Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 00:47:21 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 182 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

19 Aug 1997

Greetings to Everyone,

When I checked tonight's mail, I found so many interesting messages that I
couldn't resist sending them now.

This is the last message, I promise, 'til next week.

Again, thanks to everyone who share information on their family.  You're the
reason this list continues.

Nyla CREED DePauk

Subj:	 My Turner Family Part 3
Date:	97-08-19 05:34:38 EDT
From: (Caseys)

Dear Nyla and gang,

I need to back up on this one to Thomas Turner the brother of Elijah
Turner.  Thomas Turner was born in 1801 in Kentucky.  He married Libby
unk in 1823 in Kentucky.  They had four children in KY before the move
to AL.  Their first two children were twins, whom they named Elisha and
Elijah.  They had four more children in Marion County, AL, and their
last child was born in Itawamba County, MS in 1839.  Thomas and Libby's
children were as follows.

Elisha       B1824   m Luda
Elijah T.    b1824   m Kizia
Girl           b1826
John L.     b1828   m Lydda
Girl           b1829
Malissa     b1832
Samuel     b1834
Mary         b1837
Mathias C.   b1839

Thomas Turner was recorded on the 1830 census for Marion County, AL on
page 160.  He was on the 1840 census for Itawamba County, MS on page
147.  He was on the Itawamba County, MS Tax List for 1846.  The 1850
Itawamba County Census, page 349 lists Libby Turner as a widowed head of
household.  Her five youngest children and her older twin son Elijah T.,
who was then age 26, were recorded with their mother.  

Lorenzo Dow Turner was a younger brother of Elijah and Thomas Turner. 
He was born 11 May 1806 amd married Judah McDonald in 1829 in Marion
County, Alabama. They had 12 children.

Baby              b 1830               died young
Francis Marion    b 1832         m 1852 Rahcel E. Franks
                                 m Betty McDonald Ritter
Allen Young       b 1834         m 1856  Mary F. Clark    d Wolfe Co. TX
Phoebe L.         b 1836         m 1853  Richard Lyles
Lucinda M.        b 1838         m 1856  Green Young
John W.           b 1840         
Alfred J.         b 1842         d Killed in Civil War at Port Hudson on
                                   June 28, 1863
Elizabeth J.      b 1845
Littleton F.      b 1847
David Hampton     b 1850         m 1869 Mary D. Brooks
Isaac LaFayette   b 1852         m Sarah Pennington
William Hartford  b 1854         m Martha M. Young

The first five children of Lorenzo and Judah Turner were born in
Alabama.  Lorenzo bought 160 acres on Sand Creek in the Shiloh Community
of Itawamba County, MS in 1838.  He built a home there and probably
moved his family to MS in 1839.  John W. Turner was their first child
born in MS in 1840.

Lorenzo was a Methodist Preacher.  He helped found two Churches in
Itawamba County, MS, Shiloh Methodist Church and Blackwell's Chapel. 
Judah died on 22 July 1889 and Lorenzo died on 16 February 1896 at age
90.  They are both buried in the Shiloh Methodist Church Cemetary.

Back to Elijah and Unity's children:
Their first son was William which I talked about in a previous post.
Their second son was Angus Turner.  He was born in 1825 in KY.  Angus
married Catherine Burrow in 1850 in Marion County, AL.  Their seven
children were all born in Monroe County, MS.  They are as follows.
Calvin     b 1854
Mary       b 1856
James      b 1858
Andrew     b 1860
Nancy      b 1862
Susan Elvira b 1864
Lorenzo Dow b 1871

Angus and Catherine Turner were recorded on the 1850 census for Marion
County, AL on page 114.  They moved to Monroe County, MS before 1854
when their first child Calvin was born.  Angus and Catherine bought land
in Monroe County on 2 February 1874.  Catherine Turner was listed on the
1880 census on page 5 as the widowed head of household.

Elijah and Unity named their third son James F. Turner.  He was born in
1828 in AL.  He married Maria Richourg on 8 October 1854 in Monroe
County, MS.  The marriage record lists Unity S. Turner as his mother,
who posted a surety bond for the marriage.  This confirms the
parent=child relationship for Unity and James F. Turner and also
confirms that Elijah was probably dead.

