Date: Mon, 3 Nov 1997 23:48:34 EST
From: NCreed1 <>
Subject: Comp 246 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

3 Nov 1997

Greetings to Everyone:

If you haven't responded to the poll yet, please submit your info soon.  Here
are a few bits of trivia about those who have participated.

Of the original 17 subscribers, 7 are still subscribing:

If you're one of original 17 and using a different screen name now, let me
know so I can recognize you.  Thanks, folks, for hanging in there with me. 

As of yestereday:
94	Responded
90	Not yet responded

29	females 30-50 
14	males    30-50
35	females 50+
16	males    50+

11	Homemaker/Full-Time Mom/Houseshold Manager/Housewife/Domestic Engineer
  1	Paramedic/Firefighter
  4	Registered Nurses
  6	Teachers
  3	Admit to Doing Genealogy Full Time
  3	Government employees
  1	C.P.A.
  2	Food Service Types
  2	Computer Consultants
  2	Musicians
  2	Military Types
  1	Practicing Genealogist
  4	Professional Genealogists
52	Other categories

Stayed tuned.  You'll get all the info as soon as I get the responses.   


Subj:	The Family Business
Date:	97-11-02 21:31:12 EST
From:	Sharaim

	I guess some would say that moonshining was not a good business,
but however if everyone checked in to the Turners in Patrick County they
will find that most all did this. Everyone had large family and tobacco ,
corn and hay did not pay much, their homes and land , children had to be
cared for this was their way to help pay for all of this.  Great uncle
Clyde Turner was the one who gave the still to the Smithsonian, ( was
indeed the Turner family"s.) 
	As David stated that his mother said whom did what , all of my
uncles worked the Turner stills and none of them drink.  Yes, white
lighting as some call would eat the paint off of your car and yes it sent
some to their grave early but now you can buy it in the liquor stores.
	I do have a picture of the Turners in the big barn shucking corn ,
it was in the Roanoke Times , with my grandmother and grandfather holding
my daddy when he was a baby, along with other family members . If you
would like to have a copy for yourself .Or any one else I will send it to
you .(It is loaded in my computer). Others make extra money digging up
certain roots and selling them. 
	Times were very hard back then, sure am glad life is easier now !

Subj:	 William Burnett
Date:	97-11-02 23:42:47 EST
From: (Kevin K. Stephenson)
To: ('Danny Redmond')

	I'm getting ready to post some new files, but I wanted to wait for the 
new version of the WinZip self-extractor so I could make them simpler to 
use.  I'll be doing it sometime this week.  In the meantime, I'll forward 
this on to Nyla and see if we get any nibbles.  Stay in touch!

Subj:	 Unsub
Date:	97-11-02 22:28:20 EST
From: (Lea L. Dowd)

Please unsubscribe

Subj:	 Re: Comp 244 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-11-03 02:11:19 EST

David,  That's OK I won't tell your granmother you left her out <GGG>/ 
Thomas F. O'Connell
1241 California Road
Eastchester NY 10709-1016
Home Page;

Tom:  Just curious.  How many pictures have you received?  <grin> Nyla

Date:	97-11-03 06:57:29 EST
From:	MKelley345

Hi Nyla,

Both you and David sent me Lewis Burnett information -- unfortunately, he
isn't "my"  Lewis. 

A brief outline of my Lewis is below. Major Hoskins was my father. I do have
quite a bit more information on the Hoskins but the Burnett's have illuded me
for years. Hope this may ring a bell in someone's mind.

Thanks and I really enjoy the compilations.

Margaret:   Didn't get your outline.  Can you try again, please.  Thanks.
Glad you like the compilations.  Nyla

Subj:	 Humor David
Date:	97-11-03 07:06:53 EST

My name is June Bork, age <aged snipped>.  I am a <status snipped>
genealogist, 17 hours a day (3 am to 8 pm); live in Apple Valley, CA about
1 1/2 hours north of you Nyla and about 45 minutes from Ricky Lane Burnett
in Lancaster. Besides writing the early court records of Wayne County,
Kentucky, I hunt down BURNETTS.  Many who left Patrick Co, VA, went to
Wayne County.  They may not be listed on the Census, etc., but I do find
them on the Tax List for a year, sometimes more. 

