Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 21:52:05 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 195 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

9 Sep 1997

Greetings to Everyone:

Welcome to all the new folks.  Be sure to check out all our compilations on
Christ Gaunt's home page:

Any information you care to share will be appreciated.  A big thanks to all
those who shared information in this compilation.

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	 unsubscribe
Date:	97-09-08 22:55:37 EDT
From: (Ed W.)

Please unsubscribe me.

Subj:	Turner Bits & Pieces
Date:	97-09-08 23:13:50 EDT
From:	VA

Hi Nyla and Everybody,

Thought maybe some of the following would be helpful to someone!


Roanoke County Graveyards Through 1920, The Roanoke Valley
Historical Soc.

1.  Blue Ridge Church Cemetery (Vinton, Roanoke Co., VA)
     John W. TURNER  1-6-1834 to 2-28-1904

2.  City Cemetery (Roanoke City - must have been Roanoke Co. at some
     C.M. TURNER (CSA)  7-13-1839 to 1-31-1922
     Julia A. MENFEE (wife/o C.M.)  9-19-1842 to 3-10-1900
     Waller M. TURNER  9-25-1871  to  5-21-1910
     3 TURNER children, headstones are completely illegible

3.  Cocke Cemetery
     Joseph A. TURNER - Born  Greensville Co., Va. on 8-6-1839.  Died
Hollins Institute on 5-5-1878.  "The path of the just is all the shining
that shineth more and more unto the perfect day."  Proverbs IV:18
     Lelia Virginia - Wife of Professor Joseph A. TURNER and dau. of
Charles L. and Susanna COCKE.  2-25-1844  to  10-21-1899.  "Be thou
faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life."  Rev. 2:10

4.  Richardson-TURNER Cemetery
     Alfred TURNER  5-4-1825  to  4-22-1876
     Charlie T. TURNER  s/o W.T. & M.L. TURNER  9-29-1893  to  11-
     Cornelia M. TURNER   d/o James L. TURNER  4-21-1885  to  2-22-
     Emma E. TURNER  10-23-1870  to  6-10-1898
     James L. TURNER  7-26-1847  to  2-26-1918     (He married 1st to       
Sarah E. ANGEL & had a dau. Cornelia;  he married 2nd to Emma E. ___
and had  a son, Robert, and daughters, Lena & Virgie).
     Mattie L. TURNER  wife/o W.T. TURNER  2-20-1862  to  2-28-1897
     Nancy C. TURNER  d. 12-15-1868
     Sarah E. ANGEL  wife/o James L. TURNER  9-18-1852  to  7-23-
5.  Smith Cemetery IV
     D.H. TURNER  d. 1884
     Father of D.H. TURNER  d. between 1883 and 1884
     Geneva TURNER dau/o D.H. TURNER  d. soon after 1884

6.  TURNER - Day Cemetery
     Charles L. TURNER  d. 9-18-1844   1y 5m
     Gideon TURNER  10-29-1809  to  3-27-1889  (b. Bedford Co., Va -
	s/o Elijah and Mary TOLLEY TURNER - husb./o Ruth)
     Inf. Child of Gideon & Ruth D. TURNER  d. 12-8-1839
     John TURNER  s/o Gideon & Ruth D. TURNER  6-18-1838  to  10-
     Ruth D. TURNER  4-20-1812  to  9-15-1867   55y 4m 25d  (b.
	Bedford Co., Va.
           dau./o Samuel & Millicent HURT FIELDS - D. is for Dabney - She
	was 1st
            wife of Gideon.  His 2nd wife is buried in Salem and they had no
     Samuel F. TURNER  8-24-1831  to  11-15-1867  (oldest s/o Giedon &
	Ruth - F. is for Fields).

