Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 16:45:26 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Comp 257 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

10 Nov 1997

Greetings to Everyone this Veterans Day:  A special thank you to all our
Military (Retired and Active Duty).  I sleep better at night knowing you
are there keeping watch. 

Today has been one of a kind.   My computer froze while I was on AOL.  
Needless to say, I had to turn the computer off rather than sign off
gracefully.  I finally am back up an running.  I believe I have all the
eMails that I received earlier this morning.  If you don't see yours
below, please send it again.  Thanks to everyone. 

Nyla CREED DePauk

Subj:	Do we have a match?  
Date:	97-11-11 08:54:15 EST
From:	NCreed1
To:	Meowtalker

Nancy:  I'm forwarding your response to Vicky.  

We don't have any rules to speak of.  It's your call.  By sending me a
copy of your message, it does allow the rest of the group to know what's
happening, and I feel it is encouraging to others.  And who knows when
someone else might see your information and make a connection. 

Keep me posted if you learn any new information that you'd like to share with
the group.  

P.S.  I tried to respond previously, but AOL got hung up.  No trace of your
message at my end; you may get another similar message.

Subj:	Re: Do we have a match?  
Date:	97-11-11 15:36:57 EST
From:	NCreed1
To:	Meowtalker

In a message dated 97-11-11 11:45:38 EST, you write:
<< AOL's upgrading again --isn't it wonderful >>

My computer froze in the middle of AOL this a.m., and I had to reload the
aol software. Luckily, I had enough sense to keep my "organization" and
"download" files.  Since I didn't sign out properly, AOL wouldn't let me
log in.  Something about "pointers" not being right.  I'm up again,



FOLKS:  If you sent me an eMail which I have used in the compilation or
answered, please resend.  I think I have all the files, but I could miss
one in all the frustration this morning.  Nyla

Subj:	 Re: Comp 256 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-11-11 13:50:55 EST
From: (Yvonne Bice)
To:	NCreed1@AOL.COM (NYLA)

>Subj:	Survey - Turner  -  Manery  -  Partin
>Date:	97-11-10 18:09:21 EST
>To:	NCreed1
>Please include me on your Turner newsletter list for I am looking
>for Isica Turner probably born in Kentucky (what my Granny says
>no documentation) born around1850, wife unknown, daughter
>Elizabeth Jane Turner born around 1870 married to James Byrd
>Partin. Their daughter my Great Grandma, was Margaret Bell
>Partin born October 4, 1893 in Pineville, Ky marr to George
>Washington Manery born Sept. 19, 1891 in McMinn Co., Tenn. 

This is in response to the letter from Vicki McGlaun Culpepper from 
Cataula, Georgia.  I have not posted my Turner family yet, but plan to in 
the near future.  I think I have some of Vicki's family documented in my 
files, so I thought I would put down what I have and hope this helps her. 
Here it is:

Isaac G.  Turner-born about 1847 -son of John Turner & Jane Bellew (I 
have info further back on this line.)  Born                               
Campbell County, Tennessee. But is found in the 1850 Knox County census.  
Isaac is in the 1910 Census with second wife, Amanda Pursifull-married 
6 Feb. 1905.  He was 63.
Martha Jane Hoskins  (Wife)-born about 1843-don't know who her parent 
were.  Since she is anywhere from 7 to 10 years older than Isaac, it is 
possible that she was married before (?).   Isaac & Martha Jane were 
married in Bell Co., KY on 13 Oct. 1870.