Subj:	Re: Comp 242 - Burnett relig.denoms.
Date:	97-11-03 11:56:32 EST
From:	CarBurCo

In a message dated 97-11-02 20:51:53 EST, you write:
<< Interesting observation that Gerald made - I had, in fact, noticed the same
thing in my Burnett line for the past 4 generations.  Several of the Burnetts
in my line were Baptist ministers, and all of the Burnetts I have known in my
family are or have been Baptists.
My curiousity has also been piqued by the fact that the quite a few of my
Burnett men (direct line as well as uncles) were also carpenters and grocery
store owners.
 Marlene Lawley
 [descendant of John Burnett of Aberdeen, Scotland through John Burnett of
Aberdeen, Mississippi] >>

	Well, now, I'll just HAVE to put in my extensive METHODIST
heritage here, though Methodists are known for their tolerance of other
ways <G>MY BURNETTS who came to this country from Aberdeen early as well
(same people from JOHN BURNETT and AMY GATEWOOD through son JOSEPH BURNETT
to TALIAFERRO BURNETT (all in Old Rappahannock /Essex Co. Va.) where they
were (probably) Church of Scotland considering their politics. Others in
the family were Presbyterian, as were many Scots. But surely no Baptists
as they were persecuted in Va in those days. 

	When MY BURNETTS came to TENNESSEE, there is a family Bible in
which are the words ("All the Burnetts are good METHODISTS"). They settled
in Rutherford and Williamson County. The Methodist tradition came down
through at least FIVE generations of BURNETTS/RANSOMS/FARISES in
	They wouldn't have dared "defect" with the old Methodist Circuit
Riding preacher on the trail for 55 years: REV. CHARLES BLACKMON FARIS
kept lots of BURNETTS in line. 

	Do you come from the Mississippi branch that included my
ggggrandmother, MARY BAUGH BURNETT who died there at an old age? Her son,
BOLING CLARK BURNETT emigrated there. He was the older brother of my
gggrandfather, COL.  JOSEPH BOLING BURNETT who fought in the Mexican War,
but never moved his home from Tennessee. HE was also a Methodist. 

	In the "pioneer" days, most of the protestant variations were
acceptable to people who could not get to a "filled pulpit" church every
Sunday. That fact is the simplest explanation for the change overs that
may have occured back then. Of course, they were ALL "mere dissenters" as
far as the Anglican- Episcopalians in Virginia were concerned...<G>
Caroline Burnett Cook

Subj:	Re: Comp 242 - Burnett- Tartans
Date:	97-11-03 11:56:34 EST
From:	CarBurCo

In a message dated 97-11-02 20:51:53 EST, you write:
<< More importantly, where did you get the Burnett tartan and flag?  I would
dearly love to present something like that to my mother!!  Especially the
tartan!   Thanks so much for any information you can give me.    Marlene
  = = = = = = 
 Mary:  Be sure to let all of us know the answers to Marlene's questions.

	There is more than one Burnett Tartan. The Ancient one is green
and soft orange with a sky blue pinstripe and a yellow pinstripe. (this is
the one you will see in catalogues, probably). All three are "authentic"
after all who will quibble with you? 

	The modern one is a dark red with dark green and a white
pinstripe; and grey or grey blue pinstripe. (I have ordered a long
kilt-skirt in this tartan from THE SCOTTISH LION, address below). 

	There is also one in beige and grey tones. This is, I believe, the
hunting.  Also very nice.

	It takes about 4 months or so to have a kilt or any other
made-to-measure item, but the others can be ordered from the catalogue. 

