Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 08:42:53 -0500 (EST) From: To: Subject: Comp #238 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 29 Oct 1997 Greetings to Everyone, We currently have 185 different people on our mailing list. The total number responding to our poll thusfar is 45. So, we have about 25% of the total group responding to date. We have a good mix of male and females and most of us are in the 30-50 or 50+ categories, not surprising at all. I have discovered that a person's screen name cannot be used to determine someone's sex. Right now, I have all the info in a spreadsheet which I can sort to get numbers of various categories. And once all the responses are in, I'll share that with you. The occupations definitely reflect this is the 90's. We have a couple homemakers and housewives, and we have a domestic engineer and a family maintenance engineer. Most everyone considers themselves amateur genealogists or a few steps below an amateur although some have been doing this for many years. We have one practicing genealogist. No one has admitted to being a professional genealogist yet. Everyone has given me an age category (except David). But I added that peice after I received his request. Hopefully, he will agree to provide the age range. Several people have provided interesting information about themselves, which I am including in this compilation. I have cut some of the info provided (age, occupation, sex, and status) and added <snip>. I just want to make certain I don't break my own rules for this poll. Don't want to have either a name or screen name to tie back to the data. If you haven't already sent me the info requested in Comp #237, please send it to me no later than Monday. Thanks so much for your cooperation to humor David. <smile> Nyla CREED DePauk ===================== Subj: Upcoming Changes to Website Date: 97-10-28 10:38:33 EST From: (Kevin K. Stephenson) Nyla-- I am making some changes to my website later this week, some of which will effect the Burnett/Turner/Via/Ross Dowload site. 1. I am going to expand and add more photos to the Burnett Photo pages, so if anyone has anything to contribute, please send it to me. 2. I am going to convert the zipped compilation files so that they are self-extracting...that is, you will not have to download and install a utility such as WinZip or PKZip to view them. They will extract themselves to a directory of your choosing after you have downloaded the file. All you will have to do is double-click the icon, and they'll ask where you want them, and set themselves up! This should help with those of us who are 'technologically challenged' <<<<grin>>>>>. If anyone has any comments or suggestions on how to improve the site for our families, please let me know! Kevin K. Stephenson 1600 Kentucky St. #2 Lawrence, KS 66044 (785)865-1586 e-mail: website: ====================== Kevin, Thanks for all your work on our behalf. Nyla ====================== Date: 97-10-28 03:50:20 EST From: (Penny Rodighiero) Reply-to: <snip> Thanks Nyla for being a good sport and doing all of the things you do for the group. David has in someway touched all of us. Thank you David. Penny ========================= Subj: cousin information Date: 97-10-29 03:02:44 EST From: (P. Light) Hello Nyla, It will be interesting to find out more about our cousins. <snip> Peggy ======================== Subj: Humor David Poll : ) Date: 97-10-28 22:25:22 EST From: VA TRAPPER Hi Nyla, You don't have to omit my name unless you want to. Here's my information: Cindy Driscoll, Roanoke, Virginia <snip> Lines currently researching: Austin - Baker - Bowles - Brooks - Chitwood - Cole - Crawford - Deal - Driscoll - Drummond - Elmore - Falls - Hall - Helms - Hoy - Huffman - Hughes - Hunter - Jones (2 different lines) - Jordan - Key - Lam - Larimer - Ledgerwood - Leffel(l) - Lester - Martin - McClure - McVey -Otey - Perkins - Persinger - Prillaman - Rock - Sherwood - Sledd - Stanley - Sublett (Soblet) - Tingler - Turner - Widner - Willis - Wright Areas of research: Alleghany, Botetourt, Craig, Franklin, Giles ======================= Subj: My Response to the "who are we" note Date: 97-10-28 20:15:18 EST From: (TERRI x2759) First, I don't care if you print my name &/or email address with my info (I started adding in my maiden name with my married name a few years back & have made several genealogical connections as a result). So, here goes: My name is Terri Hardiman-Black. <snip> My "spousal equivalent" & I have 5 kids between us, both are 'rooters' when we have the time. We're in the process of renovating an old Victorian house west of Boston & we raise & show English Bull Terriers (I also do 'doggy rooting'...I've traced my dog's pedigree back to the first bull terriers in England--is genealogy considered an obsessive compulsive habit? <giggle>). I'm still dead-ended on my gg grandfather Hardin TURNER, but I love reading all the compilations!! Terri Hardiman-Black ======================= Subj: "Humor David" Date: 97-10-28 15:46:04 EST From: JaniceBT Janicebt---otherwise known as Janice Butler Turner--<snip>--compiler of genealogical data books on Wilkes/Lincoln/Elbert Counties in GA and owe a lot to David and Nyla. ================ Subj: Humor Nyla and David week! Date: 97-10-28 13:41:16 EST From: HarrisSEM Hi! I have been having such fun finding out new stuff (some of it is even about MY family for a change!) I will probably submit it to the