Date: Sun, 7 Sep 1997 18:33:59 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 192 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

7 Sep 1997

Greetings to All,

More eMails:

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	Re:VIA refresher
Date:	97-09-03 09:46:18 EDT
From:	DiamondEnt


Here is the line I am looking for again:  Leslie Guy VIA b. Sept 30, 1874 in
Hickman Co.,  KY married Rose MORGAN (her family: HANELINE, BENNETT, GUILL)
 Leslie's father was James S. VIA b. July 11, 1845 in Ky he married Mary E.
MYERS. James was the son of Overton Via b. abt 1806 in Va. and Martha TARVER
b. abt1808 in Tn.   (Rachael MURPHY b. 1816 is also in the cemetary, stone
says "mother"). Would like to cortespond with anyone on these lines.

Folks:  Can you please check your VIA information and see if you have an
Overton VIA born abt 1806 in VA?  Thanks.  Nyla

Subj:	Re: Comp 191, 192, 193, etc.
Date:	97-09-03 18:43:25 EDT
From:	RootsRMe

Nyla, here is Belinda's family as I now have it.  I have been working
overtime for the last weekend typing in all the new material you had in
Compilations 186, 187, 188, and 189.  Those compilations gave the first four
generations of the children of John Turner (Shadrack and Meschack's father).
 I would love to have the information that follows so I can include it in
Belinda's and Jon's genealogy.  It ends with 129 - Manual Turner.  Would
love to have continuation of family.  Hope you enjoy our line.  Danny.

Subj:	Re: Comp 191, 192, 193, etc.
Date:	09/03/97
To:	RootsRMe


Just downloaded your file.  Will take a look at it in a second or two.

Let me suggest that you write to David Jones ( re more on John
Turner's descendants.  I suspect he would be willing to share more, if he has

If you haven't done so already, please check out all our compilations on
Chris Gaunt's home page.  There is a search capability which should indicate
which compilations might have more info on the lines that interest you.

All the files can be downloaded and you can read/study them at your
Thanks to Kevin, the files have been zipped; yet they are quite large.

I have been spending most of my time just cutting and pasting the
compilations.  I believe David has been updating his database from the time
we started this project back 1 1/2 yrs ago.  I know some folks send him the
info directly, and periodically he sends several generations for me to use in
our compilations.  

Isn't this group amazing in how willing they are to share their information?


Subj:	Comp 191, 192, 193, etc.
Date:	97-09-03 00:33:06 EDT
From:	RootsRMe
To:	NCreed1

Nyla, I have been fascinated by the Compilations of the Turner family
history.  Is there any way you can send more genealogy than just the first 4
generations.  My wife Belinda descends from Shadrack Turner.  We are really
fascinated with all of the information you have gathered.  How long have you
been working on your Turner line?  Must have been a long time.  Thank you for
making available what you have already.  Do you have a website?  Danny A.

Subj:	Re: Comp 191, 192, 193, etc.
Date:	97-09-03 21:35:51 EDT
From:	RootsRMe
To:	NCreed1

Nyla, it sure is.  I haven't sent David my info yet as I have corresponded
exclusively with you.  Please feel free to share my info with David.  He
should be commended on his work.   He has certainly documented the history of
the Virginia Turner family.  Thanks again for all of your help also.  Danny.

Subj:	Bible of Lucinda Nolen Brammer
Date:	97-09-05 13:41:41 EDT
From: (Ann N. Hughes)

The research was done and Bible pages were copied by Janice Nolen;
transcription and posting by Ann Nolen Hughes. These are the surnames which
you will find recorded in the Brammer Bible:  Nolen, Roberson, Pendleton,
Rakes, Burnett, Hooker, Taylor, Brammer.  Hope this helps someone.  My
gggrandfather was Charles P. Nolen.

         From Bible of Lucinda Nolen Brammer (Mrs R. R.)

Nancy D. Nolen was born February the 4th 1878

Martha E. Nolen was born December the 18th 1879

Charles W. Nolen was born April the 12th 1882

John T. Nolen was born June the 18th 1884

Exonia Alice Nolen was born September the 14th

Emma Josephine Nolen was born November the 9th

Lucinda A. Nolen was born January the 5th 1896

                   Next Page, Births Continued

Charles P. Nolen was born March the 16th 1806

Nancy Adams Nolen was born November the 12th

Mary E. Nolen was born July the 16th 1836

Exoney D. Nolen was born October the 7th 1835

Isaac A. Nolen was born Sept the 11th 1840

Ephram S. Nolen was born Feby the 5th 1843

Martha V. Nolen was born March the 6th 1845

John A. Nolen was born August the 1st 1848

Charles P. Nolen, Jr. was born October the 26th 1849

George S. Nolen was born February the 10th 1853

Nancy A. Nolen was born April the 17th 1855

Ruth L. Nolen was born June the 7th 1857

Enoch G. Nolen was born October the 15th 1860

Charles M. Burnett was born October the 30th 1855

John E. Burnett was born February the 11th 1857

                      Deaths (Separate Page)

