Date: Mon, 25 Aug 1997 18:12:58 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 183 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

25 August 1997


A big welcome to all our new folks.  Be sure to check out all our
compilations on Chris Gaunt's home page:

Thanks to Kevin, all the files have been zipped.  If you haven't done so
already, please send me any information you care to share on your family.

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA
Subj:	 Burnett Researchers
Date:	97-08-21 01:05:23 EDT
From: (David Burnett)

	I recently found the House of Burnett Page, thru Eastman's Online
Genealogy Letter.  Very nicely done site.  My name is David Silas
Burnett.  Please add me to your list.  My email address is

	I have a Web Page at

	It includes my genealogy data for my burnet and other lines.  I would
appreciate your adding my site to yours as a link.

	Thanks,		Dave Burnett

Date:	97-08-21 21:16:20 EDT

Please add me to the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via mailing list.  My family
descends from the Burnetts of South Carolina.

Thank you,

Date:	97-08-20 09:30:43 EDT
From: (Joan Lampkin)


Subj:	Re: Comp 182 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-08-20 10:00:42 EDT

     For your information, persons did not pay taxes in the 1700s until they
were 16 years of age.  This was taken from the old English law.


Subj: Re: TURNER Mailing List
Date: 17 Aug 1997 10:26:31 EDT

Dear Nyla, 

My wife is Belinda Thomas McBee.  Her mother Frances is the daughter of John
Turner who came from Virginia.  He is descended through Shadrack Turner,
William Turner m Jane Hunter, Meshach m Nancy Martin, Andrew Harden Turner m
Martha Ida Prillman, George Waller Turner m Susan Marshall Turner, John
Andrew Turner m Rhoda Lillie Moss, Frances Louise Turner m William "Bill" or
"Jr" Bert Thomas, Belinda Kay Thomas m Danny A. McBee.  I have been fortunate
to have gathered names.  I have little or nothing on these Turners.  Can you
help me with knowing more about Belinda's family other than just their names.
 I am glad I saw your post.  We live in Gastonia, North Carolina.  
Danny A. McBee, 4131 Grissom Street, Gastonia, North Carolina, 28056
(704) 865-6715.  My screen name is   
Thanks for anything you can do to help us.  

Subj: Re: TURNERS from VA and elsewhere
Date: 17 Aug 1997 10:40:57 EDT

I have already sent you an e-mail but I forgot to ask that you put us on the
mailing list.  I did give the address however.  Thank you Nyla.  Belinda is
REALLY excited.  Danny.

Subj:	House of Burnett and Chris Gaunt's page
Date:	97-08-21 06:38:54 EDT
From: (Mary Dunklee)

Hi Nyla,
Just wanted to thank you for stopping by the House of Burnett's Web site
and to also thank you for putting me on the subscription list for your
compilations.  As soon as I get some free time I will send in my Burnett
genealogy...Patrick County, VA to NC to TN.... Also wanted you to know that I
added the comp page to the House of Burnett's page links.

Thanks again.

Mary Dunklee
House of Burnett

Subj:	Elliott/Sutton/Minge/Shutters/Burger
Date:	97-08-22 17:56:47 EDT
From:	Bervi

I'm forwarding this query to you for the list from a Thornton cuz. Perhaps
someone can help. Thanks,  Peter Ramsey <>

In a message dated 8/22/97 9:00:37 PM, (B.A. &
Colleen Thornton) wrote:

Meanwhile... do you have anything on surnames: Elliott, Sutton, Minge,
Shutters or
	My maiden name was Elliott (Eva Colleen) and my father was
James (Jim) Nathaniel Elliott 1908-1983 born in McMinn Co. TN

My grandfather- James Washington Elliott 1866-1940 McMinn Co. TN
mar. Nannie Theodocia Sutton 1874-1934. Nannie had a sister Mary
Elizabeth Sutton who married grandfather's bro. Joseph Jackson Elliott.

My g-grandfather-John Elliott 1841-1925 married Matilda Burger 1842-1925

My g-g-grandfather-Joseph Jackson Elliott 1819-1891 mar.(1) ?? 
		mar. (2) Catherine Shutters (said to be part Cherokee)

My g-g-g-grandfather-John Elliott born bet. 1773 & 1778 &
		1870 (he gave different ages on all census records)
		married 3 times (1)Nancy Brumit, (2)Sophia Pearson, (3)
		Sarah Carney. Issue:10 chn by first 2 wives.

