Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1996 19:54:48 -0400 (EDT)
From: Nyla Creed <>
To:,,,,,,,,,,,,, connie.spaw@CBIS.COM,,,,,,,,, IRXP500@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Subject: Compilation #19 - Turner-Burnett-Via-Ross-Etc/Etc

20 June 1996

Dear Cousins,

     Today is the 133rd birthday of West Virginia.  So, here's my birthday
gift to you all--Compilation #19.
        Chris Gaunt's home page where the archives are stored:


        Please send any mail to me at ncreed@EROLS.COM.  
          Nyla Creed DePauk
          2832 Andiron Lane
          Vienna VA  22180

To: Nyla Creed <ncreed@EROLS.COM>
From: Connie Spaw <>
Date: 12 Jun 96  8:18:47 
Subject: Re: Compilation #18 - Turner-Burnett-Via-Ross-Etc/Etc

     You can pass my information along to the list if you like - maybe
someone out there can help connect my Turner line. I guess for now let me
remain on the 
list -- I am not bombarded with mail from it - and I did enjoy reading some of 
those old letters written by Permelia Turner about Ky.  Also I added some
siblings to my list of Turners below.

To: connie.spaw @ (Connie Spaw) @ CBISINET
cc:  (bcc: Connie Spaw)
From: ncreed @ (Nyla Creed) @ CBISINET
Date: 06/11/96 06:45:54 PM
Subject: Re: Compilation #18 - Turner-Burnett-Via-Ross-Etc/Etc


        I looked through all my old messages and didn't find your request to
be added to the list since I was curious when your name was added.  If you'd
like me to delete your name from the list, I can do that.
        If you'd like me to add the information on your Turner line, I'll be
glad to add it.  Hopefully, someone can help you with your line of Turners.  
        Just let me know if I should delete your name or leave it on the
list, and whether you'd like to me to include the information you just sent
me on your line.
        Thanks for sharing the Turner information.

At 08:15 AM 6/11/96, you wrote:
Hi Nyla,
        Somehow I got signed up on this Turner/Burnett mailing list, but the 
frustrating thing is: I don't know if my Turners are a branch of this family. 
Below is the family line I have figured out so far. These Turners lived in 
Pendleton Co. Ky and according to the Barton papers (Falmouth Library) they 
were originally from Virginia.  But I haven't connected them to the Terisha 
Turner family ("Some Turner's of Virginia") (there is lots of Turner info in 
the Barton papers, but even that is conflicting in some cases). Do you think 
anyone out there would know the parents of John Turner Sr.? There sure are a 
lot of John Turners and it's confusing.
        Thanks, Connie, Campbell Co. Ky.

John Turner Sr (1740) m. Sarah Fitzgerald
Mary Turner (1779)
John T. Turner Jr. (1780)
Thomas Turner
Abraham Turner
James Turner
Jacob Turner
William Turner
Richard Turner m. ?
William Harrison Turner
Thomas Turner
Isaac Turner
John Turner (1786) m. Catherine Lewis
Lewis Turner (1816)
Richard Turner (1817)
Thomas Turner (1820)
Lucinda Turner (1825)
Asa Turner (1827)
James Turner (1829)
Aspeneth Turner (1836)
Even Turner (1822) m. Elvira Pettit (1830)
Mary Jane Turner (1848)
Charles E. Turner (1850)
James Turner (1852)
Permelia Turner (1855)
Asbury Lewis Turner (1860)
Martha Jane Turner (1873)
Isobel Turner (1857) m. Edward Belcher (1846)
Emma Belcher (1881) m. George Vater (1876)
Victor Vater (1922) m. Mary Bezold (1924)
Connie Vater (1949) m. Jim Spaw (1950)

Date: Tue, 11 Jun 1996 06:11:36 -0500 (CDT)
From: steven hauck <>
Subject: Re: Turner Surname
To: Jeff Hatfield <>
cc: Nyla Creed <>,

Jeff - I have forwarded your message to Nyla Creed DePauk who is the 
compiler on an informal newsgroup on the TURNER-BURNETT and related 
families.  There are about 50 individuals who are a part of this 
newgroup.  I am afraid that I don't have data for you, but someone in 
this group may.

