Date: Mon, 1 Sep 1997 16:18:59 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 190 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

1 Sep 1997

Greetings to Everyone:

A big welcome to all the new folks.  Be sure to check out all our
compilations on Chris Gaunt's home page:

Any information you care to share on your family will be appreciated.   For
anyone who is hoping to find more information on their family, be sure to let
us know what info you might already know, even if it seems insignificant.    

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	Your Turner Compilation
Date:	97-09-01 10:06:14 EDT


What a surprise.  I was scanning your work looking for my Turner-McKinney
connection and found my McKinley-Packwood connection.  The latter is not an
ancestor but is important to my research.  I am unsure of the number you need
to find them but they are #28, Samuel Packwood - 824 and Isabel McKinley -
838.  Samuel first married Judith Sneed - 837 and I am descended from their
daughter Genesis (Jincy) Packwood who married James McKinley, brother of
Isabel McKinley - 838.

Do you have the children of Samuel and Judith Sneed Packwood?  I have a bit
information about them that I would be glad to supply.  Can you send and
receive FTW or GEDCOM files?  That could be easier.

Now for my great interest.  I have data that indicates that Alexander
McKinney or
McKiney married Susana or Susanah Turner Mar 26, 1806 in Lincoln County,
Kentucky.   Their first child, Turner McKinney, I show as b in 1809 in KY or

Turner married Nancy Ott, Jan 25, 1833 in Harrison County, Indiana.  They are
my gg-
grandparents.  That is enough about that line

I have had no success in learning more about Susanah Turner and her parents
Stephen Turner and Mary (Mollie) Roundtree or Rowntree.  My hope is that you
might be able to shed some light on them as it is apparent that you do
thorough research.

Dale ( 

Subj:	 David's Turner listing
Date:	97-09-01 11:00:55 EDT
To: (nyla), (davi)

There are one or 2 corrections to the  following Descendants of Shadrack
Turner II

This is the Shadrack listed 514 in David's file--some update and one Typo
1  	[3] Shadrack Turner II	Born: 1752 in Va		
	Died: 1820 in Lincoln Co, Ga
	+Margaret Hill	Born: 1750 in Halifax Co,Va	Married: Abt. 1775 in Halifax,
	Va  died aft 1797 in Lincoln Co GA (He and Margaret sell land in 1797)
       James Hill	Mother: Elizabeth unk

      2	Mary Elizabeth (Polly) Turner	Born: March 19, 1776 in Haliifax Co,
	Va, Pettsylvania  Died: August 27, 1860 in Madison Co Alabama
  	+William Golden, Sr	Born: April 23, 1776 in Va	Married: March 12,
	1797 in Lincoln co Ga	    Died: October 20, 1852 in Madison Co
	Alabama		Father: John Golden	Mother:
	2	Richard Turner	Born: November 17, 1779			
		+Mary Henderson	Born: Abt. 1776	Father:	Mother:
 	2	Lewis Turner	Born: 1780 in Pittsylvania Co., VA     Died: June 09, 1847
		in Lincoln Co Ga		 	
 	2	Nancy Turner	Born: October 04, 1782 in Pittsylvania, VA	Died: August
		16, 1856 in Jasper Co Ga	 		
    		+Elisha Gilliam Crawford	Born: February 05, 1779 in Va	
		Married: October 02, 1808 in Lincoln County, GA	Died: June 26, 1861 in
		Jasper Co Ga		Father:	William Crawford	
 	2	[1] Shadrack Turner III   Born: 1787	Died: 1844 in Lincoln Co Ga		
		+Unity Gilliam		Married: April 1808 in Lincoln Co , Ga  Died: Abt.
		1822		 		Father:	Mother:
 		*2nd Wife of [1] Shadrack Turner III:				
		+Sally Lockhart	Born: 1792 in Linc Co	Married: Aft. 1822 in Linc
		Co	Died: October 1834	 			Father:	Mother:
 		*3rd Wife of [1] Shadrack Turner III:				
		+Mary Taylor		Married: July 17, 1836 in Richmond Co, Ga	
	2  	[2] William K. Turner	Born: 1789 in Wilkes  County GA  Died: Bef. 1848
		in Lincoln County, GA		 	
    		+Peggy Martin		Married: August 27, 1809 in Wi lkes County GA
		*2nd Wife of [2] William K. Turner:						
    		+Lucy Butler	Born: September 07, 1795 in Wi lkes Co Ga	Married:
		February 14, 1818 in Wilkes  County   Father: Edward Butler	
		Mother:  Elizabeth Wingfield (this connection subject to ??)
	2  	Sarah Frances "Sally" Turner	Born: Bef. 1790			
		+James Francis Turner	Born: Aft. 1787	Married: September
		06, 1806 in Lincoln co.	Father: Meshack S. Turner, Jr	Mother: Sally
 	2  	Meshack Turner	Born: 1790 in Lincoln Co GA		Died: in
		Macon Co Ala		 	
    		+Fanny Tatum	Born: 1790	Married: September 28, 1809 in Lincoln Co
		GA		Father:	Mother:
 	2  	Abednego Turner	Born: 1792 in Ga					
    		+Patsy Tatum	Born: Bef. 1795	Married: January 14, 1819 in Lincoln
 	2  	James B. Turner	Born: 1796 in Ga	Died: in Lincoln Co , Ga
		+Nancy W. Downing	Born: 1799   Married: November 18, 1818 in
		Lincoln Co	 Died: in Lincoln Co , Ga	 Father: William Downing
		Mother: Elizabeth unk
 	2  	Elizabeth Turner	Born: 1798					
    		+Samuel Wideman	Born: 1801	Married: September 30, 1818 in
		Lincoln Co			:
 	2  	Susan Turner	Born: 1800		Died: Bef. 1850			
    		+Pharis Martin	Born: 1803	Married: January 13, 1820 in lincoln co
		Ga	Died: Bef. 1850 in SC  William K ends up with their children in
		Father:	Mother:
	*2nd Wife of [3] Shadrack Turner II:						
	+Jane unk	Born: Abt. 1752	Married: Aft. 1797 in Lincoln Co , GA
	(  she is mentioned in his will)  I do not know if any of the children are