Elijah and Unity named their fourth son Isaac.  Isaac Turner married
Mary A. Taylor on 12 October 1851 in Monroe County, MS.  They had 11
William R., Albert E., James, Martha A., Samantha E., John Arthur,
Malinda, Thomas M., Phelan M., Archie, and Woodie.

Isaac Turner was named on the 1850 census for Monroe County on page 46. 
Unity S. Turner was listed on this page also as a widow with her five
youngest children.  Isaac and Mary were listed on the 1870 census on
page 11.  Cemetery records indicate that Mary died on 14 August 1902. 
We have found no record for the death of Isaac.

Subj:	Turner surname
Date:	97-08-19 09:48:29 EDT

I am researching my husbands family and am having trouble on his fathers side
of the TURNERS.  I have only been ablt to go back 4 generations to a John
Turner, who
married Fanny Burnette, early 1800's.  They had a son Greenville
Turner(b.1829), in Adair County, Kentucky, he married Sally Martin(b.1837).
 They had a son, John Henry Turner (b.1856), he married Rhoda
Gearhart(b.1860)  I know that John Henry Turner and his wife Rhoda Spurlock
had lived in Floyd County, Kentucky.  I am not sure if any of your Turner
line crosses this line but I would appreciate any information.

Marilyn Turner

Subj:	Re: Comp 180 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-08-19 10:16:06 EDT
From:	sheldoe7@Ra.MsState.Edu (Aubrey W. Shelton)

Dear Nyla; please repeat the web address for Kevin's compilations. Have
misplaced it. I am a descendent of John/Lucretia Burnett. Went to the
Grandfather Mountain Scottish Games this summer. Marched in the Parade of
Tartans under the Burnett flags. My grandaughters carried the family
banner and my son-in-law and daughter wore the family tartans, and I wore
the family sashes. It was fun and quite stirring. Thanks. Mary Shelton

Mary:  Chris' home page is:

That will lead you to Kevin's home page, as well as Waddie's home page.  

Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the Grandfather Mountain Scottish
Games.  This
is all new to me.  Tell us more.


Subj:	Roberson Connection to the Turner Family
Date:	97-08-19 12:04:56 EDT
From: (Ann N. Hughes)

Nyla, The following information came to me via a circuitous route.  I
question a bit of the information, i.e. Shadrack Turner's wife's maiden
name as Tate, but I thought I would submit it as it came to me. I do not
have the pedigree charts Curtis refers to; however, the placing of the
individuals should not be a problem for those who have kept up with the
compilations.  I learned some things and I hope others will find it useful
also.  Curtis Roberson died about three years ago.  I knew him when I was a
child living in Roanoke during WWII. I have written Janet with some
questions including the documentation for the name of Ann Tate.  I'll pass
on her information when it comes.


The following information was collected by Curtis O. Roberson.  Janet
Kessler, his sister, lent it to my cousin, Nancy Droste, who sent it to me.

Boldface numbers correspond to numbers on pedigree chart.  Date of birth
and date of death are shown immediately after the main entry name; dates may
be estimates.  Bracketed numbers followed by "t" refer to entries on the
Jennie Jane Turner pedigree chart.  Bracketed numbers followed by "r" refer
to entries on the
James Benjamin Roberson pedigree chart.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Sources of  Information (references: on
separate page).  Children usually are listed under their mother's name.
 Names of children are from Census; other children may have been born but not
enumerated on the Census.  James Benjamin Roberson was not listed in his
parents' household on the 1880 Census, for example.
U. S. Censuses before 1850 give only names of heads of household and list
other members by age and race groupings

Notes about children and siblings not in direct descendance are listed
under the main entry.

PkCo = Patrick Co. VA, HnCo = Henry Co. VA, FkCo = Franklin Co. VA, PtCo =
Pittsylvania Co. VA.  (See reference 17 for dates when counties were formed.)

More accurate sources of genealogical information are county birth,
marriage, and death records, as well as deeds and other official records.
 Working almost exclusively at the Texas State Library genealogical
collection, I was
unable to see any such records except copies of a few given to me by Mr.
Doyle Sellers (10).