group at some point in time, but it's not ready yet. One thing that I learned is that my husband's family and mine intersected over 250 years ago in Virginia!! A member of his family married a member of mine. I think that that is so neat! I thought that it would also be fun to know what state everybody lives in, so I am adding that too. <snip> Virginia Sherry ======================= Sherry: Thanks for telling us where you live. Wish I had asked folks to tell me where the live, also. If I survive this poll, maybe we could have another one in the future. Looking forward to receiving any info you care to share. Folks: If you want another poll, let me know what you type info you'd like to see. I'd like to see a list of eMail addressess with a list of who/where we're searching. What would you like? Nyla ===================== Subj: Re: Humor David Date: 97-10-28 12:25:00 EST From: (joerob) To: Just checking in! This is Rhonda Fleming Smith and don't tell anybody but I just turned <age snipped> this year!! I have been doing research on my family since 1971 and I guess you could put me in the <snip> list. I use to be a <occupation snipped> but I started working on genealogy full time in 1990 and now I do help other people with their research. I have books almost ready for publishing on my family lines from South Alabama. My husband's line is the Via/Burnett from Virginia and I have only been working these lines for the last few years. What else would you want to know? I love to correspond with any and all who are interested in "rattling skeletons" as my son puts it!! Rhonda Fleming Smith 814 South Gay Ave. Callaway, FL 32404-8220 850-874-1380 850-653-3569 ====================== Rhoda: I "snipped" the info for the poll. Want to make certain I don't break any of my own rules. <smile> Nyla ======================= Subj: Humor Nyla and David Week Date: 97-10-28 10:47:50 EST Reply-to: Well lets see. I'm <snipped age> and and retired from many <work related info snipped> ventures. Lately I have been dabbling in the Antique and Collectable areas. Dabble in this genealogy in search of my mother (a Pedigo). It is an addictive hobby and I like it. This is a big country and there are a lot of very nice people out there. I don't consider myself a genealogist just a compiler of everybody elses hard work. There are a lot of Pedigo descendants that have done research but most don't know about the others. So I put them all together in one pot so to say. Looking for one person is an impossible task, but if I can try to track them all down my mother may pop up. I am also looking for a wife interested in Genealogy with a large reference library. If interested please send picture of reference library. -- Thomas F. O'Connell 1241 California Road Eastchester NY 10709-1016 E-Mail; Home Page; ====================== Tom: I think I must have woke up my neighbors when I was reading that last part. I really had a good healthy laugh. Our list is about finding our roots and ancestors and cousins. Guess we could expand this to another level==new relatives. ======================= Folks: I just got another message from Tom. I thought I'd pass along this part of it should anyone be interested. "If anyone sends me a library I won't accept it. <GGG>" ====================== Subj: Member Information Date: 97-10-28 10:24:49 EST From: MKelley345 Hi Nyla, <snip> Searching unsuccessfully (so far) For a connection to my Lewis Burnett. Margaret Kelley, Tulsa, OK ======================= Margaret: Tells us again about Lewis Burnett. Where was he from? Etc? Nyla ======================== Subj: Profession/Status Date: 97-10-28 10:22:13 EST From: Reply-to: <snip> Nyla, thanks for all your efforts with this Genealogy page. Even though I haven't gotten any hits from it yet, I expect to. Johnny Turner, Macon, Georgia ======================== Johnny, Tell us again who you're looking for. Nyla ======================== From: CarBurCo For David's Poll: <snip> Al/Tn/VA/SC/FL/DE ======================= Subj: Humour Nyla Date: 97-10-28 09:30:14 EST From: Ffjerry048 To: NCreed1 My name is Jerry Smith, I live near Charleston West Virginia ( 2 miles) . I am a <occupation snipped> and <genealogy status snipped> because I love it. Married 19 years going on forever. Hope thats enough information. You can post any or all of it. P. S. related thru the Atha line and a Turner line I haven't connected YET. ==================== Folks: Jerry and I are related through the Atha family. Anyone have info on Turners from around Greenbrier Co (VA) WV or Monroe Co (VA) WV? ==================== Subj: Re: Comp 237 - SURVEY Date: 97-10-28 09:03:53 EST From: HRDgaryt Dear Nyla, My humor David response is: <snip> Working on Turner great-grandparents in Andrew County, MO. <snip> Thanks, Gary ==================== Subj: Re: Comp 237 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 97-10-28 07:16:55 EST From: Mrp35 Nyla, I don't mind if you use all of my information. Maybe I'll get lucky and somebody other than the folks at the post office will recognize me. Marcie Phillips <snip> ====================== Subj: Humor David Date: 97-10-28 00:57:48 EST From: VFTurner2 I am a <info snipped>. All kidding aside, I enjoy the compilations. I will have a post about James Turner, the famous Presbyterian Minister, within a about a week. Vern Turner ======================== Vern: Will be looking for the new info. Nyla ========================= The end of this compilation.