Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 23:49:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 218 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

24 Sep 1997

Greetings to everyone.  Welcome to the new folks.  I received a lot of eMails
(enough for 4 compilations).  A big thank you to everyone who shared
information on their family.  All our compilations are on Chris Gaunt's

Subj:	Comp 208/Turner 
Date:	97-09-23 13:58:02 EDT
From:	Gangeto5

         I need to make some corrections to the information on comp 208. #835
Pleasant Asbury Turner  1. Married Mary Rose Hughes-16745, daughter of
Reece Hughes-16755 Mary died 1894.  They had 5 children;
         1. Ann (Annie) Turner m. Joseph E. Kirby
         2.Frank Cameron Turner died unmarried
         3. Maidel Turner m. --------Taylor
         4. Henry (Harry)Allen Turner died unmarried
         5. Elizabeth (Betha) Turner m. Kyle Morrison of Bristol Tenn.
             Pleasant married 2. ----------------
         1. Pleasant Asbury Turner Jr.
 	I would also like to add descendants of my grandmother  #1317 Fay
Allen Turner.       Her children were:
         1.   Fon Allen Lee B.TX.June 6,1985 D.June 1988. m. Ruby Davis
         2.  Alice Caroline Lee B. Tx. Feb. 22 1898 D. May 23, 1977 m.1
Jasper Farmer  2. Luther Karl Dickerson.                       
         3. Woody Benjamin Lee b. Tx. 1900 d. May 11, 1966 m. Bessie
         4. Gradon Moore Lee b. Okla. May 22 1904, d. Apr. 1 1973 m. Madie
Shumpert Sandford
         5. Wade Paul Lee b. Okla. Dec. 12 1906 d. Dec.7, 1967, m. Margaret
         6. Dwight Lymon Lee B. Okla. Mar. 13, 1909, d. Feb 9 1966, m.
Hattie Parker
         7 Mary Katrine Lee b. Okla. July3 1913 m. Roy Macaluso
At this time Katrine is the only living member of this family.
          Thanks for all of the updated comps. David has done a great job.
cannot find any info on Richard Turner, father of Roberson Hill Turner, but
will keep trying. 
                                   Barbara Conklin

Date:	97-09-24 07:06:19 EDT

Could you add me to the mailing list?  I retire this week and will have more
time for things of interest to me.    Thanks, 
Janice Kinsler Smith

Not a Turner
Am a Ross, Ingram and many other names in Patrick

Subj:	Inventory of Meshack Turner Estate: 1878
Date:	97-09-23 01:05:25 EDT
From: (Allen Richmond)

Nov 19th 1878 we the undersigned In obedience to an order of
the County Court of Franklin pronounsed [sic] on the 4" day of
Nov 1878 after being Sworn for the purpose did prosead [sic] to
appraise the personal Estate of Meshack Turner decd that
was shown us by the Executor of said Deceased as follows

