Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 06:05:17 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comp 233 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

20 Oct 1997

Greetings to Everyone:

A big welcome to the new folks.  The eMails have been slow lately; so, now is
a good time for everyone to think about sharing new information.  Any
information you care to share will be appreciated.

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	 unsubscribe
Date:	97-10-19 19:15:15 EDT
From: (Sharron Krueger)

Please unsubscribe me from your Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-etc. listserv.
You all seem to be a great family and, as much as I would LOVE to count
myself as part of this group, I can't seem to make a connection with
your Turners. Perhaps in the future as I continue to delve into my line,
I will find a connection with this group and can join again. Thank you! 

Sharron in Tucson

Subj:	 Re: Comp 232 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-10-20 01:31:01 EDT
From:	unknownsender@unknowndomain

Nyla, I sent Anita a listing of what I had on her Query, I did not post it
here to you as it does run off the Allied families path which you do here;
but if anyone wants it I will send it to you.

On the Lilly posting anyone have anything on a Dorothy Lilly born abt
1900 married Gege D. Pedigo Sr. ?

Thomas F. O'Connell
1241 California Road
Eastchester NY 10709-1016
Home Page;

Tom:  Any idea where Dorothy Lilly was from?   -- Nyla

Subj:	 Burnetts
Date:	97-10-20 15:41:43 EDT
From: (Jerry Baker)

Hello Nyla Creed

I have been looking for information or my Scotish past and was gave
your e-mail address here is a copy of the letter I sent out and what I
recived could you please help me.

  Subject: Re: Clan Johnstone
  Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 02:15:11 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 97-10-20 00:16:11 EDT, you write:

<<  My name is Jerry Baker and I'm doing my family history and have just
 found out a few months back that I have family from Scotland( they are
 Burnetts ) but in going back I found the name Johnston.
  She married a Thomas Burnett he was born around 1574 her name was
 Margaret Johnston (they were 1st cousins) if you could help me I would
 be very thankful and if not thank you for your time.


THOMAS BURNETT (b. 1574, son of Richard and Isabel Burnett of Crathes
Castle) and MARGARET JOHNSTON were married in the St. Nicholas Church in
Aberdeen, Scotland on 8 Nov  1608. 

The Johnston family married Burnetts several times and came to America
with them. One of the illustrious descendants, I understand, is the
Confederate General, Joseph Johnston (to find out more about him you
might write to (Janet Johnston).

btw: JOHN BURNETT, (first Burnett in my line to come to Va)son of Sir
Thomas Burnett and Margaret Johnston, married his first cousin, LUCRETIA
JOHNSTON, b. 1629 dau of ANDREW JOHNSTON b 1585 and his wife Janet
Matheson. Andrew was the son of William Johnston and Elspet (Elspeth)

There is a list for Burnett, Turner, Ross list.Write to and ask her (Nyla Creed) to put you on the list. The
archives will tell you how to find the page on the internet AND how to
get in touch with June Baldwin Bork who wrote the HUGE book in three
volumes on the Burnett family.

Good hunting,
Caroline Burnett Cook

So could you add me to this list and maybe tell me more on how it works
I have already got in touch with June.

Subj:	Ross Marriages
Date:	97-10-20 15:14:50 EDT
From:	DAllen5178
To:	NCreed1

Found on CD
Franklin CountyVirginia
  Thea Ross -  Benjamin Bond 15-4-1803
   Emily Ross  -  Ludwick Boon  6-11=1837
   Sarah Ross - James Cox 22-1-1799
    Jane Ross  - Arthur Diller  20-1-1799
    Elizabeth Ross  - James Harris  22-1-1819
    Sally Ross -  Jubal Harris  1-4-1816
Nancy Ross  -  Wiley Noble 21-02-1827
    Susannah Ross  -  Abel Pedigo  17-9-1792
     Doshia Ross -  Benjamin Randues   15-4-1803
Mary Ross  -  James Reynolds  5-3-1795
     Benjamin Ross - Peggy Dunn  2-1-1807
David Ross - Sally Anderson  20-10- 1802
      David Ross - Jane Lyon  2-8-1819
David Ross -  Mary Wood 7-9-1795
       Robert B. Ross -  Lucinda M. Tuner  12-3-1841
Thomas Ross - nancy harris 22-1-1819
       Elizabeth Ross - Thomas Ruble  17-10-1786
Rachael Ross  -  Jeremiah Turner  21-4-1792
       Susannah Ross - James Wilkes 18-9-1801
Rebecca Ross - jacob clark 28-11-1839
       Sarah Ross - George Douglass  30-12-1827
Jane Ross  Levi Garrison  18-4-1835
       Lydia Ross - Robert Hume  20-2-1811
Sarah Ross - Charles Lobb 23- 11- 1801
     Alexander Milton Ross Hrriet mcCormick 20-4-1819
Jane Ross - Elisha More 9-10-1792
Subj:	More Ross marrages
Date:	97-10-20 15:29:20 EDT
From:	DAllen5178
To:	NCreed1

