Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 21:45:47 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Comp 256 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

10 Nov 1997

Greetings to Everyone:

A big welcome to the new folks.  If you haven't done so already, check out
all our compilations on Chris Gaunt's home page:
More wonderful eMails.

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	 Turner
Date:	97-11-09 14:00:29 EST
From: (Jonathan Parker)

I hope you don't mind if I repost this to your list. 
I posted it back around comp #20 or so, and have not yet 
had any responses. 

I've read ALL of the compilations you have posted, looking 
for a connection to these Turners; however, I'm stalled on 
this branch, and would appreciate any suggestions on where 
to look next. 


Brief Turner Family History
Written by Lillie Turner Raven, b.1869
Transcribed by Jonathan M. Parker, April 21, 1996.

The original of this document is an unsigned and undated
typescript, on both sides of a single sheet of legal-size
paper. There are several typing errors in the original, 
which are indicated as such in this transcription. Every 
effort has been made to adhere to the form of the original 
typescript. The person for whom this recollection was 
written is not known.

There are some innaccuracies in the statements made in this
document. For example, the writer's father Thomas Marion
Turner is stated to have owned a stable on Market Street in
San Francisco; his stable was actually located at Tenth and
Howard. He is stated here as having been born in Alabama,
while he always reported to census enumerators and voting
registrars that he was born in Tennessee. He is stated here
as having been simultaneously Chief of Police and Mayor of
San Diego for many years, when in actuality he was briefly
the City Marshal. There are probably many other errors as
well, which will come to light as research progresses.

Jonathan Parker
San Diego, California


[Beginning of transcription]
I do not wish my age put in the paper when I pass. Just the
date of passing.

I was born in San Francisco but raised in San Diego, later
moving to Los Angeles. I was married in 1904 to Dr. Fred J.
Raven of Wisconsin. Our daughter Elizabeth Arvilla was named
after my bother [sic] and Fred's mother.

My fater [sic] was Thomas Marion Turner and my mother was
Elizabeth Micholson [sic] Turner. My father was born in
Alabama but moved to Kentucky--later coming across the
plains in a "covered wagon" during the California gold rush
of 1849-50 with his parents, brothers and sister and arrived
in San Francisco in 1850.

His father was Col. John Turner who served with the
confederate army during the war between the North and the
South. The Mother's name was Sarah. She was a good old
doutherner [sic]. There were five boys and one girl in the
family, namely:

William who was killed by the Indians while crossing the
plains when the party was attacked.

Robert Turner (Uncle Bob) who had a large ranch but their
home was in Oakland. He was a representative at Sacramento
at one time. His wife's name was Elizabeth, but was called
Aunt Lizzie by the nieces and nephews. She was from the
south too. They had three daughters and two sons: Florence
Estell, Julia Castleton and Minnie Ainsworth, Ex and
Charlie. Charlie died when quite young. Do not think Ex
ever married.

Benjamin (Uncle BJ) who lived in Hanford and owned the
Artesia Hotel which was quite noted in those days for it
had an Artesian Well in the center of the lobby. He was
married twice. The first wife was named Mollie but they
were divorced after a few years. Had one son named Benjamin
but nicknamed Hatch. He then married Ellen. She survived him
for many years and operated the hotel. 

Thomas Marion see later on.

Alfred was the youngest son. He had a ranch but also lived
in Oakland. His wife's name was Fannie. They had three
daughters and a son. Emma Blake, Olive Harvey, Blanch
Lobbett and the son Clarence. Olive lives in Catalina and
is a C.S. Practitioner and Church Director. Blanche lives
in Berkeley and as you know Emma has passed. Emma lived in
Alaska, (Nome) for many years teaching school where she met
Mr. Blake. She could not stand the cold and wanted to come
to the U.S., but he did not want to leave his important
work there as an engineer so they were divorced. Blanche
and Frank's son is named Francis. He was in the army all
during the second war. He is married and lives in S.L.
Manager of one of the departments in one of the big dry
Goods stores there.

