Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 23:12:30 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Comp 247 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

4 Nov 1997

Greetings to Everyone:

A total of 111 folks have responded.  That's about 60%.  I would really like
to hear from the rest of the group.  Come on folks, only 4 questions to
answer:  (1) Gender, (2) Age category (under 30) (30-50) (50+), (3)
Occupation, and (4) Status as a Genealogist (Amateur)(Professional) (Or any
other category that best fits you).

Thanks to everyone who has shared information beyond the four questions.
 This is an interesting group of cousins.

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	Re: Comp 242 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-11-04 00:01:43 EST
From:	sheldoe7@Ra.MsState.Edu (Aubrey W. Shelton)

Dear Nyla; in response to the questions, the Scottish games are held at
Grandfather Mountain, NC, every July. We attended, borrowed the flags and
tartans and etc. from Burnetts who were there and who were manning the
Burnett tent. I also bought a couple of yards of Burnett tartan while we
were there so as to make 18th century costumes for the next time we go.
If you haven't gone, these games are just wonderful. Many Scottish events,
many family tents, Kirkin' the Tartan on Sunday, Scottish foods, Scottish
singers and bagpipe bands, everything to make you glad you have Scottish
blood. There were even some hairy Highland cattle there. You can find
information about the games on the Internet. Several other states have
Scottish games also.  
Mary Shelton

Subj:	Turner
Date:	97-11-04 01:38:24 EST
From: (adedresser)


I have previously responded to the Humor David survey - with (literally)
one word answers to your questions.  I give up - I've been sucked into all
the interesting info. folks have sent in.  I will embellish my original
response to say that my entry to the joys of genealogy was surely
predestined!  I am both the oldest child and the oldest grandchild in my
family, and I married another one of similar fate - and I think those of us
who came first were the benefactors of all the family stories and visits to
old farms, not to mention all the cemeteries on "Decoration Day"!   Those
family names became 'real people' to us from the time we were little ones.
My younger brothers and all the other grandkids have little memory of
feather beds with chamber pots underneath (VERY cold!) and water that had
to be pumped, etc.  My husband and I consider this both a blessing and an
obligation - it's our responsibility to pass as much of this on as we can.
Of course, I take great joy in ADDING to what I was given, a task made
possible by things like computers and the internet!

Inbetween the survey results, I have eagerly read the TURNER data, hoping
to find my Henry.  It appears to me that the year 1700 is almost a magic
barrier.  Does anyone have Turner's in VA or NC before 1700?  My HENRY
TURNER wrote his will in about 1712, naming wife Patience and several sons
and daughters.  He had apparently been mustered up with other Virginians to
answer a call for help from North Carolina when the local Indians were
beginning one of their periodic attempts to repress further Anglo
incursions to their homelands.  He must have known what danger he would
face, and it appears he was right.  His will was apparently filed in NC,
but returned to Henrico County, VA, many years after his death.  His wife,
PATIENCE, has her own will filed in Henrico County in 1733.

I would be happy to share what little I have about this very early Turner
family - but I hope someone on the list could round out my information on
Henry.  Thanks to all - Jane

Jane:  Thanks for those extra words.  Several folks have sumitted one word
That's all I neeed for the survey, but it sure is fun learning more about our

Subj:	Re: Survey - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-11-04 02:49:33 EST
From: (Mary Dunklee)

Hi Nyla, Thought I'd answer the survey.  <snipped aged and occupation> and
have been doing genealogy on and off for the past 20 years or so.  I have
been involved in Scottish ethnic activities for about the same length of
time and am the Membership Chairperson and Corresponding Secretary and the
Webmaster of the House of Burnett, Inc.  For those who are interested in
their Burnett Scottish heritage (including tartans, etc), check out the
House of Burnett's web site at I am
descended from Jesse BURNETT, b. circa 1730 in VA.(a probable close
relative of John of Aberdeenshire, but nothing proved yet). 

This newsletter is great Nyla...keep up the good work!

Mary Dunklee
House of Burnett

Subj:	 Re: Survey - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-11-04 02:50:06 EST
From: (Don or Nancy Cleere Rodgers)

Hi Nyla & everybody,

Want to get in on this survey before the gates close, seems to be females
3-1 & a very informative and sharing group.  <age snipped> Status
would have to be <snipped> genealogist even though I've been at it for ten
years.  I guess I've learned a few things but always more to learn.
Relatives are always asking when I will be finished.  I tell them I'll NEVER
be finished, genealogy is an on-going thing as you all know.

Keep up the good work.

