	Nancy F. PEDIGO b. 29 Mar 1805.
	  	130.	xiii	Lucy PEDIGO b. 25 Feb 1807.
	  	131.	xiv	Elijah PEDIGO b. 3 May 1809.
	  	132.	xv	Jesse Sharp PEDIGO b. 11 May 1812/3.

38.	Henry "Jepso" PEDIGO/PEREGOY b. Abt 1765, Halifax Co, VA, Ref # 136-3, m.
23 Nov 1790, in Franklin Co, VA, Note
of: Nancy Knight, IL,8 Leah COCHRAN, b. Abt 1770, Franklin Co, VA, (daughter
of Edward COCKRAM  . and Mary
"Polly" EDWARDS) Ref # K14-X, d. Abt 1840, Metcalfe Co, KY, Buried: Pedigo
Grvyrd, nr Randolph, Metcalfe, KY,
Location: 1810 Census, Barren Co, KY.  Henry died 20 Oct 1810, Killed by
falling tree, Buried: Pedigo-Neville-Genie Glass
Cem, Randolph.  Personal Property Tax List of Patrick Co, VA, list Henry in
the years 1791, 1797, 1798.
	Leah: Leah Pedigo listed as head of household 1810 Barren Co, KY.
(10100-10100-00) KY 51
	  	133.	i	Israel PEDIGO  I. b. Abt 1791.
	  	134.	ii	Jesse B(uford?) "James" PEDIGO b. 24 Jun 1794.
	  	135.	iii	Thomas J(efferson?) PEDIGO  (1). b. Abt 1796.
	  	136.	iv	Olivia P. "Olive" PEDIGO b. 28 Jan 1798.
	  	137.	v	Nancy PEDIGO b. Abt 1800.
	  	138.	vi	Henry Lewis PEDIGO b. Abt 1803.
	  	139.	vii	Lucy PEDIGO b. Abt 1805.
	  	140.	viii	Joseph Edward PEDIGO b. 25 Feb 1811.

39.	Abel PEDIGO b. Abt 1770, Pittsylvania Co, VA, Ref # 136-4, m. 17 Sep
1792, in Rocky Mount, Franklin Co, VA,9 Note of:
Bruce Pedigo, KS,10 Susannah ROSS, b. Abt 1772, Franklin Co, VA, (daughter of
Daniel ROSS  Sr. and Elizabeth "Betty"
GARTH) Ref # XXX, d. Patrick Co, VA.  Abel died By Dec 1847, Patrick Co,
VA.11  ---    "The Last will & Testament of Abel
Pedigo"   --- In the name of God Amen I Abel Pedigo of the County of Patrick
and the State of Virginia being of sound and
disposing mind and body do make this my last will and testament as follows
(to wit) I desire that my body be buried in a decent
manner by executrix herin after mentioned and I direct that all my just debts
be paid out of my estate.
	  Item. First I Give and Bequeth unto my four sons, Lewis Pedigo, Daniel R.
Pedigo, Elijah Pedigo, and Churchill R. Pedigo
twenty-five cents each.
	  Second, I give and bequeath unto my three daughters (to wit) Polly Pedigo,
Dosha R. Pedigo, and Elizabeth Pedigo all my tract of
land wheron I now live containing about one hundred acres adjoining the lands
of Daniel Ross, Lewis Pedigo, John Luckey and
others, all my stock of horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, household and kitchen
furniture forever.
	  Third. I direct my daughters Polly Pedigo and Dosha Pedigo give my
daughter Elizabeth Pedigo her part of the estate as they
think she needs it.
	  And I hereby nominate and appoint my daughters Polly Pedigo and Dosha
Pedigo to be my executrix of this my last will and
testament and I do hereby revoke and make void all former wills made by me
and I do hereby declare these presents to be and
contain my last will and testament in witness hereunto set my hand and seal
this 16th day of September 1847.
	      Wittness E.F. Jefferson, William Ross and William Pilson.
	          Abel signed with an "X" his mark

