Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 12:08:02 -0400 (EDT) From: To: Subject: Comp 232 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 19 Oct 1997 Greetings to Everyone, A big welcome to our new folks. Hope everyone is busy working on updating their family records. Haven't had much eMail traffic lately, am wondering what that means. Nyla CREED DePauk San Diego, CA ====================== Subj: Veluzat Date: 97-10-15 14:42:10 EDT From: (Anita Bryan) To: I am researching Veluzats from Metcalfe County, and discovered information relating to one in your Document Comp 165 8/4/1997. Can you give me any more information relating to your item 77. John Titus Pedigo, item iv. Ref #135 married Thomas Perkins son of Henry Perkins and Nancy Veluzat Ref #TP1-2X, ### Farming 1860/70 Census Any information will be appreciated. Anita Veluzat Bryan ============= Anita: Comp 158 had the following information about the PEREGOY information. You might like to correspond with Thomas O'Connell since he shared the information. Subj: Re: Allied families list Date: 97-08-02 03:27:04 EDT From: (Thomas F. O'Connell) Reply-to: Nyla, this is the companion work to part I of David Jones' post on the Pedigo's This is the 1st 6 generations and about as correct as we can get it. The usual cavet applies as nothing is perfect and I do make dumb mistakes at times. It's a RTF file can be saved as TxT or RTF then opened in your word processor. You can than save it in any format you wish. TTYL Tom Thomas F. O'Connell 1241 California Road Eastchester NY 10709-1016 E-Mail: E-Mail: ICQ Pager: Home Page: [NOTE: The next 17 compilations are Tom's PEREGORY info. -- Nyla] ================== Subj: Burnett Family Date: 97-10-18 05:04:23 EDT From: To: Greetings, My name is Jeffrey Sherwood Burnett, and I am just starting to compile some of my family's written records and documents. They include such names as Hazard, Easton, Burnap, etc., on my Father's side (Sherwood Grant Burnett) and Palmer and Webb on my Mother's (English) side. I wonder where the connection is? I suspect in Scotland or close after our ancestors' arrival in the Americas. In any event, I hope to be back soon. You can reach me via email at (or at work at or mail at 3 Clarke Road, Littleton, MA 01460. Best regards, Jeff ====================== Subj: Group Sheet for Obadiah Turner Date: 97-10-18 22:43:31 EDT From: (Eunice B. Kirkman) To: Looking for any information re: the listed children of Obediah Turner. Obediah was the son of George W. and Milly (Stone) Turner, b. 12/24/1802, Franklin Co., VA. He married, 4 Nov 1822, Frances Lavinder in Franklin Co. Their children were: Tazewell A. Turner b. 11 Jan 1827 Patrick Co., VA, m. Mary Jane Carter Louisa Sinai Turner b. 1831 , m. Joseph Helms Evalina Turner, b. 1826 m. William Parker Jane Turner, b. ca 1827 Elizabeth Turner b. ca 1836 Creed O. Turner, b. 1838, m. Martha Spencer George Tyler Turner, b. Jul 1839, m. Mary A. "Polly" Clark Abigail Turner, b. ca 1841 Bruce F. Turner, b. ca 1842, d. Nov 1861 of measles (Confederate soldier) Most of the information that I have more or less ends with these children. Does anyone know where/when Obediah died? Who Mary Clark's parents were? Thanks a bunch! Eunice B. Kirkman -------- -=| Virginia - The cradle of the nation |=- ======================== Subj: Re: Group Sheet for Obadiah Turner Date: 10/18/97 To: Eunice: In a message dated 97-10-18 22:43:31 EDT, you write: << Looking for any information re: the listed children of Obediah Turner.....<snip> This is spooky! But things like this have happened to me before. I am sitting at my computer working on genealogy. I have a copy of David Anderson Turner's "Families of Raleigh County, WV - The 1880 Census: Annotated" open to pages 82-83. Now, I have no idea why it is on page 83 since the names are Lilly through Love and none are families I'm working on. I look down and see Obediah Turner and wife Frances listed with Thomas E. Lilly and wife Sarah A. (annotation: dau. Obediah & Frances Turner). I then turn to page 144 which lists Obediah Turner and Frances (annotation: dau. _____ & ____ Lavender, m. 1822, Franklin Co. Va.). I think to myself, "Wonder if I should include that information in the next compilation?" At this point, I decide to check my eMail. And there is your eMail. Is this strange or is it STRANGE? So, here's the 1880 info from the 1880 annotation by David Turner: SS-51 (that's Shady Spring district) Thomas E Lilly 45 (s. Elijah & Sarah Lilly) WV.WV.NC. Sara A. 39 (dau. Obediah & Frances Turner) Dora F. 13 Thomas H. 12 Mary E. 9 Benjamin B. 7 William L. 6 Evermont W. 2 Obediah Turner 78 blacksmith-father-in-law VA.VA.VA Frances 79 mother-in-law >From "Raleigh Co, WV Marriages" by Ronald R. Turner: Dora Frances 18 m. George Kaskie Sweeney 23 born Mercer Co WV 10 Jan 1885 Thomas H. Lilly 17 m. Cynthia J. Lilly 16 on 17 Apr 1886 Mary E. Lilly 22 m. William O. McGinnis 28 on 24 May 1894 Willian Landa m. Annie May Shanks born PA on 7 Mar 1895. Not certain if this is William L. listed above. Everett Lilly 21 m. Irena Ada Bryant 18 born Carroll Co VA 2 Jun 1898. Not certain if this is Evermont. I am guessing that Sarah A. is the same as Abigail that you mention. Comments? Nyla =================== Subj: Re: Group Sheet for Obadiah Turner Date: 97-10-19 10:54:14 EDT From: (Eunice B. Kirkman) To: It does cause a few goose-pimples, doesn't it? You guess old Obadiah is trying to tell us something? I've been anxiously waiting for any answers from subscribers, wasn't expecting it this way, but isn't it wonderful? One of Obadiah's descendant has been seraching for over ten years(he told me) to find where his g-g-grandfather went and where he died. I'll print your message and get it into the mail to him right away. He still won't have an exact death date, but at least he'll have some idea of where he died. Another question he had was re: Obadiah's son, George Tyler's wife. Who was Mary Alice Clark? I have a slew of Clarks and she may be among them, but I've not been able to find a marriage record for them. Perhaps someone on the list will have the info. Thank you so much for the info. I know that William Turner of Matthews, NC will be overjoyed to get this. And by the way, would you want a rendition of the Scottish Coat of Arms for the Turners? I can attach a copy to an e-mail, or send you a printed copy by USPS. Eunice B. Kirkman -------- -=| Virginia - The cradle of the nation |=- ====================== Eunice: I'd love the rendition of the Scottish Coat of Arms for the Turners. If it is okay with you, please send as an attachment to an eMail. Thanks much. Nyla ===================== Subj: Obadiah Turner Date: 97-10-19 10:57:35 EDT From: (Eunice B. Kirkman) To: Yes, I think that Sarah A. and Abigail are one and the same. Age is right and we all know that census records could send one on many wild goose chases. I've taken a few myself. I'm really looking forward to future editions of the list. Again, thanks! Eunice B. Kirkman -------- -=| Virginia - The cradle of the nation |=- ======================== Subj: Turner/Burnett Date: 97-10-19 09:44:19 EDT From: (Yvonne Bice) To: (Turner/Burnett) I would like to subscribe to your Turner/Burnett mailing list. Thank you Yvonne Bice ====================== The end of this compilation.