Ft. Worth, TX
Researching Burnett, Christal, Cleere, Dowdy, Collier, Ingram, McClellan,
McNeal, Neal, Parham, Thatcher, Teer.

Subj:	Lewis Burnett
Date:	97-11-04 06:30:49 EST
From:	MKelley345
To:	NCreed1

You already have my info (I'm the one looking for Lewis Burnett) I got most
of my
genealogical material from family members about 30 years ago. It sat in a
corner for a number of years, now I'm trying to learn more.   Sorry Lewis
lineage didn't make it, here it is (I hope)


1 Lewis Burnett  b: May 10, 1771 in Ga. d: 1818 in Adams Co. Ohio
+Lucinda Miller b: October 10, 1773 in Va	m: in Ohio d: January 18, 1846 in
Highland Co. Ohio
........	2 Joshua W. Burnett			
............	+Sarah Anderson m: August 10, 1837	
........	2 Edwards Burnett			
............	+Mary Ann Head m: September 15, 1836	
........	2 George William Burnett b: July 11, 1801		
............	+Rebecca Farrington m: December 28, 1837	
........	2  Noah Burnett b: 1805 d: Bef. 1844
............	+Martha Johnson m: October 25, 1835	
..................3 Lewis Burnett			
........	2 Clayburn Burnett b: September 26, 1811		
............	+Mary Ann Van Winckle m: October 25, 1835	
........	2 Polly Myra Or Mary Burnett b: August 18, 1813 in Adams Co., Ohio
d: May 28, 1881 in Iowa
............	+John Hixon m: July 30, 1829	
........	2  Narcissa Barnett b: September 26, 1808		
............	+Eli Hoskins b: November 1802 m: October 14, 1824 d: February
........	2 Cynthia Ann Burnett  b: May 30, 1802 d: 1895
............	+Joseph Hoskins b: April 10, 1798 in New Garden MM, NC m: August
15, 1820 in Highland Co. Ohio d: Aft. 1850
...................3  George Hoskins b: April 27, 1823 in Clinton Co., Ohio
d: January 22, 1916 in Lewis Co., MO
....................+Lydia Bankson b: January 06, 1824 in Clinton Co., Ohio
 m: December 06, 1843 in Clinton Co., Ohio d: September 30, 1900 in Lewis
Co., MO
..............................4 Etta Hoskins			
............................. 4  Mary Emily Hoskins b: May 22, 1846 in
Clinton Co., Ohio d: July 05, 1932
.................................+Elisha Powell m: March 09, 1865	
..............................4  Cynthia E. Hoskins b: 1848 in Clinton Co.,
..............................4  Lena Hoskins b: 1849 in Clinton Co., Ohio		
................................+William Fletcher b: 1842 in KY d: July 25,
..............................4  Janie Hoskins b: 1849 in Ohio		
.................................+J. Tom Brown b: 1847 in Missouri		
..............................4  Laura Hoskins b: 1853 in Ohio		
................................. +S. D. Blythe b: 1845 in Ohio		
..............................4  Lewis Hoskins b: 1856 in Ohio  d: February
1936 in Lewistown, Montana
................................ +Emma Jane Waterman b: September 24, 1860 in
Lewis Co., MO m: 1880 d: February 1932 in MO.
..............................4  William Hoskins b: 1858 in Ohio		
................................ +Elizabeth Vaughn b: May 13, 1863		
..............................4  Claiburn Burnett Hoskins b: April 04, 1860
in Clinton Co., Ohio d: February 05, 1939  in Lewis Co., MO
................................. +Nancy Ann Waterman b: August 27, 1862 in
Lewis Co., MO m: March 09, 1879 in Lewis Co., MO d: May 16, 1933 in Lewis
Co., MO
.........................................	5 Major Brown Hoskins b: April 15,
1904 in Marion Co.,
MO d: January 30, 1976  in Cody, Wyoming
............................................+Margaret Hubner  b: January 12,
1915 in Ishoowa, Park Co. Wyo m: May 29, 1931 in Cody, Wyoming d: February
21, 1993 in Cody, Wyoming

Subj:	Jeremiah Burnett's
Date:	97-11-04 06:59:19 EST
From: (Jeannie)

I have four Jeremiah Burnett's in my database.  I saw where someone thought
their Jerry Burnett might be a Jeremiah Burnett.  Perhaps these are ancestors
or related in