1t    Jennie Jane Turner  29 June 1871 - 21 Apr 1964.  Married on 7 Feb
1894 to James Benjamin Roberson [1r] in PkCo.  Her name is shown on official
Patrick County Birth Record (6) as Juda Jane Turner, date of birth June
30, 1871 (possibly this was the date recorded); "Name of person giving
information of birth" was "Jeremiah Turner, father." Jennie's maternal
grandmother was Judith Burnett, who had a paternal uncle named Judah.  1880
U. S. Census taker for Smith River District in PkCo was Shadrach Turner,
her eldest brother.  He listed her as Jennie Jane Turner.

2t    Jeremiah Turner   29 Nov 1826 - 28 Jun 1896.  Married between
1851-1856 to Martha Jane Turner, with whom he shared a great-grandfather,
Shadrach Turner [16t].
              1850 Census (17 Aug 1850) was 24 yrs old, a "laborer," living
with his parents, Lewis L. Turner [4t] and step-mother, Ann.

 3tMartha Jane Turner (Turner).  16 Apr 1829 - 25 Dec 1915. Married between
1851-1856 to Jeremiah Turner, with whom she shared a great-grandfather,
Shadrach Turner [16t].  1910 Census she was living in PkCo, age 80, head of
household; also living in her household: Emett Turner (age 23) and Wilbur J.
Turner (age 20). 
"Buried at cousin Handon Hall's place, close to Lilly Cox's' (9) Her
children, showing dates of birth:
   Shadrach L. 1857 - Was the 1880 U. S. Census taker for Smith River
District in PkCo, and he enumerated his own family.
   Thomas J. 1859
   Mahala A. 1861 Jan 16 
   Jeremiah S.  1862 Alma's Dad (?)
   Samuel J. 1863) (9) - 1870 Census was age 7 yrs . Not listed on 1880
Census as is presumed have died before that time.
    John B. 1866 Aug 14
   Cynthia R. 1869  (9) - 1870 Census was age 1 yr. Census taker spelled
her name Syntha. Not listed on 1880 Census and is presumed to have died
before that time.  She may have been named after her father's mother,
Cynthia Foster [5t).
   Jennie J. 1871 Jun 29 (7) Mama
   Exoney E. 1876 Aug 14 Aunt Bettie - May have been named after her
mother's great aunt Exconey, daughter of Shadrach Turner [16t) and Ann Tate

4t    Lewis L. Turner  1794-1884.  Married 5 May 1817 in FkCo to Cynthia
Ann Foster (12). On 28 Mar 1825 bought goods from estate of Jesse Young, PkCo
(3, p.59). 1830 Census PkCo his age 30-40.  Also in this
household were a boy under 5 yrs (Jeremiah [2t[), one man 20-30, a girl
5-10 and a girl 10-15.  He did not own slaves.

In PkCo in 1830 was another Lewis Turner, age 40-50. 1840 Census shows his
age 40-50.  His wife [second wife, name Ann?] is age 20-30.  In the household
were 2 boys ages 5-10, and a boy under 5 (Jeremiah [2t]); 3
girls all ages 5-10.  Jeremiah was age 14; apparently he was not counted. 
No slaves. 1850 Census (17 Aug 1850) shows age 56, his occupation
"blacksmith."  Wife's name is Ann (his second wife, maiden name
undetermined), age 32.  In the next household was Francis Turner, age 56,
possibly a brother.

5t    Cynthia Ann Foster  1794-1827.  Married 5 May 1817 in FkCo to Lewis
L. Turner; surety given by Isaiah Turner (12).  First wife of Lewis L. Turner
and mother of Jeremiah (9). Her son Jeremiah [2t] on the 1850 Census PkCo is
the only child still living with Lewis L. Turner [4t) and his second wife,

6t    Shadrach Turner  1788-(after 1850).  Married 28 Jan 1813 to Judith
Burnett in PkCo. 1830 Census PkCo shows his age 40-50; wife [not named on
this Census] is 30-40; a boy 5-10, a girl under 5 (Martha [3t]), 2 girls
5-10, and 2 girls 10-15.  No slaves. 1840 Census PkCo had 9 children [see
7t], no slaves.  In 1844 was paid by Patrick Co. $2.00 for "4 days (road)
work, this year and last year" (13).
In August 1844, was a member of a PkCo grand jury, and in April 1846 he sold
PkCo land to his son Joseph S. Turner (6 & 10).

