Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 00:58:23 -0500 (EST) From: To: Subject: Comp 250 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 6 Nov 1997 Greetings to All: A big welcome to the new folks. Glad you've joined us. Nyla CREED DePauk San Diego, CA ==================== Subj: Burnetts Date: 97-11-05 14:50:31 EST From: (Jerry Patterson) The Highland Games are held in just about every State. Some States have several. Our next Highland Games in Arizona will be next February at the Mesa Community College. The Caledonia Society puts on the Higland Games. The Clans set up Tents and each Clan gives out information about their Clan's Heritage. I will be representing the House of Burnett here in Mesa next February. I know what some of the people are going through, that cannot locate their ancestors. I use to go around saying, " I can't dig up my Great-grandfather Burnett". Both of my Great-grandparents died relatively young. My Grandfather was an Orphan. However he did have two brothers. One of his Brothers I haven't located yet. He moved to Arizona, worked in the Mines and moved around. He never put down any roots. (He was a Wanderer) I did find him listed on a pay roll for the Mammoth Mines in Mammoth, AZ. According to the payroll he never collected his pay. My Cousins told me that he visited them some time in the early 1930's. His name was James William Burnett. Another mystery that I haven't solved is the Uncle James Burnett living with my Great-grandparents in Texas. He was a Doctor, his name was James Burnett. According to the 1850 Census he was born in Tennessee. My Great-grandfather Burnett moved to Texas from Kentucky. There is a Burnett Cemetery in Texas, that was on the Burnett Farm. Texas has made it into a State Monument. There are some Stones Buried in that Cemetery. My Great-great-great-grandfather married a Millie Stone. Also my Cousin Pauline's Mother married a Via after her Father, George Washington died. They lived in Oklahoma. The Burnett's have five Tartans, Ancient, modern, weathered, hunting, and dress. Most venders have the ancient in a scarf and tie. To purchase the dress and hunting you need to by them from The House of Burnett. You can find the House of Burnett Store at the Burnett Website kept by Mary Dunklee. Some vendors have the modern. I thought you might like to know for your survey, that I'm a <occupation snipped> my grandfather was a Cabinet Maker, My Great-grandfather, a farmer. My Grandparents and parents attended the First Christian Church. My Brother was a Catholic, also my older Sister. The rest of us were Baptist. I am now a Presybterian. San Diego isn't that far from Phoenix, AZ. Come to our Highland Games in February. Another Good Game to attend is Costa Mesa the last week end in May. Jerry Lou ============================ Subj: INGRAM Family Bible Date: 97-11-05 14:45:59 EST From: (Paula Ward) This is just a quick reply to David's question, below: >Subj: Re: Lewis BURNETT >Date: 97-11-02 00:13:16 EST >From: N4JED >To: MKelley345 > >Margaret, > <snip> ...By the way, have a group of KELLEYs in the Patrick - Henry database > in the 1850's married to the TURNERs and the INGRAMs. Are these yours? David Hello, David and everybody, those are my KELLEY, TURNER, and INGRAM lines. I have an INGRAM Family Bible and I've been intending to send you all the information in it so you can make a few corrections. The majority of the people listed below were from the Franklin-Floyd County VA area. William L. INGRAM's home (what's left of it) is still standing within sight of the Blue Ridge Parkway in Floyd County VA. This Ingram Family Bible belonged to Margarette Emmaline ROBERTSON, William L. INGRAM's second wife. His first wife, Sarah TURNER, died in childbirth when her daughter, Nora, was born. I am descended from William L. INGRAM and Sarah TURNER. Nora INGRAM married Homer KELLEY; they