Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 22:32:12 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 219 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

24 Sep 1997

Greetings to Everyone.  More eMails.  Nyla

Subj:	Jesse CORN and Elizabeth BURNETT
Date:	97-09-23 20:19:32 EDT
From:	N4JED

In compilation 215 there was a bit of discussion of two of my
direct ancestors - Jesse Corn, Jr. and Elizabeth Burnett that had
info new to me I would like to know more about.  Specifically,
there is mention of these people and their family moving to
Franklin Co., Tennessee.

I would like to know more about that move or the source of the
information as I do not see it easily fitting into the family data I
have. With most all their children I have info on being born in VA,
married in VA and died in VA and all the different positions Jesse
held in VA, you can see why I need help here.  When could this
move have occured? Any additional information would be


Descendants of Jesse CORN Jr-362

First Generation

1.	Jesse CORN Jr-362 was born 11 Mar 1787. He died 12 Feb
1876 and was buried in Jesse Corn, Jr., Cemetery, Patrick Co., VA.

Jesse was magistrate, teacher, primitive Baptist preacher and Judge
for the Patrick County Court in Virginia.

 Jesse married (1) Elizabeth BURNETT-361, daughter of John
BURNETT Sr.-360 and Elizabeth TATE-469 on 15 Nov 1810 in
Patrick Co., VA. Elizabeth was born 12 May 1793 in Patrick Co.,
VA. She died 29 Mar 1869 in Patrick Co., VA.
They had the following children:
	+	2	F	i.	Nancy CORN-8214 was born
25 Dec 1810 and died 29 Oct 1872.
	+	3	F	ii.	Mary "Polly" CORN-786
was born 4 May 1812 and died 5 Nov 1896.
		4	F	iii.	Jane CORN-792.
Jane married (1) Joe WIMBISH-796.
	+	5	F	iv.	Judith V. "Judy" CORN-4469
was born 19 Dec 1828 and died 15 Jul 1880.
		6	F	v.	Dicea "Dicy" CORN-794.
Dicea married (1) Charles Peyton ROSS-798, son of David
Jefferson ROSS-478 and Elizabeth TURNER-481. Charles was
born Dec 1833 in Patrick Co., VA. Charles is listed as C.P. Ross,
Private in Company C, 51st. Virginia Infantry Regiment, CSA 
during the War for Southern Independence. He enlisted 6/14/1861
in Patrick County, Virginia. He received a medical discharge
5/9/1862 for disability from measles and fever. Charles was listed
in military records as born Patrick County, Virginia, age 30, dark
complexion, dark eyes, black hair; occupation farmer.
	+	7	F	vi.	Permelia CORN-363 was
born 31 May 1821 and died 3 Sep 1903.
	+	8	F	vii.	Susan CORN-491 was born
14 Oct 1826 and died 18 Oct 1910.
	+	9	M	viii.	Peter CORN-795 was born
26 Jun 1834 and died 1919.

Second Generation

2.	Nancy CORN-8214 was born 25 Dec 1810 in Patrick Co.,
VA. She died 29 Oct 1872 in Saline Co., MO. Nancy married (1)
James WITCHER-8215 on 24 Nov 1828 in Patrick Co., VA.
They had the following children:
		10	F	i.	Elizabeth Jane
WITCHER-8219 was born 29 Aug 1829 in VA. She died 7 Nov
1847 in MO.
		11	F	ii.	Mary Madaline
WITCHER-8220 was born 23 Aug 1831 in VA.
		12	M	iii.	Jesse Tate WITCHER-8221
was born 29 Dec 1833 in Howard Co., MO.
		13	M	iv.	Ephraim WITCHER-8222
was born 13 Oct 1836 in MO.
		14	M	v.	William C. WITCHER-8223
was born 11 Feb 1839 in MO. He died 24 Sep 1859 in MO.
		15	M	vi.	Hardin K. WITCHER-8224
was born 12 May 1841 in Saline Co., MO. He died 17 Feb 1904 in
Hickory Co., MO.
		16	F	vii.	Virginia WITCHER-8225
was born 26 Aug 1844 in VA (?). She died 23 Dec 1881 in Pettis,
MO and was buried in Bethlehem Cem., Saline, MO.
Virginia married (1) William MCDANIEL-8226, son of Joseph
MCDANIEL-8227 and Elizabeth Jane EDWARDS-8228 on 28
Mar 1866.
		17	M	viii.	James T. WITCHER-8229
was born 22 Feb 1847 in MO.
		18	M	ix.	Daniel B. WITCHER-8230
was born 17 Mar 1849 in MO.
		19	F	x.	Malinda WITCHER-8231
was born 25 Mar 1852 in MO.