	Personal Property Tax Lists for Patrick Co., Virginia lists Abel for the
years 1792, up to and including 1812. Abel lived in
Elamsville Patrick Co., VA.
	Susannah: Listed a born between 1772 and 1774
	  	141.	i	Lewis R. PEDIGO b. 7 Oct 1794.
	  	142.	ii	Daniel Robert "David" PEDIGO b. Abt 1798.
	 	  	iii	Elijah Bluefield PEDIGO b. 20 May 1800, Patrick Co, VA, Ref #
136-43, m. 26 Mar 1835, in Patrick Co,
VA, Nancy L. PRICE, b. 1 May 1808, Patrick Co, VA, Ref # XXX, d. 23 Apr 1875,
Patrick Co, VA, Buried:
Elijah Pedigo Grove, Location: 1870 Census, Smith River Dist, Patrick Co, VA.
 Elijah died 4 Jan 1892,
Patrick Co, VA, Buried: Elijah Pedigo Grove, Location: 1870 Census, Smith
River Dist, Patrick Co, VA.  No
	 	  	iv	Churchill R. PEDIGO b. Abt 1802, Patrick Co, VA, Ref # 136-44, ###
Mystery Man, m. 6 Feb 1821, in
Franklin Co, VA,12 Lucinda COCKRAN/COCHRAN, b. Cir 1805, Ref # XXX, Location:
1821, Franklin
Co, VA.  Churchill died Aft 1821.  Churchill was sent to the store, when a
young man to buy salt, and was
never heard from again.
	 	  	v	Mary R. "Polly" PEDIGO b. 8 Jun 1806, Patrick Co, VA, Ref # 136-45,
### Spinster, d. 22 Jun 1874,
Location: 1870 Census, Smith River Dist, Patrick Co, VA.
	 	  	vi	Elizabeth PEDIGO b. Abt 1808, Patrick Co, VA, Ref # 136-46, ###
Unmarried, Location: 1870 Census,
Smith River Dist, Patrick Co, VA.
	 	  	vii	Docia R. (Dosha) PEDIGO b. Abt 1811, Patrick Co, VA, Ref # 136-47,
### Spinster, d. Abt 1895, Location:
1870 Census, Smith River Dist, Patrick Co, VA.

40.	Bathsheba "Bashie" PEDIGO b. Abt 1778, Henry Co, VA, Ref # 136-6, m. 12
Jan 1798, in Patrick Co, VA,13 Note of: Lynn
Sanderson, VA,14 Nathaniel COCHRAN/COCKRAM, b. Bfr 1770, Henry Co, VA, (son
of Edward COCKRAM  . and
Mary "Polly" EDWARDS) Ref # K11-X, d. 19 May 1860,15 Location: 1799, Louisa
Co, VA.  Surrogate, Elijah Pedigo;
Minister, John Pedigo.
	  	143.	i	Spencer COCKRAM b. Abt 1799.
	 	  	ii	Hannah COCKRAM b. Abt 1811, Franklin Co, VA, Ref # 136-65, m. 27 Jun
1861, in Patrick Co, VA, Note
of: Christa McMahon, John "Jackie" CRUISE  Sr., b. 8 Nov 1794, Halifax Co,
VA, (son of David
CREWS/CRUISE  Sr. and Drucilla JONES) Ref # XC1-11X, d. 22 Mar 1868, Patrick
Co, VA.  Hannah
died 22 Mar 1868, Patrick Co, VA.

41.	Elijah PEREGOY/PEDIGO b. Abt 1780, Martinsville, Henry Co, VA, Ref #
136-7, m. 31 Jan 1805, in Henry Co, VA, Sarah
"Sally" HALL, b. Cir 1782, Henry Co, VA ?, Ref # XXX, d. Aft 1806, Drowned
Smith River.  Elijah died Aft 1806, Drowned
Smith River.  Elijah, Sarah and the baby drowned in the Smith River. NFI
	Sarah: Sarah's father may be John HALL Sr. NFI
	 	  	i	Baby PEDIGO b. Abt 1806, Henry Co, VA, Ref # 136-71, ### Infant, d.
Drowned Smith River.