Descendants of Jeremiah Burnett I
	1  	Jeremiah Burnett I	b: 1718 Essex Co. VA	d: Aft. October 22, 1772
..		+Mary McDaniel		
.........	2  	Jeremiah Burnett II	b: 1740	d: Bef. July 1816 KY
....................	3  	[1] Jeremiah Burnett III	b: 1761 Albemarle Co. VA
d: 1848 MO
........................		+Jane Turner		
....................		*2nd Wife of [1] Jeremiah Burnett III:		
........................		+Mary Johnston		
....................		*3rd Wife of [1] Jeremiah Burnett III:		
........................		+Effinah Unknown		
....................		*4th Wife of [1] Jeremiah Burnett III:		
........................		+Martha "Patsy" Hughes		
...............................	4  	Peter Burnett	b: Abt 1842	d: May 9,
1858 Patrick Co. VA
...............................	4  	Nancy A. Burnett	b: Abt 1840	d: August
12, 1858 Patrick Co. VA
....................	3  	William Burnett, Sr.	b: 1762 Albemarle Co. VA	d:
Aft. 1850 KY
........................		+Elizabeth Unknown		
...............................	4  	Lucy "Lucinda" Burnett	b: 1783 Henry
Co. VA	d: Aft. 1850 KY
...................................		+Elijah Rice "Eli" Hubbard		
...............................	4  	Mary Burnett	b: 1789 Henry Co. VA	
...................................		+Noah Harbour, Jr.		
...............................	4  	Jeremiah "Sweeper" Burnett	b: 1790
Henry Co. VA	d: 1869 Patrick Co. VA
...................................		+Sara Hale Campbell		
...............................	4  	Sarah Burnett	b: 1792 Patrick Co. VA	
...................................		+John Turner		
...............................	4  	William Burnett, Jr.	b: Abt 1793
Patrick Co. VA	d: Bef. June 1850 Floyd Co. VA
...................................		+Gartha Thompson		
...............................	4  	Elizabeth Burnett	b: 1797 Patrick Co.
VA	d: October 3, 1882
...................................		+John Tuggle, Jr.		
...............................	4  	Archibald Burnett	b: 1799 Patrick Co. VA	
...................................		+Lydia Ayres		
...............................	4  	John B. Burnett	b: 1800 Patrick Co. VA
d: 1887 KY
...............................	4  	Hannah Burnett	b: 1802 Patrick Co. VA
d: Aft. 1850
...............................	4  	Adam Burnett	b: 1804 Patrick Co. VA	
...............................	4  	Fleming S. Burnett	b: 1806 Patrick Co.
VA	d: 1881 KY
...................................		+Elizabeth Cox		
....................	3  	[2] Obediah Burnett	b: 1764 Albemarle Co. VA	d:
1838 Patrick Co. VA
........................		+Ruth Mayo		
....................		*2nd Wife of [2] Obediah Burnett:		
........................		+Polly Terry		
....................	3  	[3] Isham R. Burnett	b: 1766 Amherst Co. VA	d:
1856 KY
........................		+Sara Mayo		
....................		*2nd Wife of [3] Isham R. Burnett:		
........................		+Winifred F. Dodson		
....................	3  	Elizabeth Burnett	b: 1768 Amherst Co. VA	d: 1856 TN
........................		+Thomas Small		
....................	3  	Nancy Burnett	b: 1770 Amherst Co. VA	d: Aft. 1830 KY
........................		+John Davenport		
....................	3  	Moses Burnett	b: 1771 VA	
........................		+Elizabeth Melvin		
....................	3  	Frances "Fanny" Burnett	b: 1772 Amherst Co. VA	d:
Aft. 1840 TN
........................		+Matthew Morrow		
....................	3  	Roland Burnett	b: July 14, 1773 Amherst Co. VA	d:
March 4, 1858 MO
........................		+Mary Hurt	b: 1781 Henry Co. VA	d: November
3, 1851
....................	3  	Reuben Burnett	b: 1774 Amherst Co. VA	d: Aft. 1850
........................		+Nancy Tuggle		
....................	3  	Mary Burnett	b: 1776 Amherst Co. VA	d: Bef. 1840
Patrick Co. VA
........................		+Richard Nowlin		
....................	3  	Matilda Burnett	b: 1778-1779 Henry Co. VA	d: Aft.
1852 KY
........................		+William Sloan		
....................	3  	Mildred Burnett	b: 1780 Henry Co. VA	d: 1867 KY
........................		+Joseph Hurt, Jr.	b: 1775-1777 Henry Co. VA	d:
Aft. 1860
.............		+Rosa Unknown		
....................	3  	Isaac Burnett	b: March 9, 1782 Henry Co. VA	d:
1854 KY
........................		+Nancy Hurt	b: December 12, 1793 SC	
....................	3  	Ursula Burnett	b: 1789 Henry Co. VA	d: Aft. 1870 KY
........................		+James Hurt	b: 1789 Henry Co. VA	d: Aft. 1870
....................	3  	Martha "Patsy" Burnett	b: 1787-1790 Henry Co. VA
d: Bef. 1850 TN
........................		+William Denney		
....................	3  	James Peter Burnett	b: 1795 Patrick Co. VA	d: 1873
........................		+Malinda Maupin		

