Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 23:17:32 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 222 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

27 Sep 1997


More eMails.


Subj:	Re:Comp 219 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-09-25 00:22:28 EDT
From:	CarBurCo
To:	MartieLee
CC:	NCreed1

Thanks Martie,

	 This COL. BOLLING CLARK BURNETT may be a son (?) of my
gggrandfather's brother.   BOLLING CLARK BURNETT  b. 1797, and *JOSEPH
BOLLING BURNETT were sons of *TALIAFERRO BURNETT of Dinwiddie Co. Va
and middle Tennessee: Carter's Creek, near Columbia, TN. When BOLLING CLARK
(their great-grandfather, died in 1809 at over 90 years of age) BOLLING CLARK
BURNETT and his family, also other family members, inherited from him. MARY
BAUGH BURNETT, thier mother, was living with her children in Ms as her
husband had died and BOLLING was her oldest son. My gggrandfather, JOSEPH
BURNETT and his family are buried in the BURNETT family cemetary in
Please contact me if this is the correct family. I have more.

"Cousin?" Caroline BURNETT Cook

Subj:	Re: Comp 191 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-09-24 23:11:47 EDT
From:	RHors7057

I have been reading your compilations but haven't sent anything of my own
since first
hooked up with you.  I just read the note from Lea L. Dowd about her Turners
from Isle of Wight, VA.  I have a William Turner married to Elizabeth Drew as
she does but I have their children as Thomas m. to Mary Hicks, James m. to
Ann Jarrell, Henry m. to Elizabeth Wilkinson and William m. Elizabeth.  I
don't have the others that she has so I am wondering if these are the same
people?  Maybe there is someone out their who can connect them.

Subj:	Re:UNSUB
Date:	97-09-25 12:35:57 EDT
From:	Bryanbrad
To:	NCreed1

Please remove from list.  I will be back to list later


Subj:	Corn-Burnett families
Date:	97-09-25 09:50:32 EDT
From:	HarrisSEM
To:	NCreed1

Hi!  I saw some great information about the Corns in Comp. 219 today.  I had
some of the information, but  this gave a lot more detail!

There was a question about the Corns and Burnetts moving to Franklin Co.,
Tenn.  I
know it doesn't seem to fit in, and I, too, find it hard to believe that
family members
moved  there and then moved back to Patrick Co., VA.  However, I have seen
references to this occurring: 

Blue Ridge Heritage   Burnett, Branscome, Hylton, Cox, Slaughter, and Related
Families  by Dorothy Burnett Peterson   says on page  4:

"John Burnett who d. 1827  in Patrick Co, VA had land on Sycamore Cr.,
Goblintown Cr, & Jack's Cr.  Along with his brother, Jeremiah Jr., he was a
private in 10th Reg.
Continemtal line of Virginia, under Captains Clough Shelton & Co.  John
enlisted for 3 years;  was marked deserted March 15, 1777, but later was
shown to be in Hospital; was paid through March 1778.  His record was
accepted by DAR ( NSDAR # 417130).  It appears that John was twice married.
 In 1825, John Burnett & wife, Elizabeth (Tate) made deed of gift to John Jr.
Burnett ( Minute Bk, May 1828).  Inventory made 1827 (WB 2:56).  Cornelius
and Crawford Burnett of Trigg Co. KY appointed their brother John of Patrick
Co., VA power of attorney in father John's estate in 1829 ( Patrick DB 6:
701).  The following heirs of John Burnett were named in deeds and court
minutes-all married Patrick Co., VA: 
a.    Jane 'Jenny"  Burnett, m. 11-2-1800, James Hall.  Mar. record says
"daughter of
John".  They removed to Howard Co, MO. b.    Mary 'Polly" Burnett, m
1-25-1798, Elisha Packwood of Indiana.  Sur:  John Burnett, father.  The
family had a joke about "Pack wood and burn it."
c.    John Burnett, m. Judith....& had dau. Judith who m 1-28-1813, Shadrack
Marriage record says "son of John."  Deed of gift to John Jr., from parents,
John &
Elizabeth ( Tate) Burnett, 12-31-1825 & 8-4-1826.
d.   Nancy Burnett, m 10-15-1804, John Turner. Consent by father, John
e.   Cornelius Burnett, m1/Lucretia Hood, according to DAR record.  He m/2
1807, Peggy Turner; m/3 11-19-1801, Mildred 'Milly' Stone.  Cornelius was
certified as an ensign in the militia of the 18th Reg. of Patrick Co. at May
Court 1813; resigned Sept. 1814.  He removed to Trigg Co, KY ca 1825 and
manufactured paper.  His will was probated 9-9-1833, Trigg Co, KY.
f.   Crawford Burnett, m 12-29-1810, Luvenia 'Viney' Sharp;  moved to Trigg
Co., KY ca 1822.
***  g. Elizabeth Burnett, m. 3-13-1810, Jesse Corn.  Sur:  John Burnett.  To
Co, TN.
***  h.  Permelia Burnett, 11-28-1816, Samuel Corn;  sur;  John Burnett.  To

Also as mentioned in Comp 215,  another reference to Franklin Co., TN is:
 The Burnett Family with Collateral Branches   by Charles Howard Burnett on
page 148 it lists the children of John Burnett and mentions this:   "
Elizabeth. m., 13 March, 1810, Jesse Corn, Patrick Co., Va., and had s.,
Samuel Corn, of Franklin Co., Tenn."

And, just as a side note, I also have that Nancy Hancock b. Jan 17, 1763 in
Fluvanna Co., Va.  Married Feb. 21 1780 in Fluvanna Co to Jesse Corn Sr, who
was b.Oct 13, 1751 in Albermarle Co., Va.  Jesse died in 1809 in Patrick Co.
Nancy died June 17, 1848  and was buried in Sharpe Cemetery which is near
Winchester, Tenn-which is in Franklin Co. , TN.

Did Nancy go to Tenn. to be with family members after her husband died?

Also, in the Blue Ridge Heritage Book, it mentions Jeremiah Jr., being a
brother of John Burnett, but this seems to be an error according to all the
other information I have about the Burnetts.  Actually,  this book ( and I
only have a few Xeroxed pages that I copied years ago) seems to really be
confused with Jeremiah Burnett Sr. and Jeremiah Jr. .  I found this book in
the Patrick Co. Public Library in Stuart, VA if anyone is close by there and
is interested in " checking it out!"

Anyway, I understand the confusion about the moving, too, but am just passing
on what I have seen in the hopes of clarifying this family.



Subj:	 Burnett-Turner-Ross List
Date:	97-09-27 19:45:28 EDT
From: (Rick)

Brick Breithaupt or rick@walika.ocm

The end of this compilation.