My g-g-g-g- grandfather-William "Billy" Elliott orn circa1750  died-?
	This Billy according to family tradition fought at King's
		Mountain during the Revolutionary War. He married a 	
		Gemima (Jemima ?) a Cherokee from S.C. and the story was
  		at she searched the battlefield for Billy's body with  a papoose 
		(John Elliott) on her back. Course Bill didn't die there, not many 
		 the "Over the Mountain Men" were killed since the hid behind
		he trees and fought like the Indians.
		Ferguson's men called them cowards.  

Enough of this. Hope you have some information on my clan. The names
are surely right. I'll let you know if we turn up anything on Mullins.
Thanks a million!

Forwarded Message: 
Subj:	Re: Fwd: Re: MULLINS chart - 1700's VA
Date:	97-08-22 17:00:37 EDT
From: (B.A. & Colleen Thornton)
To: wrote:
> Colleen
> Does any of this info hit the early known Mullins of Franklin Co.? With the
> Stanley name in there I was
> very suspicious. Is this a bingo somehow?
> It feels right, but not all the dates match with the Mullins info I got
> your News (Jan '94)
> What do you think?      Peter
> In a message dated 8/17/97 11:10:14 AM, wrote:
> >Hello all, I will respond to the list regarding Abraham Mullen (Moulin)
> >as this info comes from a very rare book entitled "Memories and Records
> >of Eastern North Carolina" by Mary Weeks Lambeth, (c) 1957 by author,
> >Curley Printing Co., Nashville [Tn]  I doubt if too many copies are
> >extant.  On p16 - The Mullens were French Huguenots, descended from
> >Abraham Mullen, who settled at Mannakin town, Va. in 1700.  He bought
> >land in Perquimans Co. in 1707. See my [Lambeth's] lines sent to the
> >Huguenot Society. I cannot find any Mullen ancestor in the
> > not know if they were Tories but do know that Joseph
> >Mullen, lived during the RW was the son of a Quakeress, ELIZABETH SUTTON
> >whose father, Joseph Sutton, was a prominent Quaker and Justice of the
> >Precinct Court in 1706. Joseph Sutton ws a son of Joseph Sutton and
> >Deliverance NICHOLSON, d/o Christopher Nicholson ......was a prominent
> >Quaker preacher and leader in the Colony.......Joseph Mullen was probably
> >opposed to war....certainly a very wealthy man as deeds in the [book]
> >History of Perquimans County will show.  He is listed in the first census
> >of No. Carolina in 1790 with 32 taxable slaves......."Note: She goes on
> >here to mention the Spruill, Davis and Garrett fam's - djd
> >page 105 - She mentions Mary Louisa Mullen d/o James Mullen b 1795 d Dec
> >3, 1845, m/1 Elizabeth Newby Nov 10 1814 and m/2 1823 Mary Ann McDonald b
> >1804 d Dec 2 1840 from "Old Mullen Bible & tombs and McDonald Bible."
> >"...James Mullen was s/o Isaac Mullen 11 b Feb. 27 1762 m Apr 6 1790 to
> >Eliz. Barclift (Bartlett) b c1765. Said Isaac Mullen 11 s/o Joseph Mullen
> >d 1791 (Old's Wills p 253) and wife Eliz." (Winslow p 203 and 262) Note:
> >Last named book by Mrs. Watson Winslow reprinted Gen. Pub. Co.-djd) "Said
> >Jos. Mullen was s/o Isaac Mullen 1 (will 1743-Grimes) and Eliz. Sutton
> >(Winslow citations here)...Isac Mullen 1 s/o Abraham Mullen (Winslow p
> >120 No. 19) Acquired land 1707 (more citations) then..."Abraham Mullen
> >(Moulin) et sa femme, arrived on board the Mary and Ann at James City, VA
