Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 01:47:43 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Comp 239 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

30 Oct 1997

Greetings to Everyone,

More responses to our poll.  If  I <snipped> anything from your eMail that you
would like the group to know, will you please send it to me again after the

Thanks to Everyone who has responded.   We have 60 responses thusfar.  Be sure
to send me your response SOON.   Monday is the deadline.  


Subj:	 Poll Information
Date:	97-10-30 18:02:51 EST
From: (Eunice B. Kirkman)

Nyla, you can post this to the list.

I am a <age snipped> retired <occupation snipped>.  I began researching my
family some years ago after finding an obit that my grandfather, Abram F. 
Robertson, had written in 189? for his father who had been trapped and
burned to death while fighting a forest fire.  At the end of this page he
had written words to this effect, "It is my hope and my prayer that one of
my descendants will keep a record of the family and that my parents will
not be forgotten." 

I had no idea where to start, but I knew that I had to.  Mr. O.E. Pilson of
Ridgeway, VA helped me with information, and told me how to go about finding
more.  I'd never have gotten to first base if he had not helped me.

During this research it was clear that many of these old family names should
be preserved if Patrick County was to keep her history and so I began to
collect information of surnames other than those of my own family.  I began
also to extract records for microfilm and organize them with indexes so that
they could be easily searched.  Only one of these have been published,
Marriage Records of Patrick County, 1875-1900.  Copies of the 1870 census
records are in local Libraries, and I am in the process of extracting the
1880 census records.

Let me make this clear, I am not a professional Genealogist, I do not do
researches,  What I do is purely volunteer work.  I do not guarantee my
data.  Much of it is family material donated to me so that "my family will
be included."  If I send out a printed hard copy, I charge for paper and
mailing costs.
But that is clearly understood before it is sent.

Eunice B. Kirkman --------
   -=| Virginia - The cradle of the nation |=-

Eunice:  A lot of us owe a big thanks to Mr. O. E. Pilson.  He was very
helpful and encouraging to me when I first got interested in genealogy.  Nyla

Subj:	 RE: Survey
Date:	97-10-30 13:54:39 EST
From: (David Conner)

BTW. I want thank you, David, and everyone else who has
been contributing to the compilations.

I'll add some more info about myself. I've been married for 3
years and we have been blessed with 2 beautiful daughters.
I was born, raised, and still live in NC. My father was raised
in Patrick Co., VA. I am directly descended from BELCHER,
AKERS, HOUCHINS, PILSON, VIA, etc. in Patrick County.

Again thanks to what you have been doing over the past
couple of years. I am a "charter" member of your list :)

Have a great day
David Conner
Huntersville, NC

David:  Did you ever think we would grow to 185 members?  We're
approaching our second anniversary.  I believe the first compilation was
on Christmas Eve 1995 although the "charter" group had been exchanging
information for several months prior to that time.  Seems like only
yesterday.  Thanks for sticking with us.  Nyla P.S.  I am also a Belcher

Subj:	Re: Comp #238 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-10-30 13:21:23 EST
From:	Abinadab

Hi Nyla,
     I must have missed something somewhere, but I kind of catch the
drift.  Publish anything you want about me. Name: Jim Albanese Age:
<snipped> Loc: Coastal Calif. Occupation: <snipped info>. 
     I am  a TURNER by birth but was adopted at the age of 9. That's why this
Anglo-Okie Southern Baptist boy has an Italian surname. Spent most of my early
life in foster homes, never knew anything about my background other than my
birth name.
     Genealogy has been a liberating, fulfilling experience for me. I love my
adopted parents dearly and out of respect for them didn't begin my research
until after both had passed on. 
      What I've learned about my forebears has given my life a context, an
anchor. I'm now much more confident in all phases of my life, including on the
job where I have a
supervisory role. It has made me a more effective manager.
       I don't regret being adopted; it made possible the life I now enjoy. I
only wish I had had this sense of my place in the world at a much earlier age.
       Here are the names on the paternal side I am researching (maternal
side came together very, very quickly): TURNER (Ark.), NICELY (Ark.,
Tenn.) DUNN (Ark., Tenn.), ANDERSON (Tenn.), HURST (Tenn, Va.?) and NORRIS
(Tenn., N.C.) 
        I haven't made connections with Shadrack, Meshack or Abednego yet,
but I'm working my way farther east and farther back in time every day.
I'll stick with the list until that day contact is made. 
         Regards to all,

Dear Nyla,

For your survey:

Researching for almost 1 year,  back to the 1300's on one side.
<occupation snipped> in  So. California

And still looking for the parents of Anderson VIA.

Sandy Spradling

Subj:	 Humor
Date:	97-10-30 11:14:06 EST
From: (Penny Rodighiero)

Hi Nyla, 
I just recieved Comp#238 and haven't laughed so hard in a long time.
I'll bet everyone would like to see a poll taken every so often. BTW if
you still need what states I'm in OR but the Turner names were in VA,
GA, TX, OK, CA.   Thanks for the laughs and research you help with.

Penny:  Is this fun!   Nyla

Subj:	Poll
Date:	97-10-30 10:13:57 EST
From:	Jlmaupin

My name is Judy Maupin Pons.  I am <snip> years old and live in Salem,
Oregon.  (No..I'm not old enough to have come here by wagon train).  I am
researching the VIA family and possibly the BURNETT line. 


Subj:	Re: Comp #238 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-10-30 21:51:43 EST
From:	McBee49

Nyla, I am a <snipped> genealogist but I didn't want to list myself as that.
I have written 40 books already.  I teach genealogy classes at our local
library as part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I also
volunteer my time at the library and offer my services to anyone who is
researching in the North Carolina Room for free.  If they need information
outside of the library that I have to look up or travel for, I charge them a
nominal fee.  The library recommends me to everyone who needs professional
help.  I have really enjoyed the last 35 years of research that I have done
into the many families I have researched.  Danny.

Subj:	 Survey
Date:	97-10-30 21:44:05 EST
From: (Rita Halpin)

I'm a <snipped occupation>, <snipped> genealogist,  <snipped age> female from
Metuchen NJ. 

I'm hoping to find the rest of the children of Edmund Turner and Jenie Dodson
of Sumner County, TN. Thanks for all you do for all of us.  Rita Halpin

Subj:	 Re: Comp 237 - personal info
Date:	97-10-30 21:33:12 EST
From: (Charles Dorian)


I am a <sorry I had to snip that>.  Attended international meetings in Europe
as member of US State Dept. delegation for 20 years. Other hobby is amateur

Am <snipped> genealogist - for 30 years - currently President of Eastside
Genealogical  Society of Bellevue, WA - 410 members.  Have been President of
PAF Users Group In Washington, DC - knowledgeable about computers.

Age 76 - still healthy - will teach some seniors this afternoon about the
Internet - hands on with computers.

Still chasing the Burnett family of TN and earlier locations.

Many thanks for all your help and work in setting up your site of Burnett,
Turner, etc. A great job.

Use the info as you wish.

Best wishes, Charles Dorian

Charles:  I believe that was the same PAF Users Group that I belonged to about
1983 or so.  Used PAF on CPM.   Am I dating myself?   Did this group meet at
Fairfax H.S.?  Nyla  

Subj:	Humor David
Date:	97-10-30 19:36:50 EST
From:	MartieLee

<snip><snip>  If my job didn't interfer with my social life so much, I'd
devote more time to genealogy!   LOVE IT!

<age>  Female (That looks SOOooo old.  I'm "only" <snip??>.  <grin>)


This is a great idea; it will be interesting to see the results of your poll. 

Nyla, I'd like to take this time to thank you for taking care of the
mailing list.  You are really appreciated by all of us! 

Marlene Lawley

Marlene:  This is the greatest bunch of people.  I appreciate all of you
for your contributions and support. 

Subj:	Re: Comp #238 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-10-30 17:57:19 EST
From:	Missus B

Nyla, apparently I have somehow deleted Comp 237!!  However, I'd like to
participate in the survey.  I'm not sure what you want (or what David wants!)
but I've inferred a few things from what I've read!  

I'm <snipped age> -- my husband and I are both involved in genealogy,
strictly as <snipped>. I'm a <snipped> and my husband is a pharmacist. 
Although we live in NE Kansas, most of our research has been along the
migration routes:  Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, West
Virginia, Iowa.  As well as TURNERS, we are researching Albins, Bales,
Barnett, Baughman, Brown, Crow, Conkle (Kunkle), Daughettee, Elliott,
Huggins, Harriot, Keithline, McBride, Marshall, Neighbor, Crabtree,
Pickup, Passmore, Clark, Taughinbaugh, Rogers, Voyles, Whittinghill,
Zwackhammer, Myers, Shick, MacIntyre, Leas -- I'm sure there are others,
but I'm doing this part from memory!! 

Pam Baughman, Lawrence, Kansas

Subj:	 Re: Comp #238 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-10-30 14:01:56 EST
From: (portiaw)

Hi Nyla,  Sorry this response is late, caught a bug on airlines on way back
from Wales.  I am a <occupation and age snipped>, <snip> in Italy for a year
before retiring back to states, and am now trying to put together the
Burnett family tree, with the kind help of June Bork; and one of these days
I hope to make a connection with one of my Burnett "cousins."  My husband
is a retired criminal investigator with State of California Franchise Tax
Bureau, and currently delivers "Meals on Wheels" to homebound "Seniors." 
He has become quite interested in my genealogical efforts, so plans to
begin on his family tree soon.  We have a Chinese pug (Portia), and
planning on acquiring another one from "Pug Rescue", this weekend.  We both
enjoy cooking, and consider ourselves "amatuer gourmet cooks."   I have one
daughter and 4 grandchildren and, I am trying to put the "Family Tree"
together for them. I will send some pictures of my Burnett family, and
perhaps after a connection with a "cousin", they will share some pictures
with our family.   TTFN    Jeane Burnett Walsh 