The daughter's name was Nancy Turner and she married Matt
Howwell [sic] of Nevada. They lived in Oakland for many
years later going to San Francisco. They had four daughters
and a son: Alice, Hattie, Elizabeth, Edna, and Eugene. Alice
married Dr. Morse, a successful physician of San Francisco.
They had two sons and a daughter. Both sons died during the
last war. The youngest enroute to the front and Douglas at
his ranch at Hemet. He had a belief of Tuberculosis [sic].
Alice married Joseph B. Banning and lives in Hancock Park,
Los Angeles. They have two daughters, Nancy and Katherine.
Elizabeth never married. She was an Art teacher in the San
Francisco high school for many years. Edna married a M.
Newman. They had two children, a son Douglas and a daughter
Mary. Douglas is an artist and designs Christmas cards. He
lives in the East. Edna divorced Mr. Newman and she went to
Italy during the World War as a correspondent for the
government. She there met and married an Italian banker. I
have forgotten his name. They had a son. Edna passed on
eight or nine years ago. She was a C.S. too. Her daughter
still lives there and also married an Italian. Eugene
Howell lived in Nevada and was in the legislature there. He
was married and had several children, but I do not know
about them. Hattie (or Harriet) married Judge Cabinas of
San Francisco. Avery [sic] popular judge. Always elected at
the primaries. He was on the Bench for many years. One son
George is now an attourne [sic] in San Francisco, he was a
Lt. Col. during the last war.

My father med [sic] my mother Elizabeth Nicholson in San
Francisco after she had come around the Horn from Boston,
Mass, to the Hot Springs in Alcapulca [sic] for treatment
of rheumatism. But after a short stay there was entirely
relieved and proceded to SF They lived in many parts of
Calif, Sacramento Valley, Chico, Marysville, Napa, Santa
Rosa finally returning to San Francisco, where my father
engaged in the business of fine horses. (blooded horses.)
He owned what is now the Civic Center of SF on Market St. A
whole block where he had his stable. He sold it for ten
thousand dollars (now worth ten million) and moved to San
Diego, but only took three or four horses. We girls used to
claim the horses, mine was Charlie, Ida's was Prince, I do
not remember the others.

My father was Chief of Police in San Diego for many years.
There was no mayor at the time so he did double duty. He
afterwards engaged in the Real Estate business, but had to
retire on acct. of his health. Nellie was the oldest
daughter and she was married at an early age to Rolla
Palmer who was manager of the Hamilton Grocery Store in
Oceanside. Ida was the next but she did not marry,
preferring to go it single. She was an excellent Apt.
manager and was a former secretary for Dr. Manard {Marnard}
for many years. Josephine married Edwin Parker who was a
Superior Judge for many years. Also served as Assemblyman
in Sacramento. One son, Edwin Marion Parker became an
attorney and was attorney for Coronado for some time. Mr.
Parker planted the trees that are in the park opposite the
Grant Hotel. They are very large now and the park has
become one of the landmarks of San Diego.

You know about me so there is no more to tell. Charlie
married Mary Brooke, then Nellie McAnurey, and you know the
rest. Two nice girls, Josephine and Virginia was [sic] born
to the first union. 

My mothers father was John Nicholson and her Mother's name
was Catherine and they came to San Francisco from Boston
Mass about the time of the Gold Rush, 1849-50. They had
three daughters and a son: Mary Rose and Elizabeth but I do
not remember the son's name. Mary married James Burns and
had several children, but I never knew their names. I do
not remember who Rose married but I know that she was a
crank of a houskeeper, even made her husband take off his
shoes before he came in the main part of the house. His
slippers were by the kitchen door. Elizabeth married Tom

After my Grandfather passed (He was an Episcopalian) my
grandma joined the "Dominical Sisters" a Catholic
Organization. After a few years she became totally bling
[sic] and Mama had her brought to our home in San Diego
where she passed on after several years. She learned to go
all over the house, upstairs and down all by herself, which
was remarkable. That is about all I know except my mother
never accepted the Catholic faith, but went with her father
to the Episcopal church. Ia [sic] was a member of the
Episcopal church in Hollywood. Uncle Fred, Ida Blanche and
I were confirmed the same day and Elizabeth was baptized
the next day and Blanche was God mother.
[End of transcription]

= = = = = = = = = = = =
[Turner family described in Lillie Turner Raven's history]

1. John Turner  & Sarah 
   1. William Turner 
   2. Robert Turner  & Elizabeth 
      1. Florence Turner  & Estell 
      2. Julia Turner  & Castleton 
      3. Minnie Turner  & Ainsworth 
      4. Ex Turner 
      5. Charlie Turner 
   3. Benjamin Turner  & Mollie 
      1. Benjamin (Hatch) Turner 
   3. Benjamin Turner  & Ellen 
   4. Thomas Marion Turner (1829-1894) & Elizabeth
Nicholson (1837-1908)
      1. Nellie A. Turner (1860-1899) & Rolla Palmer
      2. Ida Gertrude Turner (1862-)
      3. Mary Josephine Turner (1865-1905) & Edwin Parker
         1. Edwin Marion Parker Sr. (1888-1960) & Ethel
Valencia Barry (1888-1968)
      4. Lillie T. Turner (1869-) & Fred J. Raven M. D. 
         1. Elizabeth Arvilla Raven 
      5. Charles A. Turner (1874-) & Mary E. Brooke
         1. Josephine Turner  & James S. Whyte 
         2. Virginia Turner 
      5. Charles A. Turner (1874-) & Nellie McAnurey 
   5. Alfred Turner  & Fannie 
      1. Emma Turner  & Blake 
      2. Olive Turner  & Harvey 
      3. Blanche Turner  & Frank Lobbett 
         1. Francis Lobbett 
      4. Clarence Turner 
   6. Nancy Turner  & Matt Howell 
      1. Alice Howell  & Morse M.D. 
         1. ? 
         2. Douglas 
         3. Alice  & Joseph B. Banning 
            1. Nancy Banning 
            2. Katherine Banning 
      2. Harriet (Hattie) Howell  & Cabinas 
      3. Elizabeth Howell 
      4. Edna Howell  & M. Newman 
      5. Eugene Howell 