were my great-grandparents. Margarette Emmaline ROBERTSON INGRAM was known by family members as "Fat Granny" Ingram, according to my father, Ausborne Paul KELLEY. INGRAM FAMILY BIBLE: The following records of births, marriages and deaths were copied from the Ingram Family Bible: "Emmaline Ingram, Her Book, February the 3, 1872." All spelling and punctuation has been copied exactly as shown in the Family Bible. Births: "William L. Ingrum was borned May the 16, 1844. Emmaline Ingrum was borned April the 9, 1846. Milton D. Ingrum was borned February the 15, 1867. Iva Nora E. Ingrum was borned Oct the 2ond 1868. E. H. Ingram born Nov. 9, 1872." Marriages: "William L. Ingram and Sarah R. Turner was married May 15, 1866. William L. Ingrum and Emmaline Robertson was married February the 23, 1870. Homer H. Kelley and Nora E. Ingram was married January 16, 1889. Deaths: Thomas O. Ingram departed this life December 21st 1886. Willard Ingram departed this life May the 10, 1886. Julia L. Robertson dept this life July 29, 1884. Isac E. Robertson dep. this life January the 18th, 1890. Emaline Ingram departed this life June the 18, 1930. Age 84 years 2 mo. 9 days. Sarah R. Ingrum departed this life Oct the 12, 1868. Milton D. Ingrum departed this life Oct. the 3rd 1867. William L. Ingram dep this life Aug 1st 1912 age 68 years 2 montsh 16 days E. H. Ingrum depart this life April 18, 1900." Hope this helps someone out there. I have so much information from cousins on this list that I haven't had time to put it all into my computer! Other Southwest Virginia families I'm working on: HAIRSTON, HALE, INGRAM, KELLEY/KELLY, KEY, JONES, PAYNE, PETERS, PYRTLE, SLEDD, SMITH, TANNER, TROUP, TURNER, WADE, WEBSTER, WILLIS. Love to all my extended family members, Paula, San Antonio, missing the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Roanoke Valley. I've just returned from a visit to Roanoke and was there in time to see the fall foliage. I took a walk in Fishburn Park and did some leaf-collecting. :-) Paula Kelley Ward =================== Paula: Welcome back. Oh, to see some colored leaves. Now folks don't get any ideas and send me a box of leaves. Just trying to say that I missed out on Autumn this year, being in San Diego. I'm not complaining, but living in San Diego in the fall is not the same as living in Virginia or West Virginia. Nyla ====================== Subj: Burnetts Date: 97-11-06 17:49:10 EST From: MKelley345 Thanks to June Bork and this group I now know the name of Lewis Burnett's father, and his children. Seems I had become confused because Lucinda married a Miller after Lewis death. I thought that was her maiden name. Now all I have to do is sort out the children and I'm on my way. Thanks again - and you are doing a tremendous job. Margaret Kelley ===================== Subj: David's Survey Date: 97-11-06 16:05:54 EST From: Mack1435 I thought I would respond to your survey, even tho I'm not a member of your group. I'm just one of the many who visits Chris' page on a regular basis to follow your progress. I stumbled onto your group when I did a name search and subsequently was able to get in touch with David who started me on this time consuming project you call genealogy. I have been building my wife's tree (Pedigo) and your group has been very helpful in filling in some of the blanks. <snip survey info> Keep up the good work and thanks for all of the information your group has been willing to share. ====================== Subj: Re: Survey - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 97-11-06 14:21:57 EST From: (Bert Edens) Reply-to: > Last call for everyone to submit your info. If you've already responded, > thank you so much. Sorry I was late... Work work work... :) > Only 4 questions need to be answered: Cool! :) <survey info snipped> (I take money for research, but most is for my own records or helping out others) Thanks for the survey! Hope we can get 100% response... Later... Bert Bert Edens - "Why do I always have to be Stinky?!?!" - Chuckie, Rugrats' "Mega Diaper Babies" ========================== Subj: Hollandsworth's & Arnold's for Nyla Date: 97-11-06 11:54:03 EST From: (Jeannie) I don't have much info on these names, but I'll post what I have for you and the group. Descendants of John Jackson Hollandsworth 1 John Jackson Hollandsworth ... +Orpah Ann Cahill .......... 