Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 19:14:28 -0400 (EDT) From: Nyla Creed <> To:,,,,,,,,,,,,, connie.spaw@CBIS.COM,,,,,,,,, IRXP500@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Subject: Compilation #23 - Turner-Burnett-Via-Ross-Etc/Etc 14 July 1996 Hello to Everyone: A special welcome to a couple new folks. We've got 53 on this mailing. I believe a couple of the addresses are no longer in use, but I will try to send to everyone. Be certain to let me know if you change your eMail address. Keep in touch. Nyla Creed DePauk - eMail 2832 Andiron Lane Vienna, VA 22180 Chris Gaunt's home page where the archives are stored: ======================================================================== From: Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 12:55:17 -0400 To: Subject: Looking for additional families Nyla and group. Like several of you, my family from Patrick and Henry counties married into the early families of Franklin County. I just recently found out that one of my great aunts has been collecting in on the Franklin County side for over 20 years. As a result of her work, I am adding over 400 new listings going back to the early 1700's. I have just started working with this data; but, if any of you have tie- ins to the following list of names, I would be glad to share info as I get it (my great aunt has 4 file cabinet drawers full of research, this could take a while). Primary surnames are SINK, BOWMAN, LAYMAN, DILLON, PLYBON, and DIVERS. David R. Jones, Jr. Architect =========================================== From: Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 12:55:16 -0400 To: Subject: Compilation 22 Nyla, Thanks for the listing of the Ingrams you posted. It closed some connections I was missing.. What other goodies are you holding back???? A couple comments after working through the list. Nancy VIA, daughter of James VIA and Mary J. DEHART. Please check her birth date. You have 1837 listed but have her placed where 1847 would make sense. Malinda Ingram married to Josaih Hunter TURNER, Jr......I take it this is his second marriage as I have him married to a Sarah TURNER on 4 Dec 1843 or am I in error here. Also, with reference to all the people you have listed born in Raleigh Co.....West Virginia was not formed until 1863....these people should be listed as born in Virginia. [DAVID, YOU'RE CORRECT ABOUT THAT. THE BIRTHDAY FOR WEST VIRGINIA IS 20 JUNE 1863. BY THE WAY, THAT'S MY HOME COUNTY AND I SHOULD HAVE HAD THE STATE AS VIRGINIA.--Nyla] By the way, do you have any Baumgardner names in any of your VA/WV listings? I keep waiting for the 2 sides of my family to loop somewhere; either Bedford County or Cabell and Raleigh Co. seem the most likely places. [I KNOW THE NAME BAUMGARDNER. LET ME SEE IF WHAT I CAN FIND. LOTS OF FAMILIES FROM HENRY, FLOYD, AND PATRICK CAME TO RALEIGH COUNTY.--Nyla] Thanks for your efforts. David Jones Architect ======================================================== From: Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 12:54:44 -0400 To: Subject: Patrick-Henry Allied Families Nyla and the group, I attended the latest Patrick-Henry Allied Families reunion June 16th along with about 200 other members of the founding families of Patrick and Henry Counties. I believe this was the 45th annual gathering. It is held each father's day at the Allied family shelter at Fairystone State Park in Patrick Co. Virginia (shame on any relative that does not know the legend of the fairystones). This year one of my great aunts - Lounelle Pedigo Gearing was the honoree representing the PEDIGO line at the gathering. The event is a picnic get-together with very little family history discussions other than the outline produced for the honoree. However, there is info to be had and relatives to be met (including some I had not seen in 20+ years). I spent some time with O.E. Pilson, whom I believe several of you have been in touch with in the past. It is hard to believe he is in his upper 80's. We discussed the info we both had and I believe everything he has collected over the years is included in the master list Nyla has put together. For those who have asked, the families making up the Allied families are: ANDERSON, BURNETT, CORN, HATCHER, HOUCHINS, JAMISON, PEDIGO, PENDLETON, PILSON, PRICE, ROSS, STOVALL, TURNER, VIA and WOOD. David R. Jones, Jr. Architect ====================================================================== From: Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 15:34:10 -0400 To: cc: Subject: Another TURNER letter (Here is letter number 5. For those new to our group, my grandmother saved several TURNER letters from the 1800's that she passed down to me. Whenever she got them out she was so proud of the fact that her ancestors could write. I have typed out the letters in the same style and line length as the originals for other TURNER searchers to enjoy. The previous four letters are archived at Chris Gaunt's web page. Your comments are appreciated. The following letter is from Benjamin TURNER and his wife Lucinda ? to his brother Shadrack TURNER and sister Clementine (note spelling) Turner CAHILL. This is the only source and reference I have seen to Benjamin's