42.	Lucy PEDIGO/PEDDIGOE b. Abt 1783, Henry Co, VA, Ref # 136-8, m. 25 Mar
1801, in Patrick Co, VA, Note of: M. P.
Perenoud,16 Jesse CLARK  I., b. Cir 1780, Ref # XXX, d. By Sep 1829, Patrick
Co, VA.17  Lucy Location: TX ?.  Consent
form signed by Edward Peddigoe on 25 Mar 1801 for Lucy to marry Jesse Clark.
Surrogate, John Hall.
	Jesse: possibly 8 children, Margaret Patrica Clark has copy of Jesse's Will
	  	144.	i	Jesse CLARK  II. b. Abt 1811.
	  	145.	ii	Edward CLARK/CLARKE b. 5 Jul 1816.
	 	  	iii	Lucy CLARK b. Bfr 1820, Patrick Co, VA, Ref # 136-83.
	 	  	iv	George Nix CLARK/CLARKE b. Bfr 1825, Patrick Co, VA, Ref # 136-84.
 Some of George Nix's family
has put a book together on the family. it is thorough from George down but
Margaret Patricia Clark states the
Pedigo's are messed up.
	 	  	v	Daughter CLARK b. Bfr 1825, Patrick Co, VA, Ref # 136-85.
	 	  	vi	Daughter CLARK b. Bfr 1825, Patrick Co, VA, Ref # 136-86.
	 	  	vii	Son  CLARK b. Abt 1825, Patrick Co, VA, Ref # 136-87.

43.	Elkin PEDIGO/PEDDIGO  I. b. Abt 1784, Henry Co, VA,18 Ref # 136-9, ###
Homesteader, m. (1) 20 Sep 1805, in Patrick
Co, VA, Note of: Nancy Knight, IL,19 divorced 1828, Martha "Patsy" HARRIS, b.
Abt 1789, VA ?, (daughter of William H.
HARRIS) Ref # XXXa, d. Aft 1850, Wayne Co, KY, Location: 1840 Census, Wayne
Co, KY, m. (2) 26 Jan 1833, in Russell Co,
KY,20 Jane WILSON, b. Bfr 1800, Ref # XXXb, d. Aft 1840, MO ?, Location:
1833, Russell Co, KY.  Elkin died Aft 1840,
Wayne Co, MO, Buried: Wayne or Butler Co, Mo, Location: 1830 Census, Russell
Co, KY.  Elkin PERIGORD/PEDIGO was in
Barren Co, KY in 1810, had land grants in Wayne Co, KY in 1819 and 1822.
 Russell Co, was a part of Wayne Co until 1826.
Elkin seperated from Martha in 1822 according to divorce papers filed in
1828. ===  There must have ben a couple of cold nights
in this period..... As a few more children were born after 1822...  Or do
these children belong to someone else, that Elkin took as
his own ?. A lot of unanswered questions here. ===

	Personal Property tax Lists for Patrick Co., Virginia, lists Elkin for the
year 1807.
	Martha: Martha took up with William Mark after her divorce from Elkin and
had 3 known children all listed with her after
William split. All three children with last name Pedigo in Census. These are
almost certianly children by William Mark. Therefore
they are only step siblings of Martha & Elkins Children. If they continued
through life with the name Pedigo we do not know. (In
fairness to Martha, why would a woman with 9 children, run off and have 3
more ?. There is a story here that we will probably
never know). <TO'C>
	Jane: Last record of Elkin and a female Probably Jane in 1840 Wayne Co MO.
				Children by Martha "Patsy" HARRIS:
	 	  	i	Baby Girl PEDIGO  (a). b. --- 1806/7, Patrick Co, VA, Ref # 136-91,
### Unnamed Infant, d. --- 1806/7 ?.
	  	146.	ii	Amy  PEDIGO b. --- 1808/9.
	  	147.	iii	Fleming PEDIGO b. Abt 1812.
	  	148.	iv	Henry Aaron PEDIGO b. Abt 1815.
	  	149.	v	Patrick Fountain PEDIGO b. 1 May 1818.
	  	150.	vi	Elijah PEDIGO b. 23 Sep 1821.
	  	151.	vii	Margaret PEDIGO b. --- 1824.
	  	152.	viii	Elkin (Twin to George?) PEDIGO  II. b. --- 1825.
	  	153.	ix	George F. (Twin to Elkin?) PEDIGO b. --- 1825.
				Children by Jane WILSON:
	 	  	x	Baby Girl PEDIGO  (b). b. Abt 1833, Wayne Co, KY, Ref # 136-9A, ###
Infant, d. Infancy ?.
	 	  	xi	Baby Girl PEDIGO  (c). b. Abt 1833, Wayne Co, KY, Ref # 136-9B, ###
Infant, d. Infancy ?.
	 	  	xii	Baby Girl PEDIGO  (d). b. Abt 1835, Wayne Co, KY, Ref # 136-9C, ###
Infant, d. Infancy ?.
	 	  	xiii	Nancy PEDIGO b. Abt 1837, Wayne Co, KY, Ref # 136-9D, m. 8 Aug
1852, in Butler Co, MO, Stephen
JONES, b. Cir 1835 ?, Ref # XXX, Location: 1852, MO.  Nancy Location: 1850,
Butler Co, MO.  Living
with Abraham and Lidia Romine/Romino, Butler Co, 1850 Census

