Date: Sun, 2 Nov 1997 21:49:34 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Comp 243 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

2 Nov 1997

Greetings to Everyone,

You folks are keeping me busy.  Sure is nice to hear from you.  Half the
group has responded to the poll.  If you're in the half that hasn't
responded yet, how about doing that as soon as possible.  We've had a
couple folks request to unsubscribe during the last few days.  We even
heard from someone who doesn't subscribe, but drops by Chris' home page to
check out the compilations.  So, I've invited her to join us.  It's time
for her to become a part of the group now that we know she's been watching
us from the bleachers. 

Keep sending those eMails.  
Nyla CREED DePauk

Subj:	 Re: Comp 241 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-10-31 23:52:18 EST
From: (portiaw)

Hi Nyla, 
Just an interesting tidbit from the "past."  You had mentioned before that
the Burnett's, Turner's and Ross's, seemed to cross paths and often the
families intermarried; well, when I was a teenager (oh, so long ago), one
of my neighbor's another teenager by the name of Roberta Ross (her Father
was Harold Ross from the East), dated and married a fellow high school
student in the late 1950's by the name of Stanley Burnett.  Many of my high
school friends thought he was my brother, however, we hardly spoke, we were
both rather shy, so I never knew if he was related or not.  But, feel it's
worthy of mentioning, another affirmation of the relationships between the
families.  The geographical area, was San Bernardino County, town of
Fontana, in California.

Jeane Burnett Walsh

Jeane,  Who knows.  Maybe Stanley and Roberta are on our mailing list or maybe
someone recognize this couple.  Interesting.  Nyla

Subj:	 Davids question
Date:	97-10-31 22:37:13 EST
From: (chris dawson)

Hi Nyla,

Hudson. Appleby, Norris, Batlett, Packwood, Smith, Jones, Turner ar the 
families I am searching.

In response to David's question.  <snip> I garden and have a 
Koi pond I enjoy in the summertime. I also am a very "crafty" person. 
person. I try to squeeze in my geneology whenever possible.
I am a mother of two girls and stepmother to three boys. We have three 
grandaughters (We are surely blessed).  Chris

Subj:	 Re: Comp 241 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-11-01 00:25:25 EST
From: (Karen Moore)

This question is mainly for StevePipit,  you write:
>However, my Ross families were from further north (Yankee Virginians?) around
>Botetourt, Montgomery, Wythe, and Campbell Counties in the 1750s through

I am trying to find a Susan ROSS b. 1805 in Virginia.  She married William
FERGUSON b. 1795 NC, they had a son Joseph William FERGUSON b. 2-1837 in
Gibson Co., Trenton TN.   If you might have any possible leads to help me
find Susan, I would be most appreciative of any info you can share.  Thanks.
Karen Moore

From: (Ricky Lane Burnett)

I am Ricky Lane Burnett, <age> years young, male from Lancaster Ca.
<status snipped> Genealogist,  I was born in NE Susquehanna Co. Pennsylvania.
The hospital was actually in Binghamton NY but my parents lived in
Hallstead Pa.  I came to California in 1981.  My mother, at the age of
53, passed away in 1984.  I received the only thing I really wanted from
moms house and that was her picture box.  A lot of the photos had been
destroyed in a fire when I was younger but I remember from time to time
mom would get it out and we would look at the few dozen photos left.  I
didn't open the box for a few years.  I just didn't have the heart for
it.  One day in 1995 I was moving some things from my closet and the
box came down from the top of the shelf and busted open.  I sat there on
the floor looking at the photos of my mother and brothers and sisters
and other relatives when I came across the birth record of my
grandfather George Burnett born 1885 in Antioch Lake Co ILL. There on
the page were the signatures of my GGrandparents Freeman and
Christiana.  I started wondering about them all, I had never knew any of
the Burnetts other than the siblings of my father.  I was hooked,  I
started by calling all of my living relatives and asking hundreds of
questions.  When they would answer the phone and realize it was me on
the other end the reply I usually got was "Rick, I have already told you
everything I know." Then I found the LDS Family History Center in West
Hollywood.  Then I found the Turner-Burnet-Via-Ross-Etc-Etc home page
and the rest is history.  I have since, with the help of many good
people all around the USA traced my Ancestry back to my
GGGGGGrandfather Robert Burnet born in Edinburgh Scotland in 1701.
Nyla if you want you can print all of this.