On the 1840 Census PkCo is John Turner, Jr., age 60-70, probably brother to
Shadrach.  And on the 1850 Census PkCo in the household next to Shadrach is
John Turner, age 70; wife Nancy, age 63; they had 4 children living with

7t    Judith Burnett  1794-(after 1850).  Married 28 Jan 1813 to Shadrach
Turner in PkCo; marriage bond gives  her name as Judith (6). 1840 Census she
had 9 children: 1 boy under 5 yrs, 1 boy 5-10 (Samuel), 1 boy 15-20, 2
girls under 5 yrs (one is Clementine), 1 girl 5-10 (M. Ruth), 1 girl 10-15
(Martha J. [3t]), and 2 girls 15-20 yrs.  1850 Census shows "Juda Burnett."
 She was "buried at Elamsville [VA]" (9).  Her children (estimated birth
 dates) shown on 1850 Census: Joseph "Joe" 1823; Martha J. [3t] born 16 Apr
1829; Mandy [birth date?]  married Bob Ross; Betsy [Elizabeth?], Mi. [sic]
Ruth 1831, married Steve 
___ (9), Samuel C. 1833, Clementine
"Tiny" 1836, married Pete Corn (9), Mary [birth date?]  married Alex Nawlin

The John Burnett on 1840 Census PkCo may have been her brother. One of
Judith's brothers may have been Francis Burnett, born about 1794, who married
Nancy [last name undetermined; born about 1803].  Children (and birth dates)
of Francis and Nancy on 1850 Census: Fleming 1833, Samuel 1835, Deborah 1837,
Elizabeth 1839, Violet 1841. Judith Burnett may have had a sister-in-law
named Marg A. Burnett (maiden name undetermined); on 1850 Census PkCo was age
46; her husband was not living; she had four children living with her.

 8t    Jeremiah Turner  (Before 1770?)-(before 1850).  Married 21 Apr 1792
in FkCo to Rachel Ross (12).  Brother of John Turner [12t].

9t    Rachel Ross  (Before 1770?-(before 1850).  Married 21 April 1792 in
FkCo to Jeremiah Turner: marriage  witnessed by her father, Daniel Ross;
surety given by Thomas Ruple; minister, Randolph Hall (12). 1840 Census
PkCo shows living in nearby households Daniel Ross and David Ross, both
between age 60-70; these may have been her brothers.

12t   John Turner  1747-(before 1840)  Married to Mary Elizabeth Price,
possibly a second marriage, in 1786.  Like most other VA citizens, took an
oath to the Commonwealth of Virginia (2, p. 309) some years before the U.
S. Constitution was ratified in 1789.  Brother of Jeremiah Turner [8t]. A
John Turner is shown on the 1810 Census for FkCo.

13t   Marv Elizabeth Price   Born 1766 (8).  Married 1786 to John Turner
(8).  In the will of Shadrach Turner [16t] there are two persons named Mary:
Mary (no last name shown) and Mary Hunter.  The name Mary Hicks also appears
in association with the name John Turner.

A John Turner on the 1830 Census PkCo is age 50-60 and his wife was age
30-40; they had 10 children.  This may have been her son.

14t   John Burnett  Had a brother named Judah (9).

15t   Betsv Tate   Wife of John Burnett [14t] and mother of Judith Burnett
[7t].  1830 Census PkCo shows a John Burnett age 20-30; this may have been
her son.