Jonathan:  Glad you sent us another inquiry about your Turner family.  

Folks:  Is there anyone who recognizes this Turner family?   Nyla  

Subj:	Re: Comp 242 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-11-09 14:26:56 EST
From:	Bervi

Can't remember if I responded to the survey, and if I did, if AOL
was up that day. If you let me know I'll respond or not as

Just spent a week in Henry Co. with cousin Harry Lee King Jr. who
lives in the log house built ca. 1788 by Larkington (Larkin) Turner
for his bride Mary Hickey. The house then (1804) passed to Rev.
John Turner m Nancy Burnett. Third owner (1828) was Rev. John's
nephew,  Stephen and Ruth (Prillaman) Turner who are buried on
hill nearby the cabin. There are Philpott and Shumate graves there
also. The home passed to their daughter Martha Jane Turner (d
1935) and her husband James Alexander Turner  and then to Ruth
(Turner) Pearson, d/o Martha. Ruth's husband was George
VanBuren Pearson. Dr. King began restoration in 1968 and just this
past year finished a 30' addition that restores the dining wing of the
home on it's original foundation. I took many pictures of the
interior of the house. Harry Lee King is descended from Ira Hurt
and George Columbus King families.
Also visited early Prillaman graves and cemetery of Thomas F.
Ramsey Jr (1760-1844) in Pittsylvania Co.

Let me know if I did the survey <duh>

Peter,  You did respond.    Thank you.

<cousin Harry Lee King Jr. who lives in the log house built ca.
1788 by Larkington (Larkin) Turner for his bride Mary Hickey. The
house then (1804) passed to Rev. John Turner m Nancy Burnett.

Wow!  Rev. John and Nancy (Burnett) Turner are my ancestors. 
Tell me all about the house, please.  Where is it locted?  What's that
area like?  Did you find John and Nancy's graves?  Guess that
would be too much to expect.   I am excited to hear this.

I recall our Ira Hurt discussions some time back.  (Raleigh Co WV
had HURT families.)  

Subj:	Rev. John Turner Homeplace
Date:	97-11-10 02:22:40 EST
From:	Bervi
To:	NCreed1

I'd forgotten your connection to that family(!) The cabin is located
on Rt 605 about 1/2mi S. of the community of Henry, VA just over
the line between Franklin and Henry Co's (house is in Henry Co--
barely). The house is a double (oak) log house built like a duplex
with 2 front and rear doors and a door connecting the 2 parlor
rooms. Each side has a separate stairway and the upstairs rooms are
not connected (boy/girl sides). The house is 30' long and about 15'
deep. At some time there was crude plaster applied to the interior
of one room and the house had clapboard siding added to it. HLK
removed this to return the home to it's original log exterior and
interior. The original smoke house still stands also. The water
source of the home is the original dug well, probably dug by Larkin.
Shards of pottery under the house reveal that one of the families
owned china in the Williamsburg Blue Shell Edge pattern, still
available at a premium price. Rev. John sold the house in 1828, so 9
of his 10 children were born there. (BTW, John was born in 1779
not 1789. I hope this has been corrected from the earlier Comp).
One of the children of a later occupant has carved his initials in the
front door--R. T. (Robert Turner). A mantle molding when
removed showed the location of the family "safe"--a hole hollowed
out of the log just above the mantle--big enough for a small purse
of gold coins);>
The area is piedmont VA--rolling ridges and gorges, elevation
about 1000 ft. Good pasture/crop land and trees, trees, trees of
every description.
I'll send you a photo or two when I get a chance to scan them...I
had a card that HLK had made up on the history of the house, but I
can't find it just now.
More at a later date.

Subj:	Re: Rev. John Turner Homeplace
Date:	97-11-10 09:38:22 EST
From:	Bervi
To:	NCreed1

Share what you choose of what I've written. I figured others would
enjoy^�rather than tracking children, tracking the inhabitants of a
family home.