Date:	97-09-01 10:22:51 EDT

It is my understanding that the Henry County DANDRIDGE line is descendant
William Dandridge, brother of John DANDRIDGE (father of Martha DANDRIDGE who
married George Washington).  Does anyone have the connection made to the
DANDRIDGEs of Henry County?


Subj:	Philpott/Turner family
Date:	97-09-01 10:22:55 EDT


Composition 184 listed Descendants of Edward Phillpott. Under this listing
was Drucilla Philpott and Josiah Hunter Turner.  Unfortunately, the children
listed for this couple were not the same I have.  Following are the children
of Pricy and Josiah I have  with the rest appearing under Joseph TURNER. I
received this info from what I thought to be good resources so I would
appreciate any input as to which can be substantiated.


Descendants of Drucilla Pricey PHILPOTT-925

First Generation

1.	Drucilla Pricey PHILPOTT-925 was born 22 Jul 1791 in Henry Co., VA. She
9 Feb 1871 in Franklin Co., VA.  Drucilla married (1) Josiah Hunter
TURNER-910, son of William TURNER-499 and Jane HUNTER-493 on 11 Mar 1810 in
Franklin Co., VA.  Josiah was born 9 Dec 1784 in Franklin Co., (now Henry),
VA. He died 22 Feb 1866 in  Franklin Co., VA.  They had the following
		2	M	i.	Millard W. TURNER-1192 was born in VA. 
Millard is not listed with this family by all researchers.
	+	3	M	ii.	Meshack TURNER-1197 was born 29 Apr 1820.
	+	4	M	iii.	Josiah Hunter TURNER Jr.-387 was born 11 Mar
1822 and died 24 Apr 1900.
		5	F	iv.	Sarah TURNER-1198 was born 23 Mar 1824 in
Franklin Co., VA.
		6	F	v.	Pricey TURNER-6705 was born 1825 in VA. She
died 1825.
	+	7	M	vi.	William B. TURNER-1199 was born 14 Mar 1830
and died 1907.