James E. B. Ross - martha Walter 28-5-1844
John Ross - Agnes Miller 8-7-1785
John Ross- Mary Stallings  29-3-1805
Joseph Ross - Sarah Jones 15-5-1834
Williams Ross - Sophia Stickel 2-9-1820
Hannah Ross - Joseph T. Smith 11-10-1827
John Ross - mary Brumfield 9-11-1819
Jane Ross - Milton Boothe 21-1-1831
Catharine Ross- William c. Brown 16-3-1846
Elizabeth Ross - James Givens 11-9-1839
Susan Ross - Adam McPherson 17-12-1838
Martha Ross - james Reynolds 4-11-1849
James Ross Jr. - Dorcas Huffman 21-11-1843
William Ross Jr. - MargareKesler 9-10-1837
R.A. Ross - Elizabeth Starcher 30-5-1849

      Goochland County, Virginia
Polly Ross - James Anderson Jr. 4-3-1830

    Hope this helps someone 

Thank you for sending that to us. 

Subj:	More Lilly info
Date:	10/19/97

I used all the Raleigh Co WV transcripts (1850-1910 and marriage records)
that I have and came up with the following.  Errors are certainly possibly,
but thought I'd send it to you.  

By the way, there were several families with roots in Franklin, Patrick, and
Henry Co that moved to Raleigh Co prior to and after the Civil War.  One I
recall immediately is
Cannaday.  My Turners were from Patrick Co/Henry Co.

Thanks so much for the TURNER crest.  I printed it, and the colors really are
nice.  What a motto!  "Yield Not to Misfortunes!"  You say it is the Scottish
one.  Do you happen to have one for the English?  <grin>