Subj:	Burnett family
Date:	97-11-10 06:19:04 EST
From:	MKelley345
To:	NCreed1


David asked about my Kelley family. I am responding to the group
because, though I am not tracing the Kelley name (my husband
passed away a number of years ago and we did not have any
children), I am beginning to think that there may be a link between
the TURNER family and my McGLASSON family. Have found
several of them that married Turners in the VA and KY area.

Happy hunting


Subj:	 Re: Burnetts
Date:	97-11-10 08:29:34 EST
From: (Jerry Baker)


 I have been looking throw all the letter and I would like to know the
name of the town or settlment that John Burnett came to from Scotland I
have not seen it called by name and I know very little about Va. 
Jerry Baker                                          nWo 4-Life
CEO nWo MotorSports

Subj:	 Your TURNERs in MA
Date:	97-11-10 08:41:51 EST
From: (TERRI x2759)

Thought I'd reply to the group on this one.  

I'll go poking around later this week & see if I can find anything
else on your Burton Lester Turner b. Aug 1869.  I just wanted to
let you &  everyone else on the list know that I work right across
the street from the MA state archives & don't mind poking around
over there on my lunch hour.  They've got birth, death, & marriage
records thru 1900 (some of the really old stuff is sparse, but it never
hurts to look) for the state of MA.

It will probably be Wed. before I get over there, as I've got to go to 
Home Depot today at lunch & I'm taking tomorrow off.  But, I
promise I'll go poking on Wed. & let you know what I find.

Talk to you soon!!

Terri Hardiman-Black

Subj:	Re: Comp 252 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-11-10 00:04:44 EST
From:	Meowtalker

I may be too late for the survey, but here's about me.....   I'm
<snipped age>,  <work experience snipped>.....
I've been doing genealogy for 10 months now.  I consider myself a
<status snipped> on my mission from God.  To find out who our
family was and record it for the generations that will question.  I
identify with an excerpt from How Green Was My Valley, by
Richard Llewellyn.  I'll post it to you if you want.

We adopt homeless and feral kitties -- have one in labor at this
moment,so it's gonna be long nite -- or nites!  Between us, my
husband & I have 3 children.  His daughter and my son are both 27,
each has a son.  Our son is 23, and is gently releasing the apron
strings, bless him.  Both he and his father play drums professionally. 
Hubby now as hobby -- life gets too busy, kids needed shoes.... 
Our son is in a band, currently working on a great demo.  I play
piano, and make things -- sorta like crafting, but I never know what
I'm going to make, or sew.  

That sort of scratches the surface......also, never had been out of St.
of FL until this hubby, he was a travelling musician, it was love at
1st site, that's 24 yr old history now :)  Since then, I've seen every
state except Alaska, Hawaii, & WA.  Saw all the the Canadian
provinces in that 27 state tour all between the time our son was
born and before he turned 4!!  If my children considered such a life,
I'd have to tell them to go for it.  The experiences and bonding were
worth it, and we never felt a loss of security.  Home is where your
family is together, period.

Nuff 'bout me.
Nancy:  Thanks for all the information.   Looking forward to
hearing about your Turner family.  Nyla

Subj:	Survey - Turner  -  Manery  -  Partin
Date:	97-11-10 18:09:21 EST
To:	NCreed1

Please include me on your Turner newsletter list for I am looking
for Isica Turner probably born in Kentucky (what my Granny says
no documentation) born around1850, wife unknown, daughter
Elizabeth Jane Turner born around 1870 married to James Byrd
Partin. Their daughter my Great Grandma, was Margaret Bell
Partin born October 4, 1893 in Pineville, Ky marr to George
Washington Manery born Sept. 19, 1891 in McMinn Co., Tenn. 
I have been reading all of your compulations, but haven't made it all
the way thru yet.

In response to your survey  <snip><snip><snip><snip>...only just
started on Turner  Manery  Partin --I have been working on
McGlaun  Bagley  Austin Graves Goldsmith Kornegay Garrett
Snelgrove Gibbs Culpepper Parker Green Hand Snellgrove so I've
just gotten to Granny's side.  I am still an <status snipped> and just
self taught on the computer so some of this stuff I still don't

I have spent most of the day today reading all of this info and there
sure is a lot of it.  I have been working on other family names for
about 2 years, but I've been fitting it in between work and life, and
sometime those two get into the way of what I want to do.
Any info would be greatly appreciated, and I am going to continue
reading  the compulations and maybe I will find what I am looking
for.  Thank You,

Vicki McGlaun Culpepper
Cataula, Georgia   

Vicki:  Welcome.  Thanks for sharing that info with us.  Nyla

The end of this compilation.