Descendants of Joseph TURNER-6608

First Generation

1.	Joseph TURNER-6608 was born about 1787 in VA.  Joseph married (1) Liddie
NOWLIN-6647 on 12 Oct 1805 in Patrick Co., VA. Liddie was born about 1790 in
VA.  They had the following children:
		2	F	i.	Nancy B. TURNER-1193 was born 25 Feb 1811 in
Franklin Co., VA. She died 11 Feb 1842 in Franklin Co., VA.  Nancy married
Jonathan DAVIS-1203, son of Peter DAVIS-5432 and Mary HEARD-5433 on 17 Sep
1835. Jonathan was born in Henry Co., VA.
	+	3	F	ii.	Martha TURNER-1194 was born 17 Jul 1812 and
died 23 May 1870.
	+	4	M	iii.	Robert TURNER-1195 was born 5 May 1814 and
died 20 Aug 1898.
	+	5	M	iv.	James Overton TURNER-1196 was born 1 May
1816 and died 13 Dec 1864.
	+	6	F	v.	Mary Ann TURNER-7281 was born 7 Apr 1818.
		7	M	vi.	John P. TURNER-6701 was born 8 Feb 1828 in
Franklin Co., VA.  John married (1) Nancy HEARD-6702, daughter of Garner C.
HEARD-6703 and Rhoda ___-6704 on 7 Jun 1855 in Henry Co., VA. Nancy was born
1839 in Henry Co., VA.
	+	8	M	vii.	Samuel H. TURNER-1200 was born 14 Oct 1833
and died 12 Jul 1861.

Subj:	Re: Comp 189 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-09-01 13:09:14 EDT

Dear Nyla,
	The group has little reason to be excited by my appearance.  I have only one
bit of information, but here goes.  
	Elizabeth Burnett/Burnet/Bernette born 1820 TN died c1860 Izard Co AR m 1835
probably in Warren Co. TN to Albert G. Stroud.  I have their descent and have
much on the Strouds, but this is it on my Burnett.  I hope someone can help.
 --Carolyn Casey

Carolyn:  Welcome.   Just wait 'til someone makes a connection; you won't be
able to stand all the excitement.  
Folks:  Anyone know about Elizabeth Burnett/Burnet/Bernett from TN ==> Izard
Co AR ==> Warren Co TN.  How about Albert G. Stroud, her spouse?   == Nyla

Subj:	Re: Comp 185 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-09-01 14:30:17 EDT

Hi Nyla,
I have been receiving your compilations for a while now and enjoying them.  I
hoping to see something that will ring any bells on my Henry Co, GA Turners.
 I know so little, and there are so many Turners there in the mid-1800's,
that I hesitate to even ask for help!  

My gggrandmother/father were Mary Jane Turner married to Thomas O'Conner
Flynn.  I know that he was born in Ireland, and have his Naturalization
papers.  I have their
marriage record, Henry Co, GA 1843.  They were married by Aaron Turner.  In
that same year, before their marriage, Thomas bought land from Aaron Turner.
 Gets murky from there.  

The 1840 census doesn't show a Turner household with a girl that age.  In
1850 there are many Turners in the county, too many to list here.  None looks
too promising, except that there is an E. Turner, 40f, born SC, living with
another family, next door to my Thomas Flynn and wife Mary Jane.  

Make what you can of this.  Is there any hope?  

I have an experienced researcher who is also a gggrand-daughter of Thomas and
Mary Jane, who is helping me.  She has been working on this puzzle for years,
and she lives right there in Henry County!  Unfortunately, she does not use
an online service.  Thanks for any ideas.

Mary Ellen May

Folks:  Mary Ellen needs help with her Henry County GA line.  Anyone
recognize her
Mary Jane Turner?  How about Aaron Turner?  == Nyla

Date:	97-09-01 15:15:08 EDT
From: (John W. Turner)

I am also looking for TURNERS.  To wit:

Not sure of anything before this:

Henry Harmon Turner b: May 16, 1888 Saluda, SC. d: Feb 07, 1962;
married: Addie Ceabell Corley b: Oct 17, 1888 in Saluda, SC.; d: Feb 02,

Had nine daughters and one son John Wesley Turner, Sr. b: July 05, 1927
Edgefield, SC.  m: Hazel Marie Harvey b: Sept. 18, 1923, Clinton, SC.

If anyone can help, I would appreciate any assistance at all.  Thanks,
John Turner

John,   HARMON is one of my surnames.  They were in Tazewell Co VA.   Doubt
if there is a connection, but never know.

Folks:  Can anyone help John with his John Wesley Turner?  How about
Edgefield SC? == Nyla

The end of this compilation.