Onie Nolen Roberson died June 6, 1922

Emma J. Nolen Pendleton died May 25, 1926

Nancy D. Nolen Rakes died August 21, 1932

Geo. S. Nolen died Dec 6. 1932

John Taswell Nolen died Jan 13, 1939

Ruth J. Nolen died Oct 31, 1944

Charles W. Nolen died Sept 4, 1967 12:30 pm

Martha Ellen Nolen died Jan 1, 68 9:10 pm

                    Marriages (Separate Page)

George S. Nolen and Ruth J. Hooker was married March the 8th 1877

Nancy D. Nolen and Geo. Claiborn Rakes were married June 8, 1893

Charles W. Nolen and Lily Edna Taylor were married June 24, 1908

Emma J. Nolen and Geo. Lee Pendleton were married Dec. 20 1911

Onie A. Nolen and James Lester Roberson were married Jan. 20, 1915

John T. Nolen and Frances Ella Schower were married June 4, 1919

Lucinda A. Nolen and Robert Lee Brammer were married October 17, 1923

Marriages listed on a separate lined page were "Abstracted from the Old
Family Bible of C. P. Nolen Decd. by
John T. Agee"
Mary E. Nolen was Married May the 5th 1853

Exoney D. Nolen was Married June the 1st 1854

Martha V. Nolen was married October the 5th 1865

John A. Nolen was Married February the 2nd 1871

Isaac A. Nolen was Married Sept the 5th 1872

Nancy A. Nolen was Married February 20th 1873

Charles P. Nolen, Jr. was Married March the 27th

Ruth L. Nolen was Married Sept the 10th 1874

George S. Nolen Was Married March the 8th 1877

 Charles P. Nolen Died Jany 26th 1875

Nancy Nolen Died May the 6th 1877

Ephram S. Nolen Son of the above Died the 3rd
March 1862

Enoch G. Nolen Son of the Same Died 27th
December 1861

John E. Burnett Son of E. D. Burnett Died Sept the
13th 1857

Isaac A. Burnett Son of the above Died November
23rd 1861

Subj:	Burnett Plantation
Date:	97-09-05 12:43:23 EDT

Hi Nyla -
	Last night I sent a message with two questions.  The last question asked if
knew who was buried in the old Burnett cemetery.  Well, less than an hour
after I sent
that, I found the answer.   So, if it hasn't already been sent off to be
compiled, please erase
that last part of my message.
	Thanks - John

John -- How about sharing the infor with the group, if you don't mind.  Nyla

Subj:	Re: Burnett Plantation
Date:	97-09-05 17:42:05 EDT

Hi Nyla -

It was in Comp 151, of July 15.  A rather lengthy message from VALDALYA, that
one of the most complete run-downs on the Burnett, all in one message.


Subj:	Roberson H. Turner
Date:	97-09-05 17:07:47 EDT

Thank you for this website. My mother has been searching for months to find
the parents
of Roberson H. Turner.  Compilation #105 - 346, shows information that can be
added to.
I would like to do this.

According to Tombstone  located in Harris Chapel Cemetary, Cass Co. TX,
  R.H. Turner
was born  Nov. 1, 1808, died June 4, 1868. Married Frances Walton Banks in
Jasper Co.
Ga.  Frances W. Banks was born May 10, 1818, died Mar 18, 1871. This
information was
obtained by myself on a visit to the gravesite and through 1850 Ga. census
Jasper Co.
Dist.4 -4/Nov/50, also 1880 Morris Co, Tx. census, Marriage records Cass
Co.TX 1847-
1880, and probate minutes book C - Cass Co. Tx. Some information came from a
written by the son of Pleasant Ashbury dated Dec. 7, 1963, written to Lena
Thigpen, daughter of Robert Hughes Alford and Alice Rose Turner (Gussie).  RH
was a Trustee at Walkers Academy in Dec. 1854 near Bethel Community in the
area in Ga.
John W. Turner       b  Abt 1836  in Ga.
Mabel Turner          b Abt 1838   in Ga.
Amanda Turner       b Abt 1840   in Ga.  Married P.Boyd (school teacher)
Amanda is                                                 
buried in Naples, Cass Co. Tx
Richard C. Turner    b Abt 1842 in Ga.  
James Monroe Turner    b Sept 14, 1845 in Ga. died Feb. 8, 1902 in
Dangerfield, Tx.
Buried in Harris Chapel, Cass Co. Tx. (This is my ancestor) Wife - Alice
Caroline Allen b
Oct. 26, 1848 in Ga. died Feb 14, 1930. buried in Harris Chapel, Cass Co. Tx.
Her parents
were Bryant L. Allen and Caroline Buchanon both from Ga. buried in Harris
Augustus Columbus Turner   b Abt 1847 in Ga.
Pleasant Ashbury Turner  - one month old when census taken in 1850. 1st Wife
- Mary
Rose Hughes  
Earnest L. Turner  b Feb 4, 1852 in Ga. died May 5, 1870 buried Harris
Charlie A. Turner  b Aug. 24, 1855 in Ga. died Aug. 15, 1887 buried Harris
Married Alice Bandy Mar 31, 1878.  Son - Pink Turner  b Feb 22, 1879 died
20,1900.   Charlie Turner - Will probated 1890, Probate minutes Book C, Cass
Co. Tx. pg
49-50 case #93.  Alice Bandy Turner and Pink turner - both buried Hughes
Cemetary, Cass Co. Tx. 
Roberson H. Turner Jr.   b June 20, 1860 in Tx. died Jan. 12,1884. buried
Harris Chapel.
George Turner - not listed on 1850 census. Could be oldest. No records found.
states he existed)