2 Betty Hollandsworth b: December 21, 1866 d: August 3, 1957 .............. +James A. Stone b: July 27, 1858 d: February 27, 1920 Franklin Co. VA Descendants of Daniel Hollandsworth 1 Daniel Hollandsworth b: Abt 1805 ... +Ruth Purdy b: Abt 1810 m: in Patrick Co. VA .......... 2 Martha Ann Hollandsworth b: Abt 1831 .............. +poss. Zachariah Law m: January 30, 1851 in Patrick Co. VA .......... 2 Jane Hollandsworth b: Abt 1836 .......... 2 Harrison Hollandsworth b: Abt 1841 .......... 2 William Hollandsworth b: Abt 1844 Note: Martha DID marry Zachariah Law. The 'poss' is my way of knowing that Zachariah may or may not be a son of my Law ancestor. Descendants of William Herbert Hollandsworth 1 William Herbert Hollandsworth ... +Frances Spencer .......... 2 Polly Hollandsworth b: June 3, 1845 Franklin Co. VA d: November 21, 1920 Franklin Co. VA .............. +Samuel Jarmon Stone, Jr. b: September 22, 1845 Franklin Co. VA d: June 6, 1927 Descendants of John Arnold 1 John Arnold .......... 2 Sarah Arnold .............. +Giles Martin, Sr. b: 1776 Pittsylvania Co. VA m: October 22, 1844 in Patrick Co. VA Hope someone finds this helpful!!! Jeannie _____ Jeannie (aka Madam X) ***The truth is out there...can you help me find it?*** Access my database of over 7000 names directly from my site or via Gendex. Researching the areas of Southern WV, most of VA, The Dutch Colonies in NY and NJ, and also some lines in PA, OH, and foreign countries. ================== Subj: Missed Nyla's request for Griffith Date: 97-11-06 12:04:07 EST From: (Jeannie) There's not much to offer, but here is what I have... Descendants of William Griffith 1 William Griffith ... +Susanah Reynolds m: June 22, 1830 in Patrick Co. VA While I'm here, I'll tell you guys what I am doing. I am recording ALL information that I can find on these names that were in Patrick County prior to 1900, so if you have ANY info, whether it seems to be related to my direct lines I posted or not, PLEASE send it to me. It could be vital!!! I'm also researching related lines, so that is why I may have small amounts of info on other names like I did for Griffith, Arnold, and Hollandsworth. Here are my primary names. Hutson Reynolds Wright Clark Law Rakes Winfree/Winfrey I would also be interested in these names in counties surrounding Patrick. Thanks so much guys. This group is GREAT!!! Jeannie ====================== Subj: EUREKA! Date: 97-11-06 07:29:49 EST From: (Sharon) Reply-to: To: OK, David, here it is! Good news! Finally found my John Columbus Turner's family!! Thanks to everyone who looked through all of their umpteen "John Turners" for me! Looking forward to meeting new "cousins"! ............Sharon Turner Yoder, Descendants of John Turner 1 John Turner b: Abt 1800 in Bartow Co., GA ..+Hediah Rives b: Abt 1800 in Bartow Co., GA ...2 Sara Minerva Turner b: 1819 ....... +Moses Holland Guest b: 1816 in GA ...2 Mathias Staten Turner b: 1823 in GA was in AR 1870 census d: in Gumlog, Pope Co.,AR .......+Nancy Chastain b: 1821 in SC d: in Gumlog, Pope Co.,AR m: February 28, 1842 in Bartow or Paulding Co., GA ........ 3 William L. Turner b: 1843 in GA src: 1870 census, Gumlog Twnsp, Pope Co. AR ...........+ Unknown b: in SC .............4 Laura L. Turner b: 1869 ........ 3 Mary Ann Turner b: 1845 ........ 3 Sarah Jane Turner b: 1849 ........ 3 Melinda Turner b: 1852 in GA ........ 3 Elizabeth Prussa Turner b: 1854 in GA ........ 