> >Aug 12 1700." Here, she goes into the Sutton, Durant, Elliott, Perry
> >Hunter, McDonald, Bartlett, Holloway &c fam's.
> >There's more on p 115 abt Abraham's ch: Abraham Jr, Isaac, Jacob. Abraham
> >was the one who m bef 1743 Eleanor MING. Isaac m Eliz. SUTTON, d/o Jos.
> >and Rebecca JONES. This is about "it" for this a.m. at 2:15. If there is
> >enough desire for more of this (mostly genealogy now) I will do it and
> >pass on to the list in exchange for a "Thank you" and knowing whether it
> >helped anyone out there. djd
> >
> >On Sat, 16 Aug 1997 18:12:56 -0700 "Hines, Greg and Kathy"
> ><> writes:
> >>Hi all,
> >>
> >>This is something that was forwarded to me about a year and a half
> >>ago.  It is *not* my research, so I can't take any credit (or heat)
> >>for it.  And I can't vouch for it, so nobody should rush to put it in
> >>their database.  All that said - I would like any to hear any
> >>proof/disproof on how these families are lined up.
> >>
> >>I have been searching for info on Rev War Vet Joshua MULLINS and his
> >>wife Anna ROBINSON.  I have seen two different sets of parents for
> >>Joshua MULLINS and don't know which is correct.
> >>
> >>Abraham MULLINS  b 1665  d 1730 in Albemarle, VA m_______
> >>(Huegenot immigrants)
> >>Children:
> >>1.  William  b 1704 m. Kathryn
> >>2.  Jacob  m. Elizabeth
> >>3.  Henry m. MAUPIN
> >>4.  Abraham m. Eleanor MING
> >>5.  Mathew m. Mary MAUPIN
> >>6.  Isaac m. Elizabeth SUTTON
> >>
> >>William MULLINS b 1704 and married Kathryn or Catherine ______
> >>Children:
> >>1.  Agnes
> >>2.  Joshua
> >>3.  James m. Mary SULLIVANT
> >>4.  Mary
> >>5.  William
> >>6.  John m. Susanna MORTON dt of Joe MORTON, Sr.
> >>
> >>John MULLINS b 1729 d bef 1 Jun 1772 m. Susanna MORTON
> >>Children:
> >>1.  David D. m. Athaliah BOYD abt 1768
> >>2.  John "Chunky?" m. Nancy GENTRY m 8 June 1792
> >>3.  Thomas
> >>4.  William
> >>5.  Joshua m. Anna ROBINSON  <-----  my husband's ancestors
> >>6.  Hannah
> >>7.  Precious
> >>8.  Agnes m. Anderson FAMBROUGH
> >>9.  Joseph
> >>More of reply regarding above line: This is mine, i.e., The three
> >MULLINS  sisters who m the three GWINN brothers of Cocke Co. TN>M0 bef
> >1819. Have more to add here too. They settled in Saline Co. MO. I noticed
> >quite a few "Winn" and "Wynne" in this book's index, so maybe they're
> >included in this somewhere. Will hae to look later.
> >Hope this little bit helps prove something for someone!
> ><djdavis4@JUNO.COM> Dolores J. Davis>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >
> >>William (son of William b 1704) b 1723  d 1790-1791 in Franklin, VA
> >>m.  Elizabeth _____ abt 1748
> >>1.  William Jr.  b 1751 prob in Lunenberg Co., VA
> >>2.  John b. ca 1754 Halifax Co., VA  d 1849 in Dickenson, VA
> >>3.  Ambrose ca 1758  Halifax  d ca 1838  Russell, VA
> >>4.  Nancy  b ca 1750 Lunenburg, VA   m. Wm. STANLEY, Jr
> >>5.  Booker b 1768 prob. Pittsylvania Ca., VA  m. Nancy STANLEY
> >>
> >>William MULLINS Jr.  m. Sarah ______
> >>Children (at least):
> >>1.  William B.H. "Balley" b 1780-84 Patrick Co., VA m. Judith STANLEY
> >>
> >>I hope this helps someone or someone can help me.
> >>
> >>Best Regards,
> >> Kathy Hines
> >> Minneapolis, MN

