Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 23:14:20 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 180 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

15 Aug 1997

Hello to Everyone,

More eMails.  A big welcome to our new folks and a welcome back to Ann.
 (Ann, I apologize again for deleting your address.)  Folks, be sure to check
out all our compilations on Chris Gaunt's home page.  All the files have been
zipped and can be downloaded thanks to Kevin.


Subj:	Burnett, William d before 1772 in Henry CoVA
Date:	97-08-13 11:26:42 EDT
From:	Witt

	Seeking parentage of William Burnett, dec'd before April 1772.
He was associated somehow with the Harbour and Witt of Henry CoVA.

	For example, William Burnett and David Witt had a joint land patent 
(Patent Book 33 page 27) for 627 acres on S. Fork of Goblintown Cr. in what
now Patrick CoVA.   However, David Witt sold both halves of the Patent,

             313 acres to David Harbour (son of Elijah) in 1772, and 

             313 acres to John Stamps in 1785.

	Further, Henry CoVA Deed Book IV, indicates that William Burnett
had a Harbour connection:

	On 23 April 1772, SAMUEL ALLEN acknowledged receipt  from
TALMON HARBOUR of sixteen pounds (and change) "in full of 
the estate of WILLIAM BURNETT, deceased."


	In regard to the above entry, there was a Bond posted (Henry CoVA
Deed Book IV page 447) and proved on 15 August 1788 which
states that "The condition of the above obligation is such that the said 
THOMAS CUMMINGS and JOHN HENDERSON shall keep and forever
maintain the said TALMON HARBOUR and his heirs secure against all
persons who shall hereafter make any lawful claim against the estate
of WILLIAM BURNETT, deceased."  My ancestor John Witt (son of
David Witt d1808 & Sarah Harbour) was witness to this bond.

	Seek information in regard to the above WILLIAM BURNETT
(deceased before April 1772) to include advice as to his connection
to the Harbour and Witt of the area.

Wayne Witt Bates

Subj:	 Thanks!
Date:	97-08-13 11:49:32 EDT
From: (Ann N. Hughes)


I will get the missed ones from Chris' home page. I surely don't want to be

I have developed a good way to save the compilations, certainly not unique,
but it works for me.  I save them directly to WordPerfect where I edit them
to include just the names and the genealogy information, then I save them
to a floppy and print them out in small point type with small margins back
to back.  I was running out of storage space......  This takes a bit more
time up front, but saves both time and paper in the end.

Thanks again for the work you do.


Subj:	Turner update
Date:	97-08-13 12:33:24 EDT
From: (Ann Martin)

I am still here waiting - hoping that someone will recognize my Turner
family in Pendleton county, Kentucky late 1700's early 1800.  Some family
are John A., Lucinda  John J., James,  Henry Clay, Nancy,
Frank(Franklin), Wm. T.,Thomas J.
Parents came from Virginia??

A descendant of above was living in Wyandotte Co, Kansas in 1893 - John J
and Susan Turner.

Other Turners in Pendleton County Ky  same dates as above were George,
William and John,  other after 1810 were Francis, Thomas J.,  James.

Any help appreciated.   Ann  

Subj:	Re: Comp 179 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-08-13 21:30:54 EDT
From: (Ann N. Hughes)

Nyla and David,

This message is in response to Comp 179 and the Allied Families of VA, Inc.
When O.E. Pilson took me and my husband to see the Allied Families pavalion
in May of 1995, I took a picture of the dedication plaque on the building. 
It lists only 15 families--Andreson, Burnett, Corn, Hatcher, Houchins,
Pedigo, Pendleton, Pilson, Ross, Stovall, Turner, Wood, Via, Jamison, and
Price.  I assume the other two you mention, David, have been added since I
have been there.  Could you post the names of the new families, please?


Date:	97-08-14 06:12:19 EDT
From: (waddie)

Hi Cuzins!

	I have a suggestion here.  A few weeks or so ago a Burnette cuzin on
this list posted a note about a Burnette Family Reunion here in Virginia.
As I'm always curious about Burnett/e I emailed her, we compared a few
notes and I looked at her home page of Burnette.  SURE ENOUGH, there it
was!  A firm connection way back to our 2nd generation of Burnett here in
America.  Two sons of John Burnett I.  I was EXCITED!

