Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 19:24:38 -0400 (EDT)
From: Nyla Creed <>
To:,,,,,,,,,,,,, connie.spaw@CBIS.COM,,,,,,,,, IRXP500@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Subject: Burnett-Turner-Via-Ross-Etc/Etc - Compilation #17

                5 June 1996
Hello to Everyone:
        We now have 50 on our mailing list!  I must confess I thought this
would probably be a one- or two-time compilation.  Chris Gaunt continues to
archive all of our information on her homepage.  This gives each of us more
opportunities to share our information.  Hopefully, we will all benefit from
this exchange.  Thanks to everyone who has shared family information.  And a
special thank you to Chris for her dedication to this effort.
        If anyone has a success story, please share it with us.  Looking
forward to hearing from each of you as you add another generation or a new
cousin to your database.
                                Nyla Creed DePauk
                                Vienna VA
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 1996 12:51:27 -0500
From: (Pat Chesney)

Hi, Nyla,

Thanks for going to the trouble to look up in the archives for
the Sumner Co. connection. I wrote Anthony Turner after you wrote
me but forgot to write you!  He was really looking for the Adam
Turner person. Anthony has sent me two big nice fat packages and
I am interested in his big computer file but I'm going to have to
ask my husband about how to do that. I'm not the computer person
around here. Did you find out about it?

I posted to NC/SC roots once a few weeks ago and got an immediate
reply from another new found cousin who has the Turner family
back to Terisha Turner also. She was going on a three week
vacation though and I haven't heard back from her yet. There is
another Terisha Turner researcher and we three are all coming
down from different of his children's lines so it is very
interesting and we will be able to help each other document more
of this family and hopefully that info might help us go back
another generation.  I have not gotten to do as much library work
reseaching as I'd like but plan on doing that this summer and
sending in a gedcom to Cliff and see if anyone in that program
has a Terisha Turner in their gedcom. :)

Doesn't seem to be as much activity on the Turners lately.
Anthony's materials may help people move their research forward
if we could find a way to access it easier.

Thanks for helping with the Turner newsletter!
Terri Chesney

From: "Chris Ebel" <>
Organization:  Crestline Marketing Group
Date:          Mon, 3 Jun 1996 16:42:02 +0000
Subject:       Burnetts
Priority: normal


I've visited the Web site on Burnett-Turner, etc. families and
hope that someone can help me find out more about a branch of
Burnetts from Yorktown, VA.  Unfortunately, my knowledge of
family details is not as thorough as some of those on your
mailing list.  Forgive my sketchiness.  Here's what I know.

George Washington Burnett  b. 1810-15? in Yorktown, VA.  (He is
my great great great grandfather)  His mother was a Gibbons
(sp?).  There were apparently several siblings.  His father died
young and the mother remarried.  GW Burnett went to live with his
grandfather, Matthew Gibbons, who was an English sympathizer
during the Revolutionary War and a friend of Cornwallis
(commander of British Army).

GW Burnett moved to Paris KY probably about 1830 or so with a
brother (name unknown), stayed a couple years, married a young
woman whose surname was Stowers, then moved to Lewis County,

Their children were Margaret, Grant, Washington Jefferson (my
great great grandfather), Will, Stowers, and another child (name

Washington Jefferson Burnett married Lois Anne Ewing in late
1880s.  They had one child, Ewing Preston Burnett, born in 1895. 
They stayed in Lewis County.

Ewing Burnett married Inez Melissa Brace in 1913? and also stayed
in Lewis County.  Had two daughters (Dorothy Lois and Jamye
Melissa).  I'm interested in learning more about George
Washington Burnett, where his family came from, and what happened
to all his siblings.  Let me know if you can help.  Thank you

Sidney (Burnett) Stevens
Date: Tue, 04 Jun 96 14:47:40 +0700
Subject: Re: Turners
Content-Id: <45_92_1_833914060>


Comptroller of the Treasury
State of Tennessee
Nyla, Thanks for your help.  You were asking about the counties
that I have researched in Tn. They are as follow: 
Davidson, Dekalb, Dickson, Hardeman, Humphreys, Maury, 
Montgomery, Rutherford, Robertson, Stewart, Sumner, Tipton,
Wilson, Williamson.  