16t   Shadrach Turner  1720-(after 1787).  Married to Ann Tate in 1744. 
Also appears as 24t on pedigree chart of Jennie Jane Turner [it]. Shadrack
[sic] Turner and his sons John and Josiah paid taxes in PtCo: "tithable taken
Peter Perkins (tax collector) for the year 1767" (15, pp 283-284). An entry
in February 1783 HnCo records of tax credits ("levy"): "To Shadrack [sic]
Turner for use of his home and 9 diets to Capt. Robel's Camp Company ordered
out against the Tories: also for 4 diets and 15 lbs. Fodder to Col.
 Crockett's Regiment." (2, p.325). His will dated 25 Oct 1783 was recorded in
HnCo, but he may have lived some
years longer, because under his name his Henry County "household" is listed
in the 1785-1787 Virginia Census.  This census shows 10 persons in his house,
including two blacks.  It was common to list slaves on wills, but none are
listed on his. He signed his will "Shadrach Turner, Sr."  His grandson (son
of John) Shadrach was born five years later, in 1788 Persons listed in his
will: Ann (wife) [17t], John [12t], Josiah, William, Mary (Larkin's wife?),
Larkin, Jeremiah [8t], Excony, Mary Hunter, Lucia Robb, Sally ,Elizabeth

Larkin's wife was Mary [maiden name not stated]; their marriage was
recorded in HnCo on 16 Jan 1789; Joseph Anthony, minister; witnesses: Hunter
and Hicks (see Reference 1, which assumes Mary's last name is Hicks).

17t   Ann Tate  Born 1720 (8).  Married to Shadrach Turner in 1745 (8). 
Also appears as 25t on pedigree chart of Jennie Jane Turner [it].  See 16t
for list of her children.

18t   Daniel Ross  1740-1811 (8).  His father was Roderick Ross [36t], his
mother was Helen Ross [37t] (8). An entry in HnCo records (2) about 1783: "To
Daniel Ross for guarding 4 days.. .100 drams tobacco." [100 drams
was about a half pound.  Tobacco was a common medium of exchange.] Whether
this was Daniel Ross [18t] or his son is undetermined. Daniel Ross paid taxes
in FkCo in 1786 (16, p 208).  The David Ross and William Ross who also paid
FkCo taxes that year may have been his son and brother, respectively, or both
may have been brothers. Daniel Ross is shown on 1810 Census FkCo.

19t   Betty Garth  Born 1847 (8).  Children (9):
   David [married ___ Anderson]
   David Ross, age 50-60, whose wife was age 40-SO, is shown on 1820 Census
PkCo.  They had 9 children.
   Daniel - Daniel Ross, age 50-60, is shown on 1820 Census PkCo [other
household members not named]:
wife age 30-40 yrs.  Sons: 1 under 5, 1 10-15, 1 15-20.  Daughters: 2 age
10-15.  Probably this is her son.
   Sallie R. [married Joe Cox]
   Rachel [9t]

24t   Shadrach Turner  Also appears as 16t (which see); he was a mutual
great grandfather of Jennie Jane Turner's parents.

25t   Ann Tate  Also appears as 17t.  She was a mutual great grandmother of
Jennie Jane Turner's parents.

26t   Joseph Shores Price  1731-1801; born in Ireland (8).

28t   Benjamin Burnett  Died 27 Feb 1798 in PtCo (14).  For children see
29t.  Presumed father of John Burnett [14t].

29t   Frances (Burnett)  Presumed mother of John Burnett [14t].
Children (14, pp 9-10): Edward, John [14t], Benjamin, Elizabeth, Jeremiah,
Godfrey, Sally, Thomas, Barnot, Polly.

32t   John Turner Born 1695 in Cornwall, England.  Died 1744 (8).

36tRoderick Ross  Born 1702 (8), possibly in Scotland (9).

37t   Helen (Ross)     Maiden name undetermined.