Botetourt County History Before 1900 Through County Cemetery
Records, Botetourt
Co., VA Historical Society

1.  Fincastle Presbyterian Church Cemetery
     Sarah Anne R. TURNER  consort of Doctor P. TURNER  d. 5-28-
	1842  age 30

2.  Lithia Baptist Church Cemetery
     F.M. & M.A. TURNER children:
        Wm. Edwin  1-22-1844  age 8
        Bettie Leagh  188?  age 8
        George Milton  1884  age 6    (notice the dates [from 44 to the
	this  isn't a typo on my part, I've listed the dates as they are listed in
	the book)

1860 Craig County Virginia Census
There is a Kesiah TURNER, age 82, living with James L. TAYLOR, age
35 a Day Laborer & Ann DOBBINS, age 36 a domestic.  Lists James as
head of household

No TURNER'S listed in the 1870, 1880 or 1920 Craig County Census

Craig County Virginia Marriages  1822 - 1910, Compiled by Ruth G. Hale

Lura M. TURNER - 19 - b. Franklin Co., VA - resided:  Craig Co., VA -
parents:  James H. & Hattie C. TURNER - married:  5-10-1894, New
Castle, Craig Co., VA to Thomas J. LEMON - 32 - Farmer - b. Ontario,
Canada - resided:  Craig Co., VA - parents:  Thomas & Elizabeth LEMON

A Touch of History, The Blue Ridge Rifles 12-27-1859 to 4-9-1865, Co A,
28th VA Volunteer Regiment (Inf), Botetourt Co., Historical Society

James A. TURNER transferred from Jordon's Battery, Sept. 1864.  He was
in General Lee's surrender.  He lived in Amherst Co., VA

Marriages of Alleghany County, Virginia 1822 to 1872, Carletta Lanear

Andrew J. TURNER - 27 - single - b.:  Page Co., VA - Occup:  House
Carpenter - s/o:  Litha TURNER - married:  7-26-1858, Alleghany Co.,
VA to Lucy J. GILLILAND - 20y 4m 28d (note on license - "21 - 1st
March 1859) - single - b.:  Alleghany Co., VA - d/o:  Joseph & Mahala

William M. HUGHES - 21 - single - white - b.:  Fluvanna Co., VA - Lived: 
Alleghany Co., VA - Occup:  Engineer - s/o:  John G.  & Emily W.
HUGHES - married:  11-20-1871, Covington, Alleghany Co., VA to Willie
or Wylie TURNER - 17 - single - b.:  Buckingham Co., VA - white -
Lived:  Alleghany Co., VA - dau/o:  James & Barbara TURNER.

I have directions for those cemeteries listed above, if anybody wants them,
please let me know!


Subj:	Re: Comp 194 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-09-08 22:34:42 EDT
From:	Ffjerry048
To:	NCreed1

Nyla do you know where the Atha's were before they came to Monroe Co.
all the rest of my ancestors came from Botetourt Co. could they have all
came from about the same place even though they came years apart?

Jerry,  It looks like the Atha ancestors were probably from Ireland, Charles
Co MD, Prince George's Co MD, Greenbrier and Monroe Co VA (now
WV), as well as in Henry Co VA.  Maybe someone researching Henry Co
VA will be able to shed some light on the Atha/Athey family.