Hope this helps someone.
Jeannie (aka Madam X)

    ***The truth is out there...can you help me find it?***
Access my database of over 7000 names directly from my site or via Gendex.
Researching the areas of Southern WV, most of VA, The Dutch Colonies in NY
and NJ, and also some lines in PA, OH, and foreign countries.

Subj:	Re: Research Group
Date:	97-11-04 07:54:54 EST
From: (Jeannie)


Thanks!  I am researching Mercer, Monroe, Summers, and Greenbrier mainly.
Some McDowell.  Also Giles and Tazewell VA.  And of course Patrick, and it
has overflown into the surounding counties somewhat, with more of that to
come for sure as my ancestors were born before Patrick formed in 1794.  My
direct lines in Patrick are Clark, Law, Wright, poss. Reynolds, Rakes,
Winfree/Winfrey, Witcher, and maybe a couple of others I can't think of
right at the moment. And others that I don't know the maiden names of the
wives yet.  However, I am researching many, many lines that are related in
hopes of finding clues.  I am turning into quite a Patrick expert and have
many resources available here that I could share with the group if the
lookups don't become overwhelming.  I also have names in many, many VA
counties, some direct line, some possibles, and some related lines.  I
pretty much gather any info I can find that can be tied into my database
just because it seems a waste to me not to when I run across it and I feel
that if I can't use the data myself, there will be someone else who will
benefit from it, either now, or sometime in the future.  BTW, what other
counties besides Patrick are suitable for submission???



Subj:	 Via/Ingram
Date:	97-11-04 19:54:20 EST
From: (Eunice B. Kirkman)
>In regards to your "Bits and Pieces" in Turner Compilation 242, are you
>saying that Mary E. Ingram and Sarah Elizabeth Ingram are the same?  I
>have Sarah Elizabeth as:

I don't know why I typed Sarah instead of Martha for Sarah's mother.
>Sarah Elizabeth Ingram b 11 Apr 1787 PCVA d Apr 1842 PCVA Cem #441, dau
>of James & Martha Ingram, m 30 May 1800 PCVA William M. Via b 13 Apr
>1779 d 21 Feb 1839 Cem #441 & Ref #92.
>And, I see that the May 1800 marriage date belongs to William M. Via &
>Sarah Elizabeth Ingram, not James and Martha "Patsy" Ingram. Ref #92 -
>Marriages of Patrick Co. Va. 1790-1850, Lela C. Adams.
>Correct me if I am wrong.

You are not wrong, I was.  Tired? Getting old? Time to quit?  I'm very sorry
for the errors.
Eunice B. Kirkman --------
   -=| Virginia - The cradle of the nation |=-
Subj:	 Corrections to earlier errors.
Date:	97-11-04 19:43:26 EST
From: (Eunice B. Kirkman)

1. Alexander Ingram b. cir 1720, Botetourt Co., VA, m. cir 1755, in
  Botetourt Co., VA, Mary -----.
      2.     i John Ingram b. cir 1756.
      3.    ii James Ingram.
                                Second Generation
  2. John Ingram b. cir 1756, Botetourt Co., VA, m. cir 1770, in Patrick
Co.,   VA, Elizabeth Chiles.  John died Dec 1813, Patrick Co., VA.
      4.     i Nancy (Anne) Ingram b. ca 1775.
      5.    ii John Ingram, Jr. b. 1776.
           iii Frances Ingram b. 1778, Patrick Co., VA.
            iv Ruth Ingram b. cir 1778, Patrick Co., VA.
      6.     v Sarah Ingram b. cir 1780.
            vi James Ingram b. 1797, Patrick Co., VA, m. 27-Jun-1797, in
               Patrick Co., VA, Rozina Hall, b. 1777, (daughter of John
Mason Hall and Sarah Clark). James died 1848, Patrick Co., VA.
  3. James Ingram m. Martha "Patsy" ---.  James died 1816.
      7.     i Exoney Ingram b. 1776.
      8.    ii Alexander Ingram b. 9-Dec-1778.
      9.   iii Sarah Elizabeth Ingram b. Apr 1787.(Married William Via,
               Patrick County, VA.
            iv Mary Gracie Ingram m. William Handy, b. bef 1775, (son of
	   John Handy and Elizabeth (?) Handy) d. bef 1840, Patrick Co., VA.
               William: Source: 1. HANDY FAMILY RESEARCH by Janice Kisler
               Smith. 2. RESEARCH by Nell Belton Patrick County marriage,
               birth, and death records. Lived in the Buffalo Ridge section
               Patrick County.
     10.     v James Ingram, Jr. b. 27-Dec-1790.
     11.    vi Nancy Ingram b. 24-Jul-1798.
     12.   vii Mary "Polly" Ingram b. ca 1805.