If you will give me an address I will Mail you a hard copy.  I do
not know how to translate my diskett so that you can read it. 
However,after you printed my correspondence in your update I
received an inquiry to translate it and put it out for you.  I am
in the process of mailing a diskett to this individual.  You were
also inquiring about which Turner's I was researching.  
I am trying to find the father and brothers of John Turner. Yes
another John.  My John Turner was born in Ireland around 1755 and
came to the U.S. at an early age. John Turner married Elizabeth
Dillard of Halifax Co Va.  John Turner served in the
Revolutionary War and was at Valley Forge.  John Turner was under
the Command of Thomas Marshall. John Turner came to Tn. around
1804 in the company with the Adams family with which the Turner's
intermarried. The Children of John Turner are: William, George,
William Dillard, Francis, Elizabeth, Margaret, Samuel, John
Thomas Turner, Elisha, Howard Williams.

In researching the Turners of Tn. I found some information that
was of key interst to me, and I thought might be of inportance to
your readers.  After the Civil War Mrs. John Trotwood Moore sent
out a questionaire to Civil War Veterans asking for information
concerning the Veterans background.  The questionaire asked for
the veterans parents and grandparents. One of the questionaires
was completed by F.A.Turner(veteran)the son of Thomas J.B. Turner
(father) the son of Daniel Turner (Grandfather).  The veteran
stated the following about his grandfather "There were 7 brothers
of them, all in the Revolutionary War. My grandfather Turner
built the first mill on Mills Creek. hence its name. My
Grandfather Wilson was also a Revolutionary Soldier" I think that
this Daniel was a brother to my John.  From my research of Middle
Tn. I am convinced that all of these Turner's are related. I have
reviewed the War records on microfilm from the National Archives.
>From my review I am convinced that these 7 brothers are as 
follows: John (my grandfather), Daniel(1), Francis(2), James(3),
Thomas(4), William(5), George(6).

Daniel (1) was the first Turner that I was able to find in Tn. 
As indicated above he settled on Mills Creek at the time in
Davidson Co. His decendents are throughout Middle Tn.

Francis (2) Even thought he did not settle here I am convinced
that his children did.  According to revolutionary War Records
Francis was born in Ireland in 1750. He served in the
Revolutionary War Under Thomas Marshall. 

The children of Francis were: Ester,Adam,John, James & Elizabeth. 
Adam and  John come to Sumner co. around 1796.

James (3) was born in 1756 according to Revolutionary war records
in Culpepper Co Va. and died in Williamson Co. Tn. in 1835. James
originally came to Tn. as  the result of buying a land grant form
Thomas Donaho of Caswell Co. NC. James bought this grant along
with Thomas Turner of Caswell Co. NC. James' children were
Mildred, Sarah, Nancy, Dr. William M. Turner.  According to 
Goodspeeds history of Williamson Co. "Dr. William M. Turner was
born in Williamson Co. Tn Sep 26, 1831, son of Joseph R. and
Elizabeth  H.(Marshall) Turner.  The father was born in Maryland
in 1801 and his mother, who was a sister of the Honorable John
Marshall". Thomas Marshall (who the Turners served under during
the Revolutionary War) was a very close and personal friend of
Geroge Washington and the father of John Marshall the Great Chief
Justice.  Goodspeeds also indicates that Dr William M. Turner's 
grandparents were from Ireland.

Thomas (4) Is shown as buying the land with James Turner above.
Evidently Thomas returned to Caswell co. NC. somewhere around
1818.  In a land transaction it states that "Thomas Turner of
Caswell Co. NC. appointed James Turner of Williamson Co. Tn. to
sell a parcel of land in Rutherford Co.  The transaction was
witnessed by James yancy and Thomas Harrlson.  Thomas Turner 
evidently married a Yancy girl. Yancy became a prominent name in
the Turner family in Tn.  Interestingly enough Caswell Co. NC
county seat is Yancyville.

