Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 22:07:17 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 226 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

28 Sep 1997

Greetings to Everyone,

A big welcome to all the new cousins.  Be sure to check out all our
compilations that are on Chris Gaunt's home page:

Thanks to Kevin, all the compilations have been zipped.  The files can be
searched and downloaded.  Be aware that they are quite large, even zipped.

Thanks to everyone who has shared information recently.  I don't always
acknowledge your contributions.  Please know they are appreciated.  It's your
contributions that keep us going, one compilation at a time.  

I think the count is about 175 cousins and 226 compilations.  If you haven't
send us
information on your family yet, now is a good time.

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego

Subj:	 Via genealogy
Date:	97-09-27 11:39:26 EDT
From: (David Patton)

Hello Nyla,

Judy Maupin suggested that I contact you.

Do you happen to have a Manoah Via who was born about 1730 in Virginia? His
daughter Mary Ann married Garland T. Gardner, and that's about all I know. 

Also, I'm curious about your Ross line. Do you have a William R. Ross who
was born in 1804, and married Matilda Morgan in 1833?

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!

Chloe Patton

Subj:	Civil War
Date:	97-09-28 15:18:11 EDT
From:	CarBurCo
To:	NCreed1

Well, Burnett people, it's like this: I have volume one of June B. Bork's
book which is
great on the BURNETT beginnings. AND I have my grandmother's notes on her
father-in-law who was in the Civil War : CAPT. ? WILLIAM WILTSHIRE (BUCK)
BURNETT of Carter's Creek, near Columbia, Tennessee. B. 22 Jan 1829, D 16 Mar
1873 buried in the BURNETT family cemetary. 

He m. MARGARET ROUNDTREE after the death of his first wife, ELIZABETH
BOWDEN who died 15 Jan, 1865.

All this to say, I can go the long way to answer someone's question, "What
regiment was he in?" and I guess I have to, if I hear from no one. BUT...

and would look up WW Burnett's regiment, etc. for me. I would be glad to do
lookups in vol. 1 for them. 

Basic info:  WW BURNETT of Carter's Creek, Williamson County, Tn. Do not know
if he enlisted in Tenn, or possibly in Dinwiddie Co., Va. his family's
original home. 

Can someone help me?


Date:	97-09-28 19:49:57 EDT
From:	Jlmaupin
To:	NCreed1

We have recently started a MAUPIN discussion group on Rootsweb.  For anyone
that has the MAUPIN/VIA/BURNETT connections wanting to join the list they
need to send an e-mail to

In the body of the e-mail type the word subscribe and nothing else.  They
will then receive a welcome letter.

Hope to see some VIA and BURNETT cousins join our group.


Subj:	 Burnett/Turner
Date:	97-09-28 20:01:49 EDT
From: (J.R.Burnett)

I an seeking information on my GGGranfather,his parents(?),and any
siblings. His name was Richard Burnett,born abt 1813 in Campbell Co.VA. In
1833 he married Nancy Saunders,also in Campbell Co. By1840 they were in
Highland/Clinton counties,OH. He may have been a brother or cousin to Creed
Burnett,of Campbell Co.  Thank you very much.   

John R Burnett

Subj:	Re: BURNETT and CORN families and a little HANCOCK
Date:	97-09-28 19:11:00 EDT
From:	N4JED
To:	HarrisSEM
CC:	NCreed1

Thanks for posting additional information on the BURNETT and CORN
These families along with the HANCOCKS are apparently more intertwined than
any of us yet have figured out as you will see below.

Something with the listing of heirs #c. in your post does not seem right.
information I have put together shows that John BURNETT and Elizabeth TATE
had a
daughter named Judith BURNETT who married Shadrack TURNER  28 Jan 1813. These
are my great, great, great grandparents. My info primarily was put together
by my great grandmother for the Patrick-Henry Allied Families.

As Judith was born in between other children of John and Elizabeth (TATE)
BURNETT it is unlikely John divorced and remarried Elizabeth. As to John,
Jr., seeing he was born 1799, he would not have had a daughter married in
1813.  I am unsure where this second marriage came from or weather it was a
mistake in the records or a second name for Elizabeth or even one of the
other John Burnetts in the region at the same time span. At least one
researcher here on Nyla's list has John BURNETT, Jr. married to Mary Ann
PRILLIMAN - daughter of Jacob PRILLIMAN and Nancy SNIDOW. This info I have
carried into my listing and I hope I have not been citing incorrect info.

By the same token, a Burnett listing in the Allied Families literature from
the 1970's
quotes from the book "The Burnett Family"  by Charles Howard Burnett of
which has John BURNETT, Jr. married to a Judith ___ with a daughter Judith
BURNETT married to Shadrack TURNER. However, it does not attempt to clarify
the dates or explain a daughter being married before her father was 14 years
old.  I tend to believe this is a repeating error.  Perhaps June Bork will
chime in with some help here.

Now as to the CORN family.  Jesse and Nancy HANCOCK could very well have had
a son named Samuel as Jesse had a brother by that name. I only have info on
the one child Jesse, Jr. married to Elizabeth listed for Jesse and Nancy.
 With regard to Nancy moving to Tennessee to be with family, I should point
out that her brother Benjamin HANCOCK died in Tennessee 8 years after Jesse
died leaving Nancy a widow.  Possibly Nancy went to be with her brother.
Also, I should point out Benjamin  was married to Anna CORN, who I have not
identified a family for yet. Is it confusing enough yet? Could Jesse, Jr. and
Elizabeth  have moved after marriage and then moved back?  Possibly.  It just
came as a surprise to me and I still am unsure of the sequence.

On an aside, Nancy Hancock was born 17 Jan 1763 at the family plantation of
Cunningham (near Thomas Jefferson's Monticello) in Albemarle County.  This
became Fluvanna County when it formed in 1777.

Hope I have not added to much to this mess. Does anyone else have additional
thoughts here? 


On a different note, several people have asked me about sources, quoting me
as a source or availability of gedcom files of my complete listing. First
off, I am an architect not a genealogist. I do this for fun. Because of that,
I am less concerned about sources or accuracy of the data I have assembled
than professionals or semi-so's would be.  

My enjoyment is looking at the patterns and how the lines interconnect. I
have found
several surprising connections between other lines and the ones here in our
group that really show how small the world is. 

Most of the data I have for the 17,000 people in my program comes from you
participants here on Nyla's list.  As such, I reference my data to the
individual posting it or to the specific Compilation number. Some research I
have done locally here and it is noted to the source. 

As I state in the beginning of my postings, use it as a guide or reference to
aid yourself in your own research. It is correct in many cases but not all.
 And some is plain speculation based on logical guesses and incomplete data.
If you have a specific question on sources I will be glad to try and answer

Gedcoms. The way I am currently set up, I cannot export or inport gedcoms
into my
primary computer listing. It is not even on the computer I have connected to
the internet which is where I put together the listings I send out. Again
this is just the way this amateur has his programs set up. Please bear with
me here, I can provide you with all the info you desire, you are just going
to do the work and  type it into your programs the same way I did (I just
hope you are better than my two fingers).
Happy hunting.....

Subj:	Re: Comp 222 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-09-28 19:07:53 EDT
From: (Julia Crosswell)

I've enjoyed subscribing to your list for the past months. You're doing a
great job! I'm going to concentrate on other surnames for the next year so
please remove me. Thanks.


Date:	97-09-28 20:12:12 EDT
From:	MTurner150
To:	NCreed1

please remove me from the list, I will be back later

The end of this compilation.