Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 19:02:10 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Comp #240 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

31 Oct 1997

Hello to Everyone,

The responses to our poll are still coming in.  We have 69 responses, which
means we're approxmiately one-third of the way to 100%.   Does that mean only
one-third of the people on our mailing list read our compilations?  The
responses usually include additional information, which I've been passing
along.  I find we have some very busy cousins.  When do you ever find time to
work on your genealogy?

Just want to thank everyone for their responses.  A big thanks to Chris Gaunt
who keeps all our compilations on her home page.  If you haven't checked out
all the compilations, here's the address:

Subj:	 Burnetts
Date:	97-10-31 02:44:06 EST
From: (Sharon Crawford)

Hi Nyla

With all the snipping going on, I am not sure what to write and what to
snip<G>. I was born and raised in Oklahoma. My Burnetts came to Oklahoma
in 1883, and settled in Pontotoc Co.OK. I enjoy reading the old Oklahoma
newspapers and collect articles which I add to my web page. 

My husband is not interested in genealogy, the only way I could get him
near a cemetery is to tell him there was a golf course there. I have two
children and four grandchildren.

I always look forward and enjoy the newsletters, Thanks.

Sharon Crawford
Garvin Co. OKGenWeb
Burnett Page
Wright Page

Subj:	 Survey
Date:	97-10-31 06:54:49 EST
From: (Woody Ziglou)

        We had company and are just getting to this.  Our genealogy is a
joint effort.  I am <snipped age and occupation>. Rea is a
<snipped occupation and age>.  We have been working on genealogy
for about 6 years. It began when a cousin handed me a copy of the bible
records that I have sent in.  We consider ourselves <status>. Currently, we
are working on Burnett, Cunningham, Mahoney, Chadwell, Coleman, Yeager,
Underwood, Powell, Scott, McIntosh, Dodson, Smith, Blair, Edwards, Otterson,
Pile, Helm, Ray, and O'Bannon. 

Subj:	 Humor David
Date:	97-10-31 06:18:22 EST
From: (Yvonne Bice)

I am a new member to the mailing list, and so I don't know David, but 
will be happy to humor him.  <grin>

I live in Florida, but retired from teaching in Michigan.

I haven't send any information to the mailing list yet.  I am working on 
a Turner line from Bell County, Kentucky.  I will be submitting more 
information at a later time.  Even though I haven't seen anyone on the 
mailing list working on my line, I thoroughly enjoy  your mailing list.  
Thank you for your efforts. 

Yvonne Turner Bice 

Yvonne:  Send us information on your line.  Surely, someone can help you
with your Bell Co KY search. 

Subj:	Survey Info
Date:	97-10-31 06:08:40 EST
From: (Karen Moore)

Hi Nyla,

I don't care if you post my name etc. either. I'm a <snipped sex and age>
range.   I'm, by choice,  <occupation>,  hold several other jobs as well but
technically, am not gainfully employed. Two children and husband keep me very
busy. And if that weren't enough, for the past eleven years we've shown
dalmatians in conformation, obedience and agility events.  I do lots of
public education and rescue work for dalmatians (have a housefull) and hold
officer positions in a couple of dog clubs.  I also do volunteer work with
numerous school activities.  I'm <status>, have been doing this for only
about a month.  I'm hooked, nobody told me it was addictive!  Lines I'm
researching are:


This list is really great!  Thanks for taking the time and effort!

Karen Moore

Karen:  If you're hooked already, I can only guess what your condition
will be like in another six months.  Nyla

Date:	97-10-31 04:04:59 EST
From: (waddie)

Hi Nyla and cuzins,

Here's the info for the poll on me.  <snipped all the facts>.  I'm
considered a <snipped status> as I do this almost everyday now.  Born
and raised right here in Lynchburg, Virginia.  No children.  Doing
genealogy research for 16 years now.  Researching Salmon, Burnett, Mason,
Carwile, Hudson and Sowell.  I too as a lot of us do, decend from John
Burnet of Aberdeen, Scotland.

I want to add that yesterday I found ANOTHER Burnett cuzin.  His home
page along with 16 others is listed under Burnett on my website.

Take care,

Subj:	 Who we are
Date:	97-10-31 03:54:29 EST
From: (Jonathan Parker)

	I've been so busy that I never got around to welcoming you to San
Diego. I hope you like living here as much as I do. 
	I am descended from the earliest Turner family to come to San
Diego. They arrived here in June 1869 on board the side-wheel steamer
Orizaba, moving their stable, stock and livery from San Francisco, where
they had been since 1852.
	I have not yet been able to tie into any of the Turner lines from
Tennessee, where they came from at the time of the 1849 gold rush. I will
repost my information sometime soon (I think it was last posted here
'round about compilation #30 or so), and see if any of the newer readers
recognize my line. 
	I am <age and occupation snipped>, and occasionally find a moment
or two free to research my roots. I especially enjoy sharing my findings
with my father, who has a great deal of pride in his family, but knew
nothing about them beyond his grandparents until I started my research. I
have been at it off and on since I was 12. 
	Thanks for your efforts, and for those of David and Kevin. I
really appreciate what you do. I read every compilation. I'll find my line
here some day, I'm sure. 
	And a note to Kevin: Will your self-extracting archive files still
be readable to the Mac users among us? You might want to test this out
before you convert the archive.

Jonathan Parker
7:07 AM, Thu, Oct 30, 1997

Jonathan:  Thanks for the Welcome.  I certainly do like San Diego.   Can't
wait to see what the weather is like in January and February.  I never
thought I'd live where no one talks about the weather.  What can you say when
it is always nice?   

In your search of Turners in San Diego, have you come across a John Roscoe
Turner?  He's a son of Captain William Turner.  John Roscoe and my
grandmother were first cousins.  John was President of West Virginia
University in the 1930's, I believe.  

Glad you read our compilations.  We'll be watching for your information to


Subj:	 John H. Turner
Date:	97-10-31 03:36:16 EST

Nyla, Everyone has been so nice to offer help when I have asked for it. 
I am looking to connect John H. Turner b: 1827, S.C., wife, Almetta (?)
b: 1833, S.C. to his parents.  His eldest son John Elliot b: 1854 in
S.C. is my ggrandfather.  His siblings are: Mary L. b: 1856, Charles L.
b: 1858, Emma b: 1862 and William b: 1864.  I have located John H. on
the 1860 US Census in Barnwell, SC and again in 1870 in Edgefield, SC. 
John Elliot is on the 1880 US Census in Warren County, GA.

Thanks again for your help.  I would just bet that you are a fine
person.  Cordially, Johnny Turner

Johnny:  Thank you for that nice complement.  My grandmother always said,
"The Turners are fine people."  I think this group is a fine bunch of
people.  We just love helping folks.  Nyla

The end of this compilation.