Date: Mon, 18 Aug 1997 22:33:14 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 181 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

18  Aug 1997

Greetings to Everyone.  A big welcome to our new members.  Be sure to check
out all our compilations on Chris Gaunt's home page.  Thanks to Kevin, all
the files have been zipped.  

I'll be making a quick trip back East this week.  So, this is the last
compilation until next week.   If you have any information to share, be sure
to send it my way so we can have another compilation next week.

If you see an address that doesn't look complete, it probably is someone that
has the same onLine service as I have.  In most cases, just add  

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	Re: Comp 180 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-08-16 07:12:42 EDT
To:	NCreed1

I'm hoping to find a connection of this "Elizabeth/Betsey Turner" to my
Fitzpatricks and Pattersons.

Madison Co., Ky. 1850 Census
FITZPATRICK, Frances    	64f    Va.
         Alexander(fmr)		42m  Va.
TURNER, Elizabeth		56f    Va.
        Eliza			38f    Va.
FITZPATRICK, Mirion	26f    Va.
           Cyrus  U.
Madison Co., Ky. 1860 Census
PATTERSON, Allen *(farmer)	43  m  Ky.
	Miriam			36  f    Ky.
	George			 2  m   Ky.
	Mary  F.		 4  f     Ky.
	Samuel		         5/12 m    Ky.
TURNER,  Betsey


Date:	97-08-16 09:08:14 EDT
From: (Calvin Goforth)

HI gang,

       I have been doing research on my Burnett's again. I am looking 
for info. on a Thomas Jefferson Burnett. He was born ca. 1830 in Tenn. 
and the 1850-1880 census has his parents listed as being born in Va. He 
and a good many other Burnett's moved from Tenn. to Ray Co. Missouri in 
the mid 19th century. Anytbody got some info?

                                                   Thanks, Calvin

Subj:	Re: Question
Date:	08/16/97

In a message dated 97-08-16 06:45:09 EDT, you write:

<<I've been watching you column for a year now and haven't seen any
 Turner's that match mine.  I have hesitated in asking any questions
 because alot of my Turners aren't documented.  Some of them are our best
 guess with dates and places.  I wouldn't want to get anyone upset, If I
 had wrong people together. I am very inexperienced at this.  My question
 is should I send what I think is my line and see if anyone has
 corrections or additions?  My cousin has done most of the research but
 has had to put genealogy on a back burner for awhile.  So I'll leave it
 up to you.  Help  Sherry at


By all means, send whatever you think is your line.   Ask for help with
corrections or
additions.  We were all inexperienced at one time.   I would guess that most
of us have made wrong placements (although sometimes it's hard to admit).
  Asking for help is the only way folks know you're wanting help.   That's
what this list is all about.   Hopefully, when someone finds a mistake in our
"work", they will point it out to us so we can get back on track.  

Subj:	TURNER reunions
Date:	97-08-16 13:15:37 EDT
From: (kturner)

I would appreciate knowing if there are any Turner reunions on the
horizon.  Our line is Thomas Turner of New London, CT. (appears there at
age 20 in 1720, marries 1727, dies there 1791).

Still hoping for a national Turner reunion somewhere we can attend. 
Kathy Turner
Edmonds, WA.

Subj:	Problems with my ISP
Date:	97-08-17 08:21:40 EDT
From: (Paula Ward)

I have been having problems with my Internet Service Provider.  They wiped
out my account a few days ago, and finally managed to get me back online a
few minutes ago.

If you have sent any Turner newsletters to me that have bounced...probably
in the past week, I'll go check out the website to look at them.
If you've removed me from your list, could you please add me back?
Thank you.
Paula Kelley Ward                           PWard@Express-News.Net
To subscribe:  send a message to 
that contains the word:   subscribe    and nothing else; turn off signature

Germany>New York:  HECKMAN(N), JAECKEL
Subj:	Re: Comp 180 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-08-17 07:45:01 EDT
From: (Terri Chesney)

This is Terri -organizer of Terisha Turner newsletter -  on the Allied
Families mentioned in last compilation -

Subj:   Re: Comp 179 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:   97-08-13 21:30:54 EDT
From: (Ann N. Hughes)

Nyla and David,

This message is in response to Comp 179 and the Allied Families of VA, Inc.
When O.E. Pilson took me and my husband to see the Allied Families pavalion
in May of 1995, I took a picture of the dedication plaque on the building.
It lists only 15 families--Andreson, Burnett, Corn, Hatcher, Houchins,
Pedigo, Pendleton, Pilson, Ross, Stovall, Turner, Wood, Via, Jamison, and
Price.  I assume the other two you mention, David, have been added since I
have been there.  Could you post the names of the new families, please?