P.O. Box 1700;RTE 16;
North Conway, New Hampshire 03860
1-800-355 -SCOT (7268)
fax 1 603 356-9032
Customer Service
1 603 356-2942

	And about the Highland Games of NC, I thought they were in
HIGHLAND, NC.  However, many other states have them. We have a very good
gathering in Newark, Delaware and many in Pennsylvania. 

gud luk,
Caroline Burnett Cook

Caroline, Thanks for that info.  Nyla

Subj:	survey
Date:	97-11-03 13:02:20 EST

	I have been doing genealogy as long as I can remember.  I grew up in a
family that had always been interested.  My great grandmother worked on
genealogy and left many notes which have been used by many to work on their
Carroll County genealogy.  I just always knew who I was.  The shock was
when I started teaching school I found out that many children have no idea
who even their grandparents are and that it was best left alone. 
	I started my career as a <occupation snipped> and spent most of the last
twenty five years working as a <occupation snipped>  - the last five as a
teacher of math of recent immigrants.  Now you have a small idea as to how old
I am.  
	I am not a Turner but have followed the board as my family is from the
Carroll County and Patrick County area.  I am a Williams, Martin, Ingram,
Helm, Witt, Conner, Goad, Webb, Handy, Dalton, Bobbitt, Chiles, etc. etc.  
	My families interest lead to a promise by me to compile the family work
into a book which turned into three on the Goads and Webbs of the area.  It
is not possible to do such a work without touching so many of the other
families in the area. 	
	The greatest pleasure was meeting, working with, and getting to know so
many wonderful people.  My summer vacations have always given me the
opportunity to visit "home."  

Janice Kinsler Smith
Janice:  I'm curious about your Williamses.  Were they from Giles County VA?
Also, do you have Dickens listed in your Webb book?  I'm a descendant of
Thomas Dickens and Rhoda (Pennington) Dickens who were married in Patrick
Co on 9 Apr 1812.

Subj:	 Re: Hardin TURNER
Date:	97-11-03 13:16:03 EST
From: (TERRI x2759)

Hi David,
	Sorry it took me a couple of days to get back to you.  I got busy this
weekend 'climbing Mount Laundry' (we were having a small sock crisis
<gigle>!!).  Here's what I know about Hardin TURNER:

	Hardin TURNER b. abt 1810 in NC (or VA depending on which federal Census
listing you believe).  He married Nancy GRAHAM (d/o Samuel GRAHAM) around
1853.  All of their children were born in Marshall Co, TN.  Their kids are

Harriet TURNER b. 1-18-1864 m. John W. PIERCE
Margaret F. TURNER b. abt 1859 m. William N. GRIFFIS
Stephen TURNER b. abt 1860
George Hardin TURNER b. Feb 1867
John Robert TURNER b. 3-30-1869 m. Dovie Ann ANDREWS
James Crawford TURNER b. abt 1872 m. Dorinda Ann PARSONS
Daisy Beulah TURNER b. 8-21-1877 m. Andrew Johnson HARDIMAN
(I descend from them).

	Hardin is enumerated in the household of Presley JONES in
the 1850 Marshall Co, TN federal census.  By the 1880 census
he & Nancy are in Giles Co.  I've also got the following land
transaction info on him (thanks very much to Tony TURNER from TN!!!)

	In 1838 Hardin TURNER "Bought from N.C. & Matilda Jackson 63
acres on Big Harpeth Dist #23 $500. Wit Presley Jones, Richard Corbett."
That was in Williamson Co, TN.

	In 1853 Harden TURNER "Sold to Josiah Johnson for $1,134 dist # 23 63
acres Big Harpeth River. Wit John Wilson, Chesley Williams, Asutin Waller."
Again in Williamson Co, TN.

	I'm reasonably sure that those two are my gggrandfather, as Presley
JONES witnessed the first transaction (& the second transaction
is obviously the same land).

	Then I've got all of the following transactions involving Hardin
J. TURNER in Lauderdale Co, TN: 

