Date: Sun, 31 Aug 1997 22:02:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 185 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

30 Aug 1997

Greetings to Everyone,

A big welcome to all our new folks.   Be sure to check out all our
compilations on Chris Gaunt's home page:

Any information you care to share on your family will be appreciated.

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	Moved Again
Date:	97-08-28 18:29:22 EDT

For those who may be looking for me, I have returned to my home in the
Hi-Desert.  My address is 9375 Bella Vista Rd, Apple Valley, Ca 92308.  Phone
& fax: 760-247-3790. I had a 7 week vacation in Santa Maria, Ca  with 75
degrees daily and am totally spoiled.  It has to be pretty cool  where you
are living Nyla.

	Welcome home.  The weather has been perfect here.

Subj:	Need some help!
Date:	97-08-28 06:24:13 EDT

Nyla, I really enjoy the compilations you have posted. In fact, I have
printed all 183 of
them and have them filed away. In spite of the 183 postings I have yet to
make a
connection to my Turners.  Every Turner    I need to find have been mentioned
one time or another in your compilations, but not my Turners.  

Here is the help I need:  Parents of John H.Turner  b. SC 1827, wife
 Almetter (?) b. 1827, both in SC according to the US Census. 

Children: John Elliot Turner b. 1854-1927, SC. Wife, Sophia Rebecca Thompson,
1854-1922, Wilkes County, Georgia. These are my Great Grand parents. 

John Elliot's siblings are: Mary L. b. 1856, Charles L. b. 1858, Emma  b.
1862, William b. 1864. I have found John H Turner in the 1860  and 1870 US
Census report in Barnwell, SC and Edgefield, SC.  John Elliot settled in
Warren County, GA. and then in Emanuel County, GA. where they raised their
children and are buried. 

Thanks to anyone that can provide a break for me on John H. and his other
children.  I have been stuck since 1983. 

Sincerely, Johnny Arthur Turner

Folks,  Can anyone help Johnny?   Nyla

Subj:	Drucilla Philpott Turner
Date:	97-08-30 06:15:44 EDT
From: (Janet Cox)

Dear Sherry,

Nyla forwarded you letter to me.  Drucilla Philpott Turner is my great, great
grandmother (James Overton is my great grandfather).  According to my
records, her parents were Samuel Philpott b. abt 1761, d abt 1836 and Mary
Hannah.  They were married Jan 1785.  I have more of my records at work so I
don't know if I have more than that on them or not.  That's all that I have
here, I hope that helps you.  I probably got that information from Mr. Pilson
of Virginia - I met him through Nyla.  Nyla and Mr. O. E. Pilson are both
3rd cousins that I have just met since I've been on line  a year or so.  What
is your interest
in Drucilla?  Are we related?

I'll look forward to hearing from you soon,
Janet Cox
Sacramento, CA
(916) 428-0963

Subj:	Philpotts  & Help!
Date:	97-08-29 19:24:59 EDT

Hi!  Well, I'm certainly a happy camper today.  Janet sent me all kinds of
nifty info about Drucilla Pricey Philpott Turner today.  Thanks a lot for
putting me in contact with her!!

Subj:	Re: TURNERS from VA and elsewhere
Date:	97-08-30 19:11:18 EDT

Please add me to your mailing list.  My line is as follows:

*Shadrach Turner  (wife  Ann _____)
**William Turner  (wife Jane Hunter)
***Ruth Turner  (husb.  Samuel J. Hoy)
****Charity Elizabeth Hoy  (husb.  Isaac D. Stanley)
*****Martha Ann Stanley  (husb.  Joel  Thomas Wright)
******Ruth Elizabeth Wright  (husb.  James Owen Henry Taylor Austin)
*******Lee Dudley Austin  (wife  Katherine Elizabeth Bowles)
********Patricia Ann Austin  (husb.  Wendell Wayne Hall)
*********Cynthia Gail Hall  (me)  (husb.  Harold Preston Driscoll, Jr.)

Cindy Driscoll
Roanoke, VA

Subj:	 Burnetts
Date:	97-08-31 01:53:44 EDT
From: (Sharon Crawford)

Hi Nyla
Just added an article taken from the Oklahoma City Oil Journal, 1931 to
my Oklahoma Obits & Tidbits page. The article is about Sam, Joe, Roe,
and Samuel Burk Burnett. Thought some of the Burnett researchers might
find it interesting reading, I know I did. 
URL is 
Sharon Burnett Crawford
Burnett Page
Wright Page
OK Obits & Tidbits:
Pontotoc Co. Oklahoma usgenweb page:
Researching Burnetts-Wrights-Crawfords-Gossers

Subj:	Re: Comp 184 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-08-31 10:36:23 EDT
From:	CarBurCo

In a message dated 97-08-31 00:23:53 EDT, you write:

<< From:
 Thanks Nyla, I needed that, a smile is always good and a ray of sunshine
 you just passed onto me.  I know I saw several names which frequently occur
 my family, i.e.  Elisha, William, Jesse, Louis, (my father) Joseph, Lydia,
 Clorinda/Clocinda, but the Elisha, William, Joseph, Lydia, Jesse came down 
 through the line that my cousin tracked and information I have available.
 for the note (what a flake!) June   (Turner Kalipolites)

If all of the above are Turners I only have one of these: not sure when these
people lived and where but here goes. From my JORDAN line.