Letter written as stated above.

Dear Lena,
       I have been out of town a good deal since your letter came hence the
delay in
answering it. 
       Yes, I go out to Juliane's and Eloise's frequently. I also go by to
visit Nelsine and
Tama. They are very intelligent and sweet women. I was in Naples about four
months ago
and a very kindly old lady took me out to the cemetary, and showed me where
Mandy (Amanda) and her children and husband are buried. This lady lives  in a
nice brick
home on the main street and on a corner. She is related to Eloise. I know
your house too,
where Juliane, Eloise and a granddaughter of Mandys and I visited you all
about 20 years
ago or more. You were working at the picture show. Juliane and Eloise are
among my
favorite people. I was going to see Wade Turner's widow about a month ago,
but got
called out of town and didn't go. I'll never get Texas out of me either.  
        I, like you, wish I new more about the Turners, but maybe I can tell
you some things
about them you would like to know. Your grandfather Jim Turner was my uncle.
widow was one of the prettiest old ladies I ever saw. My granfather Roberson
Hill Turner
was born in 1808 on a plantation in Jasper County, Ga. Monticello is the
county seat. He
married Frances Walton Banks (she was Irish) as was born in 1813. [He may of
mistaken, grave marker says 1818] The daughter of Eaton Banks a Jasper Co.
farmer. In
1858 they moved to Texas with the slaves, the mules and horses, cattle, etc.
They settled a
mile from Hughes Springs. The journey was made in covered wagons, and started
1st and ended Christmas day. The home, slave quarter, barns, etc. were built
of logs. I've
heard that not only my father but several of his brothers were lawyers. The
originally came from England to Virginia and then to Georgia. I think  there
were nine
sons and two daughters. The daughters wew Mabil who married Will Flemister,
Amanda who married P. Boyd who taught school at Naples. The sons were Jim,
Roberson Hill, Pleasant Ashbury - he was my father, Augustus Columbus,
Charlie and I
don't know the names of the others. Roberson Hill Turner died in 1868 and his
Frances Walton Turner died in 1871. They are buried in Harris Chapel Cemetary
about five miles out of Hughes Springs. Ernest Turner died 1870, Roberson
Hill - named
for his father - Turner died 1884, Charlie Turner died 1887, J.M. Turner -
grandfather died 1902 and they are all buried in Harris Chapel Cemetary. I go
over the
first Sunday in May to a homecoming at this pretty and well kept little
cemetary and
church. Juliane went with me this past May and that's when we had the nice
visit with
Homer and her husband. Pleasant is an old English given name and Ashbury is
for the first
Bishop in the Methodist Church in America. it was from England. My father's
first wife
was Mary Rose Hughes, the daughter of Reece Hughes who started Hughes
Springs. His
second wife was my mother. His wife died in 1894 and he married my mother in
1895. In
my opinion the country around Hughes Springs is the prettiest anywhere. 
        Tell Turner hello. I remember who well.
        Hurry and come back to God's country. 
                                      Kindest regards,
                                            PA Turner
                                            142 East Jordan St.
PS Write again. Tell Lon hello.

*PA Turner was a retired Vice President, Commercial National Bank,
Shreveport. La.

My ancestor was James Monroe Turner. 
Hattae (Hattie) Turner  b 1867, married John N. Phillips
Willey M. Turner (Willie)  b Jun, 1870 married Josea Prewitt
Alcie Rose Turner (Gussie)  b. Aug. 15, 1875 died July 1, 948. married Robert
Hughes Alford - Aug. 21, 1891. buried Spring Hill Cemetary Morris Co. Tx.
(Fay Allen Turner Lee is in my line - she was my grandmother. If anyone wants
any more info. down this line, please let me know.)
Fay Allen Turner  b Oct. 15, 1877 in Hughes Springs, Cass Co. Tx. died May
21, 1943 in Bossier City, Benton Parish, La. Buried Forrest Park Cemetary in
Shreveport, Caddo Parish, La. married William Ben Lee - May 3, 1894
Pittsburg, Tx.  
Sherwood Turner  b 1881 wife Tama ______?
Wade Turner  b 1890 - wife Ruth_______?

The end of this compilation.