-1852 Bought from rebecca Burge of Louisana land in town of Ripley.
-1852 William TURNER Sold two lots in Dunshaville to J.N WARDLACE.
  Wit. Hardin J. TURNER & W.M. SMITH.
-1858 Robert Campbell of McCrackin Co, KY sold lots to Hardin J. TURNER
  & Henry L. PETTRES
-1861 sold 151 acres of land to John CONNER & Mosco THOMAS. Land in trust
  to Cumberland College part Property of Ashport.
-1866 John Barfield sold cotton crop for his debt to TURNER.
-1868 bought from Joel MANN, Steam, griss, & saw mill.
-1868 bought 100 acres from A.B. STRAIN on Childress Creek & Hatchie
  River for $500. Witness B.D. WALKER.
-1869 Bought 181 acres from John H. FLOWES (land previously owned by
  R.L. & Ben HALLIBURTON) for $3,250.
-1869 Hardin J. TURNER was executor of Edmund FITZPATRIC's estate.
-1871 Bought land from John COLE, 39 acres $525.
-1874 Bought 30 acres on Watsons Creek
-1874 Bought from B.C. GAUSE 175 acres land Adj William TURNER. Wit.
-1875 L.J HUNLEY sold his interest in a drug store known as Rice &
  HUNLEY in town Durnamville to Hardin J. TURNER.
-1877 Sold to Josiah RICE 4 acres for debt owed.
-1877 Sold to William TURNER 181 acres for $3,600 adj Ben HALLIBURTON's
-1878 Hardin J. TURNER won judgment against Andrew STEWART for $2,100 &
  court cost.
-1878 sold to Hiram MORRIS o Childress Creek 298 acres in 3 tracks for
  debt owed.
-1878 Emasmus G. TURNER along with Hardin J. TURNER sold 214 acres on
  Childress Creek for debut owed. Wit. Thomas JACKSON, Charles GREEN.
-1878 Hardin J. TURNER transferred 1/2 interest in Saw Mill, Griss Mill,
  & Cotton Gin to Emasmus G. TURNER for debt.
-1878 Emasmus G. TURNER along with Hardin J. sold land on Childress
  Creek for debt.
-1879 William TURNER sold 68 acres to Thomas S. JACKSON. Wit. by H.J.
  TURNER & William D. TURNER
-1879 William TURNER issued deed of trust to L.C. MOORES 150 acres.
  William was surity for his son H.J. TURNER
-1879 William TURNER sold 113 acres to F.M. WATSON. Notes were held by
  Emasmus & Hardin J. TURNER. Wit. H.J. TURENR, T.S. JACKSON.

Plus, there were the following 3 land transactions in Bedford Co, TN:

9-30-1853 Hardin TURNER transfers land deed to Ranson STEPHENS.
9-6-1859 Hardin TURNER transfers land deed to W.E. COLEMAN.
6-15-1859 Hardin TURNER transfers land deed to Jacob BLEDSOE.

	What I don't know is if Hardin J. TURNER listed in all of the
Lauderdale, Co transactions is the same Hardin TURNER listed in the other
transactions.  Marshall, Giles, Bedford, & Williamson counties are all
clumped right there together in Tn.  So I could figure those might all be
the same man.  Lauderdale Co is there on the western edge, so I'm not even
sure if there all the same man or how they're related if they're not the

	That's what I've got.  Again a big thanks to Tony Turner for sending
me all of that info.  I appreciate you checking your data for me,
David.  Thought I'd send this to Nyla, as well, maybe someone else
will benefit from the above.

	Talk to you soon (& I'll have my fingers crossed).

Terri Hardiman-Black
Subj:	 RE: technologically impaired question
Date:	97-11-03 13:18:30 EST
From: (Kevin K. Stephenson)
To: ('')

	I haven't converted them to the new system yet.  You still have to use 
WinZip to "unzip" the files before you can read them.  If you tried to open 
one using notepad, it would look like martian!
	I'm holding off on converting them to self-extracting format until
I have the new program for that from WinZip, and until I have a chance to
let a Mac user try it and make sure they can use it as well. 
	I'll let the group know when the change has been completed.

= = = = = 
---Original Message-----
From:	Danny Redmond
Sent:	Sunday, November 02, 1997 7:55 PM
To:	'Kevin Stephenson'

Hi Kevin!

I was wondering if anyone on the Burnett group replied on the question I 
sent you whether anyone knew of the William Burnett that was listed on 
pension record of my gggg-grandfather Robert Baird?  I've checked your web 
site a number of times to see if you've updated the comp. zipped files, but 
it doesn't look like it.

By the way, I finally sent you a copy of the pension record on Charles L 
Burnett and also the military records of William W and Richard M Burnett. 
You should have them by Wednesday.  Let me know if you get it alright.