Ann  <<<<<<<

Noticed Stoval and Turner and had seen evidences that some of the Turners.
They were in some ways connected to kin of our Turners and Stovals.

Do you know what basic background these Allied families were -Scots?
English? Welsch? Irish?

On the Scots Irish list I sub to we have recently discussed how the people
that migrated from Scotland to Ireland and then to America would stay within
a circle of close friends. And that if you could ever get the names of
those close circle of friends then you would probably have your ancestor
families.  And these folks would go back generations and generations.  I find
that is true in the families I research. For example Terisha Turner in
Albemarle Co. VA in 1700's was next neighbors with Lyon family and their
children intermarried. The following Turner generations of my branch migrated
to Sumner co. Tn and then the  following generations migrated to Tx where
they lived in Hays Co and then in a small town south of San ANtonio called
Pleasanton.  My grandmother who lived there growing up knew all her relatives
and grand and great grandparents there in that small
town.  She had a best friend from childhood days and they are both in the
nursing home now.  I asked her just to check and see what the maiden name was
of her best friend. When she said Lyon I laughed out loud. It is incredible!!
hundred fifty years later and these two families are still hanging around
each other :)

Was reading a biography of Sam Houston the other day and it describes how
he met the woman he married and raised a big family with there in Tx. He
was visiting in La and heard a woman talking behind him whose voice sounded
just like his mothers. He was interested in her immediatly and when
introduced later knew she was the one he heard talking. She happened to be
the daughter of the family that was hosting him and to his chagrin learned
she was the daughter of a minister and was only 19. He thought she'd never
have anything to do with him.  :)  But what first attracted him to her was
her voice. Her last name was Lee.  He was from Sumner Co. Tn like our
Turner folks and this girl sounded like his mother. I know the Lee family
was big in VA and I think his family was from VA also have to check but in
talking to my husband about that whole kind of subject he said it was like
a memoria -we are attracted to and like certain things because our
ancestors did etc and especially if the group was from a certain culture,
race, religion.

What I wanted to know about where the Allied group was from because I am
still trying to pin down where my Terisha Turner was born. One book said
Scotland, another book said thinks he was the immigrant of the family but
doesn't know for sure where from. Another source says Buckinghamshire
England and other sources say he was born in VA.  So if you or any one on
the list has any knowledge of where that group was from I'd really like to

Also wanted to say about the archives and saving these compilations. I've
saved mine, actually all my Turner posts in an email folder in my eudora
program.  I learned that I could use the edit word at the top of my screen
when I am in Eudora program and scroll down it to the FIND word -select it
and another FINd box comes up that lets me type in a word or phrase to
search. Then I pull up my Turner email file and select or blue in the top
post at the very top of the file the earliest email I've received -several
yrs ago now - and then go back and  hit the find box that is still up.
Immediately a search is in progress through all the Turner posts for that
one word or phrase. When it finds an email letter with that word in it  it
shows the letter on the screen with the word in blue so I can find it in
I copy and paste the info I want onto a new blank file and then hit the
next button and the search continues. As I look over each email it brings
up I can select info and paste it to the new file. When finished I then
save the file or email it to someone if I'm trying to help someone find

This is avery valueable tool that everyone should know about. If you are
really interested in researching you will want to keep all the posts and be
able to use this search feature. In moments you can find every email post
that has ever been posted with for example the name of the town where your
ancestors live. Or of course with the name of your ancestor and the more
unusual name the more helpful.  It also shows you if nothing has ever been
posted about your particular family which at least tells you you haven't
missed anything and no one is on this list so far that is going to be able
to help you.

My husband has also gotten a program fixed up for us that will search text
in all of my files not just in EUdora.
So I mention this to everyone the incredible value of all the posts that
have been made to this Turner newsletter of Nylas that it might help you on
other family lines as so many different families married into the Turners
and we've had some long posts with hundreds of wife lines.  I find lots of
clues for other families just reading over the posts.
Certain first names were used among certain groups and you learn what
locals and cultures, religions, they were used in for instance.

If you run across any info about a Terisha Turner I'd be glad to hear about
Terri Chesney

Pat Chesney
Waco, Texas

Subj:	Willie Catherine Elizabeth VIA & Charles Edgar POWELL
Date:	97-08-17 18:27:37 EDT
From: (Jordan Jones)

Nyla --

Please add me to the Burnett/Turner/Via/Ross/Etc/Etc mailing list.