To cash on hand				20.00
To bond for $10.00 subject ot Cr $7.00	10.00
To bond for $10.00 subject to Cr $2.00	10.00
To bond for $60.00 subject to Cr $10.00	60.00
To bond for					 6.00
To bond for					 3.00
To an account for				 1.50
To an account for				 1.00
To one set of Black Smith tools		 7.00
To one pot					   .50
To 21 head of sheep				31.50
To 4 head of hogs				21.00
To 2 hog 					  6.00
To 3 head of hogs				  6.00
To 1 hog					10.00
To 1 wevers loom				 1.50
To 4 sheepskins				 1.00
To 1 grindstone				 1.50
To 1 lot of Farmer tools			 3.00
To 3 bee hives					 5.00
To one lot of silke and cradles		 6.00
To one pare of stildurds [?]			 1.50
To 10 bushels of wheet			 7.50
To 2 Cotton wheels				 3.00
To 3 bushels of seted Oats			   .60
To 1 lot of barrels				 1.00
To 1 lot of dried frute				   .40
To 2 sheepskins taned				  .75
To 1 lot of barrels				 1.00
To 1 lot of saw cotton				  .50
To 1 hay fork					  .50
To 1 sorshgrinder				1.50
To 1 flax wheel				2.00
To 1 lot of Old Irons				1.50
To 1 Real					  .25
To 1 lot of dried frute				  .30
To 1 lot of Stone ware			 2.50
To 1 lot of castin				 2.50
To 1 full leaf table				 2.00
To 1 flax wheel				 3.00
To 1 chinn [chain]				   .50
To 1 side table					   .50
To 1 cook Stove and contents			20.00
To 1 lot of castins				  2.00
To 1 lot of water vesels			    .50
To 1 lot of castins				  1.00
To 1 lot of shucks				 3.00
To 1 wggon					20.00
To 1 lock chain				  3.00
To 1 fumnill [funnel]				  1.00
To 2 Turning plows				  8.00
To 1 lot of farming geer			  4.00
To 1 half of cross cut saw			   .50
To 1 hanow [?]				 3.00
To 1 cutting knife				 2.00
To 1 cow					10.00
To 1 lot of wheet straw			  1.00
To 1 blade Stack of fodder			  2.50
To 1 black Mare				75.00
To 1 cow					12.00
To 1 yearlin					  4.00
To 1 Bull					10.00
To 1 cow					11.00
To 1 pare of plow Streachers			   .75
To 1 lot of blade fodder			 4.00
To 1 lot of Old Irons				 1.00
To 1 side saddle				12.00
To 1 man saddle				  8.00
To 1 bed and contents				18.00
To 1 bed and contents				16.00
To 1 bed and contents				10.00
To 5 bed quilts				  5.00
To 3 connterpins				  3.50
To 1 quilt and blanquett			  3.00
To 1 candle Stand and water Stand		  3.00
To 1 clock					  2.00
To 1 cubbard					  8.00
To 1 bond on Thomas Hatcher for		  2.25
To 1 lot of earthen table ware			16.00
To 2 pare of pot racks and 3 pare hooks	  2.00
To 3 quilts					  3.00
To 3 coverleds for bed			15.00
To 4 bed Blankitts				  8.00
To 4 bed quilts				  7.00
To 7 bed quilts				  7.00
To 10 bed sheets				  3.50
To 5 pillar slips for bed			  1.50
To 1 pare of cotton cards			   .50
To 1 pare of shears				   .50
To 8 wevers stays				 6.00
To 1 trunk and box                                            2.00
To 1 bed and contents                                     10.00
To 1 bed and contents                                     12.00
To 1 bed and contents                                      8.00
To 2 Boxes 					  .75
For family Bible  [ ! ]				1.00
To 1 side board				35.00
To 1 small looking glass			   .25
To 1 looking glass				 1.00
To 2 bed coverleds				10.00
To 3 bed quilts				  3.00
To1 bed Blankett and counterpen		 1.00
To 1 full leaf table and Oil cloth		 7.00
To 1 lot [____]				   .50
To 1 lot of wool reals				   .60
To 1 strumer					   .50
To 1 wash pan					   .40
To 8 chirs					 4.00
To 1 lot of steel				   .30
To 1 Table water				   .50
To 2 riding bridles				   .75
To 1 lot of soleather				   .50
To 1 lot of Irrish Potatoes			  3.50
To 1 lot of rope				  3.50
To 1 shovel					    .75
To 1 lot of Tallow				  1.00
To 1 frow					    .50
To 1 lot of plank				    .40
To 1 basquet					    .20
To 1 lot of Salt				  1.00
To 1 side of soleather				  3.00
To 1 side of upper leather			  2.50
To 1 auger					    .50
To 20 barrels of corn supposed to be		25.00
To lot of Tobacco				20.00
                                                	[      ========]
				         [TOTAL: $765.70]

whereunto we subscribe our names this day and date above

                               William Turner Sr
Andrew H Turner Exor of        Stokely Dyer     Appraisers
Meshack Turner Decd            Joseph Ramsey

Franklin County to wit
This is to certify that William Turner Sr Stokely Dyer
and Joseph Ramsey after being Sworn for the purpose
did appraise the personal Estate of Meshack Turner Dece
ased that was Shoon them by the Executor of said deceased
Given under my hand this the 19" day of December
1878.                          Geo C King J.P.

In Franklin County Court Clerks Office the 6" day of
January 1879.
This Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of
Meshack Turner Deceased was exhibited in said office
and admitted to record.        Jas. J Casper  C.F.C

Subj:	Fwd: Leslie Will Porter Burnett, Jr.?
Date:	97-09-23 08:11:30 EDT
From:	CarBurCo
To:	NCreed1

I have a picture in my grandmother's things which is labled: Porter Burnett
and Ann Polk Trimble. He looks so much like my father with lighter hair that
you know they were related. Will was the first cousin of Charles Archer
Burnett, my father. His father was Leslie "Will" Porter Burnett Jr. and wife
Mary. There is another picture (apparently these were taken at a 1940 family
reunion in Mt. Pleasant or Springfield Tennessee) with four women and
Porter Burnett. The women are Bonnie Burnett, "Jim" A. Trimble, Ann P.
Trimble and Anna Burnett in Springfield, Tenn....must be near Mt. Pleasant.
One of the women looks to be grandmother age (of Porter), one the age of a
mother and two who could be sisters or perhaps sister and wife.

and ANN PORTER. His wife's name was MARY: 
their children: LESLIE WILL PORTER BURNETT, JR; Anna Frances
Burnett, infant girl Burnett, "Bucky" Burnett. He could have been named for
Capt. William Wiltshire Burnett,CSA (nicknamed Buck) who was his
 LESLIE WILL PORTER BURNETT, JR. would have been born in the
1920's, I since he was probably in his twenties when these pictures were
taken in 1940. I could be off some years, though because my father, his first
cousin, was in his 30's in the 40's. I believe he had a son who would be the
third of that name.

