Date: Sun, 2 Nov 1997 20:51:20 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Comp 242 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

31 Oct 1997

Greetings to Everyone,

A Welcome to our new subscribers.  If things on this list seems a little
different, it's because we're in the middle of a survey.  (Compilation
#237 describes our survey.)  So far, 83 folks have responded.  That's
about 43%.  Let's hear from the remaining 57%. 

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	Burnett Religion
Date:	97-10-31 22:09:01 EST
From:	MartieLee

Interesting observation that Gerald made - I had, in fact, noticed the same
thing in my Burnett line for the past 4 generations.  Several of the Burnetts
in my line were Baptist ministers, and all of the Burnetts I have known in my
family are or have been Baptists.

My curiousity has also been piqued by the fact that the quite a few of my
Burnett men (direct line as well as uncles) were also carpenters and grocery
store owners.

Marlene Lawley
[descendant of John Burnett of Aberdeen, Scotland through John Burnett of
Aberdeen, Mississippi]

Subj:	Burnett Tartan
Date:	97-10-31 22:08:36 EST
From:	MartieLee

Mary Shelton,

You mentioned having gone to the Scottish Games in NC last year and wore the
Burnett tartan, carried flag...

I'm really interested in this.  When are the games?  What part of North

More importantly, where did you get the Burnett tartan and flag?  I would
dearly love to present something like that to my mother!!  Especially the

Thanks so much for any information you can give me.
Marlene Lawley

Mary:  Be sure to let all of us know the answers to Marlene's questions.

Subj:	 Re: Comp #238 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-10-31 21:55:03 EST
From: (Elizabeth L. Smith)

Well here is my contribution but I have to admit I didn't see David's
request and haven't any idea what all the "snipping" is about.  I'm Bette
Smith and I'm about to turn <snip> in a few days.  I also am about to
publish a book about one of my Ancestors who was married to James Higgins
Turner.  My Burnett relatives were much easier to find than the Turners. 
I am the decendent of Glen Owens, who was one of the very first pioneers
in Oregon and was the older brother of Peter Burnett, 1st Gov. of

I am married, live in Bryan Texas, do <snip> and volunteer stuff.  We have
two children who are grown up (unless they are having a crisis :) ) and
one adorable grand daughter and the best daughter in law in the world.  We
also have two Golden Retrievers named Bubba and Bandit. 


Bette:  Maybe you didn't get Comp 237.  I sent out Comp 240 today.  I
didn't get my copy.  I know some folks got it, but I never did receive a
copy.  Sometimes I get error messages stating a particular person is not a
known addressee. 
 I'll send it again and it seems to go through (or at least it left my
screen).  Who knows for certain?  Nyla

Subj:	 The poll
Date:	97-10-31 21:34:37 EST
From: (Jeff Hatfield)

Nyla and fellow researchers,
	My name is Jeff Hatfield and I fit at the lower end of the <snipped> age
group. I am a <snip occupation> .  I have been doing research for about 1 1/2
yrs and have been with this group for about a year.  I am still stuck on
Arthur Turner (1825-1900) who lived in north-central WV.  I have enjoyed this
list and hope to one day (soon) see Arthur in one of the postings.

Jeff:  What county in North Central WV?  I hope you see Arthbur in one of our
postings, also.    Nyla

Subj:	Research Group
Date:	97-10-31 21:19:45 EST
From: (Jeannie)

	I am doing heavy research in Patrick County.  I am not sure whether or not
I am qualified to join your group as I am not descended from any of the
names you list in your etc. etc. :)  I do have some information on some of
these names as I am researching most lines in Patrick in order to try to
discover where my lines came from prior to the formation of Patrick in
1794.  Hopefully by tracing related families I can find a lead on my own
line.  Please let me know what you think about my joining the group.  Thanks!

Jeannie Clark Watts
Jeannie (aka Madam X)

    ***The truth is out there...can you help me find it?***

Access my database of over 4000 names directly from my site or via Gendex.
Researching the areas of Southern WV, most of VA, The Dutch Colonies in NY
and NJ, and also some lines in PA, OH, and foreign countries.