Descendants of Francis Athy
1  	Francis Athy			
    	2  	George Athy, Captain	b: 1642 Galway, Ireland		
          		+Ann Unknown			
	          	3  	John Athy	b: 1675-1680 Charles Co MD		
                		+Margaret Lewis		m: 04 Jun 1711	
            	    	4  	Thomas Atha	b: 14 Feb 1716/17 Prince
				George's Co VA		
                      			+Judith Unknown			
                			*2nd Wife of Thomas Atha:			
                      			+Eleanor Queen		m: 1753
                 				Prince George's Co VA(?)	
		                       5  	John Queen Atha	b: 24 May
			            		1756 Prince George's Co VA		
                             			+Dorcas Cullen			
                             	    	6  	Thomas Atha			
                                   		+Sarah "Sally" Perkins	
					             m: 17 Jan 1797 Greenbrier Co VA	
                                   	7  	Benjamin Athey	b: Abt 1798
					             VA		d: Bef 1820
                                         	+Jean (Jane?) Cheatham	
					              m: 07 May 1816 Henry Co VA	
                                            8  	James Athey			
                                               		+Mary Ann Hay m: 29 Jul
						                        1837 Henry Co VA	
                                   	7  	John Atha	b: Abt 1800 VA
		                       		+Ann Unknown   b: Abt 1803 VA
		                       	7  	Susannah Atha	b: Bef 1805		
                                         		+John Cook		m: 06 Aug
                             					1829 Monroe Co VA	
                                   	7  	Thomas Atha	b: Bef 1805 VA
					              +Susanna Michael		m: 14
					               Feb 1828 Monroe Co VA	
                                   	7  	Elizabeth Atha	b: Bef 1805 VA
					            +John Monroe		m: 19 Feb
					             1824 Greenbrier Co VA	
                                   	7  	Addison Wesley Atha	b: Abt 1805
					            Washington Co (later Symth Co)
					             VA	    d: 11 May 1868 Monroe Co
                                         		+Frances "Fannie" Raines	b: Abt
					                   1809 Monroe Co VA	m: 24 Nov
					                    1828 Monroe Co VA	d: 06 Jul 1881
					                    Summers Co WV
					                       8 	Caroline Atha
                                          		8  	Lorenzo Dow Atha	b: Abt
						                        1826 Near Cross Roads,
					                            	Monroe Co, VA	
						                        d: 20 Feb 1899 Mattville,
						                        Raleigh Co WV
                                                		+Susan Caroline Vass	b: Abt
						                        1833 Monroe Co VA	m: 29
						                        Nov 1854 Monroe Co VA. 
						                        Married by Rev Jos T Eakin
						                        d: 17 Dec 1855 Monroe Co
                                          			*2nd Wife of Lorenzo Dow
			                                          +Mary Jane Wiseman	b: Sep
						                        1834 Drooping Lick, Monroe
						                        Co, VA   m: 07 Aug 1856
						                        Wolf Creek, Monroe Co VA. 
						                        Married by Rev Alfred
						                        Buhrman	d: 20 Mar
						                        1923 Sand Lick, Raleigh Co
                                                	8  	James Atha	b: Abt 1834
                               			      8	Sarah Jane Atha	
						                        b: Abt 1841 in Low 	
						                        Gap Summers Co.  	
						                        WV.	d: in 		
						                        Summers Co. WV.	
						                        +Samual Preston 	
						                         Turner b: February 04,
						                         1833	m: December 	
						                         02, 1858 in Summers 	
						                         d: November 26, 1882
						                         in Summers  Co. 	
						                         WV.	Father: 	
					 	                         Leonard  Turner	
						                         Mother: Turner
					                               8  	Isaac Newton Atha	b: Abt
                                                		     +Emily Unknown  b:
Subj:	 ROSS in VA
Date:	97-09-09 00:59:21 EDT
From: (Karen Moor)


I'm searching for more info on Susan ROSS.  Born in 1805 in Virginia.
Unfortunately that's all the background I have on her.  I do know she
married William Ferguson, b.1795 in NC.  They had a son born in TN. 
Thanks for any info you can share.


Date:	97-09-09 12:45:43 EDT
From: (Janet Cox)

Dear Nyla,

In answer to Sherry's delima of  the children of  Josiah Hunter Turner
and Drucilla Pricey Philpott.  I have eleven listed as as follows:

1 Josiah Hunter Turner  b: 07 Dec 1784 in Henry Co, VA    Number of
children: 11
    +Drucilla Pricey Philpott  b: 22 Jul 1791 in Henry Co, VA  m: 11 Mar
1810 in Franklin Co, VA
2    Nancy B. Turner  b: 25 Feb 1811 in Franklin Co, VA
    +Jonathan Davis    m: 18 Dec 1831 in Franklin Co, VA
2    Martha Turner  b: 07 Jul 1812 in Franklin Co, VA    Number of
children: 5
   +George William Lackey    m: 17 Sep 1835 in Franklin Co,VA
2    Robert Hunter "Robin" Turner  b: 05 May 1814 in Franklin Co, VA
Number of children: 9
    +Elizabeth Carson McGuffin  b: in Franklin Co, VA  m: 13 Feb 1840 in
Franklin Co, VA
2    James Overton Turner  b: 01 May 1816 in Franklin Co, VA    Number
of children: 11
    +Sarah "Sallie" G. Cahill  b: Abt. 1820 in Henry Co, VA  m: 15 Sep
1838 in Henry Co,  VA
2    Mary Ann Turner  b: 07 Apr 1818 in Franklin CO, VA
    +Joseph McGuffen    m: 08 Jul 1837 in Franklin CO, VA
2    Meshach Turner  b: 29 Apr 1820 in Franklin Co, VA    Number of
children: 1
    +Sarah "Sally" Ann Deshaid/DeShazo  b: in Henry CO,  VA  m: Sep
in Henry CO,  VA
2    Josiah Hunter Turner, Jr  b: 11 Mar 1822 in Franklin Co, VA
    +Malinda Ruth Ingram    m: 01 Sep 1848 in Franklin Co, VA
2    Sarah "Sallie" Turner  b: 23 Mar 1824 in Franklin Co, VA
2    John P.(Philpott) Turner  b: 08 Feb 1828 in Franklin CO, VA
    +Sarah Ann "Sallie" Turner
2    William Turner  b: 14 Feb 1830 in Town Creek (Butramstown Creek,
near Alumine, Henry Co, VA    Number of children: 7
    +Sarah A. Turner  b: 08 Jan 1830  m: 30 Oct 1855 in Patrick Co, VA
2    Samuel H. Turner  b: 14 Oct 1833 in Franklin Co, VA
    +Mary E. McGuffin    m: 23 Aug 1855 in Franklin Co, VA

James Overton is my gg-grandfather :)


Janet:  Thanks for sharing that information with us.  Nyla

Subj:	 Aaron Turner
Date:	97-09-09 13:37:44 EDT
From: (Allen or Gail Blancett)

Hi Nyla,

I eavesdrop on your web site on Turners/Burnetts etc.  I do a lot of
research on Turners in SC and recently that has expanded over into GA.
So far I've not spotted anything on my Turners on your site but I
haven't read all of the compilations yet so there may have been and I
just haven't seen it yet.

My Turner family was in Spartanburg Co., SC from at least 1785 and some
of them were there up until at least 1831 and 1837; many moved to
Alabama by way of KY about 1816/1817.  My family is headed by Henry
Turner Sr. (birth  estimated 1730s) and includes children William
Turner, Lewis Turner (b. 1761/2 Frederick Co., VA), Darby Turner, Henry
Turner Jr., James Turner, John Turner, Sarah Turner Sartain and Nancy
Turner Bishop.  Interestingly, they lived on Shoaly Creek of Lawson's
Fork and appear to have been neighbors of some of your Burnetts.

I noticed in one of the most recent compilations a note from Mary Ellen
May (her e-mail address wasn't listed) and Anna Mosely and their search
for Aaron Turner of Henry Co., GA.  I can't say for sure if this
information is going to be their Aaron or not, but it is possible.
Perhaps they have more information that will help them decide.  This
information is from "A Collection of Upper South Carolina Genealogical
and Family Records"  Vol. II, edited by James E. Wooley (copyright 1981
by Southern Historical Press).  The information is said to have been
given by Mrs. Edmon L. Crow of Dallas, Texas, dated 7 Aug 1853.
However, I believe the year here should have been 1953.  The references
in parentheses are those stated by Mrs. Crow.

Family of Thomas Turner

The will of Thomas Turner, Sr. was probated in Marlboro Dist., SC 26
July 1822, he named the following chn. James, Aaron, Jane, Thomas Jr.,
(my great grandfather) Moses, John, Mark, and Mary.  His wife Chairity
was not named in the will, so presume she was dead before this date.  In
April 1803 is a transfer of 200 acres of land by Thomas Turner, to Alex
Rascoe, the wife's dower in this deed is Chairity Turner.  So we know
she was living in 1803.  In the History of Old Cheraw's, by Bishop
Alexander Gregg, that Thomas Turner Sr. was Clerk for Cheraw Dist. in
1773.  He further states on page 226 on 9 June 1775 the Lt. Governor
named twelve magistrates for Cheraw Dist., SC Thomas Turner Sr. being
the list of names.

