Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 00:19:01 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 227 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

20 Sep 1997

Greetings to Everyone,

A big welcome to our newest members.  All our compilations are on Chris
Gaunt's home page:

The compilations can be searched and downloaded.  Kevin has zipped all
the files for us.   Check out the links to home pages of other members of
our group.

Any information you care to share with us will be appreciated.

A big thank you to Jeane for her nice offer (see below).   A great big
thanks to June Bork for her contribution.  Hopefully, her info will clear up
some of our recent questions.  

This is a rather short compilation, but wanted you to get this info as soon
as possible.  

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	Burnett Family
Date:	97-09-29 01:57:23 EDT
From: (Joan C Rogerson)

I am researching my ancester Nathaniel Burnett, born ca 1803 in
Kentucky.  He married Elizabeth Ann Oaks on 6 Jun 1823 in Jefferson Co,
TN.  They emigrated to TX about 1846 and settled in Harrison Co.  I'd
appreciate any help you could give me in researching this line in KY and

Subj:	Re: Comp 226 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-09-29 09:48:49 EDT
From:	HRDgaryt
To:	NCreed1

I'm enjoying this B-T-R e-mail system.  I am seeking information about my
great-grandfather John Turner who lived north of St. Joe, MO during the
late 1800's to early 1900's.  If anyone has any information please e-mail me
at   Thanks, Gary Turner

Subj:	 Bork Book, Vol 1 & 3 ?
Date:	97-09-29 14:54:08 EDT
From: (portiaw)

Hi Nyla, its the new "cousin" on the block; reading yesterdays e-mail, and
most interested in Bork Book, Vol 1 & 2; where does one obtain a copy?
And can it be ordered from a book store?  

Also leaving for Wales and Scotland Thursday, and would be most happy
to look up any info in Scotland for any "cousins", please let me know. 
Jeane Walsh (Burnett)

June:	Want to tell us about your books and how to order them?   Nyla

Subj:	 Corn - Hancock
Date:	97-09-29 20:55:24 EDT

JESSE CORN SR, b. 31 Oct 1753 (Bible Record) in Albemarle Co, Va; d.
5 Mar 1809 in Patrick Co, Va near the Montgomery Co line.  He had lost
one leg and  died after catching cold.  He served in Rev. War in Albemarle
& Henry Counties against the Tories.  I have been told he was son of
Matthew Corn  and Molly his wife.
	Jesse Sr m. 21 Feb 1780 in Fluvanna Co, Va to NANCY
HANCOCK by Charles Clay, Minister of the High Church of England. 
Bondsman was her brother BENJAMIN HANCOCK, witnessed by John
	Nancy, b. 17 Feb 1760 (Bible Record; some records say born
1763?); d. 17 Jun 1848 in Winchester, Franklin Co, Tn at the home of her
daughter, MRS. MARY SHARP and was buried in the Col. James Sharp
Cemetery.  Nancy was daughter of JOHN HANCOCK, b. 1733 in New
Kent Co, Va; d. Nov 1807 in Patrick Co, Va; m. 16 Oct 1755 in
Goochland Co, Va by the famous Rev. William Douglas (of "Douglas
Register of Goochland") to ELIZABETH MATTOX/MADDOX, b. 
1735 in Goochland; d. 1805 in Patrick Co, Va, the dau of John Maddox
and Elizabeth.
	The siblings of Nancy Hancock Corn had BURNETT connections:
MORROW, dau of Thomas Morrow & Rebecca Small, dau of John &
MAYO, son of Jacob Mayo; Sister, JUDITH HANCOCK m.VALENTINE
MAYO, son of Jacob Mayo
  	John Small's Bible record says that his daughter JEMIMA SMALL,
called "Gem" married a Hancock...

	The children of Jesse Corn Sr & Nancy Hancock (10 were named in
Bible Record, "The New Testament, Edinburgh, 1800 in Jesse Corn's
1. ELIZABETH CORN, b. 4 Dec 1780; living 1850 in Franklin Co, Tn; m.
1798 to Richard Sharp
2. JOHN ADAM CORN, b. 26 Jan 1783; alive 1850 in Franklin Co, Tn; m.
1806 to MARY MOORE; also known as Polly Ware.
3. WILLIAM CORN, b. 11 Jan 1786; d. 16 Jan 1843; m. 1806 to NANCY
SHARP, dau of Wm. Sharp.
4. JESSE CORN JR, b. 11 Mar 1787; d. 12 Feb 1876, age 88 yrs, 11
months, 1 day; m. ELIZABETH BURNETT (1794-1869), dau of John
Burnett and Elizabeth Tate.
5. MARY "Polly" CORN, b. 8 Aug 1789; d. 9 May 1864 in Winchester,
Franklin Co, Tn; m. 1809 to JAMES SHARP.
6. SAMUEL CORN, b. 10 Apr 1792; d. 25 Mar 1854 Jackson Co, Mo; m.
1/ 1810 to MARY SLAUGHTER; 2/ 1819 to SUSAN SLAUGHTER,
daughters of John Slaughter & Mary Hanby.
7. SUSAN "Sukey" CORN, b. 16 Dec 1794; d. Apr 1850; m. 1813 to
8. NANCY CORN, b. 7 Apr 1797; living 1850 in Franklin Co, Tn; m. 1/
9. GEORGE CORN, b. 30 Sep 1799; he is not named in father's estate
records of 1809
10. DICY CORN, b. 18 May 1803; dec'd by 1850; m. ROBERT SHARP.