3.	Mary "Polly" CORN-786 was born 4 May 1812 in VA. She
died 5 Nov 1896 and was buried in Peter Via Cemetery, Patrick
Co., VA. Mary married (1) Fleming "Flemon" VIA-787, son of
William M. VIA-58 and Elizabeth "Sallie" INGRAM-57 on 26 Oct
1835 in Patrick Co., VA. Fleming was born 14 Jun 1808 in Patrick
Co., VA. He died 25 Jun 1893 in Patrick Co., VA.
They had the following children:
		20	M	i.	William C. VIA-67 was born
about 1836 in VA. was buried in James P. Wright Cemetery,
Patrick Co., VA. The tombstone lists CO. D 51 VA. INF. C.S.A. 
but no dates. However, the available 51st roster only lists a
William Dennis Via buried at Stuart Town Cemetery.
		21	M	ii.	Jesse P. "Peter?" VIA-63 was
born about 1838 in VA.
		22	M	iii.	James Robert "Jeems"
VIA-64 was born 19 May 1840 in Patrick Co., VA. He died 24 Jul
1915 and was buried in James R. Via Cem, Patrick Co., VA.
During the War for Southern Independence, Jeems enrolled
6/14/1861 in the 51st. Virginia Infantry Regiment, CSA as a
Private in Company D at Elamsville, Virginia. He received medical
disability discharge 6/6/62, general debility with phihisis
pulmonalis; age 22; fair complexion, lt hair; blue eyes; 5'-7";
occupation farmer.  James married (1) Martha Catherine "Kitty"
KOGER-1282, daughter of Joseph KOGER-1283 and Ruth
SLAUGHTER-1284 about 1867. Martha was born 30 May 1845.
She died 6 Sep 1918.
		23	F	iv.	Elizabeth S. "Betty"
VIA-1466 was born 1842 in Patrick Co., VA. Elizabeth married (1)
Isaac PRILLAMAN-1459, son of George PRILLAMAN-1276 and
Dicey ROSS-1277 on 19 Sep 1867. Isaac was born 24 Jul 1838 in
Franklin Co., VA. He died 18 Jun 1892 in VA.
		24	M	v.	John A. VIA-66 was born
about 1844 in VA.
		25	F	vi.	Nancy Jane VIA-59 was born
7 Dec 1846. Nancy married (1) Jefferson Nash WRIGHT-46, son
of Reuben WRIGHT-44 and Delila HALL-43 on 17 Jan 1867 in
Patrick Co., VA. Jefferson was born 17 May 1840.
		26	M	vii.	George M. VIA-1290 was
born about 1848 in VA.
		27	F	viii.	Mary L. VIA-6740 was born 1854 in
Patrick Co.
, VA. Mary married (1) William D.
ROSS-6733, son of David Jefferson ROSS-478 and Elizabeth
TURNER-481 on 22 Jan 1873 in Patrick Co., VA. William was
born 1847 in Patrick Co., VA.
		28	F	ix.	Adeline Martha VIA-60 was
born 28 Apr 1856. She died 7 Nov 1952 and was buried in Peter
Via Cemete, ry, Patrick Co., VA. Adeline married (1) William
Alexander VIA-1285, son of William VIA-1293 and Mary
HOOKER-1291 on Nov 1877. William was born 1 May 1859 in
Patrick Co., VA. He died 11 Mar 1944.

5.	Judith V. "Judy" CORN-4469 was born 19 Dec 1828 in
VA. She died 15 Jul 1880 and was buried in Jesse Corn, Jr.,
Cemetery Patrick Co., VA. Judith married (1) Peyton Rufus
ROSS-873, son of David ROSS-439 and Sarah "Sally"
ANDERSON-427. Peyton was born 30 Nov 1813 in Patrick Co.,
VA. He died 15 Aug 1885 in VA.
They had the following children:
		29	F	i.	Elizabeth D. "Lizzie"
ROSS-4470 was born about 1867 in Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA.
Elizabeth married (1) Samuel Adolphus ROSS-1076, son of
Samuel Anderson ROSS-781 and Esther Jane HARBOUR-783 on
13 Jan 1888. Samuel was born 31 Oct 1859 in Patrick Co., VA. He
died 7 Mar 1950.
		30	F	ii.	Ada A. ROSS-4471 was born
about 1868 in Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA. Ada married (1) James
H. COX-4472 in Patrick Co., VA.
		31	F	iii.	Susan Pattie ROSS-934 was
born 1871 in Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA. She died 12 Aug 1893
in Patrick Co., VA. Susan married (1) Shadrack Lewis
TURNER-883, son of Jeremiah TURNER-880 and Martha Jane
TURNER-879 on 25 Dec 1890 in Patrick Co., VA. Shadrack was
born 19 Jan 1857 in Patrick Co., VA. He died 7 Jan 1942 in Patrick
Co., VA.
		32	M	iv.	Benjamin Peter ROSS-4473
was born in Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA.