Thanks for the contact.

Steve Hauck

On Sun, 9 Jun 1996, Jeff Hatfield wrote:

     I am looking for info on my great-great grandfather, Arthur Turner ( b. 
1825).  His second wife was Nancy Fox who was born in 1831 in VA.  Nancy 
was probally an American Indian.  Their son was my great grandfather, 
Virgil Turner (1867-1952).  He lived in central WV.  Any info would be 
    jeff hatfield
Does anyone know a new address for ALABAMA233 - D. Fisher?

This seems to be the only correspondence I have from him.  

Date:     96-02-29 21:45:20 EST
From:     ALABAMA233
To:  NCreed

I trace my roots back to Francis Turner of Patrick County, VA.  He
supposedly fought in the Revolutionary War.  He had a son named Adam, who is
my ancestor.  I don't know anything about Adam.  Does anyone in your group
have any data?  I would appreciate any help.  
D. Fisher

Date: Sun, 16 Jun 1996 00:21:14 -0400
Subject: Turners et al in VA


I'm looking for the ancestors/descendants and related families of Mary
Frances TURNER (26 FEB 1833-?) (dau Meshach TURNER/Nancy Martin) m. MAR 1852
David Gardner Goode (son David Goode/Charity Ramsey (?)) Franklin/Henry Cos
VA area.

m David Gardner Goode (2), MAR 1852 at Franklin County VA
Peter Leftwich (b 05 FEB 1853)
Virginia (b1855)
Fanny (b1855)
William Gardner (b 04 APR 1857)
Benjamin Meshach (b 19 MAR 1859)
Joseph Hamrick (b 17 APR 1861)
David Henry (b 1863)
Nannie Bettie (b 14 DEC 1865)
Nancy E (b 14 DEC 1865)
Norman Soloman (b 07 MAY 1868)
Louisa M (b 1871)
Mary F (b1873)
Florence (b 03 MAY 1873)

Also: information on William TURNER (?-?) (son of Meshach TURNER/Nancy
Martin) m. Frances Goode (dau George Goode/Ellen Davis) in Franklin/Henry Co
VA area.

I also have a bunch of info on the GOODE family (1740-ca 1960) and relateds.
I'll round up the names I have and e-mail you. Add my name to you researching
families list, if you would!

Any other information appreciated!
15 JUN 1996

Date: Sun, 16 Jun 1996 21:38:34 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Christine E. Gaunt" <>
To: Nyla Creed <>
Subject: How to search the Turner list archives (Maiser)

Nyla and All,

Since we have another place to check for Turner info, I thought I'd tell 
you how to do it.  I'm not on the list; I've too many lists as it is and 
am constantly having to deal with a full mailbox (sound familiar?).  So 
here's how:

1.  Get the directory of Turner files from the Maiser site via email:

To     :
Subject: <doesn't need one, but suggest you put in what you asked for.>
Message: SEND tur.dir

Be sure to remove any signature lines (like mine at the end of this 
email) as the computer will think they are part of the commands.

2.  Once you get the directory file, look through it to see which one you 
want.  Filenames are in this format:  YY-MM-DD.TUR   and they don't give 
you a clue as to what's in them. :-(  I guess it's pot luck. :-)

    To get a file, send another message in this format:
To     :
Subject: <not really needed; include one if you like>
Message: SEND <filename>

where <filename> is the name of one of the files in the listing, such as 
96-06-05.TUR.  For this file, the command would be:  SEND 96-06-05.TUR

I did notice that the Turner files seemed to be mixed up with some of the 
other mailing lists -- but this problem has been corrected for future 

3.  Common mistakes that Larry Stevens, the site maintainer, has noticed:

a.  sending the message to the wrong address.  (Always use

b.  putting a period after the filename, as if you're writing a 
sentence.  You're not.  The computer doesn't understand the second 
period, and your request will error out if you put: 96-06-05.TUR.

c.  including a signature line.

d.  adding anything other than a command with the correct syntax.

e.  sending more than one command and goofing up on one of the lines.  
Larry suggests you send one command per message.

