Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 22:48:31 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 228 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

30 Sep 1997

Greetings to Everyone:

A big welcome back to Bette.  

If you know you are going to be unable to check your eMails for some
time, I'll be glad to temporarily remove you from the mailing list.  Just let
me know when you want to stop receiving our compilations.  I can put you
back on the list as soon as you're ready to receive them again.  I know our
compilations can fill a mail box rather quickly.  Thanks to Chris, you can
always download any compilations you didn't receive.

Nyla  CREED DePauk

Subj:	 Price List
Date:	97-09-30 13:14:46 EDT

THE BURNETTS & THEIR CONNECTIONS - Vol. 1 (1989) - over 800
pages...$85.00 unbound.  Begins with JOHN BURNET (1610-1685) who
came to America in 1638 from Aberdeen, Scotland as a Merchant of King
Charles I.  John's parents and  grandparents have now been found: parents:
Thomas Burnet and Margaret Johnson; grandparents: John Burnet and
Isabell Burnet.  John Burnet  (1610-1686) married LUCRETIA
JOHNSTON and raised their family in Old Rappahannock Co, Va,
abolished in 1692, and became Essex Co. where the family continued to
live for many years. Includes all Deeds, Wills, Court Order Books, Tax List
and many spouse lines.                                           

THE BURNETT & THEIR CONNECTIONS - Vol 2 (1993) - 702 pages
.. $65.00 bound (have 4 or 5 left).  This vol. contains many new lines from
their (known) beginnings, including the BURNETTS of North & South
Carolina; Plus additions and corrections to Vol. One.  The same Index is in
Vol 2 & 3 (Bindery had to split books because of size).

THE BURNETTS & THEIR CONNECTIONS - Vol 3 (1993) - Over 800
pages... $75.00.  Volume begins with Generation 8 from Vol 1 & 2, plus
additions and corrections to Vol. 1 & 2.  Many pages have been added
since completion.  The 3 books involve over 35 years of continual research
on the Burnetts and their connections.   Many spouse lines are included. 
Many counties were researched thoroughly from beginning to end at a
great cost, plus months of work including Patrick Co, Va and Wayne Co,
Ky where large migrations of families moved to.  

The price list of the Wayne Co, Ky books are on my web page:   

1850 Census of Patrick Co, Va.. $25.00.      

I will be happy to look your families up and let you know if they are 
included in any of the above and will be looking forward to hearing from 
you. June

Thanks Nyla for the invitation to submit the above.  Sorry I haven't been 
much help lately.  Just had grandchild #7 and expecting great grandchild #3 
fairly soon.  Plus my research in Scotland & etc.  I have much that needs to 
be sent to you and will do so as soon as I can.  June

June,   Sorry I didn't extend the invitation earlier.   Nyla

Subj:	 Copy of letter sent to A. Hughes
Date:	97-09-30 11:03:45 EDT
From: (Eunice B. Kirkman)

I will mail you the copies of the Turner/Gilley letters that I got today if
you'll send me your address again.  I know I have it but... (my brain is
old and tired)

I tried to scan them but they are copies of copies of copies and the
scanner just couldn't pick the letters up for OCR to decipher.  Here is a
quote from the front page of one. (Letters of A.N. Turner, Ina, Illinois,
written to Mr. Gilley in 1947.)  He sent carbons of all of his letters
written re: genealogy to Mr. Gilley and they were later given to the
Bassett Library when Mr. Gilley passed away.

"Foote in his 1854 volume, which I saw in the St.Louis City Library said
that "Old James" Turner of Bedford County was of English Extraction." 
see, that "Old James" had a grandson, James, who was a famous
minister.  He was the son of Richard(I [Mr. Turner] have the clerk's copy
of his 1769 will) Foote says that the oratory of Rev. James Turner took
rank with that of Patrick Henry."  If it had not been for this famous
preacher, Foote never would have told us about "Old James" who came
Bedford, 1755.  I think he come from Caroline County, if the early records
of this county had not been destroyed by fire, I would know for certain."

There are several of these pages and you have to read through them in
order to put everything together.  Some of them have been mutilated, corners
torn off, etc. and some are hard to read.  Some with the most relevant info
beyond copying. Many have been lost.

A quote from another:  "We know now, that Meshack Turner, brother of
Shadrick, Sr. and old Ebednego, did not mention his son, Shadrick, in his
will..........that;s all we know about him."  In other letters, which I was
unable to locate, he stated emphatically that the James/Francis Turner line
was unrelated to Shadrick, et al.
The story that I have pieced together is that the Gilleys, Turners, and
Pilsons were all friends and neighbors who moved into this region.  They
intermarried through several generations. In some families, cousins
married.  I've looked into this lineage very carefully since I am a
descendant of Francis Gilley, Sr.  You'll see his name mentioned frequently
in the letters.

The following is two pages of Gilley History that reinforces the A.N.
Turner letters.  These are scans of the original documents.