1810 Jul Court - Patrick Co, Va Court Orders, Bk 2
	Samuel Corn & Susannah Corn, children of Jesse Corn dec'd, over
the age of 14 years choose WILLIAM HANCOCK their guardian; also for
NANCY CORN & DICY CORN who are under 14.

1841 June - Franklin Co, Tn - Revolutionary War Pension Application for 
Widow of Jesse Corn - No.W.909 - Application of NANCY (X) CORN
	Nancy Corn of said County, aged 78, declares her husband Jesse
Corn was a Private in the early part of the Rev. War in Albemarle Co, Va; 
ENGLAND IN FEBRUARY and calculates the year 1780.. 
	Jesse Corn died 5 Mar 1809 in Patrick Co, Va HAVING CAUGHT
previously LOST ONE LEG, enduring him more susceptible of cold.  After
she married Jesse Corn, he served one short tour in the hollows of the
Yadkin perhaps one month.

1841 Jun 26 - Franklin Co, Tn - JAMES SHARP ESQ. of said County
declares he was acquainted with Jesse Corn in Patrick Co, Va
1846 Jan 13 - Clinton Co, Ky
	WILLIAM (x) MORRISON Sr, aged about 78 declares he was
raised in Henry Co, Va & became acquainted with JESSE CORN who
moved into his neighborhood when he was a boy perhaps not more than 7
or 8 years of age.  Jesse Corn married Nancy Handcock, daughter of John
Hancock.  John Hancock moved to the neighborhood of Morrison & also
CORN, PETER CORN & SAMUEL CORN.. A greater part of the time he 
lived not more than 2 miles from the families of Handcock & Corn.  He
called Major WHO IS A BROTHER OF NANCY CORN.  Morrison
married Nancy Morrow and Handcock married Jane Morrow, both
daughters of Thomas Morrow.  Jesse Corn was considered by  all his
acquaintance as having been a true soldier of the Revolution.
	William Morrison, after he was old enough to muster under CAPT.
JESSE CORN for several years.  Jesse Corn was afterwards promoted to
Major & he thinks he held that office until he was crippled so that he had to
have his leg cut off.  Corn died in Virginia.
	Richard Sharp and James Sharp both married daughters of Jesse &
Nancy Corn.  After the death of Jesse Corn, the Sharps & Corns moved to
Franklin Co, Tn where some of them now live (1846).  He went with
Henry Wilson to the house of Jesse Corn to give him notice something
about the service and recollects though he was ____ SMALL, that
(Matthew) SMALL WAS A CAPTAIN & Jesse Corn went under SMALL
some time as Ensign.  He often heard GEORGE CORN speak of being in
Rev. Service and PETER perhaps also.  Morrison moved from Va to Ky
about 40 yrs ago (ca 1806).  Armager Hancock, his bro in law came to the
same neighborhood in WAYNE CO, KY about 10 years.  After Morison
came & they lived within about 4 miles for about 20 years until Handcock
moved out of the neighborhood
	Ephraim Guffey, JP, certifies he was born & raised within a mile of 
William Morrison's residence.

1846 Jun 27 - Winchester, Franklin Co, Tn
	Robert A. Dabney writes from Winchester that he recollects Jesse
Corn as early as 1807 and knows he was reputed as a Rev. Soldier.

1849 Jan 29 - Winchester, Franklin Co, Tn
	Mary Sharp writes that she lost her husband on 12 Aug 1847 & her  
mother on 17 June 1848, aged 85 years & 5 months... "TELL THIS TO

1849 Nov 21 - Clinton Co, Ky
	William J. Dabney writes that Nancy Corn died at Col. Sharps at 
Winchester, Tn some year or two ago.