That's it.  Oh, and if you want to find out filename extensions for the 
gazillion other lists at Maiser, send this command:  SEND FILELIST
to -- once you know the extension (like 
 .TUR for Turner) you can get the directories for any list.  

I've been trying to keep current on the surname lists and have been 
indexing the ones that John Fuller, my co-compiler for Genealogy 
Resources on the Internet, has been putting on his Mailing Lists page.  
You can find the index at:

Happy hunting,

Christine Gaunt,
Campbell-L listowner (
Co-compiler of Genealogy Resources on the Internet (web pages and file)
       File (240K):  via autoreply from

From: TARichmond@AOL.COM
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1996 00:53:17 -0400
Subject: TURNER Family Info

Hi Nyla!

I've been poring over the Compilations from the Website, and it's great
seeing so much info that's available!  :)  

Unlike some (most?) of the contributors to the TURNER Society (!), instead of
working my way BACKWARD to ancestors, I'm working my way FORWARD from two
common starting points to locate descendants. Any information I can find will
be useful/appreciated!

My connection with the TURNER line starts with 

1) Mary Frances TURNER (dau of Meshach TURNER ((was he not as prominent in VA
as bro. Shadrach?!?)) and Nancy MARTIN) m. MAR 1852 David Gardner GOODE (18
JUL 1827-05 MAR 1900) (son of David GOODE II and Charity RAMSEY); and 

2)  WIlliam B TURNER (son of Meshach TURNER and Nancy MARTIN) who married
Frances GOODE (dau George GOODE and Ellen DAVIS). David II and George GOODE
were brothers of my GGGGG-grandfather Jacob GOODE, and they were both sons of
David Goode and Elizabeth Waltz/Metz (I've found two sources with two
different surnames--which is correct? Haven't found out yet...) of Franklin
County near Old Providence Church. 

I've gleaned quite a lot from the comps, adding relevant (and hopefully
correct) information to my database as I come across it.
Here's some info, and a few questions thrown in also:  
(Don't get swamped by all the GOODEs...there are a few TURNERs, ROSSs, VIAs
etc., in there too!)    :)

1)  Who are the children/grandchildren of William B TURNER and Frances GOODE
(see above)? When were they married? When did they die?

2)  Mary Frances TURNER (dau of Meshach TURNER and Nancy MARTIN) m. MAR 1852
David Gardner GOODE (18 JUL 1827-05 MAR 1900) (son of David GOODE II and
Charity RAMSEY)