> >Resent-Sender:
> ---------------------
> Forwarded message:
> From: (Dolores J Davis)
> Resent-from:
> To:
> CC:,
> Date: 97-08-17 07:10:14 EDT
> Hello all, I will respond to the list regarding Abraham Mullen (Moulin)
> as this info comes from a very rare book entitled "Memories and Records
> of Eastern North Carolina" by Mary Weeks Lambeth, (c) 1957 by author,
> Curley Printing Co., Nashville [Tn]  I doubt if too many copies are
> extant.  On p16 - The Mullens were French Huguenots, descended from
> Abraham Mullen, who settled at Mannakin town, Va. in 1700.  He bought
> land in Perquimans Co. in 1707. See my [Lambeth's] lines sent to the
> Huguenot Society. I cannot find any Mullen ancestor in the
> not know if they were Tories but do know that Joseph
> Mullen, lived during the RW was the son of a Quakeress, ELIZABETH SUTTON
> whose father, Joseph Sutton, was a prominent Quaker and Justice of the
> Precinct Court in 1706. Joseph Sutton ws a son of Joseph Sutton and
> Deliverance NICHOLSON, d/o Christopher Nicholson ......was a prominent
> Quaker preacher and leader in the Colony.......Joseph Mullen was probably
> opposed to war....certainly a very wealthy man as deeds in the [book]
> History of Perquimans County will show.  He is listed in the first census
> of No. Carolina in 1790 with 32 taxable slaves......."Note: She goes on
> here to mention the Spruill, Davis and Garrett fam's - djd
> page 105 - She mentions Mary Louisa Mullen d/o James Mullen b 1795 d Dec
> 3, 1845, m/1 Elizabeth Newby Nov 10 1814 and m/2 1823 Mary Ann McDonald b
> 1804 d Dec 2 1840 from "Old Mullen Bible & tombs and McDonald Bible."
> "...James Mullen was s/o Isaac Mullen 11 b Feb. 27 1762 m Apr 6 1790 to
> Eliz. Barclift (Bartlett) b c1765. Said Isaac Mullen 11 s/o Joseph Mullen
> d 1791 (Old's Wills p 253) and wife Eliz." (Winslow p 203 and 262) Note:
> Last named book by Mrs. Watson Winslow reprinted Gen. Pub. Co.-djd) "Said
> Jos. Mullen was s/o Isaac Mullen 1 (will 1743-Grimes) and Eliz. Sutton
> (Winslow citations here)...Isac Mullen 1 s/o Abraham Mullen (Winslow p
> 120 No. 19) Acquired land 1707 (more citations) then..."Abraham Mullen
> (Moulin) et sa femme, arrived on board the Mary and Ann at James City, VA
> Aug 12 1700." Here, she goes into the Sutton, Durant, Elliott, Perry
> Hunter, McDonald, Bartlett, Holloway &c fam's.
> There's more on p 115 abt Abraham's ch: Abraham Jr, Isaac, Jacob. Abraham
> was the one who m bef 1743 Eleanor MING. Isaac m Eliz. SUTTON, d/o Jos.
> and Rebecca JONES. This is about "it" for this a.m. at 2:15. If there is
> enough desire for more of this (mostly genealogy now) I will do it and
> pass on to the list in exchange for a "Thank you" and knowing whether it
> helped anyone out there. djd
> On Sat, 16 Aug 1997 18:12:56 -0700 "Hines, Greg and Kathy"
> <> writes:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >This is something that was forwarded to me about a year and a half
> >ago.  It is *not* my research, so I can't take any credit (or heat)
> >for it.  And I can't vouch for it, so nobody should rush to put it in
> >their database.  All that said - I would like any to hear any
> >proof/disproof on how these families are lined up.
> >
> >I have been searching for info on Rev War Vet Joshua MULLINS and his
> >wife Anna ROBINSON.  I have seen two different sets of parents for
> >Joshua MULLINS and don't know which is correct.
> >
> >Abraham MULLINS  b 1665  d 1730 in Albemarle, VA m_______
> >(Huegenot immigrants)
> >Children:
> >1.  William  b 1704 m. Kathryn
> >2.  Jacob  m. Elizabeth
> >3.  Henry m. MAUPIN
> >4.  Abraham m. Eleanor MING
> >5.  Mathew m. Mary MAUPIN
> >6.  Isaac m. Elizabeth SUTTON
> >
> >William MULLINS b 1704 and married Kathryn or Catherine ______
> >Children:
> >1.  Agnes
> >2.  Joshua
> >3.  James m. Mary SULLIVANT
> >4.  Mary
> >5.  William
> >6.  John m. Susanna MORTON dt of Joe MORTON, Sr.
> >
> >John MULLINS b 1729 d bef 1 Jun 1772 m. Susanna MORTON
> >Children:
> >1.  David D. m. Athaliah BOYD abt 1768
> >2.  John "Chunky?" m. Nancy GENTRY m 8 June 1792
> >3.  Thomas
> >4.  William
> >5.  Joshua m. Anna ROBINSON  <-----  my husband's ancestors
> >6.  Hannah
> >7.  Precious
> >8.  Agnes m. Anderson FAMBROUGH
> >9.  Joseph
> >More of reply regarding above line: This is mine, i.e., The three
> MULLINS  sisters who m the three GWINN brothers of Cocke Co. TN>M0 bef
> 1819. Have more to add here too. They settled in Saline Co. MO. I noticed
> quite a few "Winn" and "Wynne" in this book's index, so maybe they're
> included in this somewhere. Will hae to look later.
> Hope this little bit helps prove something for someone!
> <djdavis4@JUNO.COM> Dolores J. Davis>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >William (son of William b 1704) b 1723  d 1790-1791 in Franklin, VA
> >m.  Elizabeth _____ abt 1748
> >1.  William Jr.  b 1751 prob in Lunenberg Co., VA
> >2.  John b. ca 1754 Halifax Co., VA  d 1849 in Dickenson, VA
> >3.  Ambrose ca 1758  Halifax  d ca 1838  Russell, VA
> >4.  Nancy  b ca 1750 Lunenburg, VA   m. Wm. STANLEY, Jr
> >5.  Booker b 1768 prob. Pittsylvania Ca., VA  m. Nancy STANLEY
> >
> >William MULLINS Jr.  m. Sarah ______
> >Children (at least):
> >1.  William B.H. "Balley" b 1780-84 Patrick Co., VA m. Judith STANLEY
> >
> >I hope this helps someone or someone can help me.
> >
> >Best Regards,
> > Kathy Hines
> > Minneapolis, MN
> >
> >
Dear Peter,
	I have my assistant, BA, working on the Mullins connection...if any to
the same clan in Franklin County. Meanwhile... do you have anything on
surnames: Elliott, Sutton, Minge, Shutters or Burger??
	My maiden name was Elliott (Eva Colleen) and my father was
James (Jim) Nathaniel Elliott 1908-1983 born in McMinn Co. TN

