Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 21:19:52 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 198 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

14 Sep 1997

Greetings to Everyone this beautiful Sunday.  A big thanks to those who have
information on their lines.  

Nyla CREED DePauk

Subj:	Philpott question
Date:	97-09-12 10:42:13 EDT
From:	HarrisSEM

	As I was entering in all the names etc. that y'all both sent me, I came
something that I need to clarify.   I have that John Philpott b. abt 1720,
died abt. 1762. 
Had 4 children. Married twice:

1.  Anne Cotrell  married about 1750 - number of children, 1--->
     Samuel Philpott b. abt 1761 m. Mary "Polly" Hannah

2.  Mary Glover b. 1724, married abt 1750  ?-  number of children, 4
                                    OR married after 1751?

	My question is this:  Was Samuel Philpott Anne's son, OR Mary's son?  It
like Anne died?, then John married Mary . I'm wondering about all of this
because of
Samuel's birthdate which is 10-11 years after John married his second wife.
 Unless 1761
is a typo and it is supposed to be 1751?
	Just a thought!

Subj:	Ross    
Date:	97-09-12 12:38:56 EDT
From:	LBall3466

Hi Nyla:
   Hear you have a ROSS discussion list.    I'd like some information if this
is true ?? !        Linda

Linda,  I have a Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc mailing list.
 Unfortunately, we don't
have a lot of ROSS information being shared.  But you're certainly welcome to
check out
all our compilations and see what's there.
I've added you to our mailing list.  Any information you care to share will
be greatly
appreciated.  I think you'll find the group very helpful.    --  Nyla 

Subj:	 [Fwd: Returned mail: Local configuration error]
Date:	97-09-13 00:02:47 EDT
From: (Tony and Linda Martinson)

In case this has not been submitted before:

Virginia Gazette 12 February 1767, page 3:
	"Run away from the subscriber in Richmond town, on the 27th ult.
a  convict servant man, named John Turner, by trade a shoemaker, and
born  in England.  He is a short thick fellow, about 35 years of age, had on 
when he went away a suit of gray duffil, and carried with him a red shag
vest, wears his own short dark brown hair, and has a remarkable club 
foot on his left leg, which makes him limp in walking.  He was  advertised
in the gazette last March, was taken up and tried in the  General Court for
horse-stealing, and although he escaped punishment is a notorious
offender.  Whoever takes him up, or secures him so that I  may get him
again, shall have 5 l. reward if taken in the colony, if out  thereof 10 l."

Linda Martinson

Subj:	Re: Comp 191 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-09-13 08:38:24 EDT
From:	Sharaim

1	Sorry for not helping much  as major house repairs are taking first place
as of now
but I do have some info on the Burnetts taken from the Pactrick-Henry Allied
Families of
Virginia, Inc. book dated as of 1952 - 1978.  Will  put all I have for you
here in hopes it
will help.

John Burnett, Sr. born about 1727 -died 1827
m. 1st about 1744, Elizabeth ------died after 1825

Children   1.  John Burnett, Jr. m. Judith------
               2.  Crawford Burnett m. Viny Sharp
               3.  Cornelius Burnett m. 1st Lucretia Hood - 2nd Elizabeth
               4.  Nancy m. 1st Elisha Packwood - 2nd John Turner
               5.  Jane m. James Hall
               6.  Mahala m. William Ross
               7.  James  - unmarried (?)
               8.  Elizabeth m. Jesse Corn, Jr
               9.  Jeremiah (?) m.---------?
              10. David Bluford b. 1-29-1833 m. Exoney Nolen-June 15, 1854
                    d. 5-2 1863                              b. 10-7-1838
              11. Amelia m. Harden Stovall

Children of Bluford Burnett and Exoney Nolan
              1. Charles Marshall Burnett m. Alice West
              2.Mary Ellen Burnett b. June -17 -1859 m. Joab Joseph Meadows
july 12, 1877 
                other family connections

Jessie Corn, Sr. and Nancy Hancock were parents of Jessie Corn Jr. who
Elizabeth Burnett. Through this line a great many Stovalls and Vias trace
their ancestory
John Burnett,Jr. married a Judith---- had a daughter Judith Burnett who on
Jan. -28-1813
married Shadrack Turner.