William (5) According to a history of Wilson Co. it states
that"my great Grandfather was william Turner of NC. and served in
continental army with the North Carolina Troops.  William Turner
Witnessed in land transactions of James and Thomas above. William
was married to  ? ,Francis.

George (6) I have found no direct link with George in Tn. as of
yet.  However, I feel that George is probably the last Brother. 
In researching the Revolutionary War records of Virginia for
Turners, I found where Richard Burnett received the pay for two
Turners: George and William.  Richard Burnett picked up their pay
for them on May 2, 1787. The initial "B." is used numerous times
as a middle Initial for the Turners of Tn. I am guessing 
that it stands for Burnett.

If you look at my John's children you will see that 4 of the
above names were given to his children: William, George, Francis
and Thomas.
X-Sender: (Unverified)
Date: Tue, 04 Jun 1996 16:55:49 -0700
From: Charles Dorian <>
Subject: Burnett fata

Hi Nyla, 

I have made a descendancy chart of seven generations for my
BURNETT family.  I could go to nine but my listing at seven is 10
pages!  I am going to send  you two pages at a time.  As you
might imageine, family group sheets for this line would take lots
of pages.  I will be glad to work with anyone if they are
connected into this line at some point. Zachariah Burnett
(1794-1860/70) had a second marriage to a Mary Ford. I have
located the Ford line if someone is interested.  

Yes, I was dong genealogy when I lived in DC. For the two yers
before coming out here I was the President of the Capital PAF
Users Group. I started doing the Burnett line in early 1970's and
also my first wife's father's line - MILLER - (from Long Isand) -
at the same time. I have been the Chairman of the Eastside
Genealogical Society (Bellevue, WA) Computer Interest Group for
the past two years - so have my hands full. I have just become
the President of this Society, membership is 370+.

Here are the first two pages:

                              DESCENDANCY CHART

4 Jun 1996                                            Page 1
1-- Joseph BURNETT-2141 (1750-1813)
 sp-[---] [BURNETT]-2142
    2-- Jesse BURNETT-2144 (1767)
    2-- Jeremiah BURNETT-2133 (1768-1821)
     sp-Judith [BURNETT]-2134 (1772-1860)
        3-- Zachariah BURNETT-1147 (1794-1860)
         sp-Mary FORD-1148 (1802-1860)
            4-- Zachariah H. BURNETT-1149 (1833-1900)
             sp-Mary A. C. HAWN-1157 (1837-1874)
                5-- Mary J. BURNETT-1158 (1861-1885)
                 sp-Charles A. PATTY-1848 (1862)
                    6-- George M. PATTY-1849 (1889-1931)
                5-- Sarah A. BURNETT-1159 (1863-1926)
                 sp-David W. BURKHART-1850 (1853-1919)
                    6-- Iva M. BURKHART-1855 (1880)
                    6-- Claiborn McDonald BURKHART-1856 (1882-1952)
                    6-- J. George H. BURKHART-1857 (1884)
                    6-- Anna L. BURKHART-1858 (1886)
                    6-- Malinda L. BURKHART-1859 (1889)
                    6-- Monroe Earnest BURKHART-1851 (1891)
                    6-- Flora E. BURKHART-1852 (1892)
                    6-- S. W. BURKHART-2118 (1894-1898)
                    6-- William Hobert BURKHART-1853 (1896)
                    6-- Virda R. BURKHART-1854 (1898)
                5-- Nancy E. BURNETT-1160 (1867)
                5-- William A. P. BURNETT-1161 (1869)
                 sp-Bertha A. [---]-1860 (1881)
                    6-- Dewey A. D. BURNETT-1861 (1900)
                    6-- Samuel C. BURNETT-1862 (1903)
                    6-- William C. BURNETT-1863 (1906)
                    6-- Bettie F. BURNETT-1864 (1909)
                5-- Martha E. BURNETT-1865 (1873)
             sp-Caledonia F. HAUN-1845 (1862-1910)
                5-- Elisha J. Harrison BURNETT-1846 (1895)
                5-- Dora F. BURNETT-1847 (1898)
            4-- Mary E. BURNETT-1688 (1834-1911)
             sp-James N. MONDAY-1712 (1835)
                5-- Charlotte E. MONDAY-1834 (1859)
                5-- Melissa M. MONDAY-1835 (1861)
                5-- Josephine D. MONDAY-1836 (1865)
                5-- Rob B. A. MONDAY-1837 (1867)
                5-- Elisha G. C. MONDAY-1838 (1869)
                5-- David J. MONDAY-1961 (1875)
            4-- James R. BURNETT-1150 (1835-1900)
             sp-Margaret J. ROSE-1153 (1844-1910)
                5-- Martha A. BURNETT-1154 (1861-1910)
                 sp-Charles A. PATTY-1848 (1862)
                 sp-Joseph F. SIMPSON-1866
                    6-- Lafatts A. SIMPSON-1867 (1899)
                 sp-Robert H. NICHOLSON-1868 (1858)
                    6-- Charles R. NICHOLSON-1869 (1895)
                5-- Joseph Alexander BURNETT-1155 (1867-1936)
                 sp-Vashti SWAGGERTY-1689 (1870-1957)
                    6-- Harriet Velma BURNETT-1870 (1890)
                    6-- Margaret Cara BURNETT-1690 (1892)
                    6-- Oscar Shield BURNETT-1693 (1894)
                              DESCENDANCY CHART

