Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 19:07:37 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Comp 241 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

31 Oct 1997

Hello to Everyone:

More interesting eMails.  Be sure to send your survey info to me soon.  All
we need is:
	Gender (Male or Female)
	Age Group (under 30) (30-50) (50+)
	Status in Genealogy:   Amatuer Genealogist, Professional Genealogist, or
	whatever best describes you.  

So far, 73 folks have responded.  Let's have a response from everyone,
please.  As you know, we're only doing this to humor David.  

Nyla CREED DePauk

Subj:	Re: Your Poll
Date:	97-10-31 08:58:39 EST
From:	StevePipit

In a message dated 97-10-31 08:58:39 EST, you write:

<snip> I think your crew has been doing a great job on the Patrick County
Rosses. However, my Ross families were from further north (Yankee
Virginians?) around Botetourt, Montgomery, Wythe, and Campbell Counties in
the 1750s through 1840.  With this in mind, here are some suggestions: 
      (1) Add questions in another poll, then issue a roster about each
member's dead-ends, asking them to give the dead-end person's given name and
surname, approximate birthdate, and place of birth (by county if possible).
 This will make it easier for folks who know their family never was
fortunate enough to stray south to the Elysian Fields of Patrick County or
thereabouts, to avoid spending significant time reading through notices
not pertaining to them -- and if they get a hit, they can directly contact
the person with the related name. 

[A roster is definitely a good idea.  Nyla]

      (2)  In each of your relayed messages, put names, places, and dates of
the earliest reported person in each message either in the title of the
message or, if the info won't fit there, in the first couple of lines of each
message.  That way people with no connections to that particular group won't
have to wade through the stuff that doesn't pertain to them. That is, at the
start of each message you could say something simple like:  "Number 298:
 Contents includes surnames Aardvaard, Ross, Zinnia, and Xenon in VA counties
of Botetourt, Gray, Patrick, and Campbell." 

[That's a good idea.  Unfortunately, my staff of one can't handle much more
workload.  I have another full-time job where I spend 9 hours or more a day
to support this "hobby".   Nyla]

      (3)  Considering my batting average so far (zero), I'm not too
anxious to wade through the 238 past transmittals (say 500 pages?) in the
hope of finding someone who has Rosses in the Botetourt/Wythe/Campbell
triangular area in the 1750s to 1780s.  The "Search and find" technique
would turn up lots of Rosses, I'm sure, but maybe none in the counties I'm
interested in.  Is there any kind of index to all those past compilations? 

[Have you thought about just doing a search for the counties where your
ancestors lived?    No, we don't have an index.  This is a volunteer effort ,
and no one has volunteered to undertake that project.   Unfortunately, our
budget doesn't allow us to hire someone.  <grin>  Nyla]

[Looking forward to hearing more about your ancestors.  Have you had a chance
to tell us about your Ross family?    Unfortuantely, I can't remember
everyone's lines  Nyla]

Thanks for considering these ideas.  Steve  >>

Subj:	Humer David
Date:	97-10-31 09:08:21 EST
From:	Sharaim

	This is late but just to humer David , you may find this funny. I
really think David and myself went to school together (William Byrd) altho
I think he was in the same grade (as my older sister) maybe graduated the
same year ! It's odd, never in a million years (if its the same David )
would I have though we were kin . I just joined the group ( glad I did,
its been great) when I was just at a lost looking for my ggrandmother on
the Deal side, I though what does the Turners have on the web. Well to my
surprise a LOT. 
	I stayed with my grandmother Susie (Turner ) Law in the summer.
Good ol Patrick County red clay dirt, working in tobacco to earn money for
school. As my mom died when I was only three years of age leaving behind 4
other children besides my self. As most of the family members may or not
want to admit , our family members were really good at making whisky, and
yes I have worked doing that also. 
	 Does anyone know that the still that was given to our great museum in
Richmond was in deed one of the family stills.( just a little bit of info.)
 So from this red clay country girl just learning to work the computer and
finding out more than I ever thought, you are doing a Great JOB Nyla and
so is David. Thanks for letting me join and a big hello to all my family. 

Sharon:  Welcome to the group.  Thanks for sharing that interesting
information on your family.  Nyla

Subj:	Re: Comp 239 
Date:	97-10-31 16:08:18 EST
From:	Walking Ed
To:	NCreed1


I sent my information in once a few days ago but didn't think to state
that I live in Greenboro, NC and I am a Francis Turner/ Nancy Thomas


Subj:	Re: Comp 238 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-10-31 15:31:45 EST
From: (The Kupers)
To: (NCreed1)

I subcribed about a month ago and now I have no idea what is going on. I do
not know just what the compilations are or how to add to them. In other
words, I am totally in the dark. Although I belong to the Hodges rootsweb,
I'm finding this totally different. HELP!