Their Children & known descendants:
1 Peter Leftwich GOODE (05 FEB 1853-1924) m. Emma WOOLWINE
     2 William GOODE
     2 Neva GOODE m. (Unknown) JONES
     2 Mary GOODE m. (Unknown) TULLY
     2 Grace GOODE m. L E HUFFMAN
     2 Fred GOODE
     2 Emory GOODE m. (Unknown) JONES
     2 Effie GOODE
1 Virginia GOODE (1855-?)
1 Fanny GOODE (1855-?) m. Thomas MCGHEE
     2 Wilmer McGHEE m. (Unknown) KIRKS
     2 Walter McGHEE
     2 Minnie McGHEE (22 AUG 1877-?) m. Milton GOODE
1 William Gardner GOODE (04 APR 1857-06 MAR 1930) m. Callie Bettie WILLIAMS
     2 Wharton GOODE m. (Unknown) SEAY
          3 Joy GOODE 
          3 Gay GOODE 
          3 A Wharton GOODE 
     2 Selma GOODE m. (Unknown) BRYANT
          3 Mae BRYANT 
          3 Lourine BRYANT 
          3 Erma BRYANT 
          3 Edith BRYANT 
     2 Roy GOODE
     2 Gladys GOODE m. Elijah MULLINS
     2 Emory H GOODE m. Virginia SELF
          3 Emory H GOODE
     2 Olea GOODE
     2 Pearl GOODE m. (Unknown) TAYLOR
          3 Truman TAYLOR.   (Any info on other siblings? Descendants?)
     2 William GOODE (1883-?) m. Blanche WADE
         3 William David GOODE
         3 Hilda GOODE
         3 Frances GOODE
     2 Lera GOODE (1885-?)  m. George William ROSS (11 JAN 1879-?)
          3 Archie L ROSS (01 OCT 1906-?)
          3 Gertie ROSS (08 JUN 1908-?) m. Curtis O Roberson
          3 Inez ROSS (18 FEB 1910-?)
          3 Migno ROSS (07 OCT 1913-?)
          3 Cristobel ROSS (20 SEP 1915-?)
          3 William ROSS (10 APR 1922-?)
     2 Odessa GOODE (1 NOV 1891-09 DEC 1944)
     2 Marvin Jeter GOODE (04 OCT 1895-01 MAR 1977) m. (Unknown)
1 Benjamin Meshach (19 MAR 1859-06 JAN 1922) m. Fannie Mildred ROSS 
               (dau of Abram Burnett--who is he?)
               (cited in "Pioneer Families of Franklin Co VA", by Marshall
     2 Benjamin Clifford GOODE (21 JUL 1892-?) m. Mary Rebecca WILLIAMSON
          3 Mary Williamson GOODE
     2 Mabel Clare GOODE (21 SEP 1894-24 JAN 1967)
     2 Abram Maury GOODE (23 APR 1897-29 JUN 1979) m. Grace Eleanor RAMSEY
          3 Margaret Eleanor GOODE
     2 Virgil Hamlin GOODE (31 JUL 1902-?)
     2 Frances Catherine GOODE (31 JUL 1904-?)  (school teacher in Henry
     2 Beatrice Augusta GOODE (DEC 1907-?)
1 Joseph Hamrick GOODE (17 APR 1861-?) m. Jane EGGLESTON
     2 Virgie GOODE
     2 Lohn Letcher GOODE m. Lucy DAVIS
          3 Ray GOODE
          3 Dulce GOODE
     2 Joseph GOODE m. (Unknown) CRUTE
     2 Glenwood GOODE m. Harry Lee DAUGHTERY
          3 Harry Lee DAUGHTERY
     2 Esther GOODE m. Clifford SHAW
     2 Dora GOODE
     2 Alzie GOODE
1 David Henry GOODE (1863-?) m. Rosa NUTTER
     2 Thomas GOODE
     2 Frank GOODE
     2 Esther GOODE
     2 David GOODE
     2 Charley GOODE
1 Nannie Bettie GOODE (14 DEC 1865-?) m. Wiley P WOODY
     2 Ernest WOODY m. (Unknown) JARRETT
          (3 oldest children unknown--12 total)
          3 Russell WOODY
          3 Pearl WOODY
          3 Mitchell WOODY
          3 Mary WOODY
          3 Lula WOODY
          3 Harold WOODY
          3 Glaude WOODY
          3 Earl WOODY
          3 Charlie WOODY
     2 Benjamin P WOODY m. Lucy STOVALL
     2 Annie WOODY m. Herbert STONE
1 Norman Soloman GOODE (07 MAY 1868-) m.Lula E DAVIS
     2 Virginia Dare GOODE
     2 Norman Soloman GOODE m. Mary WINN
     2 Mildred GOODE
     2 Mary Sue GOODE m. Robert VIA, principal of Henry High School (when?)
     2 Lula Irene GOODE m. (Unknown) BOWEN
     2 Holmes Irving GOODE
     2 Harold D GOODE m. Margaret Bruce FRENCH
     2 Hampton Gray GOODE
     2 David Hurd GOODE m. Catherine JONES
          3 Ann Goode
1 Florence GOODE (03 MAY 1873-?) m. Ernest L SCOTT
1 Louisa  GOODE (1875-?) m. Pleasant B MASON

Any help in filling some of my holes is truly appreciated! Glad to share what
other info I have in my DB that I haven't posted here, and eager to connect
with more cousins!