4 Jun 1996                                         Page 2
                    6-- Joseph Henry BURNETT-1871 (1896-1981)
                    6-- James Scott BURNETT-1691 (1898-1950)
                     sp-Gertie E. [---]-2120 (1906-1936)
                    6-- Willis D. BURNETT-1874 (1901)
                     sp-Ann Mae [---]-2121
                        7-- Theodore BURNETT-2122 (1931-1933)
                    6-- J. C. BURNETT-1875 (1904)
                    6-- John R. BURNETT-1876 (1909)
                    6-- Orville Gibson BURNETT-1692 (1913-1969)
                5-- Oliver M. BURNETT-1156 (1869)
                 sp-Margaret Jane PRATT-1872 (1869-1910)
                    6-- Mevonia C. BURNETT-1873 (1893)
                5-- William Thomas BURNETT-1818 (1872-1947)
                 sp-Flora G. JULIAN-2119 (1878-1935)
                5-- Horace O. BURNETT-1819 (1876-1931)
                 sp-Lena M. [BURNETT]-2310
                5-- Eliza J. BURNETT-1895 (1883-1919)
                 sp-Vaughn L. BURNETT-1896 (1876)
                    6-- Albert BURNETT Jr.-1897 (1902)
                    6-- Roscoe W. T. BURNETT-1898 (1903-1966)
                    6-- Horace U. BURNETT-1899 (1906)
                    6-- Samuel E. BURNETT-1900 (1908)
                    6-- Franchie BURNETT-2123 (1918-1919)
            4-- Elisha Douglas Gibson BURNETT-847 (1839-1910)
             sp-Nancy Ann Elizabeth ADAMS-846 (1844-1887)
                5-- John Quincy BURNETT-1016 (1860-1922)
                 sp-Martha Ellen HAMBY-957 (1861-1944)
                    6-- May A. BURNETT-1921 (1881-1882)
                    6-- Martin H. BURNETT-836 (1883-1957)
                     sp-Lillian ENGLISH-1119
                        7-- (inf. dau.) BURNETT-1122 (1903-1903)
                        7-- Richard D. BURNETT-1120 (1905)
                        7-- James Elmo BURNETT-1121 (1908)
                    6-- James Douglas BURNETT-956 (1886-1931)
                     sp-Versa Etna DORTON-1112 (1884)
                        7-- James M. BURNETT-1113 (1905)
                         sp-Eva HAYES-1236
                        7-- Ernstine BURNETT-1114 (1907)
                        7-- John Joe BURNETT-1116 (1910-1950)
                         sp-Anna BAKER-1302
                        7-- Mabel G. BURNETT-1117 (1912)
                        7-- Douglas BURNETT-1115 (1914)
                        7-- Martha BURNETT-1118
                        7-- Hazel BURNETT-1175
                        7-- Marjorie BURNETT-1176
                        7-- Quincy BURNETT-1177
                        7-- Herbert BURNETT-1178
                    6-- Verdie Lennis BURNETT-839 (1888-1910)
                     sp-Thomas M. RECTOR-1123 (1884-1948)
                        7-- Vera A. RECTOR-1124 (1908)
                         sp-? MAYBEN-1200
                        7-- Virgil Malcom RECTOR-1125 (1909-1938)
                         sp-Pauline WRIGHT-1201
                    6-- Henry Preston BURNETT-840 (1891-1955)
                     sp-Martha A. VAN HOY-1126 (1892)
                        7-- Dallas R. BURNETT-1127 (1909-1974)