My grandfather- James Washington Elliott 1866-1940 McMinn Co. TN
		mar. Nannie Theodocia Sutton 1874-1934. Nannie had a 		
		sister Mary Elizabeth Sutton who married grandfather's 		
		bro. Joseph Jackson Elliott.

My g-grandfather-John Elliott 1841-1925 married Matilda Burger 1842-1925

My g-g-grandfather-Joseph Jackson Elliott 1819-1891 mar.(1) ?? 
		mar. (2) Catherine Shutters (said to be part Cherokee)

My g-g-g-grandfather-John Elliott born bet. 1773 & 1778 &
		1870 (he gave different ages on all census records)
		married 3 times (1)Nancy Brumit, (2)Sophia Pearson, (3)
		Sarah Carney. Issue:10 chn by first 2 wives.

My g-g-g-g- grandfather-William "Billy" Elliott	born circa1750  died-?
		This Billy according to family tradition fought at King's
		Mountain during the Revolutionary War. He married a 	
		Gemima (Jemima ?) a Cherokee from S.C. and the story was 	
		that she searched the battlefield for Billy's body with  
		a papoose (John Elliott) on her back. Course Bill didn't 		
		die there,  not many of the "Over the Mountain Men" were 
		killed since the hid behind the trees and fought like the 		
		Indians.  Ferguson's men called them cowards.  

	Enough of this. Hope you have some information on my clan. The names
are surely right. I'll let you know if we turn up anything on Mullins.
Thanks a million!
FOLKS:  Can anyone place any of the families above?  Could possibly be
related  to the
Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc families of Patrick, Franklin, Pittsylvania,
counties, etc.,  in VA.   ===  Nyla

Subj:	Will do lookups
Date:	97-08-22 20:36:19 EDT
From: (Tony and Linda Martinson)

Have just received on loan until 5th September "Tombstone Inscriptions 
of the Cemeteries of Patrick County, Virginia" by O.E. Pilson (1987). 

Please give complete names and a range of dates if known.


Subj:	Patrick Henry Allied Families
Date:	97-08-23 09:32:43 EDT

In Ann's recent post on the families in the Patrick - Henry Allied Families,
she was both right and wrong.  There are 15 families listed on the dedication
plaques of the Allied Families' shelter at Fairystone State Park - 13 on the
original and 2 on the added plaque.  However, there are 17 member families in
the organization now.

The following list is taken from the current bylaws of the Patrick - Henry
Allied Families of Virginia, Inc.

Section 2.  Active Membership
     A.  Open to individual family groups, parents and minor children:  and
single adults, provided they are of lineal descendancy of one or more of the
seventeen (17) families whose ancestors had originally resided in Patrick or
Henry Counties, Virginia, namely: Anderson, Brammer, Burnett, Corn, Hancock,
Hatcher, Houchins, Jamison, Pedigo, Pendleton, Pilson, Price, Ross, Stovall,
Turner, Via, annd Wood.

