Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 00:41:20 -0500 (EST) From: To: Subject: Comp 235 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 27 Oct 1997 Hello to Everyone, A big welcome to the new folks. Be sure to check out Chris Gaunt's home page where all our compilations are located. This is compilation #235. Lots of information have been shared since our early compilations. Some of the questions asked in the early issues have been answered. Answers to questions you may have now may have already been asked and answered in later compilations. You may want to work your way backwards through the compilations. Also, consider doing a name search onLine and make a list of the compilations where that name occurs. Read those compilations first since they willl contain information on the name you have searched. Thanks to Kevin, all the compilations can be downloaded. Chris's home page: Nyla CREED DePauk San Diego CA ======================= Subj: Burnett/McDONALD Date: 97-10-26 06:54:29 EST From: (Lonnie Fin) To: (Woody Ziglo) CC:, Hi Woody, Thanks for posting the bible! I am interested in the BEGGERLY and McDONALD connections, both sidelines. Are you a descendant of the below Burnetts. The Spencer CO, K Bond gives the father of Jane MCDONALD as John McDONALD I am interest in then McDONALD family because of my HAZELRIGG connection Tinsley HAZELRIGG had a bible record also! Tinsley HAZELRIGG md Sarah Ann MCDONALD 20-aug-1854 Shelby Co,KY dau of James d 22-aug-1854 & catharine C. MCDONALD 13-feb-1863 Do you have any info on Jonathon B. BEGGERLY b 2-aug-1802 and Casender BAILEY BEGGERLY his wife b 3-Apr-1804 both born KY later moved to Clark co,in Lonnie >================ >Subj: Burnett Family >Date: 97-10-21 14:31:37 EDT >From: (Woody Ziglou) >Nyla, > Thought we would pass along information contained in a copy made >from " The Holy Bible bought by Gilbert Burnett for Five Dollars on December >8th, 1798." Gilbert Burnett was the son of George Burnett. He died in >Pittsylvania Co., Virginia in 1818. The following information was written in >the Bible: [SEE PREVIOUS COMPILATION. Nyla] >Woody Burnett >3795 Michael John Drive >Swansea, Il., 62226 >618-235-2829 > Lonnie fink InGenWeb Coordinator Floyd/Dubois Co,IN KyGenWeb Coordinator Unknown/Shelby/Pulaski Co, KY GOODMAN/SOWDER/ALDERSON/MARSEE Mail list owner ======================== Subj: Turner query Date: 97-10-26 10:53:48 EST From: (adedresse) TURNER, Henry. Searching for family and ancestors of Henry Turner, died c. 1712/13 in North Carolina? (after Virginia militia answered a call from NC over Indian attacks) Will filed in Henrico County, VA, names wife Patience, who files her own will in 1733 in Henrico Co. Henry's will names daughters Elizabeth, Mary, Joan/Jane, Hanna, and Ann; as well as son Abell. Patience's will names daughters Mary, Elizabeth (MAN), Ami (RAGSDALE), Patience (SUDBURY), and sons Abel and Jacob. A 1729 deed refers to John Turner, 'eldest son of Henry Turner, decd.' Youngest daughter Patience Turner Sudbury lives in the portion of Henrico Co. that becomes Chesterfield Co, VA. Any information on this family would be gratefully received. Jane ================== Subj: Burnett Date: 97-10-26 16:43:23 EST From: Subscribe ==================== Subj: Change of address Date: 97-10-27 05:21:10 EST From: (William Turner) Dear Nyla: I have moved from Tomball, Texas to Palacios, Texas and want to continue to receive messages from the Turner family members. Please cancel my old address >> and add my new address <>. Thanks, Bill Turner ======================= Subj: Re: Comp 234 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 97-10-27 09:03:52 EST From: I have a change of address request for you. Instead of using, please change my distribution to Thanks. Jeff Burnett =========================== Subj: Packwood-Appleby-Turner Date: 97-10-25 19:51:56 EDT From: (chris dawson) I plan to send an attachment of my Packwood- Appleby connection to the Turners to you soon. You said to send our home pages too. Mine is I hope you find time to check it out and I hope lots of Packwoods or Applebys find someone they have been searching for. = = = = Descendants of *(Shadrack ) Turner 1 *(Shadrack ) Turner Abt. 1690 - .......... 2 *Shadrack (1) Turner Abt. 1720 - Abt. 1783 ................ +*Ann (Pollard) (Hill) 1732-1745 - Aft. 1811 ..................... 3 John M Turner 1746-1750 - Aft. 1812 ........................... +Elizabeth (Betsy) Price 1758-1760 - ................................ 4 Amanda B Turner ....................................... +Lewis C Ross ................................ 4 [166] Lashores Price Turner 1785 - 1839 ....................................... +[165] Adelphia Turner 1787 - Abt. 1881 ............................................ 5 [167] Wilson Turner ............................................ 5 [168] Owen Turner .................................................. +[169] (?) Nash ............................................ 5 [170] Nancy B Turner Abt. 1807 - .................................................. +[171] William Thomasson Abt. 1805 - ....................................................... 6 [172] Jane Thomasson ............................................................. +[173] (?) Dyer ....................................................... 6 [174] Adelphia Thomasson ............................................................. +[175] Thomas Draper ....................................................... 6 [176] Wilson Owen Thomasson ............................................................. +[177] Julia Beach .................................................................. 7 [178] George Wilson Thomasson - 1907 .................................................................. 7 [179] Owen Turner Thomasson ........................................................................ +[18 0] Elizabeth Nunn .................................................................. 7 [181] Archer C Thomasson ........................................................................ +[18 2] Minnie Nunn .................................................................. 7 [1] Orin Thomasson ........................................................................ +[18 3] Martha Metz .................................................................. *2nd Wife of [1] Orin Thomasson: ........................................................................ +[18 4] Nancy Mason .................................................................. 7 [185] Frank Thomasson ........................................................................ +[18 6] Cassandra Metz .................................................................. 7 [187] Nancy E Thomasson ........................................................................ +[18 8] George F Carter .................................................................. 7 [189] Annie Thomasson .................................................................. 7 [190] Julia M Thomasson ........................................................................ +[19 1] William Craig .................................................................. 7 [192] Adelphia Jane Thomasson .................................................................. 7 [193] Elsie Fountain Thomasson ........................................................................ +[19 4] George Metz ....................................................... 6 [195] Martha Thomasson ............................................................. +[196] Benjamin Stultz ....................................................... 6 [197] Nancy Thomasson ............................................................. +[198] Joseph Hardy ....................................................... 6 [199] Alked Thomasson ............................................................. +[200] Elizabeth Brown ....................................................... 6 [201] Elvira Thomasson ....................................................... 6 [202] Emma Thomasson ............................................................. +[203] Joseph Nunn ............................................ 5 [204] Jane Turner 1814 - .................................................. +[205] William Dyer 1810 - ............................................ 5 [206] Adelphia Turner 1812 - .................................................. +[207] Thomas Draper Abt. 1805 - The remainder of this outline will be continued in Comp #236. =============================== The end of this compilation