I will send you the additional pages, if the above is acceptable.

Sincerely,  Charles
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
-  -  -  - 
Charles Dorian                      email:
3521 255th Lane SE  #19
Issaquah, WA  98029
        Thank you for sharing your information.  It looks good to me.  I'll
add your message(s) to the next compilation.   
        Any format folks care to use is fine with me.  It's the information
that's important.    I remember years ago wanting to share information on
one of my lines.  The gentleman I was corresponding with insisted all
information be submitted on a family group sheet that he designed.  Needless
to say, I never got around to transferring my information to his sheets.  

               Keep in touch.
X-Sender: (Unverified)
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 1996 12:38:24 -0700
From: Charles Dorian <>
Subject: Burnett data

Hi Nyla,

Here is the 2nd mailing of Burnett data.

                               DESCENDANCY CHART

4 Jun 1996                                              Page 3
                         sp-Lena M. BURNETT-1275
                        7-- Leona BURNETT-1128 (1912)
                         sp-Lane CUNNINGHAM-1219
                    6-- Jere Baxter BURNETT-834 (1893-1943)
                     sp-Lois CLINE-1129 (1895-1944)
                        7-- Lillian BURNETT-1133 (1911)
                         sp-[---] ELMORE-1243
                        7-- Bethel BURNETT-1131 (1914-1970)
                         sp-Nelle YOUNG-1229 (1917)
                        7-- Marie BURNETT-1132
                         sp-James MCCOY-1330
                        7-- Hiram Cornell BURNETT-1130 (1919-1973)
                         sp-Eloise HULING-1263 (1920)
                    6-- Rose V. BURNETT-837 (1896-1960)
                     sp-Walter A. RECTOR-1134
                    6-- Casteau William Charles BURNETT-835 (1899-1942)
                     sp-Katie Lea OWENS-1920
                    6-- Nellie Frances BURNETT-838 (1903-1946)
                     sp-Khem W. PALMER-1135
                5-- Zachariah Hiram BURNETT-1018 (1862-1902)
                 sp-Susie GOSS-841
                    6-- Jefferson D. BURNETT-889 (1883-1945)
                     sp-Dosia E. MILLARD-958 (1886-1957)
                        7-- Lennis BURNETT-1226 (1905)
                         sp-Charles HALL-1205
                        7-- William Morris BURNETT-1220 (1906)
                         sp-Cora HEMBREE-1199
                        7-- Eliza Anna BURNETT-1292 (1908)
                         sp-Harry HARTMAN-1300
                        7-- Samuel J. BURNETT-1298 (1909-1960)
                         sp-Alma FORD-1287
                        7-- Ellen BURNETT-1301
                         sp-Leonard Ridley HYDER-1296
                        7-- Tom BURNETT-1305
                         sp-Ruby [BURNETT]-1204
                        7-- Joe BURNETT-1297
                         sp-Amy [---]-1442
                        7-- Verdie BURNETT-1241
                         sp-[---] DIXON-1444
                        7-- Lena M. BURNETT-1275
                         sp-Dallas R. BURNETT-1127 (1909-1974)
                            *** SEE PAGE 3 FOR CHILDREN ***
                 sp-Kate [BURNETT]-914 (1871)
                    6-- Mae BURNETT-954 (1895)
                    6-- Isobelle BURNETT-1005 (1898)
                    6-- Alma BURNETT-1072
                     sp-Norton STANDEVEN-1207
                5-- William N. BURNETT-1017 (1867-1923)
                 sp-Elizabeth J. BANDY-1073 (1868-1910)
                    6-- William Clyde BURNETT-1074 (1891)
                    6-- Mae BURNETT-1075 (1895)
                    6-- Ruth BURNETT-1076 (1897)
                     sp-John CONGER-1170
                        7-- John B. CONGER-1221
                        7-- Gail CONGER-1310
                        7-- William CONGER-1225