3 Eliza Turner b: 1856 in GA ........ 3 Martha Turner b: 1861 in GA ........ 3 Benjamin Turner b: 1864 in GA ........ 3 John Columbus Turner b: 1858 in GA Fact 1: 1882 living in Pea Ridge, Benton Co., AR ............+Angeline Duvall .............4 Benjamin Franklin Turner b: January 03, 1882 in Pea Ridge, Benton Co., AR d: Abt 1968 in Gans, Sequoyah Co., OK .................+Anna Adams b: Abt 1882 d: Abt 1908 in Clarksville, Johnson Co., Arkansas m: Abt 1904 ..................5 Eulis Vernon Turner b: August 17, 1905 in Hartman, Johnson Co., Arkansas d: January 13, 1930 in Bradford, Arkansas ......................+Clara Alice Owens b: April 26, 1906 in Kingston, Madison Co., Arkansas m: December 09, 1923 in Hartman, Johnson Co., Arkansas .................5 Daniel Turner b: June 09, 1907 d: Abt 1993 ..................... +Nelle ..................5 George Turner b: Abt 1906 d: Abt 1907 .............*2nd Wife of Benjamin Franklin Turner: .................+Florida (Flora) Garner Powell b: September 1890 in AL or AR d: Bef 1968 in Gans, Sequoyah Co., OK m: Abt 1908 ..................5 Sybil Turner b: Abt 1910 ......................+Unknown Barnes ..................5 Cecil Lawrence Turner b: 1908 d: 1977 ....................+Mintie Lee Godwin b: 1910 d: March 15, 1989 in Arkansas .................5 Martha Turner b: Abt 1910 ..................5 Dawson Eugene Turner b: Abt 1910 .............4 William Turner b: Abt 1885 .............4 Josephine Turner b: Abt 1886 d: Abt 1994 in Clarksville, Johnson Co., AR ................. +Hugh Lingar .............4 George Turner b: Abt 1885 .............4 Ora Turner .................+William Owens .............4 Ruth Turner .................+Unknown Quinn .............4 Lola Turner .................+Ernest Walker ========================== Subj: New E-mail Address Date: 97-11-06 06:19:00 EST From: SSpradling I have had to change my e-mail address from to Please send your newsletter to my new address. Thank you, Sandy Spradling ====================== Date: 97-11-06 00:22:28 EST From: (Waddie Salmon) To: Hi Nyla, Do me a favor if you haven't sent it out already. Delete my last message on the Burnett Marriages. I can't get online to add it to my web site. I'll resend the notice as soon as I get it done. Thanks, Waddie Waddie "Bos'n Mate" Salmon USN RET. Lynchburg, Virginia ========================= Folks: I had already sent Waddie's message. Waddie will let us know when he's ready for us to check out his new information. Nyla ========================== Date: 97-11-05 23:14:16 EST From: <snipped> I keep reading your request for a response to the questionnaire, so I am answering for him [my husband] The information <snip>. He is now on what I call his geneaology missions down South visiting with his Turner, etc. relatives. I know he will be interesting in reading all his e-mails when he returns. Thanks. ======================== Date: 97-11-05 05:27:37 EST From: (Nicholas B. Gilliam) Reply-to: To: I am looking for the parents of John Turner who died in Franklin co., TN in 1856. He was survived by sons Roberson J. TURNER, William TURNER, Francis TURNER (may have predeceased John), Jonathan TURNER, daughters: Sarah TURNER LEE (Mrs. John N. LEE), Elizabeth TURNER MANN (possible Mrs. M. R. MANN) and Judith TURNER GILLESPIE OAKLEY (Mrs. Micajah GILLESPIE) then Mrs. Asa OAKLEY. He was predeceased by son John C. TURNER who left two sons John Baldwin TURNER and Charles L. TURNER. I am descended from John Baldwin TURNER. John TURNER (d. 1822) married Catherine B. LEE, in 1818. They had 2 sons John Baldwin TURNER and Charles L. TURNER I received your name and address from Eunice Kirkman in repsonse to the above message I sent out on Rootsweb. The above info comes primarily from the will of John TURNER. Thanks in advance for your interest Nick ============================ The end of this compilation.