Thanks, Ricky.  I did.  Nyla

Subj:	 Humor David
Date:	97-11-01 08:17:00 EST
From: (Philpott)

Dear Nyla, I am a <age> something <gender>. Currently live in Arkansas,
but have no family here.  I hadn't responded yet cause I am really a
cousin-in law.  My husband is the Turner decendant.  He was born and grew
up in Henry County, Va.  I dabble around with his family tree, so that our
children will know where they came from, {and because they are all such
nice people).  His VA people are Philpotts, Franklins, Stones, and
Turners.  My own family is from Mercer Co. WVA.  My lines are Pennington,
Lilly, Pennington, Howard, Pennington, with a few Jones, McDonalds,
Sniders, and Meadows thrown in.  The reason Pennington is repeated is that
my tree intersects itself so much that I tell people that MY family tree
is (shaped like) a CEDAR.  Rhonda

Rhoda:  We really did want to hear about YOU. Thanks for sharing the
information with us.  Helps us to know who else is reading these compilations.

Subj:	PAF in DC
Date:	97-11-01 20:03:17 EST
From: (Charles Dorian)

I was with the PAF group that met in the LDS stake next to the Temple out in
Kensington, MD. I believe it was the first organized PAF group in the DC

Additional info  for your files - my first wife, whose Mother was a Burnett,
died in 1990 of cancer - married 45 years.  I moved out here to Issaquah, WA
in June of 1991 and subsequently remarried in 1992. I had 6 children, one
died of cancer in 1973 at the age of 21.  I have 12 grandchildren and one
great grandson.  My second wife's line goes back to Ballou, in Rhode Island
about 1640, which is another line I am seriously searching.

I really enjoy all the information you have managed to elicited  from
everyone. Thru your family search efforts I was able to reestablish contact
with June Bork - I provided some information for her first book many years
ago. What I need to do now is put my sources into my data program. Hopefully
when I "retire" as President of a couple of organizations I will have more

All my best, Charles

Subj:	Survey responses
Date:	97-11-01 22:55:22 EST
From:	N4JED

Karen "Digger", Loved your ship logo... Just one question, Why was it
flying a pirate flag ???  ;-)  David (humor me) 

Date:	97-11-01 22:55:29 EST
From:	N4JED
To:	Momobley
CC:	NCreed1

I have one Bessie TURNER in my files in what appears to be the proper
time frame in Georgia (see individual #3 below).  Whether it is yours or
not, I cannot say but I am providing below her brothers and sisters to see
if there is a link you recognise.  I can provide this line back up to the VA
TURNERS if this is your link.  Let us know.  Most of this info came
from Janice Turner who is in our group as   Perhaps
she can help further.   David