Jeannie:  Welcome.  The Etc/Etc covers a lot of surnames.  Which Patrick Co
families are you researching?  We have other folks who are researching
Patrick County.  What counties in Southern WV are you researching?  I'm from
Raleigh Co.    Nyla

Subj:	 Burnetts in Missouri
Date:	97-10-31 21:16:56 EST
From: (The Kupers)

I have just started researching the Burnett's in Missouri. Thomas BURNETT
was born 28 Jan.1820 in Tenn. He married Sarah HOWELL [born in Virginia on
11 Sept. 1821] on 18 August 1836 in Camden, Ray county, Missouri. They had
a daughter Mary Frances who married Elihu Nichols and settled in Morgan
county, Missouri. Any information would be great. Other surnames are AKIN,
MOON, HODGES, NICHOLS all in Missouri.
Barb Kuper
<snipped info for poll>
I have had my family out in old cemeteries in heat of nearly 100. I
have had the chance to visit federal centers and many libraries. All this
and still learning. It's great doing this work during the long winter
months in Iowa.

Subj:	 Responses
Date:	97-10-31 20:27:34 EST
From: (Lonnie Fink)

Hi Nyla,

 Don't know why I monitor this list! I Don't have any TURNER/BURNETT or
ROSS connections.  I guess I am just an email Junkie! My wife has a few
TURNER Sidelines of her MARSEE SIDELINES.  Does that make CENS2US. I am an
<snipped occupation>, with a big passion for roots hunting, although,
genseng used to be fun, I hardly ever do it any more. <g> Although, I do
get out in the woods every once in a while a kill a squirrel or two! And
mushroom hunting in the spring!! Been doing Genealogy for about 4-5 years
and still very excited about it. I guess I swallowed the bait hook, line
and sinker, last time I took my boat god knows when! <g> Well, I a happily
married man, just celebrating my ten year aniversary, born and raised in
Floyd Co,IN and lived there until just over a year ago, when I had to move
because of a job transfer, Hope to be able to retire from where I am
working if I can just hang in there 8 more years in I can take an early
retirement if I am forced to leave. Although, I would rather wait until 13
years to take a full retirement. I am now <age snipped> yrs of age,and
graying more and more every day! I am an plumb idiot when it comes to
genealogy, but learning everyday, heck I am always asking question, I
would have to classify myself as <status snipped>, not really sure what
that means! Do it mainly for the thrill of the hunt, and the pleasure I
get when I can help others with their search, The others I am definitely
not! I am a Math Wizard and English Idiot. But, my wife and my dogs love
me so thats all that really matters. ;) 

Check out my new web page database! Although you won't see any

Loogootee,Martin Co,IN

Lonnie fink
InGenWeb Coordinator Floyd/Dubois Co,IN
KyGenWeb Coordinator Unknown/Shelby/Pulaski Co,KY

Lonnie:  Whatever the reason for monitoring this list, we're glad you're
here.  My great-grandfather CREED had 2 (maybe 3) brothers who left Wilkes Co
NC ca 1840's and settled in Morgan Co IN.  Do you know any CREEDs there?

Subj:	Humor Nyla
Date:	97-10-31 20:20:39 EST
From: (Sandra Hansen)

Hi!   <survey info snipped>.   Your newsletter is tops.  Thanks for all your

Sandra:  Glad you like the newsletter.  Thanks  much.  Nyla

Subj:	 Bits and Pieces
Date:	97-10-31 19:23:58 EST
From: (Eunice B. Kirkman)

To Sandy:  My records show Anderson Via, b. ca 1800, as the son of William
Via and Sarah Elizabeth Ingram.  His wife was Jane---?  I have one son
listed for him, Sparrel Via, although I'm sure there were other children.  I
hope this helps.  I don't have the parents of William Via, but Mary E.
Ingram was the daughter of James and Martha "Patsy" Ingram who were married
30 May 1800 in Patrick County, VA.

I'd like to hear from Jim Albanese re: the Norris family.