Interesting data on the Burnetts
	Information on decendants of John Burnett of Pactrick County, Va. was
by Mrs. William Day Dickerson of Glasgow, Kentucky and appears in book " The
Family" by Charles Howard Burnett. It is not known who the parents of John
Burnett, Sr.
	This book does state that it is though that Thomas Burnett and Margaret
were parents of six Burnett children who emigrated to Va. The ancestral home
of the
Burnett Clan is Castle Crathes near Aberdeen, Scotland, and it was still
occupied by a
member of the Burnett family in 1950 and may well be today.
	It is quiet probale that Hamilton S. Burnett, presently serving as Chief
Justice of
the Supreme Court of Tennessee, is a relative as his family came from
Va.(remember this
was written in 1978)
	The following books on the Burnett Family are in the Patrick County Public
Library at Sturat, Va.
    Family of Burnett of Leys, by Colonel  James Allardyce, LLd and Printed
in Scotland.
   The Burnett Family by Charles Howard Burnett of California
   Thomas Burnett and Decendants by Francis Gass of Washington, D.C. cousin
of Judge
	Hamilton S. Burnett of Tenessee.
Is this not odd.  Aas I typed this, it is most  certain that the two Turner
family has to be
Descendent of  Samuel Clayborn Turner, grand daughter of Susie C. Turner Law
 Sharon Law Shelton 

Subj:	STOVALL in Patrick and Henry Counties
Date:	97-09-13 18:59:39 EDT
From:	N4JED
CC:	NCreed1

Maybe we can tie your line in to the Patrick -Henry Counties by the back
door. The
STOVALLs are one of the founding families for the counties and I know many
The STOVALL Family Association has a good web site and is the source for much
of the
early info below.  Let me know how your family ties into the below listing
and maybe I
can find out more on your TURNER connection from the local Stovalls. For
other list
members, I have additional generations after the following should anyone be

First Generation

1.	George STOVOLD-14145 was born about 1555 in prob County
Surrey, England. He died 15 Feb 1609/1610 in Cranley, (now Cranleigh),
County Surrey, England. 
     George was the first Stovall ancestor to have a marriage listed in the
Albury Register but was probably born in a neighboring county. While a
resident of Albury Parish, he was a Pikeman on the county's muster roll of
January 29, 1583/4.  George was listed in records as a husbandman.
     In his will George bequeathed money to his sons George and Thomas
and son John received a lease on a tenement in the parish of Albury.  The
will was proved by the executors, wife Lettice and son John, April 5, 1610
in the Archdeaconry Court of Surrey.
George married (1) Lettice STONE-14146, daughter of John
STONE-14147 and Joan ___-14148 on 15 Sep 1583 in Albury, County
Surrey, England. Lettice was born in Farley Green, County Surrey,
England. She died 26 Apr 1646 in Cranley, County Surrey, England.
Lettice is believed to be the Widow Tanner (second husband named
Robert Tanner) buried in Cranley.  George and Lettice had the following
                        2	M	i.	John STOVOLD-14149 was
christened 2 Aug 1584 in Albury, County Surrey, England.
		3	M	ii.	Thomas STOVOLD-14150 was born
1586 in County Surrey, England.
	+	4	M	iii.	George STOVOLD-14137 was born
1588/1590 and died before 26 Feb 1657/1658.
		5	M	iv.	infant STOVOLD-14151 was born in
County Surrey, England. He died 13 Sep 1596 in Albury, Surrey Co., England.

Second Generation

4.	George STOVOLD-14137 was born 1588/1590 in County Surrey,
England. He died before 26 Feb 1657/1658 in Albury, County Surrey,
George, a blacksmith by trade, lived in Wonersh, County Surrey, England. 
He and his wife Margaret benefited from the sale of her father's estate after
his death. This included two messuages (houses and lots) and gardens with
seven acres of land in Farley Green and Albury.   George married (1)
Margaret FARLEY-14138, daughter of Richard FARLEY-14139 and
Elizabeth ALDRIDGE-14140 on 11 Oct 1612 in Albury, County Surrey, 
England. Margaret was born 1593 in Farley Green, Albury, County Surrey,  
England. George and Margaret lived long enough in Wonersh for their
third child Anne to be baptized there.  The family then moved to Albury. 
They had the following children:
		6	F	i.	Anne STOVOLD-14141 was
christened 24 Apr 1614 in Albury, County Surrey, England. She died
before 1621.
		7	F	ii.	Mary STOVOLD-14142 was
christened 21 Jul 1616 in Albury, County Surrey, England.
		8	F	iii.	Anne STOVOLD-14143 was
christened 2 Jan 1621/1622 in Wonersh, Albury, County Surrey, England.
This was the second Anne in the family.
	+	9	M	iv.	George STOFFOLD-455 was born
about 1623 and died 8 Nov 1665.
		10	M	v.	William STOVOLD-14144 was born
about 1625.