On another Franklin Co note, does anyone have *any* information on the WYATT
family? I'm looking for my GGgrandparents, specifically Dewey Franklin WYATT
(?-1940/Ohio) (who came from NC) who m. Nancy Ellen GOODE (1878-1928) (who by
1855 was removed to Wyoming Co (W)VA with family) ca. 1895-ish. I know much
about Nancy's family, but I know *absolutely nothing* about Frank's, except
his descendancy.  Again, any help is truly appreciated!

Keep smilin'!   :)
Allen Richmond
Kansas City MO
16 JUN 1996

C: Barbara C. Baughan//

PS. Just got your mail--will pore over it and see what I find! Thanks again!

Subj:     Turner
Date:     96-06-20 14:58:44 EDT

Dear Nyla,

I am relatively new family research and absolutely new to email family research.
I got your address from Terri Chesney of Waco, Texas.  I really don't have a 
clue about the INTERNET but I'm trying to learn.  I have access through my work.
My fourth great grandfather was James Turner of Sussex Co, VA.  His first wife 
was Elizabeth Edmunds, believed to be from Surry Co, VA.  There children were as
                William         born 8/26/1754
                Edmunds         born 7/12/1759 died abt 1784
                Nancy           born 8/8/1764
my line:        Vines           born 11/13/1766 died 1812
                Betsy           born 3/1/1773

Later, James married Frances Betts.  Their children were:

Vines (my third great) moved from Sussex Co, VA to Franklin Co, NC around
1806.  He was the grandfather of two brothers:  Henry Gray Turner, a US 
congressman from Georgia for most of the late 1800's, and Dr. Vines Edmunds 
Turner, a dentist from Raleigh, NC who served as president of both the Raleigh 
Dental Society and the North Carolina Dental Society.  My cousins and I haven't 
been able to research beyond James.  We do believe that his mother may have been
a Jarrett.  

I know nothing of the "TURNER NEWSLETTERs" or "THE TURNER FAMILY MAGAZINE," and 
am curious if these publications would help me.  Can you help?  Also, please let
me know how to subscribe to your newsletter.


Lee Turner
6434 McClellan Rd.
Mechanicsville, VA  23111
(804) 781-0132
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 16:07:03 -0600
From: "J. Winslow" <>
Subject: John S. Burnett, Nelson Co. KY, New Lebanon, Sullivan Co. IN.

For several months I have been trying to identify the parents and
grandparents of John S. Burnett.  I have tried posting short questions to
several news groups and e-mail correspondence without much results.
Deep in my heart I know that someone out there can help me unravel the
Burnetts in Nelson Co. KY.  circa 1780 - 1830.  I will lay out the whole
puzzle as I understand it. Much of the data comes from the books of
June Bork.  PLEASE if you can help me with any part of tis puzzle let me
know either by return e-mail at this address or to I
apologize for the legnth of this posting but this whole thing is driving me
up the walls.  I need help. 

John S. Burnett was born 19 Jan. 1804, in Nelson Co. Ky.  In 1829, he
married Susan Knot, in Nelson Co.  Their first child William Fletcher
Burnett (my GGgrandfather) was b. in New Lebanon IN. in 1830.

Jefferson Co. KY. was formed from Kentucy Co. VA. in 1780.  Nelson
Co. KY. was formed from Jefferson Co. in 1785.  Washington Co. KY.
was formed from Nelson Co. in 1792.  A person could live in three
counties over the space of 12 years without moving.  I think that this is
what happened to the Burnetts.  

Land records show that John Burnett aquired 1750 acres of Land in
Jefferson Co. between 1781 and 1785.  A Joseph Burnett had 4000
The 1800 tax list for Jefferson Co. show John Burnett. 
In 1807 Robert Burnett m. Polly Smith.
The 1810 Census list the following Burnetts in Jefferson Co. 
William age 26-45
Robert age 26-45
Ann age 26-45
Thomas age 16-26
In 1845 William Burnetts will was proved in Jefferson Co. 

The Nelson Co. Tax list show the following Burnetts
1785 John, Thomas
1787 John
1788 John, John (jr)
1789 Thomas
1791 John
1792 John, Thomas, John
1793 John, Thomas
1794 Thomas, John
1795 Thomas, John
1800 John, William, Thomas
     The identies of Tomas, the older John, and William with where they
came from would be very helpful in determining if  John S. is tied into the
Virginia Burnetts.
1792 court reccord "The overseer of the poor bind Moses Burnett and
William Burnett orphan of William Burnett.  Who is the William Burnett who
died and left an orphan William? Who is Moses Burnett and where did he
come from? What is the connection between Moses and the Williams?
     I believe that the puzzle revolves arround  Nelson Co. marriages.  
1791 Benjamin Skidmore m. Sara Briant, Thomas Burnett posted bond. 
1797 John Burnett m. Sara Skidmore a widow, John Burnett posted
1798 William Burnett m. Elizabeth Skidmore, both over 21, John Burnett
posted bond.
1798 Damy (Amy) Burnett m. James Skidmore.
1802 William G. Burnett m. Nancy Vest
1811 John Burnett m. Mary Meador widow of Richard Meador.
      Who are the parents of John, William, Damy, William G., and John
Burnett?  Are Benjamin, James and Elizabeth Skidmore brothers and
sister.  Who are William and William G. ?  Given the tendency of Burnetts
to name their first son after their father I believe that John S. is the son of
William Burnett and Elizabeth Skidmore and that S. stands for Skidmore
but I have no evidence.

1796 Robert Burnett m. Jane Coppage.  Robert is the son of Moses
Burnett and Rachel Morley.
Lillian Burnett tells me that Moseswas born in 1750 in Virginia and m.
Rachel Morley in 1770 in Virginia. They  had 5 Children Robert b. 1773,
John, William b. Kentucky, Moses, and Lettita.  Is Moses decended from
John Burnett, the Merchant from Edinburough,who settled in Old
Rappahannock Co. Virginia?
1802 William m. Mary (Polly) Springer.  I have seen a history of Sullivan
Co. Indiana that indicated they settled in New Lebanon in 1806.  They
show on the 1810 Census for Washington Co.  In 1813 the first
Methodist meeting in Sullivan Co. was held in their home.  Is William a
natural son of Moses or the orphan William that was bound to Moses?
Is there a tie between William and John S. that led John S. to move to
New Lebanon as soon as he was Married?  

Someone out there must know about these people. If anyone can help
me with any information on any of these people it would be greatly
appreciated.  Thank you for reading through this.  

Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1996 12:02:49 -0400
From: Waddie B Salmon <>
To: Nyla Creed <>
Subject: Re: What's happening?
References: <>

Hi Nyla,
     And all the wannabe cousins!  I'm going to repost what I did before 
for anyone who missed it.
     Anyone who's line runs to/through Williamson Burnett, b. Buckingham 
County, Va. and died in Bedford Cord Co., Virginia, I have photographs 
of his gravesite.  Old field stone, hand carved and readable!  He moved 
some years ago to the Staunton River Church near Smith Mountain Lake.  
If you would like a FREE copy of the photograph,  let me know.
     I just acquired a photograph of Elisha Calahill Burnett, my 1st cousin, 
six times removed.  If you would like a copy of this one, I'm afraid 
it's $1.50 as I could only take it to Kinko's and have it photocopied.  
Excellent photo of him.  Again, let me know.

Your Cuzin,
Waddie Salmon
"Travlin' Man"
Lynchburg, Va.
The end of this compilation.