1850- Knox County, KY hh # 266-271

Turner, John          37  KY
             Jane           30  Ky
             Martha A   10  KY
             John           5   KY
             Isaac  G      3   KY
             George W.  4 months  KY

1860-Knox Co. KY  hh # 915

Turner, John         47
             Jane          45
             Martha      20
             John         15
             Isaac         12
            George        9
            William       4
All the family is listed as born in KY

1870- Bell Co. KY  hh # 14-12

Turner, Isaac       22   TN
             Jane        60   KY   (mother)
             George    21   KY
             William   15    KY

1880-Bell Co. KY  ED 6 hh # 151

Turner,   Isaac            26
               Margret J.    37
               Mary L.         9
               Elizabeth J.    7
               Lucindy         3
               ....R.             9 months
All are listed as born in KY

Not in the Bell County  Census in 1900--perhaps in Knox Co., KY; Whitley 
Co., KY or surrounding areas--even in Campbell Co. or  Claiborne County, 
TN--the families of Bell County use to travel back and forth across the 
border.  I'm still working on all the Turner lines from Knox and Bell 
County---a forever on going search.  

1910-Bell County, KY ED # 30, hh # 394
Turner, Isaac      63 TN
             Mandy   53 TN

1920-I haven't finished looking through my 1920 notes, so don't know if 
Isaac is there or not.

I haven't found a record of Elizabeth Jane Turner & James Byrd 
Partin--but it is possible that they married either in Knox County or 
Claiborne County.--I don't have all the records from those counties.

Not sure about James Byrd Partin's family.  It is possible that his 
grandfather was Elum Partin and his wife was Malinda.  They had a son  
named John, who was born in 1825.  John married Emily __?__.  John & 
Emily had about 9 children, and one of their children was James B. H.  
born May 1870. (Bell County) KY.  I can give Vicki more information on 
this Partin line, if she thinks it is the right one.  

I did not find James B. & Elizabeth Jane (Turner) Partin in the 1900 or 
1910 Bell County Census.  It is possible that they are in Knox County or 
have moved into Tennessee.  I do not have my Knox County information 

Since I am compiling as much information on all the Turners that lived in 
Knox & Bell Co., KY as I can, I'd appreciate any family information that 
Vicki wants to share.  ( If I have found the right family for her).  If 
this doesn't help Vicki, I hope it helps someone else. 

Yvonne Turner Bice

Subj:	 Ross Genealogy
Date:	97-11-11 01:19:01 EST

Please add me to your mailing list.  I come from Rosses that came from
Scotland prior to the Rev War and since then migrated to SC>KY> and
MO...then elsewhere.  If there is anyway that you could get me in contact
with other Ross investigators or anyone who may have a similar migration
pattern, I am happy to share information.

Folks:  Can anyone help Jason with his ROSS family?  Nyla

Subj:	 Wrong Turner
Date:	97-11-11 08:21:27 EST
From: (Allen or Gail Blancett)


The following  information is provided to correct information
which appeared in Compilation 254 dated 7 November 1997 by
Georgann Hunter concerning her search for the family of James C.

Turner, born about 1802 in SC.  She stated that his father was
John Turner born about 1752 who followed his sons to Holmes Co.,

FL and was believed to have died there in the 1840's.  She then
went on to say that John Turner came from Ulster, Ireland on 12
January 1768 on the "John and Mary" to SC with his brothers
Alexander (b. 1748) and James (b. 1756) and stated that she
believed their parents were William and Margaret Turner who
arrived on the same ship and that they were granted land in
Craven Co., SC.

The family of William and Margaret Turner and their three sons,
Alexander, John and James arrived on the snow "James and Mary"
at the port of Charles Town, SC on 31 December 1767.  The date
of 12 January 1768 is the date on which the petitions for
warrants of land were read before the Colonial Council and
recorded in the Council Journal.

This is a very heavily documentable family and the John Turner
that Georgann states is the father of her James C. Turner cannot

be his father.  This John Turner was a SC state representative
from Fairfield District, SC and state senator from the combined
district of Fairfield, Chester, and Richland Counties, SC for
about 14 years total.  He died on 30 July 1807 in Fairfield Co.,

SC where he left a will naming his children.  Many documents are
available which corroborate his children--none of which can be
those named by Georgann.

Gail R. Blancett
Aiken, SC

The end of this compilation.