>>  I have 18 William Burnett's in my database, and the only one that I 
>>had a connection to Tennessee is George William Burnett, son of George
>>Burnett and Dorothy Hardeman, and brother of Peter Hardeman Burnett, the
>>first Governor of California.  Is it possible that his father's name was
>>also George William, and he was the one referred to in the text you
>>George (Sr.) was born in Pittsylvania County, VA., in 1770, and died in
>>Clay County, MO.  His son, George William, was born in TENNESSEE, as 
>>was Dorothy Hardeman.  Let's see if the group has any ideas about this!

Subj:	Re: Comp 245 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-11-03 13:23:13 EST
From:	DollyLH
In response to the inquiry you and David are doing. I am  <poll data snipped>.
Have been doing research on different family lines for about 5 years now. The
particular line in which I am interested in that pertains to this newsletter
is the Via family. My mother was a Via.  Thank you for the newsletters, I very
much enjoy reading them. Thank You, Dorothy Howard

Subj:	 Re: Survey
Date:	97-11-03 13:28:22 EST
From: (Ann N. Hughes)

I'm <genealogy status clipped> using the definition of one who engages in the
pursuit as a pastime and not as a profession, yet I have 27 years of
experience and have
taken courses.

Professional genealogist is one who has passed the exam for Certified
Genealogists (CG).  This I have not done, nor do I aspire to doing so, at
least at this point in time.

So, with all this out loud thinking, I would say I am an "<snipped> with
training and 27 years experience."


Subj:	Re: Comp 238 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-11-03 18:35:26 EST
From:	MAStalling
To:	NCreed1

To Abinidab (you didn't leave your e-dress or I would have sent this direct)

I've been researching the Turner line too and have as yet, found no
connection to Shadrack, Meshack etc., so if you'd like to compare notes,
give me an "e"! 

Cousin Michelle

Michelle:   Abinidab is also on AOL.  Since we're also on AOL, our eMails
won't show
@AOL.COM.   Nyla

Subj:	Re: William Green Turner-6715
Date:	97-11-03 19:16:05 EST

Dear Nyla,

Please add me to your list of subscribers.  

Romona Turner Hartley

Romona:  Welcome.  Now you're official.  Nyla

Subj:	Poll information
Date:	97-11-03 21:34:02 EST
From:	DAllen5178
To:	NCreed1

I have not been on the computer for a few days but really enjoying learning
about everyone.  I  have ancestor's on all three lines and have found so much
information about them because of the great people that send in information.
I live in Arizona, born in Calif. and have 30 grandchilren, not bad for an
only child.  Married 45 years to the same man and we're still going strong.  I
have show dogs, Kerry Blue Terriers and my last one came from England.

Subj:	Re: HATCHER family
Date:	97-11-03 22:07:41 EST
From:	N4JED
To:	Inabmorris
CC:	NCreed1


My information on the HATCHERs comes from two publications put
together by the Patrick - Henry Allied Families in the late 1970's.  It is my
only reference for the HATCHERs at the moment though I hope to find
more as I research the House of Burgesses.  If you have additional info or
corrections I sure would appreciate them.

Descendants of William HATCHER-388

First Generation

1.	William HATCHER-388 was born 1614 in England. William came
to Virginia from England in 1630.  He was a member of the House of
He had the following children:
	+	2	M	i.	Edward HATCHER-385.

Second Generation

2.	Edward HATCHER-385.  Edward married (1) Mary WARD-386,
daughter of Seth WARD-462 and Mary GOODE-461.
They had the following children:
	+	3	F	i.	Susannah HATCHER-374.
		4	M	ii.	Edward HATCHER-3104.

Third Generation

3.	Susannah HATCHER-374. Susannah married (1) Thomas
They had the following children:
		5	M	i.	Thomas BURTON-14120 was born
		6	M	ii.	John BURTON-1846 was born 1666.
John married (1) Elizabeth FOWLER-1847.
		7	M	iii.	Isaac BURTON-14121 was born
		8	M	iv.	Abraham BURTON-14122 was born
	+	9	F	v.	Ann BURTON-372 was born about
1670 and died before 2 Oct 1736.


The end of this compilation.