7.	Permelia CORN-363 was born 31 May 1821 in Patrick Co.,
VA. She died 3 Sep 1903 in Patrick Co., VA and was buried in
Goblintown Primitive Baptist Ch., Cem., Patrick Co, VA. Permelia
married (1) Joseph Madison STOVALL-364, son of Brett STOVALL
 , Maj.-365 and Nancy HUGHES-366. Joseph was born
5 Nov 1809 in Patrick Co., VA. He died 8 Mar 1902 in Patrick
Co., VA.
They had the following children:
		33	F	i.	Nancy M. "Nannie"
STOVALL-334 was born 26 Nov 1840 in Patrick Co., VA. She
died 23 Jul 1883 in Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA and was buried in
Shadrach Turner, Cemetery, Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA.
Nancy married (1) Samuel Claiborne TURNER-333, son of
Shadrack TURNER-353 and Judith BURNETT-354 on 8 Jun 1891
in Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA. Samuel was born 22 Mar 1833 in
Elamsville, Patrick Co., VA. He died 20 Apr 1916 in Elamsville,
Patrick Co., VA.
		34	M	ii.	George William
STOVALL-456 was born 10 May 1845. He died 10 Nov 1902.
George married (1) Elizabeth OLDHAM-454.
		35	F	iii.	Elizabeth Jane
STOVALL-1041. Elizabeth married (1) Jefferson
		36	F	iv.	Mary STOVALL-1042.
Mary never married.
		37	F	v.	Virginia Melinda
STOVALL-1069 was born Mar 1852 in Patrick Co., VA. She died
12 Jan 1936 in Patrick Co., VA and was buried in Goblintown
Primitive Baptist Ch., Cem., Patrick Co, VA.  Melinda had 7
children by Lewis P. Hall. Virginia married (1) Lewis Pinckney
HALL-1063, son of Henry Harden HALL-1057 and Xeony
TURNER-1058 on 3 Dec 1868 in Patrick Co., VA. Lewis was born
30 Jan 1851 in Patrick Co., VA. He died 4 Apr 1934 in Patrick
Co., VA.
		38	F	vi.	Susan STOVALL-1043 was
born 9 Jun 1847 in VA. She died 20 Feb 1931 and was buried in
Goblintown Primitive Baptist Ch., Cem., Patrick Co, VA.
Susan married (1) S. Green WRIGHT-1051. S. Green WRIGHT
was born 23 Jul 1838. He died 20 Mar 1904.
		39	M	vii.	Jesse Brett STOVALL-1045.
		40	M	viii.	Joseph Peter
		41	F	ix.	Martha Lucretia
STOVALL-1047.  Martha married (1) Rufus VIA-1053.
		42	M	x.	John Thomas
STOVALL-1048 was born 12 Jun 1859. He died 7 Apr 1939 and
was buried in Goblintown Primitive Baptist Ch., Cem., Patrick Co,
VA.  John married (1) Carrie B. MARTIN-1054. Carrie was born
11 Jul 1884. She died 17 Mar 1968.
		43	F	xi.	Permelia Ruth
STOVALL-1039 was born 7 May 1862 in Patrick Co., VA. She
died 1953. Permelia married (1) John Rufus "Birch"
PILSON-1040, son of William "Buck" PILSON-800 and Elizabeth
"Betsy" HARBOUR-1583 on 21 Oct 1879. John was born 20 Oct
1856. He died 2 Jun 1930.
		44	F	xii.	Judith Frances "Fannie"
STOVALL-1049 was born 13 Sep 1864. She died 30 Jan 1936 and
was buried in Daniel H. Wood, Cemetery, Patrick Co., VA.
Judith married (1) Daniel Hillsman WOOD-1055, son of Richard
Johnson WOOD-6365 and Judith Ann SHORTT-6366. Daniel was
born 3 Nov 1860. He died 22 Jun 1954.

8.	Susan CORN-491 was born 14 Oct 1826 in Patrick Co.,
VA. She died 18 Oct 1910 in Clarksburg, MO. Susan married (1)
John Burrell MOLES-496 on 6 Mar 1855. John was born 21 Oct
1821 in Patrick Co., VA. He died 9 Jul 1898 in California, MO.
They had the following children:
		45	M	i.	Aurelius Milton MOLES-806
was born 21 Feb 1856 in Patrick Co., VA. He died 18 Jul 1949 in
Clarksburg, MO.