Subj:	Fwd: John Coop
Date:	97-11-04 17:53:23 EST
From:	DAllen5178

I help everyone that e-mails me.  Is there anyone out there in Lee Co. Va. 
that could help my friend.  Need information on Charles Ross b 17 Jan
1810, Patrick Co. Va farmer d. 22 Feb. 1886 m. 20Dec 1838, Louvenia Penn
Foster, b.13 Jan. 1813 Patrick Co. Va.  d. 15 April 1885 in Patrick Co. Va
James Ross
Charles Foster Rossb. Feb. 1843 d. 1922 m. Fannie Jane Janison
Lucinda Ross
William G. Ross M. Mahala Burnett Jun 22, 1822
Martha E. Ross
George Ross
John Abram Ross
Forwarded Message: 
Subj:	John Coop
Date:	97-10-28 19:11:45 EST
To:	DAllen5178

Hi, sorry to take so long, How are you doing?  The more I look at William
Kupe, the more it looks like you are right. The dates and locations are
right, the names are right. I am trying to find people in Lee Co. Va, to
verify John's records, I may have to drive up to look myself. Have you
seen any other information on John Coop or on John E.?Talk to you soon.
Ciao!  Ron

Folks:  Anyone able to help with the Lee Co VA verification?  Nyla

Subj:	Re: Survey - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 
Date:	97-11-04 17:03:02 EST
From:	Char355

Guess I was out of town when you started the survey. Here is my response.

Keep up the good work!!

Subj:	Re: Survey - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 
Date:	97-11-04 16:46:49 EST

     Hi Nyla ... my survey info: <snip 4x)

	I'm a descendant of Jemima Turner (parents unproved) who married
Lieut. John Phelps III of Bedford Co. VA. My direct line: 
	John Phelps I & wife Margaret, of Goochland Co. VA ... 
	Col. John Phelps II & wife Mary of Bedford Co. VA (Col.
pre-Revolution, House of Burgesses, Justice of Lunenburg & Bedford Co. VA
Courts) ...
	Lieut. John Phelps III (Rev. War) & Jemima Turner (1st wife Jemima
was my ancestor; his 2nd wife was Susannah Younger, dau. John Younger &
Ann Moss)  ...
	John Phelps IV d. c1815 (possibly War of 1812???) (John Phelps
IV's 1st wife is unkn. and she was my ancestor; he mar. 2nd in 1804 Mary
"Polly" Ferguson dau.  of John Ferguson Jr. d. c1828/29 of
Bedford/Franklin Co.'s VA) ... Sophia Sophronia Phelps b.1793 & Moses
Ferguson b.1794 (also child of John Ferguson Jr. d. c1828/29) of
Bedford/Franklin Co.'s VA and Monroe Co. KY ... Rev.  Sparrell Phelps
Ferguson (1818-1888, born Franklin Co. VA, d. Monroe Co. KY)  & Charlotte
T. Harris (dau. Francis Harris & Sarah Keys/Kays) ...
	Samuel Turner Ferguson & Lou Ella "Ellie" McPherson (my
g-grandparents) of Monroe Co. KY. 
	My Ferguson and Phelps families were allied with:
Heptinstall, Greer, Hatcher, Gill, Hughes, Hix, Marshall, Allen, Payne,
Turner, et al.
Christie Ferguson Cirone

Subj:	 Indian Turners
Date:	97-11-04 14:30:33 EST
From: (Sharon)

I went to the NAIL site and found these Turners that applied in the
"Five Civilized Tribes" enrollment. 