Subj:	 Re: Comp 237 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-10-30 11:38:30 EST
From: (Digger)

Hi Nyla,

<snipped all the poll data>   (yes, I eat, breath, and sleep this stuff)!  lol

Karen Hogue McClaran  "Digger" <>
McClaran Tree Climbers Genealogy Services  ^�
~~Fulbright Family Association Home page~~

--------------------|      ...and the Fulbrights' came  
---------------=X=|)___)   across the sea making their 
---------------)__) )___) )   home in the new land 
--------------)___) )____))_)   called Pennsylvania.....
------------ )____)_____))__)\
----------- )__|____/|___|___-\\---
---^^^^^^~~~\ oo oo oo oo /~~^^^^^^
--------~^^^^ ~~~~^^~~~~^^~~^^~~~~~^^~~
-----------~~^^ ~^^~ ~^~ ~^~~~~^^^~^~^~^~~^~^~
"Life is not trying, it is merely surviving, 
if you are standing outside the fire." 
~Garth Brooks~

Subj:	 Survey Says....
Date:	97-10-30 11:35:22 EST
From: (Allen Richmond)

Howdy all:
<snip> <snip>
Sure am glad to get that hour back that the Gov't took from us in April...

Happy Hunting!
Cousin Allen

Allen:  Your eMail was very interesting.  I think I destroyed it by
snipping it.  After the poll is over, can you send me another one.  I
won't snip it, promise.  Thanks.  Nyla

Subj:	Ruth Mayo
Date:	97-10-30 10:14:50 EST
From: (Jerry Baker)

Hello Steven

I just got this out of the Compilations.  Could someone tell me more.
I have Mayos in my Family of Burnetts from Knox Co. Kentucky

Subj:     Re: BURNETT - VIA - TURNER
Date:     95-12-08 20:16:23 EST
From: (steven hauck)

For the BURNETTs, I have Jeremiah BURNETT (no dates, etc.) who
was apparently the father of Obidiah BURNETT (no dates, etc.),
who married Ruth MAYO (no dates, etc.).

Thanks for the post.

Steve Hauck
Duluth, MN
Jerry D. Baker
Southeastern Kentucky Scottish Society

Subj:	Re: Comp #238 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-10-30 09:24:44 EST
From:	BekahAnn

Dear Nyla,

I started my family chart (direct ancestors mostly) when I was in my early
twenties.  I did  not do much more with it until my mother died in 1991.  Then
I realized that my best family resource was gone.  I then started looking into
my husband line and we discovered he had a half sister (they have met and are
great friends).  I was hooked.  Since then I have been searching for all
skeletons; the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I joined the group in search of
my elusive 2nd Great-grandfather, Wilber Turner (m. Mae Stone).  They had my
grandmother, Nellie Mae Turner in 1891/2 in Winfrede, Kanawha Co., WV.  So far
I have not found him, but I refuse to quit the group or the search.  I should
also be noted that my husband's Sheltons married into the Creeds, Davis',
Haymores, and Pilsons of Surry Co. NC and Henry Co., VA.  Maybe I find some
info on both our lines through the group.

I am <age> years old and holding, my husband is <snip>.  We are definately
amateurs at this.  My husband is a service manager for a international pest
control company.  I work <snip> just to support my genealogy addiction.  

Thanks for the group,   
Rebekah Shelton
Clarksville, TN

Rebekah:  I'm curious about your CREED info.  My ancestors were from Surry Co
NC, also.  Nyla

Subj:	 Re: Comp #238 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-10-30 09:22:01 EST
From:	sheldoe7@Ra.MsState.Edu (Aubrey W. Shelton)

Hi, Nyla. I am a retired <snip> and my husband is a retired college
professor. I am <status snipped>.  My lines include Arrington,
Barnett, Burnett, Durant, McDonald, Taylor, Wallis,  Ward and Wood. I am
<age> and my husband is <age>. We went to the Scottish Games in NC last summer
and my family carried the Burnett flags, wore the Burnett tartans, etc. 
I really enjoy genealogy more than any other thing I do. We have one
daughter and two granddaughters. Plan to go to Scotland someday and of
course will want to go to Crathes Castle. Keep up your good work on the
net.   Mary Shelton

Subj:	 Survey
Date:	97-10-30 09:16:45 EST
From: (David Conner)

Here are my survey answers.  <snip>
I'm a Patrick Co. VA Ingram descendant.
David Conner

The end of this compilation.