Aaron Turner, married Sallie English, had Joe, Aaron Jr., Esther, Sallie
and Anne.

Thomas Turner Jr. (my great grandfather) married a sister of Sallie
English, do not know her, they had:
    Thomas, married a Miss Skipper, lived in Tenn.
    Chairity, married Joe Parish, lived in Lee Co., GA.
    Mark married Drucella Harris, lived in Ark. and GA.
    Isham was a preacher, married Anna Driggens, lived in Ark. and GA.
    John, married Betsy Archibald, lived in Randolph Co., GA
    Harriett no record.
Thomas Turner Jr.'s wife died and he married the second time in SC place
and date ? to Gincy Parish (Parrish)--was Gincy her name or nickname?
They had the following children:
    William Kennedy Turner, born 29 Jan 1824 Marlboro Dist., SC came to
Texas when he was young was a ME preacher have complete data on his
    Nancy Turner born about 1825 in SC married John Arnold, lived in
Calhoun, GA.
    Patsy Turner born about 1827 Fayette Co., GA.  Married John Booker.
    Lizzie Turner born about 1829 Fayette Co., GA married Mr. Williams.
    Drury Turner died in infancy.
    George Washington Turner (my grandfather) born 13 Nov 1833 Henry
Co., GA came to Texas when he was 12 years old and lived with his Uncle
Aaron who had moved to Texas a short time before from GA.
    Melissa Turner no record.

    Gincy Parish Turner, second wife of Thomas Turner Jr. died about
1844 in Henry Co., GA.  Thomas is said to have married twice after her
death but had no children by these last marriages.  Thomas was a soldier
in the War of 1812 and is buried in or near Tunnelhill, GA (Mrs. Crow
wanted to find his grave and place a marker).  Thomas Turner Jr. had
four sons who were pioneer Methodist preachers, Isham, William Kennedy,
George Washington, and Aaron Turner.

Note that in her listing of children of Thomas Turner Jr. she did not
list a son Aaron but then when she enumerates his four sons who were
preachers she lists an Aaron Turner.

Hope this might be the family Mary Ellen May and Anna Mosely are
searching for.

Gail R. Blancett

Gail:  Thanks for all the information.  I hope that is Mary Elleen's and
Anna's line.  Nyla

Subj:	 Member
Date:	97-09-09 07:04:54 EDT
From: (John W. Turner)

Here's all that I have on the Turners that I can prove:

The only one I can state for sure is Henry Harmon Turner b: May 16,
1888, Saluda, SC.  M: Addie Ceabell Corley b: Feb. 17, 1888, Saluda, SC.

Believe parents of Henry were:  John H. Turner b: 1857, SC.; m:
Elizabeth (Bessie) Corley.

Henry and Addie had nine daughters and a son (my father):  John Wesley
Turner, Sr. b: July 5, 1927, Edgefield, SC.

The nine daughters married: KIRBY, WORTHINGTON, KEMP,
They all lived in Greenwood, SC.  With the exception of Babineau -
Michigan.  Later on - Coopers and Kemps moved to Florida.

 Any help appreciated.  Thanks, John (

Subj:	 Re:Turner
Date:	97-09-09 01:11:22 EDT

Here's a VA/NC branch of the Humphrey Turner family which could be of
interest to a few.