44.	John PEDIGO  (A). b. Abt 1787, Patrick Co, VA,21 Bapt/Rel,Pref: Baptist
Church, Ref # 136-C, ### Carpenter/Farmer, m. 29
Dec 1810, in Barren Co, KY,22 1824, Frances HILL, b. Abt 1787, KY, (daughter
of Clementine _____- HILL) Ref # XXX, d.
Abt 1857, Worthington, Green Co, IN, Buried: Green Co, IN.  John died Abt
1867, Worthington, Green Co, IN, Buried: Green
Co, IN, Location: 1810 Census, Barren Co, KY.  === NOTE===  Possibility of
another son named Thomas b abt 1817?, Died
young, Buried Pedigo-Bennett Cem, KY, No dates.

	Barren Co, Ky Deeds Copied by Naomi Norris 1979 Deed Book M, Page 90:
indenture  29 Oct 1827 between John Pedigo of the
County of Barren of the one part and Edward Pedigo of the County of Barren of
the other part. Said John for the consideration of
300 dollars does grant to Edward Pedigo a tract of land located in Barren Co.
on Dry Fork of Little Barren River containing 75
acres by survey. A reference to Daniel Stockton's line, Newberry Stockton
line and William Slemmons line. Frances Pedigo wife
of John, freely relinquishes her right of dower,  Signed: John Pedigo and
Frances (X "Her Mark") Pedigo Recorded 4 Oct 1830
	 	  	i	Elijah PEDIGO b. Abt 1812, Barren Co, KY, Ref # 136-C1, m. 15 Sep
1865, in Monroe Co, IN, Matilda
BRADY, b. Cir 1840 ?, Ref # XXX, Location: 1865.  Mg date also listed as 15
Sep 1883. ? Did Elijah have a
unknown 1st wife. Does not soud right he waited until his 50's to marry.
	  	154.	ii	Greenville "Green" PEDIGO b. Abt 1813.
	  	155.	iii	John D. PEDIGO  (B). b. Abt 1816.
	  	156.	iv	Thomas Nathan PEDIGO b. Abt 1817.
	 	  	v	Elizabeth PEDIGO b. Abt 1817, Barren Co, KY, Ref # 136-C5, m. (1) 7
Feb 1836, in Lawrence Co, IN,
Ephriam HICKMAN, b. Cir 1815, Ref # XXXa, Location: IN, m. (2) 6 May 1865, in
Bloomfield Green,
IN,23 Ezra LONG, b. Cir 1815, Ref # XXXb, Location: 1865, IN.  Elizabeth
Location: 1865, Bloomfield
Green, IN.
	 	  	vi	Mary PEDIGO b. Abt 1818, Barren Co, KY, Ref # 136-C6.
	 	  	vii	James PEDIGO b. Abt 1820, Barren Co, KY, Ref # 136-C7.
	  	157.	viii	William PEDIGO  (GAR). b. 24 Aug 1825.
	  	158.	ix	Edward H. PEDIGO b. 12 Sep 1827.

45.	Nancy E. PEDIGO/PEDEGOY b. Abt 1789, Franklin Co, VA, Ref # 136-B, m. 14
Sep 1807, in Patrick Co, VA, John
SNEED/SNEAD, b. 20 Feb 1781, Ref # XXX, d. 21 Dec 1855,24 Location: Patrick
Co, VA.  Nancy Location: Patrick Co, VA. 
Surrogate, Edward Pedegoy; Minister, Lewis Foster.
	John: See # 17346  For possible connection to John's Parents
	  	159.	i	Thomas SNEED b. Bfr 1809.