                        Sources of information

1  Henry County Marriage Bonds, 1778-1848.  Virginia Anderton Dodd
(editor).  1953.
2  History of Henry County, Virginia.  Judith Parks America Hill (author). 
3  Abstracts of Wills, Inventories and Accounts, Patrick County, Virginia,
1791-1823.  Lela C. Adams
   (editor).  1973.
4  U. S. Census manuscripts of 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1910.
Microfilms available in various libraries. 
   Indexes of many censuses are available.  Names often were spelled as the
census taker heard them.  Censuses
   before 1850 listed only heads of household and enumerated the remainder
of household members by age
   category but without naming them.  Census of 1890 manuscripts for the
entire U.S.A. were destroyed in a
   fire in Washington DC.  1790 Census manuscripts for Virginia were
destroyed.  1810 Census manuscripts for
   Virginia counties of Patrick, Henry, Pittsylvania, and others were
destroyed.  Indexes for many Census years
   have been published privately and are available in many libraries.
5  U. S. Census of 1860, Slave Schedule, Patrick County VA.
6  Patrick County VA records, 1831-1846.  In LDS (Church of.. Latter Day
Saints: Mormon) genealogy
   archives 033,347. 
7  Register of Births, Patrick County, 1853-1896. [see reference 10]
8  Curtis 0. Roberson, notes on pedigree chart about 1976.
9  Victor S. Roberson, handscript notes from about 1935.
10 Doyle Sellers, Ogden, Utah.  Mr. Sellers had access to microfilm of
Patrick County VA official records in
   the genealogy archives of the LSD church (Church of Latter Day Saints:
Mormon).  Mr. Sellers and his
   partner in 1938-1939 were boarders in the home of Jennie J. and James B.
Roberson on Staunton Avenue,
   Roanoke VA.  Victor and Agnes Roberson were living in an upstairs room
of the home at that time, shortly
   after their marriage, and Mr. Sellers remembered them.  In gratitude for
the Robersons' kindness (he and his
   Mormon partner had been turned away by several people who refused to
accept them as boarders) he
   researched the Roberson/Turner family and sent copies to Victor in 1984.
 Victor had died by this time;
   Agnes corresponded with Mr. Sellers, as did her son Wayne.
11 Carole Gene Roberson Triplett, Bassett VA; daughter of Edga Roberson,
son of Alvis, son of Thomas, son of
   Landon, son of William Nelson Roberson, II [4r].  Notes and chart given
by her to Neil Roberson in 1976.
12 Marriage Bonds of Franklin County, Virginia, 1786-1858.  Marshall
Wingfield (ed).  1939.
13 Census of Virginia, 1785-1787.
14 Pittsylvania County, Virginia: Abstracts of Wills, 1768-1800. Thomas
P.Hughes, Jr. (compiler).  1973.
15 History of Pittsylvania County, Virginia.  Maud Carter Clement (author).
 1929, 1973.
16 Franklin County, Virginia: A History.  Marshall Wingf ield (author).
17        Patrick Co was formed from Henry Co on 26 Nov 1790.  Franklin
from Bedford and Henry on 29 Nov 1785. 
          Henry Co from Pittsylvania Co on 23 Oct 1776.  Pittsylvania Co
from Halifax Co in 1767.  Halifax Co from
          Lunenburg Co in 1752.

Subj:	Re: Comp 181 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-08-19 12:44:30 EDT
From:	CarBurCo
To:	NCreed1

In a message dated 97-08-18 22:33:03 EDT, you write:

<< Hello Nyla,  I am researching my Burnett line. I just happen to have
Jeremiah Amos  Burnett b:May 15,1824 in Howard Co., Mo  the fifth child of
Samuel Burnett and Lavinia Cox. Married to Nancy Turner (1829-1869) daughter
of George Washington Turner and Lucy Thomas. Jeremiah was the brother of
Ellen Burnett b: about 1834 in Mo., married to William Lee ? Does this help
you? And do you have anything that may help me with my Ellen Burnett LEE?
 Thank you. Please reply soon.
 Joyce Tadlock
 Princeton, Texas >>

Joyce: Yes, I have your Ellen. She is not in my line but she does come from
Jeremiah.  Parents: Samuel Burnett son of Jeremiah b. 1761,b. abt 1793
Patrick Co., Va d. bet 1850- 1860 and his wife,Lavinia or Leah Cox. Ellen
Burnett was b. 1834 in Bates Co, Mo. Her husband was William Lee. That is
really all I know except to point out that Ellen is descended from three
Jeremiah Burnetts in a row and then Samuel her father. Samuel's mother was
Mary Johnston.

Caroline Burnett Cook

Subj:	Re: Comp 181 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-08-19 17:20:13 EDT
From:	AMose17325

Paula Kelley Ward:

I have a lot of information on the Hairston's of Virginia.  A gentleman sent
me 2 years
worth of research.  If you are interested, email me at AMOSE17325@AOL.COM.
I am also hoping to find some information on the Turners that moved from
Henry County Ga. to Douglas County Ga.  

Anna Moseley

The end of this compilation.