Lucinda Turner m. (1 Feb. 1827) JOHN JORDAN (1798-1868) John was the son of
ARCHER JORDAN of Williamson County, Tenn. b. 29 Aug 1770 and first wife
MARGARET WALKER. They had six children: William Webb Jordan, John Henry
Jordan, Josiah Turner Jordan, Sallie M. Jordan, A. Jordan and Clement N.
Jordan (named after John Jordan's brother, my gggrandfather, Clement Charles
If you think she's yours, I have birthdates on the children...mostly just the

Other Turners in my database: BATHSHEBA HELLAND TURNER (could she be
Lucinda's sister?)who m. GARNER M. JORDAN, a brother of CLEMENT CHARLES
JORDAN and the JOHN JORDAN above.


JOHN TURNER a descendant of Shadrack Turner, who married NANCY BURNETT,

JANE TURNER who married JEREMIAH BURNETT III (no dates just lineage)

I know that's not much, and I don't have much on these lines, but sometimes
it helps to have anything at all.

Hope you can use it,

Caroline Burnett Cook

Subj:	Burnett discussion list
Date:	97-08-31 12:51:54 EDT
From:	CaseyGenea

I recently was told that you are transmitting a Burnett discussion.  If this
is true, would you add me to the list?  Thanks.  Sincerely, Carolyn Casey

Subj:	Re: Turner Genealogy
Date:	97-08-31 20:35:33 EDT
From: (William W. Turner)

I am looking for information about my Turner ancestors in Virginia 
and Kentucky.  I am already a member of the  Network and  have entered my
genealogy below for inclusion in the Turner Family Network.   The 9th
generation is most likely.  The 8th generation is probable.  The 7th
generation is reasonably sure.  The 6th to the 1st are proven:

 9-William Turner     m 20 April 1726  Dorothy Whitlock   = 5 children
 b 1691 Scotland      New Kent VA      b 1695 ? New Kent VA
 To VA in 1716                         d 1770 Southampton VA
 d 1766 Southampton VA
 1. William Jr. 2. John 3. Henry 4. Michael 5. James

 8-John Turner        m 1759  ?Patience Unknown    = 5 children
 b 1730 Southampton VA South. VA  b 1740 Virginia
 To Kentucky in 1799              d after 1840 Sumter AL
 d 24 Jan 1804 Warren KY
 1. Henry 2. John Jr. 3. Michael 4. Isham 5. Durham

 7-John Jr. Turner    m 1792  ?Mary Unknown    = 8 children
 b 1762 South. VA     South. VA b 1772 VA
 To KY in 1799                  d 1845 Sumter AL
 To Alabama in 1827
 d 1842 Sumter AL
 1. Fielding 2. Levy 3. Mathias 4. Elijah 5. Thomas 6. Daughter
 7. Lorenzo Dow 8. Henry Wren

 6-Elijah Turner     m 31 Jan 1821  Unity S. McDonald   = 8 children
 b 1796 South. VA    Warren Ky      b 6 Feb 1806 Warren Ky
 To Alabama in 1827                 To Monroe MS after 1839
 d 1839 Marion AL                   d after 1850 Monroe Mississippi
 1. William 2. Angus 3. James F. 4. Isaac 5. Lorenzo Dow 6. Fielding
 7. Martha 8. Lucinda

 5- William Turner    m 17 Mar 1842   Catherine Wise     = 4 children
 b 1823 Warren KY     Monroe MS       b 1824 Monroe MS
 To Texas after 1853                  d ?1853 Monroe MS
 d 1859 unk Texas
 1. John H. 2. Sarah M. 3. Amanda E. 4. Phelan Shafer

 4-Phelan Shafer Turner  m 21 Mar 1872  Frances C. Harris   = 4 children
 b 1851 Monroe MS        Monroe Ms      b 17 Mar 1857 Monroe Ms
 d 1891 Monroe MS                       m2 1893 Sam Wright
                                        To Webster MS 1893
                                        d 27 Dec 1935 Carrollton MS
 1. William R. 2. Blanche 3. Albert Phelan 4. Jessie Lula

 3-Albert Phelan Turner   m 4 Nov 1902 Sallie T. Murrah  = 8 children
 b 12 Jun 1880 Mon. MS    Webster MS   b 21 Mar 1884 Webster MS
 d 24 Sept 1953 Lowndes MS             d 15 Aug 1970 New Albany MS
 1. Ruby Myrtle 2. William Woody 3. Millard Phelan 4. Edna Hazel
 5. Lewis Finch 6. Willie Lee 7. Leonard Harris 8. Albert Phelan Jr.

 2 and 1- The first and second generations were all born in Mississippi.

       The evidence found so far indicates that John Turner Jr and 
Allen McDonald led their families from Bowling Green, Warren County, 
Kentucky to Marion County, Alabama in 1827.  Allen McDonald, Elijah 
Turner, Thomas Turner, and Lorenzo Dow Turner were all living near each 
other in Marion County, Alabama according to the 1830 census.  Thomas and 
Lorenzo Dow Turner moved west into Itawamba County, Mississippi in 1838. 
      Elijah Turner died about that time, probably in Marion County. His 
widow, Unity S.(McDonald) Turner, and her five  youngest children were 
recorded on the 1850 census for Monroe County, Mississippi.  Her oldest 
son, my ancestor, William Turner, was living nearby.
      I would be grateful for any information anyone  might have about 
9-William Turner, 8-John Turner, or 7-John Turner Jr., or any other 
information that might indicate the correct father of Elijah, Thomas, and 
Lorenzo Dow Turner.

Bill Turner
The end of this compilation.