The site is  

Please don't write and ask exactly what I did because I don't remember. 
(Yes, I'm getting old.)  Just clicked and backed up until I hit on the
right thing.  The only thing I do remember is that I typed in Turner and
selected Textural and whatever library was at Ft. Worth, TX. 

If the list becomes scrambled during transfer, it may help to make it
full page, then backspace and tab until it lines up. 
Hope this helps someone.

Sharon Turner Yoder

Card    Name            Age     Tribe     Degree			                 Roll

C53     Annie                 11      Creek   	blood   1/4     Big Spring
           Fannie X      	42      	"      	blood   1/4     Coweta
        	Geo. PM      	  9      	"	      blood   1/8     Coweta         R197
	      Hamner G.               	"       	parent
        	Hamner G.,JR    7        "       	blood   1/8     Coweta
       	Hattie          	13       "       	blood   1/8     Coweta
      	Margarite       	  1       "       	blood   1/8     Big Spring
C315    Tooka B 	36      Creek   blood   1/4     Big Spring      R1048
	      Tooka K 	13       "          blood   1/8     Big Spring      R1049
	      Clarence W.     	     "         parent
	      Clarence W.,JR       "         blood   1/8     Big Spring     R1050
            Marion (female) 3       "      blood   1/8     Big Spring
651     Crusilla  	1       	   Seminole 	                  Freedman
	     Eva        2              "          		             "
	     Fanny   23              "          		             "	              R2021
	     Tom                       "       			      Parent
117  	Clara       2       Cherokee Freedman       Lenapah        R130
        	Everett     3          "             "        	      Lenapah
	      Harry                        Cherokee Parent 
        	Maude                       Cherokee Parent
            Leon Eugene     1           "                   	Lenapah

M941    Floyd           	  3       Cherokee        1/16    	Cayuga
           James S.                	     Cherokee  Parent
           Minnie E.                      Cherokee  Parent
           Opal            	  1         "            	1/16    Cayuga  	R947

891     John                    	      Cherokee  Parent
          Sallie                    	      Cherokee   Parent
          Ada B.          	1          Cherokee        1/2     Ramona

Subj:	Fwd: Turners
Date:	97-11-04 12:06:40 EST
From:	LDRAM2058

I would like to subscribe please tell me how to do that.  Thanks LDRAM2058
Forwarded Message: 
Subj:	Turners
Date:	97-11-04 11:24:49 EST
From:	SDunham153
To:	LDRAM2058

I forwarded the last compilation I received. Maybe this will help. Just send
a message to NCREED1 and ask to be on her mailing list and you will get her
compilations. Chris Gaunt's home page is where everything has been zipped and
stored. You can unzip, download and retrieve them. Let me know if you have a
problem. I'm not great at this computer stuff but maybe we can figure it out.


Subj:	Re: Survey - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 
Date:	97-11-04 10:57:42 EST
From:	Palmeur


I am a <age snipped> year old <gender><status>t, researching my mother's
Turner line in GA, AL, and FL.  My occupation was <occup snipped>,.  So far,
I have been able to trace my Turner line back to Zaph Turner who married in
Barbour Co. AL in 1841.  He appears to be from the Meshack/ Wilkes Co. bunch,
but I have not been able to connect him yet.

Thank you and David for the excellent work you are both doing.  David's
have given me a good insight into the Meshack line; and of course he could
not do his compilations without your work.    Thanks to both of you and
everyone else that contributes Turner information.

James Palmer of Eufaula, AL

Subj:	Re: Comp 246 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-11-04 09:53:18 EST

     I would appreciate any help from someone in Virginia on William Scott
who in 1669 received indentured servant Richard Turner. Can someone give me
some quick data.  William Scott had many indentured servants.  Richard Turner
came from Bristol.
                                                        Jeanette O'Boyle

Folks:  Anyone able to help Jeanett?  Nyla

Subj:	 Re: Survey - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-11-04 09:12:33 EST
From: (rangeley)

Hi Nyla,
	Sorry it took me so long to respond to survey.  I'm 50-60, amateur 
genealogist but have been doing it for lots of years. I am an accountant, 
the mother of two sons and one daughter.  
	Several years ago, I purchased Dr. James Turner's book, 
Cahill-Rangeley-Turner, for the information on my husband's Rangeley 
family.  Imagine my surprise at finding my Shadrack Turner line in it as 
	Many thanks for the EXCELLENT job you are doing.  We are all very 
fortunate.  A special thanks to David as well.  I'm looking forward to 
the self-extracting zip files.  I've never figured out how to zip, unzip, 
download the program to do so, etc.

Lynda Rangeley

The end of this compilation.