46.	Keziah PEDIGO b. Cir 1792, Patrick Co, VA, Ref # 136-E, m. (1) 7 Jan
1809, in Patrick Co, VA,25 James EDWARDS, b. Cir
1790, NC, Ref # XXXa, d. Bfr 1814, Location: Patrick Co, VA, m. (2) 25 Feb
1815/6, in Barren Co, KY,26 William W. BELL,
b. Cir 1790, Ref # XXXb, Location: Barren Co, KY.  Keziah died Bfr 1835.
				Children by James EDWARDS:
	  	160.	i	Elizabeth EDWARDS b. Abt 1809.

47.	Daniel "Old Defender" PERRIGO  (1812). b. 25 Sep 1782, Baltimore Co, MD,
Ref # 122-8, ### Ship Joiner/ Grocer, m. 28
Dec 1808, in Baltimore Co, MD, Sophia LAWRENCE, b. Cir 1791, Ref # PPP, d. 24
Jun 1838, Location: Baltimore Co, MD. 
Daniel died By Jan 1868, Baltimore Co, MD,27 Buried: 15 Jun 1870, Greenmount
Cem, MD.28  Corp. in Capt. Sheppard's Co.,
6th Regt, War of 1812. Name also spelled as PERIGO

	 Some notes on the battle of North Point,  by Eleanor S. Callahan,  26 Nov

	Sunday, September 11, 1814 - News received of enemy squadron off North Point
and alarm sounded by firing of three guns on the
Baltimore courthouse green. The Light Street Methodist Church was dismissed
speedily by Jacob Gruber, preacher, who prayed
"Lord Bless King George, convert him and take him to heaven for we want no
more of him here."  (Peregoys appear in the register
of the Light street Methodist Church and in 1797, there was a Nelson  Reed,
clergyman at 8 Light Street - this noted because of the
incidence of the name reed Peregoy in the family.)

	   At the Wilks Street Methodist Church a number of defenders were present
with arms stacked in front of the church, when the
preacher suddenly closed his Bible   and dismissed the congregation with
benediction and the words, "May the God Of Battles
accompany you."  (Peregoy defenders were no doubt present. There were eleven
Peregoys in the War of 1812.  In particular, there
was a Daniel Peregoy who had a home and business on Wilks Street and who was
one of the "Old defenders" as stated in his

	   Brigadier General John Stricker commanded the City Brigade composed of
several regiments from the city of Baltimore. His
was the task of holding back the British advance up the North Point Road. He
placed four regiments across the peninsula to receive
the British attack. The spot chosen was where Bear Creek came deep into the
peninsula creating a very narrow neck to be
defended. A fifth regiment, the Sixth regiment under the veteran McDonald,
was held on reserve on Perego,s Hill. The intent was
that the four regiments hold on as long as they could, or until ordered back,
then they would fall back and reform about the 6th
regiment for another stand.

	   The route of march from the City was by Old Philadelphia Road to long Log
Lane (now North Point Road) and thence to the
Methodist meeting house near the head of Bear Creek, seven miles from the

	   The four regiments strung out across the peninsula were 5th Regiment (550
men), the 27th Regiment (500 men under Lt. Col.
Kennedy Long), the 39th Regiment  (450 men under Lt. Col. Benj. Fowler), the
51st Regiment (700 men under Lt. Col. Henry
Amey), 140 cavalry under lt. Col. James Biays), and the Union Artillery. 75
men with six 4-pounders under Capt. John
Montgomery and aggregate of 3,185 effective men. The 6th Regiment consisted
of 620 men. The cavalry was stationed near the
Gorsuch farm. (The latter described as being at old Philadelphia Road near
the head of bear Creek, about 7 miles from the city,
"British Invasion of Maryland by William M. Marine'.).

	   From Maryland History Magazine Vol. II.