Descendants of Edmond Lilly
	1  	Edmond Lilly					
 		+Edy Meador				Father:	Mother:
     	2  	Elijah Lilly	b: 1812				
         		+Sarah Ann Cadle	b: 1812	m: 03 Feb 1827 in Giles Co VA
		Father: Thomas Cadle	Mother: Nancy Ann Holt
            	3  	Isabella Lilly	b: 1827				
            	3  	William Lilly	b: 1831				
                		+Jane Cooper	b: 1834			Father:	Mother:
                    	4  	Simeon Lilly	b: 1851				
                    	4  	Elizabeth Lilly	b: 1853				
                    	4  	Elijah Lilly	b: 1855				
                    	4  	Lucinda Lilly	b: 1857				
                    	4  	Malinda Lilly	b: 1860				
            	3  	James W Lilly	b: 1834				
                		+Margaret Walker	b: 1831			Father:
Chrispianos Walker	Mother: Eleanor Whitten
                    	4  	Martha Lilly	b: 1859				
                    	4  	Manda Lilly	b: 1860				
                    	4  	Aiden Lilly	b: 1862				
                    	4  	James Lilly	b: 1863				
                        		+Bellve Sarrett				Father:
                    	4  	[1] Elijah Lilly	b: 1864				
                        		+Eliza Farley				Father:	Mother:
                    		*2nd Wife of [1] Elijah Lilly:					
                        		+Unknown Coffman				Father:
                    	4  	George Lilly	b: 1865				
                    	4  	Nancy Lilly	b: 1866				
                    	4  	Bellzora Lilly	b: 1868				
                        		+J G W Meadows				Father:
                    	4  	Phillip Lilly	b: 1869				
            	3  	Thomas E "Tom Ticklebritches" Lilly	b: 17 Oct 1835 in
Fayette Co
                		+Sarah Abigail Turner	b: 06 Mar 1841 in Patrick Co VA	
		Father: Obadiah Turner	Mother: Frances Lavender
                    	4  	Nancy A Lilly	b: 1859				
                        		+Irving Lilly				Father:	Mother:
                    	4  	Sarah A Lilly	b: 1860				
                        		+Robert "Robin" Lilly				Father:
                    	4  	Dora F Lilly	b: Jul 1866 in Raleigh Co WV				
                        		+George Kaskie Sweeney	b: Jul 1861 in Mercer Co
WV	m: 10 Jan 1885 in Raleigh Co WV		Father:	Mother:
                           	5  	Jane N Sweeney	b: 1886				
                           	5  	Launia D Sweeney	b: Nov 1887				
                           	5  	Lundy B Sweeney	b: Jun 1890				
                           	5  	Clowney E Sweeney	b: Jul 1893				
                           	5  	Child Sweeney	b: Bef. 1900				
                           	5  	Child Sweeney	b: Bef. 1900		d: Bef. 1900		
                           	5  	Child Sweeney	b: Bef. 1900		d: Bef. 1900		
                           	5  	Child Sweeney	b: Bef. 1900				
                    	4  	Thomas H Lilly	b: 1868 in Raleigh Co WV
                        		+Cynthia J Lilly	b: 1870	m: 17 Apr 1886 in
Raleigh Co WV		Father:	Mother:
                    	4  	Mary E Lilly	b: 1871				
                        		+William O McGinnis	b: 1866 in Raleigh Co WV	m: 24
May 1894 in Raleigh Co WV		Father:	Mother:
                           	5  	Dover (Dbriene?) D McGinnis	b: Feb 1885	
                           	5  	Earnest E McGinnis	b: Mar 1886				
                           	5  	Gracie R (P?) McGinnis	b: Mar 1886		
                           	5  	Mary F McGinnis	b: Mar 1898				
                           	5  	William R McGinnis	b: 1901				
                           	5  	Thomas W McGinnis	b: 1903				
                    	4  	Benjamin B Lilly	b: Jan 1874				
                        		+Maud Unknown [Lilly]	b: Jun 1879		
	Father:	Mother:
                           	5  	Oscie Lilly	b: Jun 1897				
                           	5  	Grayson Lilly	b: Jan 1900				
                    	4  	William Landa Lilly	b: Jan 1875 in Raleigh Co WV	
                        		+Annie May Shanks	b: May 1877 in PA	m: 07 Mar
1895 in Raleigh Co WV		Father: Jonathan Shanks	Mother:
                           	5  	Lundy L Lilly	b: Feb 1896				
                           	5  	Virgie M Lilly	b: Mar 1898				
                           	5  	John Lilly	b: Mar 1900				
                    	4  	Evermont W Lilly	b: May 1878				
                    	4  	Ada B Lilly	b: Jul 1884				
            	3  	E Preston Lilly	b: 1837				
                		+Eliza Gore				Father: Henry Gore
	Mother: Jane Thompson
                    	4  	Nancy Lilly	b: 1858				
                        		+George Stewart Fink				Father:
                    	4  	Victoria Lilly	b: 1860				
                        		+John Lilly				Father:	Mother:
                    	4  	Mary Jane Lilly	b: 1857				
            	3  	Martin Lilly	b: 1839				
            	3  	Lucy Lilly	b: 1840				
            	3  	Russell Lilly	b: 1843				
            	3  	Isaac Lilly	b: 1844				
                		+Mary E Phillips				Father: Vincent
Phillips	Mother: Mary Ball
                    	4  	[2] Hudson P Lilly	b: 1866				
                        		+Mary E Richmond				Father:
                    		*2nd Wife of [2] Hudson P Lilly:					
                        		+Leathia Meadows				Father:
                    	4  	Elijah E Lilly	b: 1868				
                        		+Leanna Martin				Father:
            	3  	Nanner Lilly	b: 1845				
            	3  	Neman Lilly	b: 1847				
                		+Elizabeth Meadows	b: 1843			Father:
William Meadows	Mother: Maulda Phillips
                    	4  	Virginia Lilly	b: 1870				
                        		+George Marion Griffith			
	Father:	Mother:
            	3  	Joseph Lilly	b: 1848				
                		+Julia A Mann				Father: Washington Mann
	Mother: Polly Unknown [Mann]
            	3  	Leander H Lilly	b: 1851				
                		+Sarah Eliza Harvey	b: 1853			Father: Joshua
Harvey	Mother: Celia Ann Lilly
     	2  	William "Dr Bill" Lilly	b: 1815				
         		+Frances Pack				Father: Matthew Pack	Mother:
Katherine Lilly
            	3  	Rebecca Lilly	b: 1840		d: 04 Nov 1895		
            	3  	Elizabeth Lilly					
                		+John Edmund Charles Lewis Hatcher			
	Father:	Mother:
            	3  	Joseph Lilly					
                		+Mary Druzilla Akers				Father:	Mother:

Subj:	 Re: More Lilly info
Date:	97-10-20 09:42:45 EDT
From: (Eunice B. Kirkman)

Yes, I have it, however, you can go up to Brad marble's page on the network
for the crest and full documentation.  You might also invite him to your
list as he is a Turner descendant.

It is a beautifully done page and I think your subscribers would like it.
Do visit and leave him a note.

Subj:	 Re: More info on descendants of Obadiah
Date:	97-10-20 09:42:46 EDT
From: (Eunice B. Kirkman)

I received the info and thanks!

I also sent you Brad Marble's site address.  The Scottish Crest was painted
by Brad.  I sent him a sketch of it and the colors (I had no scanner then)
and he scanned and painted it.  I think he did a great job!  I've had
several requests for copies of it which I've sent out.

Thanks, Nyla for all the good stuff you've sent.  Bill Turner down in
Carolina will be ecstatic!

Folks:  Guess most everyone knows by now that Eunice is Scottish and I am
English although we descend through the same line.  (Actually, I believe
Eunice is a Turner descendant by marriage; but that's okay, too.)  So, I'm
always looking for opportunities to rib her a little--all in good spirit, of

When she sent me a file of the Scottish Turner coat of arms,  I couldn't
resist asking her if she had an English one.  <grin>   Now, I'm eager to
check out the English Turner coat of arms.   Thought I'd pass along the
address for Brad Marble's home page in case you want your own family crest.
  You will find other links there, too.

And don't forget to tell us about your home page or one that you know about
that our
group might enjoy visiting.      


The end of this compilation.