 History of the old
Gilley Settler in Va. 1750
As written by
Mrs. R. A. Hairfield
Critz, Va. 1950

	Francis Gilley, Sr.	1750 to 1791

Francis Gilley, Sr., came to America from England and settled first in
Chesterfield or Henrico County, Va. He was living in Buckingham County
in 1773-1774. This fact was confirmed in his son Richard's Revolutionary
Pension Declaration made in 1833, in which he states he was born in
Buckingham County, Va. The 1773-74 accessories of Buckingham County
reveals that Francis, Sr., and his sons were there at that time. The 1775
tithables of Pittsylvania County reveals they had moved into that county. In
1776 a portion of Pittsylvania County was cut off into Henry Co. It was in
this part that Francis, Sr., had settled, and here he died in 1791. (This is
doubt the place near Ridgeway, Henry County, Virginia, on Turkey Cock
Creek now called Big Creek.) He owned 1100 acres of land here. (This
information will be found in his will made 1790 - on another page.) Francis
Gilley,  Sr., took the oath of allegiance in 1778 but refused to swear.
Evidently he was a Quaker, for he affirmed. Quakers will affirm but will
not swear.  Francis Gilley, Sr., and his wife, Elizabeth (maiden name
unknown) had four sons and two daughters, namely:

	I.	Richard Gilley, 1756-1839. Probably the oldest son of
Francis, Sr., and Elizabeth Gilley. He was a Revolutionary soldier. Fought
in the battle at Guilford Courthouse 1781. His name is listed in Col.
Abrahamn Penn's list of the Henry County Militia who fought at Guilford
Courthouse. We have no record of when he married or how many children
he had. We have a record of only one son and one daughter; they are:

1. Francis; "Frank" he was called.

2. Martha - She married Bennett Cox (this information was secured from
papers showing that she had taken steps to collect pension money she
thought was due her father.)  

	II. Francis Gilley, Jr., son of Francis, Sr., and Elizabeth Gilley, was
born about 1759 - was living in 1840. (This information was secured from
his second Pension Declaration made Dec. 13, 1840.) Francis, Jr., so he
states, was in the battles at the Guilford Courthouse, Kings Mountains, and
Eutaw Springs. His name is also listed in Col. Abraham Penn's list of the
Henry County Militia. After the war he moved to South Carolina, later to
Georgia, and from there to Alabama. His wife was named Nancy. They had
a son, Francis III we have no further record of his family.

	III. Nancy Gilley, daughter of Francis, Sr., and Elizabeth Gilley. No
record of birth, death, marriage or family.

	IV. Elizabeth Gilley, daughter of Francis, Sr., and Elizabeth Gilley.
No dates or records of her family. (married Richard "Dickie" Pilson)*

	V. Charles Gilley, third son of Francis, Sr., and Elizabeth Gilley. He
was picked by the Militia of Henry County, but it is likely that he never saw
service, as no records have been found to show that he saw active service.
He married a girl named Elizabeth. We have no other records of him or his

	VI. George Gilley, the youngest son of Francis, Sr., and Elizabeth
Gilley, was born about 1765. The 1830 census of Henry County listed his
age 60-70.  That means he was between 60 and 70 years of age. Census at
that time did not give the exact age. He first married Mary "Polly" Wilson,
daughter of Thomas Wilson, about 1792. She died in 1809. He remained a
widower until 1818, when he married Lavina "Kitty" Wilson, a sister to his
first wife.  Lavina died May 8, 1858, at the age of 93, which means she was
born in 1770.

		~.	.	.	.
To George Gilley and Mary "Polly" Wilson were born tnree sons and five
daughters, namely: Gideon, Lavina, Elizabeth, Nancy, Lucy, Polly, George,
and William. To George Gilley and Lavina "Kitty" Wilson, the second wife,
was born one daughter, Rachel. Rachel married a Davis. Rachel was the
ninth child of George Gilley. (Read on a later page, George Gilley's will
made Aug. 15, 1828, put on record June 10, 1833.)
Children of George Gilley by first wife

1. Gideon Gilley, born 1795. He moved to Cannon County, Tenn.,
sometime in the 1830's - we have no record of who his wife was or of his

2. Lavina Gilley, b--- d---. Probably named for her Aunt Lavina Wilson,
who later became her stepmother. Lavina Gilley married Azel Bateman.
Their children are: 
	(1)  Polly married to Robertson. 
	(2)  Joe Henry married Hutcherson. (This was my gr-grandfather
	(3)  ?  (I could fill these in if you want them)*
	(4)  ?

3.  Elizabeth Gilley X d----, married Isaiah Turner. Their children are:
	(1) George Turner (probably the only child) married a Green.
	 (2) ? 
	 (3) ?
4.  Nancy Gilley, b--- d - 1901. Married Stephen Terry Turner, who died
Feb. 1, 1861. He was a brother to Isaiah Turner. To this couple were born
the following children, namely: 
	(1)  Stephen Turner, called "Tobe".) 
	(2)  George Turner, called ~Pomp~ ) They were twins
	(3)  Hardin Turner 
	(4)  Monroe Turner, b--- d. Dec. 24, 1862, while in the
Confederate Army at Richmond, Va., of intestinal fever. He married
Martha Grant. They had a son, Thomas A. Turner, b. Oct. 18, 1856. He is
the father of A. N. Turner of Ina, Illinois, and the one to whom we are
indebted for most of this material.

*my own comments inserted.

Eunice B. Kirkman --------
   -=| Virginia - The cradle of the nation |=-

Subj:	Re: Comp 227 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-09-30 08:57:58 EDT
From:	CarBurCo
To:	NCreed1


 In case June misses your inquiry, her webpage URL is  (then go to page 3)

for the book list specifically:

She did not have the answer to my Tennessee Confederate unit question about
William Wiltshire Burnett.   Anyone else?

Caroline Burnett Cook

The end of this compilation.