Descendants of William Oscar TURNER-7254

First Generation

1.	William Oscar TURNER-7254 was born Mar 1850 in Wilkes
Co., GA.  William married (1) Nancy EVENS-7271. Nancy was born
Apr 1854. They had the following children:
		2	F	i.	Mary TURNER-7385 was born in
		3	F	ii.	Bessie TURNER-7386 was born in
Wilkes Co., GA.
		4	F	iii.	Lizzie Lou TURNER-7387 was
born in Wilkes Co., GA.
		5	F	iv.	Nancy Powell "Nannie"
TURNER-7388 was born in Wilkes Co. ?, GA.  Nancy married (1)
Manuel BAILEY-7394 on 4 Feb 1912 in Wilkes Co., GA.
		6	F	v.	___ TURNER-7389 was born in
Wilkes Co. ?, GA.
		7	M	vi.	John TURNER-7390 was born in
Wilkes Co. ?, GA ?.
		8	F	vii.	Lera TURNER-7391 was born
1876 in Wilkes Co., GA. She died 1985 in Lincoln Co., GA and was
buried in Fishing Creek Baptist Church Cem, Wilkes Co., GA.  Lera
married (1) Benjamin F. DANNER-7672. Benjamin was born 1860. He
died 1942 in Lincoln Co., GA.  Benjamin had 2 boys and a girl by Lera.
	+	9	M	viii.	Henry Lee TURNER-7392 was
born 1881 and died 9 Apr 1964.
	+	10	M	ix.	James Evens TURNER-7393 was
born 21 Jul 1896 and died 30 Dec 1954.

Second Generation

9.	Henry Lee TURNER-7392 was born 1881 in GA. He died 9 Apr
1964 in Wilkes Co., GA and was buried in Fishing Creek Baptist Church
Cem, Wilkes Co., GA.  Henry married (1) Elizabeth C. "Lizzie"
GUIN-7673 on 17 Jun 1906 in Wilkes Co., GA. Elizabeth was born
1888. She died 1 May 1969 in Wilkes Co., GA.
They had the following children:
		11	F	i.	Louise TURNER-7674 was born in
GA.  Louise married (1) ___ ANDERSON-7679.
		12	M	ii.	James Forest TURNER-7676 was
born 1909 in GA.
		13	M	iii.	Henry Lee "Boney"
TURNER-7675 was born 1918 in GA. He died 21 Feb 1992 in Wilkes
Co., GA and was buried in Fishing Creek Ba, ptist Church Cem, Wilkes
Co., GA.  Henry married (1) Mary Evaline WOLF-7680 on 19 Dec 1942
in McCormick Co., SC. Mary was born 1924.
	+	14	M	iv.	William Frank TURNER-7677 was
born 1926 and died 9 Nov 1995.
		15	M	v.	Edward S. TURNER-7678 was
born 25 Sep 1932 in GA.  Edward married (1) Sadie Virginia
MARTIN-7689 on 22 Jun 1952 in Lincoln Co., GA. Sadie was born 8
Jun 1934.

10.	James Evens TURNER-7393 was born 21 Jul 1896 in GA. He
died 30 Dec 1954 in Wilkes Co., GA and was buried in Fishing Creek
Ba, ptist Church Cem, Wilkes Co., GA.  James married (1) Nattie Lucille
THOMPSON-7690, daughter of James THOMPSON-7691 and Georgia
EVENS-7692. Nattie was born 27 Aug 1895. She died 6 Jan 1954 in
Wilkes Co., GA.
They had the following children:
		16	F	i.	Mildred TURNER-7693 was born
25 Dec 1916 in Wilkes Co., GA. She died 25 Apr 1980.  Mildred
married (1) Grady O. HALL-7698 on 9 Apr 1938 in Wilkes Co., GA.
Grady was born 1914.  Mildred also married (2) Franklin GUIN-7699.
	+	17	F	ii.	Willie Bell TURNER-7694 was
born 19 Oct 1918 and died 21 Jun 1979.
		18	M	iii.	James Walley TURNER-7695 was
born 1921 in Wilkes Co., GA.  James married (1) Johnsie Elmyra
MOORE-7709 on 28 Mar 1948 in McCormick Co., SC. Johnsie was
born 1922 in Abbeville, SC.
		19	F	iv.	Barbara Jean TURNER-7696 was
born 1924 in GA.  Barbara married (1) W. T. STRIBLING-7710 on 3 Jul
1943 in Wilkes Co., GA. W. T. STRIBLING was born 1923.
		20	M	v.	Clarence TURNER-7697 was born after 1924 in
GA.   ....END....
The end of this compilation.