For the poll, my main family names are: BATEMAN, DAWSON, ROBERTSON,

Eunice B. Kirkman --------
   -=| Virginia - The cradle of the nation |=-

Subj:	 Re: Burnetts
Date:	97-10-31 19:17:22 EST
From: (Sharon Crawford)

Hi Nyla
Didn't understand what the snipping was for, sorry.
I am <age snipped> years of age,  I don't have a job, think it would
interfer with my genealogy research, at which I am just <status snipped>. 
Sharon Crawford
Garvin Co. OKGenWeb
Burnett Page
Wright Page

Sharon:  <Snipped> means I "cut" or "snipped" a portion of the text.  I've
been snipping any info that I'm including in our survey.   Nyla

Subj:	 David's Poll
Date:	97-10-31 18:36:10 EST
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM (

Hi Nyla, have no secrets, print it all!!
	I have enjoyed the compilations so very much!! Haven't found my BURNETT
connection---YET!!! But know I will. With all the "cousins" out there, (NC,
SC, TN, VA, KY), we're bound to connect somewhere! Just haven't found the
connection--YET!!! I love reading through the compilations and thank you so
very much for sending them on!
	I am a <age snipped> year old "richman, poorman, beggarman, thief, doctor,
lawyer, Indian chief!! In other words, I am a <occupation snipped>, WHATEVER!
darn happy about it!! All jobs, (except the thief apply!!) Rich in the fact
I've been married to a wonderful man for 20 years this Dec 31, yes New Years
Eve!! Been blessed with three sons, a Senior, 6th and 2nd grader! Thief, no,
not that  either, unless I'm applying it to "my own detective work", with a
teenager!! (No, not really, we have been blessed with some pretty darn good
kids! I started this genealogy progect about 10 years ago with my mom's side
of the family, (Meyers, Shultz, Houser, Moon. Didn't get to dad's side until
June of last year. He never had a soul that did ANY family genealogy or
"stuff" like this,  nor do we believe they would have! Dad's a retired Army
man, with a LOT under the belt.  Served in Korea, only 15, NO I'm not
kidding! Stole his brother's I.D., joined the service, and they found out 1
day before his 17th birthday that they had an "underage" soilder in their
midst!! he had been found out!  He re enlisted after that and served 20 years
with the Army. Actually if they'd count the two "illegal" years, it would
have been 22 years! Proud of my father!! they offered him the rank of SGT
MAJOR, he declined for I was going into high school at the time and dad DID
NOT LIKE JUNCTION CITY KANSAS, where I would start my high school years, so
he retired. He is one special person!!
	LOTS of BURNETT family, yet all are ##$%$#$# to the genealogy
thing, UNTIL, DAD put the book out this fall!! Boy, has that struck the
interest underneath a few <snipped>!  No other person has ever (in this
Burnett) family cared enough to do what he has done! Now we are getting
folks to "REACH" us,
	BUT, we can't get past my GG Grandfather! His name was (only as we
have it, Jerry), now I know people did not name their children "nick
names" back then, as we tend to do now. I believe his name was Jeremiah
Burnett. BUT can't PROVE it!!! I'd love to hear from ANYONE with the
Burnett connection. Our "Jerry" was evidentely born in Indiana, or that is
what we found out on the 1870 Rockcastle Co, KY, Census. He married a
Charlotte Baker.
	I'm looking for the surnames, BURNETT, BAKER, JOHNSON, SAPP, FOSTER,
VERNON. Any "cousins" with ANY of these names PLEASE, PLEASE, get ahold of
me.  I know we're in the Burnett family in particular in the KY/ VA/TN/ areas
during the mid 1800 time frame. Possibly earlier, just won't say until I
connect. Getting closer!! Several names on Comp #238, have the Burnetts, saw
a Baker too! Please folks get ahold of me!
	Nyla, may have the Turner family here too, don't know yet!
	Keep up the GREAT HELP, you've done for this group! I happened to
stumble on this a few months back!! I just keep finding out by experience!
Isn't that the way life is anyway!!! <snipped at request of Tammy> I live in
Kansas, the "Heartland of the USA"! 

Love the genealogy!!
Tammy Burnett Lillich

Subj:	Survey/Poll, etc.
Date:	97-10-31 18:15:28 EST

Permission granted to distribute as you like.
<survey info snipped>
Carlton P. Russell, Jr., 405 Westburg Ave., Huntsville, Ala  35801-3330,
205-883-8783, Permanent preferred:  Alternate:

The end of this compilation.