9.	Peter CORN-795 was born 26 Jun 1834 in Patrick Co., VA.
He died 1919 in Franklin Co., VA and was buried in Corn Family
Cem., Ferrum, VA. Peter was a Corporal in Company D, 51st
Virginia Regiment CSA with a signup date of 6/14/1861 in
Elamville, Patrick County, VA. Peter served till the end of the War
for Southern Independence with time out (paying a substitute) to
care for family and crops.
Peter's occupation has been listed as Primitive Baptist minister.
Peter married (1) Nancy Clementine Jane TURNER-948, daughter
of Shadrack TURNER-353 and Judith BURNETT-354 on 15 Dec
1859 in Patrick Co., VA. Nancy was born 16 Jan 1836 in Patrick
Co., VA. She died 14 Oct 1920 in Franklin Co., VA.
They had the following children:
		46	F	i.	Judith Elizabeth CORN-6774
was born 11 Nov 1860 in Patrick Co., VA. She died 2 Aug 1947 in
Patrick Co., VA. Judith married (1) James William HELMS-6778,
son of Fleming HELMS-6779 and Elizabeth PRILLAMAN-6780
on 21 Nov 1878 in Franklin Co., VA. James was born about 1855
in Franklin Co., VA.
		47	F	ii.	Malinda Ruth CORN-6387
was born 13 Oct 1864 in Patrick Co., VA. She died 26 Nov 1892
and was buried in Daniel H. Wood Cemetery, Patrick Co., VA.
Malinda married (1) Daniel Hillsman WOOD-1055, son of Richard
Johnson WOOD-6365 and Judith Ann SHORTT-6366. Daniel was
born 3 Nov 1860. He died 22 Jun 1954.
		48	F	iii.	Dicey Clementine
CORN-6775 was born 5 Feb 1867 in Patrick Co., VA. Dicey
married (1) George W. SLUSHER-6781.
		49	F	iv.	Mary L. CORN-6776 was
born 1869 in Patrick Co., VA. Mary married (1) James P.
		50	M	v.	Silas E. CORN-6777. Silas
married (1) Lelia PHILPOTT-6783.

...... END .....
Subj:	Burnett good news
Date:	97-09-24 02:24:15 EDT
From: (Ricky Lane Burnett)
To: (Nyla Creed)

Good news.  Mike Burnett in Arizona has discovered my ancestorial link
to Scotland. * Robert Burnet (my 5th great grandfather) 1701-1774 born
near Edinburgh, Scotland came to the new world Raritan, New Jersey in
1725. Moved to New York in where he purchased land in 1729.  Married
Reid 1730, Fought in the French and Indian war 1738, He had 7 children
*James, John, Robert, Thomas, Patrick, Sarah, Mary.  
*James 1732-1807 my 4th great grandfather had 10 children.  
His seventh child *Thomas 1776-1836, my 3rd greatgrandfather is as far
back as I could find until now. This is just absolutly fantastic.  When
I get all of the information entered into my Gedcom I'll be able to tie
together a lot of lose ends. 
See ya for now I'll write more later.
Ricky Lnae Burnett

Ricky,   Wow!  What a great gift!   Will be looking forward to hearing more. 

Subj:	BURNETT, Boling C. and BURNETT, Napolian Bonipart
Date:	97-09-24 01:20:23 EDT
From:	MartieLee
To:	NCreed1

Below is some miscellaneous information that was given to me.  I thought I'd
send it to the list in case someone could use it.

Recorded on tombstones in old cemetery, now deserted (last cleaned by the

Watkins Cemetery, Aberdeen, MS

to the memory of
Martha Louise
Wife of
William V. Denison
daughter of Col. B. C. & M. A. Burnett
She was born Dec. 21, 1825
and died at Aberdeen
June 25, 1852

An affecionate husband and four
young children lament her
premature death but
the memory of the first is blessed.

(Col. Boling C. BURNETT, m. 1/ M. A. , m. 2/ Ellan COVANT 4 Oct 1842
- Aberdeen Library)

Affecionate tribute
to the memory of
my husband
Napolian Bonipart Burnett
who departed this life
Dec. 11, 1853
age 31 years
and 3 months

He that believeth in me though
he were dead shall he live.

[Napolian Bonipart BURNETT, m. 12 Aug 1852 Jane RAGSDALE
(marriage records, Aberdeen, MS)]

Note:  The next two compilations are from  Thank you for
sharing your Burnett family information.  Nyla

The end of this compilation.