	As it was an open invitation for us decendants of John Burnett's line to
attend the reunion, I went and drove the 3 1/2 hours across the Blue Ridge
Parkway to the reunion.  I met two cuzins there, both doing genealogy and
had all there stuff with them as I did.  We each had TONS of information
that the other didn't have!  It was FUN!!!!

	I also got to meet and talk with LOTS and LOTS of kin folk there.  Of
course they were the nicest people in the world!  THEY ARE BURNETT/E's.

	 Bottom line here is and my suggestion:  If you get a chance to go to a
reunion such as I did, GO!!!!!  Don't make no difference if you know them
personaly or not.  If they are kin you can bet there are some there also
doing the research and looking for YOU!

Take care,

Waddie "Bos'n Mate" Salmon
Visit my Home Page at:
Researching - Salmon, Burnett, Mason,
Carwile, Husdon, Sowell and Sprouse
Waddie,   I've never been to a BURNETT reunion.   But I can speak first hand
about TURNER reunions.  I love reunions.   I may not know the cousins when I
get there, but I'll know them before I leave.  One thing about cousins, you
can pick and choose the ones that you want to claim as kin.  Nyla

Subj:  Elizabeth Turner and Cynthia Turner
Date:	97-08-14 07:25:01 EDT
From: (Ann N. Hughes)

	In getting organized to get back into genealogy, going through files,
making corrections, and entering data, I went through my notes on my last
trip to PCVA in May of 1995. Regarding the ongoing the controversy over the
maiden name of Elizabeth Turner, wife of Francis Turner, Sr., O. E. Pilson
comment to me as we were standing at the graves of Francis Turner, Jr. and
wife Nancy that he suspects her name was Elizabeth Lackey. O. E. has
tremendous credability due to his very responsible research work.  I assume
this conclusion was deduction or he would have cited a source.

	I have been searching for some time now for the wife and the parents of
Isaiah Turner b. 1770, father of Cynthia Turner [1794-1827]. Cynthia Turner
married of Lewis (Lou) Turner 5 May 1817 in Franklin County, VA (Franklin
Ct Mar Records list marriage and that she is dau of Isaiah Turner). Cynthia
and Lewis Turner are buried in the Lewis Turner Hardin Hall Cemetery.They
are my gggrandparents on my grandfather's paternal side [Alvah Jeremiah
Turner]. As to Isaiah Turner's wife, Frieda Clark Cannaday states in The
Cannaday Family of Virginia and West Virginia, 1988, that an Isaiah Turner
married Elizabeth Cannaday on 9 Dec 1797, but this were my Isaiah it would
be three years after Cynthia's birth.  Frieda doesn't say what county and
the Marriages of PCVA by Adams doesn't include them. Frieda also says that
no records for B & D dates for Elizabeth have been found in Patrick or
Franklin Cts.  As to the parents of Isaiah Turner, J. D. Turner stated at
one point that there were three Turner families in PCVA--Francis, Shadrack,
and ?(I don't have his letter in front of me at this moment, but I don't
believe Isaiah was listed as progenitor.  I'll check.).  I'd appreciate any
clues as to Isaiah's wife and/or parents please.


Subj:	John Burnett
Date:	97-08-15 20:09:52 EDT
From: (Sharon Crawford)


Is anyone researching the family of John Dison Burnett, born Feb.21,1874
to William and Lucinda "Wright" Burnett in Golden, Carroll Co. AR. ?
John married Iole Rainey in Berryville, Carroll Co. AR on Aug. 20, 1904.
John and family moved to St. Joseph, MO before 1917 and died there in
1964. He is a descendant of John and Lucretia Burnett of Virginia.
Sharon Burnett Crawford
Pontotoc Co. Oklahoma usgenweb page:

Subj:	Add my name
Date:	97-08-15 22:55:14 EDT
From: (Joe Dawson)

Saw your name on C Gaunts home page. I have been researching Turners for
awhile too. My Turner connection comes with Elizabet Turner married to
Samuel Packwood through dau Sarah Packwood md. Edmund Bartlett  their
dau Polly Bartlett md William Appleby thru son Pollard Turner Appleby my
gr grandfather.  I would like to help and maybe you have u=info that will
verify my connection to this line. I have quite a lot of Bartlett info
if you need it.
Thanks Chris

The end of this compilation.