family. Any help expanding this line would be appreciated. Contact me at ) (This 9-1/2" by 15" piece of paper was folded to mail size and sealed with red wax. It was addressed) Mr Shadrach Turner Goblintown Va (Above the address in another handwriting is) Mud Camp Ky Augt 15th 25 (page 1) 1833 th Cumberland County Kentucky August 10 Dear brother and sister I take this oppertu nity to inform you that we are all well hoping this letter will find you in the same state of health Wm Stone and his family was well the last account our friends in this cuntry is generly well we have 6 childrain 4 boys and two girls and call the younges Clemintina I never have had an opertunity of seeing Pollard Turner until last wedensday as he lives ten miels of and drives the waggon tolerable constant he tells me that he paid Sharls $15. and you $10. as to my knowledge I know not who collected the debts only he give Viers bond in part pay for his land you can take an order of cort to take dep ositions at James Heards J. Peace commenceing at such a time notify Sharls to take Pollards and others seal your notice in a letter and direct it to Mudcamp and it will be attended to (page 2) give me time when you send on the notice for to have Pollard summon allow as much time for the letter to get here as you can and will notice regular whin I think you have tim to lodge it at Mudcamp. Brother I now turn to the things that we are most interested in it appears that the love of many is waxed cold though the light of trouth is still Proggrefsing and many to rejoice the Christain churches increases slow but more than any other Brother i long to se you and Clemintina but if I never see you in this life one thing comforts me I have hope that we shall meet and never part in a better world Ok that we may be faithful to the Lord - now may the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ continue with us now and for Amen Benjamin Turner Lucinda Turner (end) David R. Jones, Jr. Architect ================================================= From: Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 20:17:55 -0400 To: 102125.3126@CompuServe.COM cc: Subject: Re: Another TURNER letter Kathe, I failed to mention with the letter but I believe that William STONE - refered to in the letter is the husband of Mary Ann TURNER...another of Benjamin's sisters. This makes sense in the context of the letter. Apparently this is where many of the family moved around the end of the 1700's. More later, David ================================================== Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 22:01:11 -0700 To: From: (Les Ramsey) Subject: Re: Joining the Turner mystery After reading all of the postings I am hoping that someone may be able to help me further my research. I am trying to locate the parents or siblings of George H. TURNER. He was born in January 1851 and in 1856 travled from Ballard, Kentucky to Parker County, Texas. Traveling with him was William R.TURNER, born December 08, 1836 in Christian, Kentucky. They arrived in Parker County on December 14, 1856. Georges tree is as follows: George H. TURNER b: January 1851 married Lydia Jane PHELPS b: January 1856 children John Wood TURNER b: August 27, 1884 d:January 1, 1961 married Harriet VICK b.? children Robert Lee TURNER b. June 21, 1911 d. November 25 1970 married Roberta FRANKLIN b. Feb 12, 1916 I would appriciate any help in getting past my great great grandfather George TURNER, also if there is any kinship with William. Family stories dictate that the TURNERS had come from Scotland. Thank you for your patience. Tami Ramsey 2206 Frontir Trl. Round Rock, Texas 78681-7451 E-Mail ====================================================== Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 07:40:06 -0700 To: From: (Les Ramsey) Subject: Re: Subscribe to mailing list Nyla- I sent you a previous e-mail re: George Turner that moved from KY to TX and would love to be part of your mailing list. Thanks.. Tami Ramsey e-mail ========================================================= From: Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 15:37:21 -0400 To: Subject: Turner-Ross-Via-Etc. Dear Nyla, Please add me to your mailing list. While I don't seem to connect with the eastern Turners, several of the leads in Chris Gaunt's compilations look intriguing. Verbal history links my TURNER line to John TURNER (b. Ireland?) and Sarah TALEE (sp?) who were supposedly married in New Orleans. The family moved at some point to Roane Co., TN, with my line later moving to Wright Co., MO. Here's what I have from the TURNER Bible: Children of John and Sarah TURNER: Annie. James, b. 11 Nov 1811, d. 15 Mar 1855, m. Eliza REED (?), Roane Co. 1838. Sterling (Starling?) T., b. 11 Dec 1813, m. Esther Ervine, Roane Co. 1833. Charles M., b. 18 Nov. 1815 John (Jack), b. 25 May 1818, d. 1906, Wright Co., MO, m1 Rebecca McMullin, Roane Co, 1839--my line, m2 Elizabeth WHITE 1862. Fisher, b. 20 Jan 1820. Rebecca, b. 10 June 1822. Andrew, b. 22 May 1823. William P., b. 10 Sept 1824. Sarah, b. 15 Feb 1826. Martha and Mary, b. 20 Feb 1831. Joseph D., b. 25 Feb 1832. Fannie, b. 18 June 1833. Thanks! Ruth Ann ================== End of this compilation.