1849 Nov 28 - Clinton Co, Ky
	Armajer Handcock of Wayne Co, Ky aged 79 on 18 July last,
declares that he was born 18 Jul 1770 in Fluvanna Co, Va.  He recollects
Jesse Corn coming to see his SISTER, NANCY before he went to war as
an enlisted soldier.  After the war was over & Cornwallis was taken, Jesse
Corn came home & again came to see his sister.  She & Jesse Corn were
married in March next after the surrender of Cornwallis.  He was not at the
wedding but recollects that they with several persons rode up with them to
get married and returned the sme day and all said they were married.  Corn
died many years ago in Patrick Co, Va.  He was mustered under Corn in
Patrick Co after the war was over.  Corn was then Captain & after that
Capt ___ took the place of Corn & Corn became Major.  Corn became
lame & had leg cut off & walked with a wooden leg.  His sister Nancy
Corn was 8 years older than he was.  Col. James Sharp married her
daughter Mary & Richard Sharp married Betsy & Robert Sharp married
Dicy Corn, a younger sister & moved to Franklin Co, Tn near Winchester
where Col. James Sharp died some years back..Jesse Corn had 3 brothers
who all served in Rev. War: GEORGE CORN, SAMUEL CORN & 
PETER CORN - all lived in Patrick Co, Va.  Hancock moved from Patrick
Co, Va in 1814 to Wayne Co, Ky where he has lived ever since.  He is now
on a visit to see his children in Clinton Co,m Ky about 8 or 9 miles from his
place of residence.

1850 Apr 1 - Franklin Co, Tn
	Dr. Wm. Estill, MD declares he was the attending physician of
MRS. NANCY CORN in her last illness.  She died at the residence of Mrs. 
Mary Sharp, her daughter near Winchester on 17 Jun 1848.

1850 Apr 1 - Franklin Co, Tn
	John (X) Turner & George McCutchin declare that of the 10
children of MRS. NANCY CORN, the following 6 are now living. John
Turner has known the children from their youth:
1. Elizabeth Sharp, m. Richard Sharp; resides in Franklin Co, Tn
2. Mary Sharp, now widow of James Sharp; resides in Franklin Co, Tn
3. Nancy McCutchen, m. George McCutchen; resides in Franklin Co, Tn
4. John Corn resides in Franklin Co, Tn
5. Samuel Corn resides in Franklin Co, Tn
6. Jesse Corn (Jr) who lives in Patrick Co, Va (m. ELIZABETH

1850 Aug 12 - Clinton Co, Ky
	John M. Davis of said county, acting sheriff declares he lived within 
	3 or 4 miles of R. Major Hancock from the time he can first
recollect until a few years past.  Hancock has been living amongst his

1850 Aug 22 - Clinton Co, Ky
	Elizabeth (X) Dabney, aged 75 [born about 1775] widow of Capt.
George Dabney, declares she knew Jesse Corn in Montgomery Co, Va
about 1803 or 1804.  Corn was a wooden legged man & was a brother in
law of R. Major Hancock who lived many years in Wayne Co, Ky.  Corn
was called Major Corn & was a preacher.  He lived in Patrick Co, Va she
thinks not more than 4 or 5 miles from where she lived.  He has been dead
many years.  She understood that Mrs. Corn lived at Winchester, Tn.

NANCY CORN, dec'd widow of Jesse Corn, Pvt in Va was placed on the
Tn Pension Roll at $60 per annum...payable to 17 June 1848 when she

JOHN PETER CORN - Revolutionary War Pension Application No.

1832 Oct 16 - Buncombe Co, NC 
	John Peter (X) Corn of said county, aged 80  declares he was born
in 1752 in Albemarle Co, Va.. He enlisted 8 Feb 1776for 2 years.  He was
enlisted by Lt. Thompson; his Captain was Matthew DeWitt; Col.
Dangerfield was commanding; Co. Wm. Nelson was his Major; he served
the whole of 2 yrs & received a discharge in Penn. from Gen. Wm.
Woodford at Valley Forge Camp; he was in a skirmish near Philadelphia
against the British guard; they retreated to the city with a loss of 8
they went back to the same camp after this engagement; after his discharge
he went back to VA & remained 12 or 13 years; he went from thereto
Surry Co, NC for 5 years; from Surry to Wilkes Co, NC remaining 5 years
& then to Buncombe Co.

1833 Jul 13 - Buncombe Co, NC
	Peter (X) Corn aged 81 declares he enlisted 8 Feb 1776 with HIS 
BROTHER JESSE CORN & served in the 7th VA Reg. under Capt.
Matthew DeWitt; he was enlisted by Lt. Leonard Thompson in Albemarle
Co, Va for 2 years & marched to Gloucester County where he was joined
by 7 other companies commanded by Capt. Ewell, John Lipscomb,
Fleming, Spencer, Crocket, McClanahan & Poses.  They were stationed
some time in Gloucester Courthouse and the marched to Penn & near Phil. 
he was in skirmish with the British guard at which the British were defeated
and retreated to the city with a loss of 8 killed.  The Americans went from
there to Valley Forge Camp where he remained until discharged by Gen.
Wm. Woodford.