Regards,  Charles F.Turner, Amherst, NH

          Descendants of THOMAS TURNER                                   
                                09 Sep 1997
          THOMAS TURNER, son of THOMAS TURNER Esq. and
HANNAH JENKINS TURNER, born on 31 March 1699 at Scituate, MA; 
          died on ?? ??? 1788 at Warren Co., NC? at 88 years of age. 
             He married to REBECCA.
             Children of THOMAS TURNER and Rebecca were as follows:
            11.            JOSEPH TURNER; died on ?? ?? 1796?.
            12.            JACOB TURNER CAPT.
            13.            JOHN TURNER.
            14.            HENRY TURNER.
          + 15.            JAMES TURNER GOV, born 20 Dec 1766?; married
            16.            NANCY TURNER.
          + 17.            HANNAH TURNER DAVIS, born ?? ??? 17??;
married PETER DAVIS.
            18.            POLLY TURNER MAYFIELD. 
                              She married to THOMAS  MAYFIELD.
          JAMES TURNER GOV., born on 20 Dec 1766? at Southampton
Co., VA; died on 15 August 1824 at Warrenton, NC;  buried at Warrenton,
             He married, first, on ?? ??? 1793 to POLLY ANDERSON
TURNER; died on ?? ??? 1802 at Warrenton, NC?; and  married, second,
on 06 October 1803 at Portland, ME to ANN COCKRAN TURNER; and
married, third, on 21 July 1810,  ( Tho.B.Gloster, bm) to ELIZABETH
PARKS JOHNSTON TURNER; died at ?? ?? 1830?; daughter of
Unknown Parks.
             Children of JAMES TURNER and POLLY ANDERSON were as
            151.           REBECCA TURNER BADGER. 
                              She married to GEORGE BADGER.
            152.           MARY TURNER.
          + 153.           THOMAS TURNER; married NANCY
            154.           SALLY TURNER ALEXANDER. 
                              She married to MARK ALEXANDER OF VA.
            155.           ANN TURNER COLEMAN. 
                              She married on ?? ??? 1832 to HENRY
          + 156.           DANIEL TURNER, Hon, born ?? ??? 1796; married
             JAMES TURNER and ANN COCKRAN had no children by this
             JAMES TURNER and ELIZABETH PARKS had no children by
this marriage.
             HANNAH TURNER DAVIS, born on ?? ??? 17??. 
             She married on ?? ??? 17?? to PETER DAVIS, born at Isle of
Wight, VA; died on ?? ??? 1804 at Warren Co., NC.
             Children of PETER DAVIS and HANNAH TURNER were as
          + 171.           JACOB DAVIS; married RHODA TURNER DAVIS.
            172.           JOHN DAVIS.
            173.           WINNIFRED DAVIS.
            174.           TEMPERENCE DAVIS.
            175.           THOMAS DAVIS, born at Warren CO., NC?.
            153. THOMAS TURNER. 
             He married, first, to NANCY BASKERVILLE; and married,
second, on 16 February 1822 to SARA PATILLO.
             Children of THOMAS TURNER and NANCY BASKERVILLE
were as follows:
            1531.          MARY TURNER HAMILTON. 
                              She married to WILLIAM HAMILTON.
            1532.          JAMES TURNER. 

                              He married on 10 December 1842 to ANN
             THOMAS TURNER and Sara Patillo had no children by this
             Other children of THOMAS TURNER were as follows:
            1533.          NANCY TURNER.
            1534.          WILLIAM TURNER.
            1535.          GEORGE TURNER.
            1536.          EMMA TURNER.
            1537.          SALLY TURNER.
             156. DANIEL TURNER Hon., born on ?? ??? 1796. 
             He married to ANN ARNOLD KEY TURNER.
             Children of DANIEL TURNER and ANN ARNOLD KEY were
as follows:
            1561.          ALICE TURNER.
            1562.          DANIEL TURNER.
            1563.          REBECCA TURNER.
            1564.          FRANK TURNER.
            1565.          EMILY TURNER.
            1566.          MARY TURNER.
            1567.          JANET TURNER.
            1568.          ANNA TURNER.
            1569.          ELLEN TURNER.
            156A.          ELIZABETH TURNER.
             171. JACOB DAVIS; died on ?? ??? 1859 at Warren Co., NC. 
             He married on 19 October 1808 at Warren Co., NC to RHODA
TURNER DAVIS;  daughter of Stephen Reuben Turner and Susan
             Children of JACOB DAVIS and RHODA TURNER were as
            1711.          MARTHA (POLLY) DAVIS ROWLAND. 
                              She married to THAD ROWLAND.
            1712.          REBECCA DAVIS JOHNSON. 
                              She married to WESLEY JOHNSON.
            1713.          NANCY DAVIS FLEMING. 
                              She married to JOHN FLEMING.
            1714.          DYONICIE DAVIS.

The end of this compilation.