If anyone is a descendant of this man, please let me know.

Caroline Burnett Cook
Forwarded Message: 
Subj:	Porter Burnett?
Date:	97-09-23 07:47:45 EDT
From:	CarBurCo
To:	Portermom1
CC:	CarBurCo


	 I have been meaning to ask you if you are by any stretch of the
imagination a descendant of PORTER BURNETT? All my ancestors seem to
be related (Ransom-Portis (Poythress) Porter??  I have a picture in my
grandmother's things which is labled: Porter Burnett and Ann Polk Trimble.
He looks so much like my father with lighter hair that you know they were
related. He was apparently the son of Porter Burnett ("Will") and wife Mary.
There is another picture (apparently these were taken at a 1940 family
reunion in Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee) with four women and Porter Burnett.
The women are Bonnie Burnett, "Jim" A. Trimble, Ann P. (Porter?) Trimble
and Anna Burnett in Springfield, Tenn....must be near Mt. Pleasant. One of
the women looks to be grandmother age (of Porter), one the age of a mother
and two who could be sisters. Probably not, but you never know.


Subj:	 Three Turner Families
Date:	97-09-23 15:23:38 EDT
From: (Ann N. Hughes)

I had a query as to the third Turner family that J. D. Turner spoke of, so
I looked up James Dana Turner's letter of 10 March 1990 to James H.
Turner and this is what he said, "There are 3 separate Turner families in our
area of VA.  1. in Bedford County a James Turner who was Anglican, 2. In
Henry and Franklin Counties, the Shadrack clan was as you thought, "Scotch
Irish," and 3. the Adam Turner family in Patrick County was Irish.  Keeping
these three families separate has been a major task. In Patrick Co, some
intermarriages took place between the Irish and Scotch Irish Turners."

I have copies of the two James' correspondence up to Feb 1993.  He didn't
mention this subject again. James Dana Turner died, I believe in 1993.


Ann:  I love it!  I'm a descendant of Shadrack Turner.  I've always thought
"we" were English (Anglican?).   (My great-great-uncle Will Turner said it,
and I believed it.)   Will we ever know for certain?  

Is the Adam Turner family descendants of the Francis Turner family?  


Subj:	Re: Comp 216 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-09-23 18:07:02 EDT
From:	Sharaim

Hi Lonnie Finn and everyone !!
Lonie I will post all I have that is posted in the book
 Mary Ruth Via Fair was born on   May 3, 1878 at Critz, Va.
 On December 18. 1907 she married Rober Lee Hutcherson.
 no childern were born to this marriage
On November 22, 1914 she married James Walter Fair.

 Her father was James Robert Via, usually called James. He volunteered and
joined the Confederate Army in 1861 and fought for four years with out
receiving a wound. He left Patrick County, Va. with Captain D. Lee Ross"
 Her mother was Martha Gatherine "Kitty" Roger, daughter of Joseph and
Ruth Slaughter Koger of Prunty, Henery County, Va. She was born May 19,
1845 and died Sept. 6, 1918. She was married to James Robert Via about

 Her children (1) an only daughter, Katherine Ruth  Fair was born Nov. 10,
1915. On Dec. 30, 1939 she married Robert Walton Morris, They lived at
Columbus, Wisconsin.
 Her Brothers             
     William King Via M. Rosa  B. Wood
     John Peter Via     M. 1 st. Ida Lee Atkerson
                                    2st. Mrs Zettie Stone Mitchell
   James Ben Via      M. Princess Joyce
   Henery Walton Via     died at age 23 unmarried
   George Fleming Via  M. Kathleen Dalton
 Her Sisters
     Nannie Susan Via   M. Andrew Jackson Wood
     Martha Ann Adaline Via M. Elder Jacob Flen  Goode
               Corn Ancestors begining with Oldest known
Mathew Corn and wife Molley and three brothers Jesse, George and Samuel
came to America early in the 1700 and Mathew and Molley Corn are
anceators of most of the members of the family in Va. It has been reported
that they were German and Irish descent and another report is that the family
is English. They had five children

Jesse Corn,Sr. their son, born Oct. 31, 1753 died in Pactrick County, Va. on
February 21, 1780 He served as a second Lientenant in the Revolutionary
War. from Albermarl County. He married Nancy Hancock of Fluvanna
County, Va.

Jesse Corn Jr. son of Jessie Corn Sr. and Nancy Hancock, was born March
11, 1787. On March 13, 1810 he married Elizabeth Butnett,. This Jessie was
magistrate, teacher, primitive Baptist preacher, Judge of Patrick County

Mary (Polly) Corn, daughter of Jessie Corn Jr. married Fleming Via  of   Old
Dodson Va.
This is all I have found for now will look futher later hope this helps,

The end of this compilation.