Barb Kuper

Wow!  I can see why you find this list totally different.  Let me do a quick
"bring you up to date" explanation.

The original group (ten or so, I can't recall the exact number) has been
together "officially" for almost two years (will be on Christmas Eve);
however, some of us exchanged info long before that.  I asked the original
group back in November 1995 to send me info on their family and I would
compile it all and send it to others on the list.  My thought at that time
was one mailing with maybe another one in a few weeks.  It didn't work
like that.  Chris Gaunt volunteered to put the compilations on her home
page.  Then more people heard about our list and have joined us in the
mean time.  Folks just share and share info about their line or other
lines that fall into the 4 major families as well as other families
(Etc/Etc).  However, the original group was mainly researching
Burnett-Turner-Ross and other families in the Southwestern part of
Virginia.  As the list grew, the locations have expanded, from VA to CA
and every place in between. 

Kevin zipped all our compilations so folks can download them.  Chris still
has the compilations available on her home page.  David updates his
database and periodically shares info on how the new info fits into the
big picture. 

We've been busy exchanging info about ancestors and cousins and
great-aunts and great-uncles.  David asked us to send/share info about
ourselves (and I asked for a couple items, too) so we can get to an idea
as to the makeup of our audience.  So, that's the reason for the poll
which started last Monday.  It ends this Monday unless the responses are
still coming in.  This morning I had 69 and I see several more in today's

If you're looking for any of the names that we share infor you're at the
right spot.  For the poll, however, we'd just like to know if you're male or
female, age category (under 30), (30-50), or (50+).  Then tell your us
occupation and how you classify yourself as a genealogist (amature,
professional, or any other category that best describes you).  When I get all
the responses, I'll send them to everyone on the list.  I am not including
names or screen names in the survey report.  

All the compilations can are on Chris Gaunt's home page:  


They can be searched on line and downloaded.

Any info on your Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc family will be greatly
appreciated.  I cut and paste all the eMails I get and send them to the folks
on our mailing list (now 185).   There is no particular format that we use.
 I accept an outline, narrative, or family group sheet--just needs to be in
an eMail or an attachment that I can cut and paste.

Welcome to the group.  I think you will find the folks here helpful and

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	 Survey info
Date:	97-10-31 11:19:57 EST
From: (Sharon)


First of all, thank you soooooo much for your efforts in putting the
newsletter together.  Maybe we ought to do a poll and let everyone
respond and list a relative they have found because of it........

<snipped age, current and past occupations> as well as wife
and mother of three sons.  

Genealogy is a recent passion with me, as I have only been doing it for
about a year and a half.  A friend got me interested and, as I began
researching my John Turner line, it seemed that everyone, except MY
folks, descended from Terisha or Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednigo.  So it
has been a real challenge trying to find "my" John Turner.  Still don't
have anything definite, but am still following every lead and hoping.

But the fact that it seems no one has researched my line is the driving
force behind my passion.  I feel that if I can find the ancestors, then
the importance of their lives becomes evident and real.   They weren't
large landowners, professional people, didn't leave wills, etc. (and,
therefore, easier to track) but were coal miners, railroad workers,
cannery employees.  And lived in the mountains and small towns of
Arkansas.  I'm not sure the census takers could even find all of them! 

I appreciate your help, Nyla, as well as the help of all of the people
on this list.  Thank you very much.

Sharon Turner Yoder

Subj:	 Re: Survey
Date:	97-10-31 12:10:15 EST
From: (Gerald Burnett)
Married 3 Kids 2 grandchildren
Religious affiliation - Baptist--
Research experience:  Cemetary surveys, articles for local historical 
society, church historian
Motivation: familial obligation and curiosity.

Burnett Character:
Several Burnett ancestors were Baptist preachers.  Burnetts known to me 
are exclusively Baptists.  Is there a pattern among more recent 
generations?   Are there Presbyterian or Methodist Burnetts?  Quakers?

Gerald:  That's a very interesting question.  
Folks:  What religious pattern are you finding among your ancestors?   Rev.
John Turner's grandson was Captain William Turner who was a Methodist
Episcopal minister.    Nyla

Subj:	Re: answers to questions
Date:	97-10-31 14:41:38 EST
From:	Sharaim

As far as genealogy I am very new at this <snip>.  I live in the city of
Roanoke VA;  married and have 2 children (one natural and one step) 

Subj:	In Response to "humor David"
Date:	97-10-31 15:26:32 EST
From:	T8642
To:	NCreed1

Hi Nyla, sorry so late on my response, I have been busy. I don't mind if you
use my name.  <snip> <snip> <snip>  My name is Joyce.

Joyce:  You're not late.  Thanks for responding.  Be sure to send us
information on your family if you haven't done so already.

The end of this compilation.