In the archives, I found the following:

Subj:     family name Via
Date:     96-03-17 20:01:26 EST
From:     CW1210
To:  NCreed

I asked to join your mailing because of interest in family name
of Burnett.  However I notice the name Via listed in your
compilation.  I am also looking for anyone with information
concern the marriage/families of Charles (Chas) E. Powell  and
Willie C. Via in Albemarle County, Va. December 24, 1884.


The from line doesn't give me an address to send e-mail to. Is there a
way to contact this person? Maybe they're still on the list.

The people he/she mentions are my g-g-grandparents. Here's what I know:

John Robert VIA (a brother to Thomas David VIA, below?)
Rebel Veteran of the Civil War

Thomas David VIA
b. Albemarle Co., VA
Union Veteran of the Civil War
m. Sallie E. ?

     Willie Catherine Elizabeth VIA, dau. of Thomas David
     b. January 22, 1869, Charlottesville, Albemarle, VA
     m. Charles Edgar POWELL (b. in VA; d. 1921 in Hinton, Summers Co.,
     d. January 16, 1937 probably in Hinton, Summers Co., WV

Most of this is from family tradition. I have requests in for death
certificates with the state of WV.

Anybody recognize these folks?

Jordan Jones

Date:	97-08-17 21:14:44 EDT
From:	T8642
To:	NCreed1

Hello Nyla,  I am researching my Burnett line. I just happen to have Jeremiah
Burnett b:May 15,1824 in Howard Co., Mo  the fifth child of Samuel Burnett
and Lavinia Cox. Married to Nancy Turner (1829-1869) daughter of George
Washington Turner and Lucy Thomas. Jeremiah was the brother of Ellen Burnett
b: about 1834 in Mo., married to William Lee ? Does this help you? And do you
have anything that may help me with my Ellen Burnett LEE?  Thank you. Please
reply soon.

Joyce Tadlock
Princeton, Texas

Subj:	Re: Comp 176 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-08-18 12:35:21 EDT
From:	MAStalling
To:	NCreed1

Dear Nyla,

I have a wonderful huge book on the Stallings Family Geneology for that side
of my
family going back to 1635, and wonder if anyone has done the same with the

Anyone having any information on this might drop your newsletter a line?


Subj:	 Turner Geneaology
Date:	97-08-18 14:48:03 EDT

Please send any information and or newsletters.  I am attempting to discover
the parents of James Turner (b 11 Aug 1758 - d 20 Sep 1851).  He was married
to Mary Johnson ( b 1774 - d 21 Feb 1860)  They both died in Kentucky,
however, I am not sure where they migrated from. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.

R. Edward Turner, Ph.D.

Subj:	Re: TURNER Mailing List
Date:	97-08-18 15:12:34 EDT
From: (DeeperWtr)
To: (NCreed1)

Thank you very much for including me with any information or mailing you may
have.  I am trying to find the connection of James Turner of Kentucky (b 11
Aug 1758 - d 20 Sep 1851) to the Virginia Turners.  James Turner was married
to Mary Johnson (b 1774 - d 21 Feb 1860)

R. Edward Turner, Ph.D.
Annapolis, MD  

Subj:	My Turner family Part 1
Date:	97-08-18 06:30:33 EDT
From: (Caseys)

Dear Nyla and group,
I'm sending you an list of my ancestors.  I don't have documentation on
all of them.  Some of them are mine and my cousin's best guess.  I
haven't seen any of them of your list so far, but maybe someone will
read this and connect with us. My Turner family married and moved with
the McDonald family.

I'll start with John Turner born in 1730 in Southampton County, Virginia
and died on 24 January 1804 in Warren County, Kentucky.  He married
Patience unk in Southampton County, VA in 1759.  We think their children
included Henry born 1760, John Jr. born 1762, Michael born 1768, Isham born
and Durham born 1771.

The first record we found of John Turner in Warren County, Kentucky is
when he bought 50 acres of land on 8 August 1799 from W. B. Barren.
John and Henry Turner were the first Turners recorded in Warren County
on the tax record taken 10 September 1800, page 310.  John Turner was
recorded with 50 acres and one horse on the Warren County tax record for
1801 and 1803.  He died in Warren County, Kentucky on 24 January 1804
and probably left his homestead to his older son Henry for the care of
his widow, Patience Turner.  Durham and Phoebe Turner witnessed his

John Turner, Jr. was born in 1762 in Southampton County, Virginia where
he married Mary unk in 1792.  They had eight children.