                               DESCENDANCY CHART

4 Jun 1996                                          Page 4
                        7-- Frances CONGER-1320
                         sp-[---] MARSHALL-1446
                    6-- Ruby BURNETT-1077 (1897)
                     sp-W. B. STRICKLAND-1172
                     sp-[---] BEASILY-1171
                        7-- Clarence BEASILY-1308
                5-- George Preston BURNETT-751 (1870-1933)
                 sp-Mary Joe CATE-752 (1876-1965)
                    6-- Mildred Sue BURNETT-749 (1900-1981)
                     sp-Frank Lewis MILLER II-750 (1892-1943)
                        7-- Frank Lewis MILLER III-757 (1922-1975)
                         sp-Lucille Alice MCBRIDE-759 (1923)
                        7-- Mary Elizabeth MILLER-2 (1925-1990)
                         sp-Charles DORIAN Capt.-1 (1921)
                        7-- John Henry MILLER Dr.-758 (1933)
                         sp-Polly MONZ-864 (1931)
                    6-- Hazel Belle BURNETT-808 (1902)
                     sp-John Logan ROSE-809 (1885-1955)
                        7-- John Logan ROSE Jr.-817 (1926)
                         sp-Ida Winifred CULLOM-858
                        7-- Martha Jo ROSE-818 (1930)
                        7-- Robert Burnett ROSE-819 (1940)
                         sp-Betty SMITH-859
                         sp-Agnes SIGSBEE-860
                    6-- Daisy Louise BURNETT-806 (1905)
                     sp-Richard McCrae GRIFFIN Sr.-807 (1904-1958)
                        7-- Eleanor Louise GRIFFIN-820 (1931)
                         sp-Thomas Stephen ROTHROCK-856
                        7-- Richard McCrae GRIFFIN Jr.-821 (1932)
                         sp-Katharine BEYER-855 (1933)
                    6-- George Lawrence BURNETT-810 (1907-1970)
                     sp-Mary Elizabeth HUDSON-811
                        7-- Elizabeth Ann BURNETT-822 (1938)
                         sp-Richard BUCKNER-863
                    6-- Mary Eleanor BURNETT-812 (1909-1909)
                5-- James Leon BURNETT-1019 (1872-1943)
                 sp-Cora CARTER-1078
                 sp-Nettie DENTON-1079 (1884-1953)
                    6-- James Leon BURNETT Jr.-1080 (1904-1933)
                    6-- Paul E. BURNETT-1081 (1906-1978)
                        7-- Sue BURNETT-1461
                         sp-Robert HODGE-1464
                        7-- Don BURNETT-1462
                         sp-Barbara REDDON-1470
                    6-- Cora BURNETT-1082 (1908-1968)
                     sp-Hollis PROFFIT-1290
                        7-- Betty Ann PROFFIT-1463
                     sp-John Edward ROGERS-1307 (1882-1961)
                    6-- Dorthy M. BURNETT-1083 (1911-1965)
                     sp-Ridley B. HAMILTON-1299 (1903-1950)
                    6-- Beulah Rose BURNETT-1084
                     sp-Joe SWIM-1239
                5-- Ida Bell BURNETT-1021 (1875-1928)
                 sp-Wesley DEATHERAGE-1091 (1874-1935)
                    6-- (unnamed) DEATHERAGE-1881
                    6-- Charles L. DEATHERAGE-1877 (1908)
Sincerely, Charles

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
-  -  -  - 
Charles Dorian                      email:
3521 255th Lane SE  #19
Issaquah, WA  98029

The end of this compilation.