1833 Jul 13 - Buncombe Co, NC
	Peter Corn declares the following list were all soldiers that served 
"JOHN" WAS ADDED TO HIS NAME (John Peter Corn). William Sharp
was a convict servant.

1835 Nov 14 - Wake Co, NC
	John Peter Corn of Buncombe says in Jan 1777 he was taken by a
fever & ague & obtained a furlough for 30 days to return home.. remained
sick & unable to return until the summer following in June.

1844 Apr 27 - Henderson Co, NC
	Elizabeth (X) Corn of said county, aged 79, declares she is widow
of John Peter Corn; she m. him in Henry Co, Va in May 1781 or 1782 &
her husband died 14 Oct 1843; she has a family record showing the births
of her children:
Adam Corn born 2 May 1783
William Corn born 5 Feb 1785
Samuel Corn b. 6 Feb 1787
John Corn b. 2 ___ 1789
Elizabeth Parr, b. 14 June 1764 (wife of John Peter Corn)
Lot Corn b. 24 Feb 1792
Sarah Corn b. 17 May 1793

"1781 Feb 11 - Sunday:
	Sir, I have received an express from Col. Penn to raise every man in 
our company to march against Lord Cornwallis who advanced as far as
Guilford Court House... you will be pleased to give what notice you can
and meet me with all the men you can raise at MICHAEL BARKERS &
JOHN LACKEYS tomorrow morning.  If any should not have horses or
guns you are to impress either from any having such.. you will be as active
as possible as the case will not admit of delay or excuse.. they must be
provided with 4 days provision for man & horse. I am Sir, your humble
[Note: Jane Henderson, dau of Thomas Henderson married Capt. Matthew
Small,  son of John & Margaret Small]

18__ Nov 12 - Greenville Dist, SC
	William Scott writes that he received a message form Samuel
Campbell who lives near him that JOHN P. CORN who lived in Buncombe
Co, NC wished to know if he were the brother of Joseph Scott who died in
the service of his country in the time of the old Revolution.  HE IS
BROTHER OF JOSEPH SCOTT.   His father lived in Va in the Fork of
James River in Fluvanna Co.  There were 4 brothers: JAMES, JOHN,
JOSEPH & himself, William Scott.  There were 4 brothers in CORNS
MOTHERS FAMILY: George, John Peter, JESSE & Samuel.  Their 
mother was a widow & he believes was called MOLLEY CORN.  Scott
was quite young at the commencement of the Rev. but believes Corn & his
brothers went into service at one time in the Co of Capt. DeWitt..

1849 Jan 23 - Henderson Co, NC
	Elizabeth (X) Corn of said county, aged 85, applies for a
continuance of Pension.

1812 Mar 6 - Franklin Co, Tn
	Tax & Voter Registration List taken by Richard Callaway, Comr:       
John Barnett, CORNELIUS BURNETT, Richard Sharp, Thomas Smiley,
William Witt...

1827 Nov 19 - Franklin Co, Tn - Deeds (1828-1833), p.87
	John A. Corn of Wilson Co, Tn to John Bratton.. $300 for 35 acres 
Nicholas Tramels line.

1828 Mar 7 - Franklin Co, Tn - Deeds (ibid), p.54
	John A. Corn of Wilson Co, Tn to Jacob Turney.. $500 for 73 acres
in Franklin Co on waters of Elk River joining Joel Chitwood, WM.
	Wit: James Sharp, William Corn, Joel Chitwood.

1828 Dec 1  - ibid, Deed Bk L:342
	Wm. B.G. Muse to Samuel Corn.. 87 acres joining Rowlands Creek
on N. branch of Elk River, the same land that Muse bought of Joseph

1840 Oct 1 - A List of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Winchester 
from the McMinnville Central Gazette [among others]: Thomas Birnett &
SAMUEL CORN.  [Note: mail was not prepaid. The rate charged varied
with the distance a letter was sent.  The person receiving the letter paid
fee.  The letters were folded in half and then by 1/3rds and one end was
inserted in the 3rd section, thus locking the letter together.  The old
marriage bonds, deeds, etc. were done the same way.  Often times in the
Civil Suits, many pages were inserted inside this interlocking fold.  

1850 Census of Franklin Co, Tn (not complete):
	p.78: JOHN TURNER 30-40; fem 30-40; male 20-30; 2 males 5-
10; fem 0-5 
	p.78: FRANCIS TURNER 30-40; fem 20-30; 2 males 5-10; 3
males 0-5

The end of this compilation.