Third Generation

9.	George STOFFOLD-455 was born about 1623 in Albury, County
Surrey, England. He died 8 Nov 1665 in Albury, County Surrey, England.
Records spell George's last name Stoffold, Stobbold, Stovell and Stoval.
No birth or baptismal records have been found however George is linked
to his father by the will of his brother William.  George and Joan are
believed to have
become Quakers. Church of England records show they did not attend church for
three months (Easter 1661 term of Surrey Quarter Sessions - criminal court
for County
Surrey).  The sheriff's responses to five separate writs on April 1661
indicate he could not
find George. George was also cited on Easter Term of 1662, and on April 28,
1663 for
not attending but there are no records indicating he was ever punished.
Throughout this
time attendance to the Church of England was mandatory.  George married (1)
TICKNER-14134, daughter of Bartholomew TICKNER-14135 and Millicent ___-14136
before 15 Oct 1653.  Widow Joan asked the Friend's congregation to help find
her son a
job on May 7,1675 according to church records.   Joan's mother, Millicent
Tickner, filed a
claim on a cottage and garden after the death of her husband, Bartholomew.
The lord of
the manor of Albury granted her copy hold tenure of the property to be passed
to her
heirs after her death. She died soon after getting the property and it was
turned over to Joan and George. Due to financial difficulties, they were
unable to pay a "fine" or
fee for permission to enter upon the land, and it was turned back over to
the lord of the manor.  George was also fined for failing to attend the
manor court, a standard duty for one who was a copyright tenant (Oct. 7,
1657, Apr. 19, 1659, Apr. 29, 1661 and Oct. 19. 1663).

George and Joan had the following children:
	+	11	M	i.	Bartholomew STOVALL-371 was
born 24 Aug 1665 and died before 1 May 1722.

Fourth Generation

11.	Bartholomew STOVALL-371 was born 24 Aug 1665 in Albury,
County Surrey, England and was christened 11 Nov 1683 in Church of St.
Peter and St. Paul, Albury, England. He died before 1 May 1722 in
Henrico Co., (later Powhatan), VA.  Bartholomew's birth is recorded four
different times in the Quaker Records of Guildford with two different
dates.  Bartholomew's baptism in the Episcopal Church (Church of
England) at age 18 is believed to have been done so he could emigrate
since Quakers were not held in the same regard as members of the Church
of England.  Bartholomew signed indenture documents July 7, 1684 to
serve John Bright, Merchant of London for four years after arrival in the
colonies. He boarded the ship Booth with Peter Pagan as ship's master.
Bartholomew and Ann were married at St. John's Church near the town of
Curles, Virginia.  The church is gone but some items and records remain at
the new church on East Broad Street in Richmond, Virginia. The couple
settled on 318 acres of land next to Deep Creek and the James River in
what is now Powhatan County, Virginia.  The land is now owned by the
Catholic Church and is the former site of St. Emma's Academy.
Bartholomew was listed as a  Husbandman or farmer.  Bartholomew
married (1) Ann BURTON-372, daughter of Thomas BURTON-373 and
Susannah HATCHER-374 on 1693 in Henrico Shire, VA. Ann was born
about 1670 on the old Cobb's plantation also known as Cobb's Hall on the
Appomattox River, Henrico Co., (now Chesterfield), VA.   She died before
2 Oct 1736.   Bartholomew and Ann had the following children:
	+	12	M	i.	George STOVALL-369 was born
about 1695 and died 1786.
		13	M	ii.	William STOVALL-14123 was born
about 1697 in VA. He died 1736 in Goochland Co., VA. William married (1)
Judith TWITTY?-14129.
		14	F	iii.	Hannah STOVALL-14124 was born
1699 in VA. She died after 1773 in VA.
Hannah married (1) John LEARWOOD-14130. John was born in
Goochland Co., VA.
		15	M	iv.	Thomas STOVALL-14125 was born
Thomas married (1) Elizabeth Frances OWEN-14131.
		16	F	v.	Margaret STOVALL-14128 was born 1701.
		17	M	vi.	John STOVALL-14127 was born
about 1706 in Henrico Co., (later Powhatan), VA. He died 1781 in
Granville, Co., NC. John married (1) Dorcus ___-14133 on 1732.
		18	M	vii.	Bartholomew STOVALL-14126 was
born about 1707 in Henrico Co., (later Powhatan), VA. He died 1777 in
Powhatan Co., VA. Bartholomew married (1) Mary HUGHES?-14132.

Fifth Generation

12.	George STOVALL-369 was born about 1695 in Henrico Co., (now
Chesterfield), VA. He died 1786 in Campbell Co., VA. George married (1) 
Polly COOPER-370.  Polly was a decendant of Sir Ashley Cooper, the first
Earl of Shaftsbury and a relative to Molly Cooper, wife of James Stovall.
George and Polly had the following children:
	+	19	M	i.	James STOVALL-367.
	+	20	F	ii.	Ruth STOVALL-4485.

(Continued in next compilation.)
The end of this compilation.