Fielding      b 1793VA
Levy          b 1795VA   m 1820 Nancy Patrick
Mathias       b 1796VA
Elijah        b 1796VA   m 1821 Unity S. McDonald d 1839AL
Thomas        b 1801KY   m 1823 Libby             d 1848MS
Daughter      b 1804KY
Lorenzo Dow   b 1806KY   m 1829 Judah McDonald    d 1896MS
Henry/Wren    b 1808KY                            d     AL

Allen McDonald was the father of Unity and Judah McDonald.  Allen
McDonald and John Turner Jr. let their families south from Bowling
Green, Kentucky in 1827.  They crossed Tennessee and settled near Guin
in Marion County, Alabama.  The two families were neighbors in Kentucky
and probably had a common Scotch heritage.  The 1830 census for Marion
County, AL, page 176 records Allen McDonald and Elijah Turner living
next door to each other.  Lorenzo Dow Turner was recorded on page 175
and Thomas Turner was on page 160.  Allen McDonald was recorded on the
1850 census for Marengo County, Alabama on page 93.  He died there in
1854 at the age of 80, living with his son Angus McDonald.

Elijah Turner was born in Southampton County, VA in 1796.  He and his
Twin brother Mathias were 3 years old when the family moved to
Kentucky.  Elijah married Unity S. McDonald on 31 January 1821 in Warren
County, KY.  Unity was born 6 February 1806 in Warren County, KY. 
Elijah and Unity had eight children.  The first two were born in KY and
the last six were born in Alabama.  They are as follows:
William      b 1823  married Catherine Wise
Angus        b 1825  married Catherine Burrow
James F      b 1828  married Maria Richbourg
Isaac        b 1830  married Mary A. Taylor
Lorenzo      b 1833  married Mary Richbourg
Fielding     b 1834
Martha       b 1836
Lucinda      b 1839

Unity Turner was recorded in Monroe County, MS in 1850 as head of
household with her five youngest children.  Isaac, Lorenzo, Fielding,
Martha and Lucinda.  Her oldest son William and his family were living 2
houses away.  The second son Angus was still living in Marion County,
Ala in 1850 and was recorded on page 114 of the census.  He later moved
to Monroe County, Ms where his seven children were born.  Angus Turner
died in Monroe County, MS after 2 February 1874.  His widow Catherine
Burrow Turner was recorded on the 1880 census as head of household.  The
third son James F. married Maria Richbourg on 8 October 1854 in Monroe
County, MS.  The marriage is recorded in Monroe County Marriage Records,
Book 4, page 401 and lists Unity S. Turner as the mother of James F.

Subj:	 My Turner Family Part 2
Date:	97-08-18 03:23:54 EDT
From: (Caseys)

William Turner the first son of Elijah and Unity was born in Warren
County, KY.  He was only 16 in 1739, when his father died, and he became
the main provider for his mother and his seven younger siblings.  The
records indicate that most of the Turner and McDonald families moved
away from Marion County about this time and Unity and the younger
children may have lived with relatives.  The next record we have is that
William Turner married Catherine Wise on 17 March 1842 in Monroe County,

Catherine's parents were James and Ann Wise.  The Wise family was traced
to Sumter and Clarendon Counties in South Carolina.

William Turner was recorded on the 1850 census for Monroe County on page
35.  He was shown as a Laborer, who was born in 1823 in Kentucky.  His
wife was recorded as Catherine, age 26, born in 1824 in Mississippi. 
Three children were recorded on the census.  They were living near
several of Catherine's Wise family relatives. William and Catherine's
children were

John H.        b 1842    m 1867 Elmira Clay in Monroe County
Sarah M.       b 1844
Amanda E.      b 1849    m 1863 Richard Deas in Monroe County
Phelan Shafer  b 1851    m 1872 Frances Constanza Harris in Monroe

The next reference to William and Catherine Turner was on a Petition for
Guardianship filed in Monroe County, MS on 4 Jyly 1859 by John H.
Turner, the 17.  The Petition asked that the Court appoint George W.
Morgan as the legal Guardian for John H. Turner and his younger
siblings: Sarah M., Amanda E., and Phelan Shafer Turner.  The Petition
affirmed that their parents William and Catherine Turner were both
dead.  It further stated that William Turner had left real and personal
property in the State of Texas equal to about $100.00 for each of his
children.  The names of the children, the parents, and the dates match.

The end of this compilation.