The Brammer  and Hancock families are the two names not on the plaque.  Mrs.
Mignon Ross Brammer was this year's Honoree at our June 15 gathering
representing her husband's family of the Brammers (and the Rosses by

David Jones
and TURNER families)

	Thanks for the up-to-date info on the Patrick Henry Allied Families.  I
from three of these early families (Burnett, Turner, and Via).   
	Can you tell us a little about the number of members, what the group is
doing in
the way of preserving history, etc., as well as the membership fee?  Who do
we contact about joining?  Is there a newsletters?  Anything you can tell us
about this organization would be especially interesting to me.  


Subj:	Re: Comp 179 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-08-25 00:19:36 EDT

Thank you so much for sending me the Compilations on the Burnett, Turner
I recently saw a line of Thomas Turner New London, CT did it read it wrong
or did he move to Virginia from New London from CT, if so can you 
send me COMP 180, I zapped it instead of saving it.  Thanks for your help.
Sorry for this request.  But this appears to relate to my Elisha Turner's (3
of them)
of Vermont, they appear to connect to Humphrey Turner.  Thanks for your help.
June Turner Kaipolites in NH -  

Subj:	Re: Comp 180- Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-08-25 16:52:12 EDT
To:	NCreed1


Thanks you for sending this to me.  I really fouled things up.  I thought for
that the Thomas Turner note as coming from New London and listing family was 
on 180.  I have lost all of them someway.  This is an imposition to ask you
she signed it CASEY!  Can you resend the compilation it was in.  It was
Her line from Thomas has the same names as my Turner ancestors who most
likely came from the Humphrey Turner line and I cannot find it to save my
My daughter is getting married on Aug. 30 and I have really done some strange
things.  I do appreciate your sending me the compilations and knew one of
these bright days I would see a ray of hope and then I had to lose it.  Or
send me 
Casey's address and I will ask her to post it to me.  I feel like a real
jerk.  You 
have been wonderful sending these to me.  Add me to the mailing list and that
may be easier for you.  Thanks for your help.  June Turner Kalipolites in NH

June,  I think #181 is the one you want.  See Sherry's info.  Be sure to send
us anything you care to share on your family.   Nyla

Subj:	Joan Matthews
Date:	97-08-25 06:02:08 EDT
From: (Kevin K. Stephenson)

	Do you have an address for a Joan Matthews?  She contacted me about Burnett
info, but when I tried to reply to her at the e-mail address on her message,
it bounced!
                            Tony Matthews []

Kevin K. Stephenson
1600 Kentucky #2
Lawrence, KS  66044

FOLKS:  Does anyone have the eMail address of Joan Matthews.  If so, please
send it to Kevin or me.  Thanks.   Nyla

Subj:	 Turner Tree
Date:	97-08-25 11:04:59 EDT

Please include me in any discussions and discoveries you may have.
I thank you,

Ed Turner

Subj:	Lost & Found Dept.
Date:	97-08-25 13:35:57 EDT
From: (Elizabeth L. Smith)

I hope Sherry will send us her Turners. Who knows maybe they will turn
out to be my lost folk.  I am anxious to find Nathan Turner and his wife
Jane Thompson Turner.  

Bette -- anxiously waiting in Texas

Betty,  I hope you read the last compilation which included Sherry's
information.  Are
these your folks, too?  Nyla

Date:	97-08-21 21:16:20 EDT
Please add me to the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via mailing list.  My family
descends from the Burnetts of South Carolina.
Thank you,

The following obituary appeared in my home town (Beckley, Raleigh Co WV)
on-line newspaper (http://raleigh-register):

Anna J. Anderson

HINTON -- Anna Josephine Anderson, 83, of Southside, died 6 a.m., Sunday,
Aug. 24, 1997, at her home following a one-year illness.  Born Aug. 11, 1914,
in Orange, Va., she was the daughter of the late James H. and Ella Blanche
Burdette Bond.
Mrs. Anderson was a homemaker and a member of the Hinton United Methodist
Church.  She attended the Brooklyn Methodist Church at Madams Creek and was
an associate member of the Silver Leak Chapter of the Order of the Eastern
She was preceded in death by her husband, Elmer S. Anderson, in January 1988.
Survivors include two sons, E.M. "Dink" Anderson of Clifton Forge, Va., and
"Bill" Anderson of Hinton; a daughter, Brenda Anderson of Alexandria, Va.; a
grandson, Shawn Anderson of Hurricane.
Services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Pivont Funeral Home Chapel, Hinton, with
Pastor Mike Richards officiating. Burial will follow in Restwood Memorial
Gardens, Hinton.
Friends may call 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home.
Arrangements by Pivont Funeral Home, Hinton.

(FYI.  Hinton is in Summers Co WV.  Nyla)
The end of this compilation.