	 Perego's Hill was just north of Bread and Cheese Creek.  The British had
their breakfast of bread and cheese on the banks of the a
creek at Perego's Hill. The name Bread and Cheese Creek is in use today

	   The Methodist Meeting House was the first of three building and was said
to have served as a hospital for the wounded at North
Point. Before this building existed, services were held in the home of Nathan
Peregoy.  Historian Scharf states that "there was a
Nathan Peregoy, clergyman, circa 1772."  The second meeting house was built
at a slightly different location and burned down. 
Third is a recent complex of buildings still bearing the historic name of
Patspsco Methodist Church.

	Contributed by,  Janet .L. Perriello, McLean, Virginia  (1997)
	  	161.	i	James Lawrence PERRIGO  Sr. b. Cir 1810.
	 	  	ii	Esther Ann PERRIGO b. Cir 1815 ?, Ref # 122-82, m. Samuel MacCUBBIN,
b. --- 1810, Ref # PPP, ###
City Comptroler, d. 9 Jul 1876, Location: Baltimore, MD.  From family bible
in possession of Diane Simpson.
				Samuel: 2nd wife Agnes
	 	  	iii	Emily A. PERRIGO b. Cir 1830, MD, Ref # 122-83, d. --- 1907,
Buried: 27 May 1907, Greenmount Cem,
MD, Location: 1868, Baltimore Co, MD.29  Left house and lot in Baltimore, on
Monument Street, No. 361, in
fathers will.

48.	Susan-Susana PERRIGO/PERIGO b. Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 123-5, m. 17 Apr
1814, in Light St. Methodist Ch, Baltimore,
MD,30 Jesse W. KEEN, b. MD ?, Ref # XXX.  Susan-Susana died Bfr 1817.
	 	  	i	Eliza KEEN b. Bfr 1817, MD ?, Ref # 123-51.

49.	Rebecca-Rebeckah PERRIGO/PERRIGOY b. Abt 1765, Baltimore Co, MD, Ref #
111-1, m. 16 Nov 1797, in Baltimore Co,
MD,31 Daniel STANSBURY  II., (son of Daniel STANSBURY  1.) Ref # XXX,
Location: 1797, Baltimore Co, MD.  Rebecca-
Rebeckah died --- 1795, Baltimore Co, MD, Buried: 13 Feb 1795, St. Paul's
Parish, Baltimore, MD,32 Location: Patapsco Neck.
	 	  	i	Daniel STANSBURY  III. b. Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 111-11.
	 	  	ii	William STANSBURY b. Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 111-12.
	 	  	iii	Rebecca STANSBURY b. Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 111-13, m. _____
	 	  	iv	Elizabeth STANSBURY b. Baltimore Co, MD, Ref # 111-14, m. _____

50.	Deborah PERRIGO/PERIGO b. 23 Jun 1768, Baltimore Co, MD, Bapt/Rel,Pref:
St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore, MD, Ref # 111-
2, m. 28 Jun 1790, in St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore, MD,33 Benjamin
CURTIS/CUSTIS, b. Cir 1765, Ref # XXX, d. By Dec
1798, Baltimore Co, MD.34
	Benjamin: Estate probated 19 Dec 1798
	 	  	i	Abraham Morse CUSTIS b. Cir 1792, Baltimore, MD, Ref # 111-21.  Named
in Fathers will.
	 	  	ii	Henrietta Perigo CUSTIS b. 8 Oct 1794, Baltimore Co, MD,
Bapt/Rel,Pref: 13 Feb 1795, St. Paul's Parish,
Baltimore, MD, Ref # 111-22, ### Child, d. 31 Aug 1795, Baltimore Co, MD.35

51.	Sarah "Ellender" PERRIGO/PERIGO b. 2 Feb 1772, Baltimore Co, MD,
Bapt/Rel,Pref: St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore, MD,
Ref # 111-3, m. 1 Feb 1792, in St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore, MD,36 Nicholas
BAXTER  I., b. Cir 1770, (son of Benjamin
BAXTER) Ref # XXX, d. Bfr 1804, Baltimore Co, MD.37  Sarah died By  1804.38
	 	  	i	Elleander "Eleanor" BAXTER b. Cir 1795, MD, Ref # 111-31, d. By Apr
1813, Baltimore Co, MD,39
Location: 1804.40
	 	  	ii	Nicholas BAXTER  II. b. Cir 1795, St. Pauls Parish  ?, Ref # 111-32,
Location: 1804.41