Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 01:27:12 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Comp 252 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

7 Nov 1997

Hello to Everyone,

The survey results are in.  Since I didn't receive any responses to our
survey today, I thought I'd send out the results.   

I've tried to group together occupations which seem to be related.  Several
of our group are educators, medical professionals, engineers, musicians,
office employees, homemakers/housewife/domestic engineers, retired, military,
government employees, pet-related occupations, business owners, food-related
occupations, computer types, various communication types, investors/money
management, as well as some occupations that I don't recognize.   

I'm not at all surprised to find that none of our group admits to being under
30.  However, several people noted they were at the low end of the 30-50 age
category.  At least two people let me know they were barely over 50.  A
couple admitted to being 50++.   Several people told me they were retired,
but didn't give me their age or what they did prior to or after retirement.
 I put them in the 50+ category.

Females make up the majority of our group.   We have at least four
professional genealogists; two practicing genealogists; and a couple of
beginners.  The rest of us seem to be amateurs who are researching our family
surnames.  The experience runs from brand new to years and years of doing
genealogy.   Some have published their findings all ready.    A couple folks
expressed that they were just getting interested in genealogy.  

Two new folks joined our group after reading our compilations on Chris
Gaunt's home page (  We're glad to
have them as part of the group.  A few unsubscribed during our survey.  I
discovered at least three people were on the mailing list twice, which means
they were getting two copies of each message.    

Many expressed how much they enjoy this group and how much they appreciate
all the info that folks shared.  Some answered the questions with one word
each, which was fine.  Others came back a second time to share info about

I may have "snipped" more info than was necessary, but I didn't want to
include anyone's screen name or name.   

I've thoroughly enjoyed the responses.  Please let me know if you want to do
another survey in the future.  If so, what are you interested in learning
about other folks?  I'd like to have everyone's screen name this time, the
county/state being searched and the surnames.  It might be fun to know the
different states where folks live.  Let me hear from you as to what you'd
find helpful.  Just don't make it too difficult for me to handle.  <grin>

Here's the info:

OCCUPATIONS (includes all survey information for those responding)
Accountant; Mother	Amateur Genealogist 	female	50+
Accounts Receivable/Collection & Student (Part Time)	Amateur
Genealogist?	female	50+
Certified Public Accountant & Comptroller	Amateur Genealogist	male	30-50
Accountant	Amateur Genealogist	male 	30-50
Administrative Assistant (Retired)	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Architect	Amateur Genealogist	male	30-50
Auto & Transportation Related Ventures (Retired)	Compiler of Everybody Else's
    Work	male	50+
Bioligist/Chemist for a Biologics Firm	blank	male 	30-50 
blank	blank	female	50+
blank	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Business Executive (Retired)	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Business owner	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Business Owner of Septic Sewer & Drain Services	Amateur
Genealogist	female	50+
Advertising/Journalist (Retired)	Amateur
history/genealogy/literature/art/theatre	female	50+
Cable T.V. Show Co-Host, Nurse, Financial Planner, & Building
Contractor	Amateur                  
    Genealogist	female	50+
Choral/Orchestral Conductor; Newspaper Editor	Amateur Genealogist	male	30-50
Communications (Public Relations and Writing/Editing)	Amateur
Genealogist	female	30-50
Newspaper Editor and Writer	blank	male	30-50
Writer	Amateur Genealogist	male	30-50 
Chemistry Professor	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Computer Consultant	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Computer Consultant	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Computer Programmer (Boston Globe Newspaper)	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Computer Programming Supervisor	Amateur/Professional Genealogist	male	30-50
Computer Specialist/Project Manager	Amateur Genealogist	male	50+
Computer Systems Validation Specialist	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+ 
Court Reporter	Obessive Genealogist	female	30-50
Draftsman (Retired)	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Employed?	New to Genealogy	female	50+
Employee @ Comp USA (F/T); Law Student; Future Political Candidate	Amateur
Genealogist?	male	30-50
Engineer (Electrical)	Amateur Genealogist 	male	30-50
Engineer (Professional) (Retired)	Family Record Collector	male	50+
Engineer (Software)	Amateur Genealogist	male	30-50
Engineer (Software) of Weapon Systems (Retired)	Serious Amateur
Genealogist	male	50+
Engineer (Television)	Amateur Genealogist	male	50+
Equipment Coordinator for Major Grocery Co.	blank	female	50+
Food Service (Part Time)	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Food Service Director (Retired)	Amateur Genealogist?	male	50+
Waitress (Part Time)	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Forester (Retired)	Amateur Genealogist	male	50+
Genealogist	Practicing Genealogist	female	50+
Genealogy (Full-Time)	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Genealogy (Full-Time)	Practicing Genealogist	female	30-50
Genealogy (Mostly)	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
General Manager 	Amateur  Genealogist	male	50+
Government (State) Accounting/Budget Manager (Retired)	Amateur
Genealogist	male	50+
Government (State) Superintendent 	Amateur Genealogist	male	30-50
Government Budget Analyst	Amateur Genealogist/Data Collector	female	50+
Government Management Analyst (Retired)	Amateur Genealogist	male	50+
Graduate of College of William & Mary	Professional Genealogist	male	50+
Graduate Student	Amateur Genealogist?	female	30-50
Graphic Designer (Self Employed Works Out of Home)	Researches Family
Roots	female	30-50
Domestic Engineer	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Domestic Engineer	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Domestic Engineer	Family Researcher	female	30-50
Homemaker	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
H - Homemaker (Family Maintenance Engineer)	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Homemaker; Volunteer Director of local History Museum (pop. 400)	Amateur
    Genealogist	female	50+
Household Manager	Beginner Genealogist	female	30-50
Housewife	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Housewife 	Member/officer of almost all Patriotic Organizations	female	50+
Housewife & Part-Time Secretary	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Housewife of Retired Husband	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Mom (Stay-At-Home Mom)	Surname researcher since high school	female	50+
Homemaker (Full Time)	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Homemaker and Housewife	Amateur Genealogist?	female	30-50
Independent Solder Contractor	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Independent Teambuilding and Management Development Consultant  	Amateur   
   Ancestry Tracker	male	50+
Kodak Worker (Retired)	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Finance Systems Manager	Amateur Genealogist	male	50+
Financial Administrator	Amateur Genealogist	male	30-50
Investor	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Numismatist	Doing Genealogy 20+ years	female	30-50
Prudential Insurance Company	Amateur Genealogist	male	50+
Stockbroker	Amateur Genealogist	male	50+
Marketing/Membership Team Leader (New Career) (Retired)	Professional  
   Genealogist	male	30-50
Military (Army) (Retired)	Amateur Genealogist	male 	50+
Military (Army) (Retired)	Amateur Genealogist	male	50+
Military (Capt from US Coast Guard ; Specialist in Marine
Communications)	Amateur Genealogist	male	50+
Military (Process Improvement) (Retired)	Amateur Genealogist	male	30-50
Military (U.S. Navy) (Retired)	Serious Genealogist	male	30-50
Molding Technician (Plastic Injection); Prior Military;  Amateur Artist &
   Blacksmith	Amateur Genealogist	male	50+
None (unless I can count time on computer); Licensed Real Estate Leasing
Agent; Secy	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Office Manager (former)	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Office Manager of Insurance Office	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Office Manager of Medical Office	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Dog Groomer	Amateur Genealogist	female 	50+
Kennel Owner Operator & Groomer	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Partnership with a Wonderful Husband (Full Time)	Amateur
Genealogist	female	30-50
Petroleum financial manager (retired)	Amateur Genealogist	male	50+
Production and Technical Supervisor for a Graphics Company	Amateur
Genealogist	male	30-50
Optometrist (Semi-Retired)	Amateur Genealogist	male	50+
Paramedic by Profession; Volunteer Firefighter by Choice	Amateur
Genealogist	male	30-50
Psychologist	Family Genealogist	female	50+
Psychotherapist (Lics. FL); Nat'l Cert Counselor, & Nat'l Cert Gerontological
   Counselor	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Registered Nurse	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Registered Nurse	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Registered Nurse	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Registered Nurse	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Rehabilitation Consultant	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Social Worker; Museum Archivist; Church Historian; Historian	Professional
Genealogist	female	30-50
Retired	Amateur Genealogist	male	50+
Retired	Hobby	female	50+
Seamstress and Crafts	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Self Employed; Active in Logical Genealogical Society	Amateur
Genealogist	female	50+
Church Musician/Composer/Piano Teacher	Family Research 	female	30-50
College Professor	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Librarian	Professional Genealogist	female	30-50
Librarian (School/Part Time); Sells Childrens Books from Home; Mom	Dabbles in
   Genealogy	female	30-50
Principal	Amateur Genealogist	male	50+
School Administrator	Amateur Genealogist	male	30-50
School Teacher (retired)	Amateur Genealogist?	female	50+?
Teacher	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Teacher (Retired)	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+ 
Teacher (Semi-Retired)	Amateur Genealogist	female	50+
Teacher Learning Disabilities) and Teacher of Math to Recent
Immigrants	Family 
    and Area Researcher?	female	50+?
Teacher of High School & College (Retired)	Family Genealogist	female	50+
Teacher of High School (Retired)	Amateur Genealogist	male	50+
Teacher Homeschool	Amateur Genealogist and History Buff	female	30-50
Guidance Counselor (High School)	Amateur Genealogist	female	30-50
Trade Assoc/Lobbyist for Electric Utilities	Amateur Genealogist	male	50+
Volunteer with Hospice	Part Time Genealogist	female 	30-50

Total responding 122.  Total on mailing list 184.  67% responded.  

under 30	        0
30-50 females	35
30-50 males	19
50+ females	44
50+ males	      24
Total	          122
Females	79
Males	      43
Total	    122
Amateur	                   93
Professional                     4
Obsessive	                     1
Hobby	                           1
Serious	                           2
??	                                 4
Family Research & Misc   9
Dabbler	                           1
Part Time	                     1
Practicing	                     2
Beginner	                     2
Compiles Others' Work	   1
Genealogical Soc Member 1
Total	                         122

David, thanks for suggesting we do this.   Folks, thank you for being such a
good sport about this.  I am pleased with the response.

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA