Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 22:33:02 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Comp 259 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc

17 Nov 1997

Greetings to Everyone:  

Welcome to our new folks.  More wonderful eMails to share.  Be sure to check
out all our compilations on Chris Gaunt's home page (address below).  

Just a reminder that the VIA mailing list is up and running.  See Comp #258
for details.

Nyla CREED DePauk
San Diego CA

Subj:	Info
Date:	97-11-16 09:32:09 EST

I've not responded to your survey before because it seems all the really
interesting info is snipped.  Would like to feel I know some of these folks

Anyway, don't remember exactly what was asked for but, heregoes:

Name:  Diane Turner Warren    Age:  <snipped>

Born Meriwether County, GA where five generations of my Turners have lived,
and my
parents are still there.  Live now Atlanta, GA

Occupation:  <snipped> and lot of temping and five years of self-employment.
 Now I work at various things on an irregular basis.  My current project
is writing letters to children, adults, pets, whatever, from Santa Claus
or a Christmas Angel.  So until after the season, will have little time
for genealogical activity. 

My status:  <snipped> 

My lines:  Simonton, Skelton, Lee (not VA), Turner, McCrary, Pope, Keith,

Diane:   Survey results start with compilation #252.  A few responses are in
later issues.  I snipped the survey questions from the eMails, but the
answers to the four questions have been published.  Didn't want to make all
our personal information along with our names and screen names available to
the whole world.  I often think about where this type of personal information
might show up again.    Nyla

Subj:	 RE: Comp 258 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
Date:	97-11-16 02:45:38 EST
From: (chickflet)

This is in reply to Jeannie or MadamX.  Sarah Stephens born circa 1790, in
Amherst or Patrick Co., VA,  daughter of Mary Unknown Burnett (first married
to John Burnett that died in the Rev. War from Amherst Co., VA)  and Philip
Stephens, married a Mr. Clark.  I think she is in 1830 Monroe County,
Tennessee, census as a widow,  along with several of her brothers.  I don't
know Mr. Clark's first name.  In his 1830 Roane County, Tennessee,  probate,
Philip Stephens names her as Sarah or Sally Clark.  That is all I know about

Chick Burnett Fletcher

Subj:	 To Waddie Salmon and group
Date:	97-11-16 10:32:26 EST
From: (Jeannie)


Won't you help support the GenWeb project by contributing your newly
finished index to the Bedford County Archives?  What I do on my web page is
I submit all of my original transcriptions to the archives (that way they
don't even take up any of my allowed server space), link to them from my
page just as if they were on my own site, and encourage my visitors to
support the archives in the same way.  As the brand new coordinator of
Bedford County archives (and many others), I think that would make a
wonderful contribution!  I am at this very moment revamping the Bedford
County Archives Table of Contents Web page and it's my last one of
12...whew!!!  It will hopefully be ready today for everyone to see.  If you
are agreeable, you can either email me or reply on the list.  We need
everyone's help to make these archives grow!!!



Jeannie (aka Madam X)

    ***The truth is out there...can you help me find it?***

Archive Coordinator for the following VA Counties: Patrick, Henry,
Franklin, Tazewell, Floyd, Pittsylvania, Halifax, Carroll, Pulaski,
Montgomery, Bedford, and Campbell. Start here for more info:

Subj:	Philpott in Henry Co, VA
Date:	97-11-16 10:34:10 EST
From:	Chochojay
To:	NCreed1,

In the last week or so I have received e-mail telling me that both of you
have information on pages on the internet.  I have tried to look at your
pages but for some reason AOL will not allow me to do this.  They keep
telling me they cannot access that info at this time or that all lines or
tied up.  So I thought I would try a direct e-mail and see what happens.

The internet addresses I have tried are:`cgaunt and
http://www.public.usit./net/herfam.  Needless to say that I am not a compter
know it all so I may be doing something wrong.  

[Chris' homepage is actually:    = =
= Nyla]

I have a data base of over 29,000 names and a lot of them are from Henry,
Franklin, Patrick, Pittsylvania and Floyd Counties, Virginia.  I take my
Phipott ancestors back to 1387 in England and from Charles Co., Maryland
to Henry Co., Virginia and then all over the U.S.A.  There are over 6000
descendants of the Lord Mayor of London, John Philpot in this data base. 

I have family histories on the Turner, Stultz, Cahill, Dyer, Minter and other
families from these same counties.  I have at least six marriages between the
Turner and Philpott families, some of which I cannot connect to parents
and/or ancestors on both the Turner and Philpott side.  

I would like to share this information with both of you in hopes that I can
clear up some of the problems I have with these families.  I can send and
receive GEDCOM files.  I use the computer family history program called
Family Origins put out by Parsons.  If you are interested in sharing
information on Henry County families please let me know by e-mail. 

I make two trips a year back to Henry County and try to gather as much
information as I can from the courthouse of Henry, Franklin and Patarick
Counties on these trips.  I have a computer index on marriages after 1853
from these counties.  The ones prior to 1853 have already been printed in
books.  I understand there is a new book our on the Franklin Co., marriages
after 1853 but do not have a copy of it.

Have either one of you contacted Pat Ross of the Bassett Public Library in
Bassett, Virginia?  I have been told that she has the second best
genalogical reserach library in Virginia.  I visit her and the library on
each of my trips back to Henry County.  She has assisted me greatly in my

If either of you is interested in comparing notes on Henry County, Virginia
families please let me know.  Lets see just howmuch we agree on three
different researches of families from this county.  Who, knows.  We may end
up being long lost cousins.

Pete Philpott  
Pete:  I have a mailing list called Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc.  The
Etc/Etc takes covers any family that ties into these families.  The original
interest was Southwestern Virginia counties, but a lot of interest is being
shown in other families living elsewhere with these names.  And of course, we
have some Philpott interest.

I added you to our mailing list.  Just let me know if you want to be removed.
All our compilations are on Chris Gaunt's home page: 

They can be searched on line and downloaded.

Any information you care to share with the group will be greatly
appreciated.  Would prefer an outline, family group sheet, narrative, etc. 
GED files are wonderful, but they don't work too well for me when I'm
trying to cut and paste information for the compilations. 


Subj:	 Burnetts
Date:	97-11-16 14:30:43 EST

Hello Nyla and all; 

Thought I'd write again with just a few added tidbits" I am slowly
picking up in hopes someone might see something they might be able to
help me with! I have been searching for information on my gggrandfather
Jeremiah Burnett. Now I have seen and read about ALL the Jeremiahs in
the comps, but haven't been able to place mine with the right family!!
I've not been able to place mine PERIOD!!

My Jeremiah was born appx. 1836-37. I believe he was probably born in
Kentucky or Indiana. I know that his mother's name was definitely
Elizabeth, "Betsy", and that he had also had a sister named Elizabeth,
as I have found their names tying in with him in the Madison Co. Ky.
Marriage Books.  It states:

Jeremiah Burnett, of Bartholomew Co., IN., 20, mar. Jan 27,1857 to;
Charlotty Baker, 19, Bnd; William F. Hoskins, Consent; Betsy Hoskins-MG,
Letty Baker-MB

Coleman L. Hoskins, mar. Jan 28, 1852 to Elizabeth Burnett, Bnd;
Fielding Golden, Consent; Betsy Hoskins-MB (There we have proof of at
least one sibling to Jeremiah, same mother)!!

I've also found this:

John Hoskins, mar. 3 Oct 1850 to Mrs. Elizabeth Burnett, Bnd; Thomas
Franklin Moore, Return; 10 Oct 1850

This leads me to believe that Jeremiah's mother, Elizabeth, "Betsy"
either was divorced from his father or his father died and she remarried
this Hoskins fellow.  Somehow I think this Fielding Golden ties in somewhere
with the family, as it shows him paying bond for Coleman Hoskins and
Elizabeth Burnett
and I also found where a Mollie Burnett married Elisha A. Robinson Feb
22, 1894, Bnd; J.L. Ambrose, Consent; Sarah E. Moore-MG, Fielding
Golden-CUB, relationship unknown. Could this CUB mean cousin of the

I found this marriage; James Loman, 2nd marriage, born in Scott Co. 62,
mar. Apr 27 1865 to; Nancy Jane Hoskins, 29, Bnd; James Burnett,
Consent; John Hoskins-FB, born in Va.

I presume this was a half sister to my Jeremiah and his sister Elizabeth
as she would have been born in 1836 if she was 29 in 1865.

I am wondering if my Jeremiah Burnett decends from William Burnett Sr.
from Amherst Co. Va. It is my understanding that William Burnett Sr.
migrated to Bartholomew Co. In. from Amherst Co. Va. Probably late
1700', early 1800's. Wife's name?? Children: William Jr., Sally, Bond,
Fanny (Tooley), Lucy (Pearson), Ibby (Witt), and Milly (Witt). William
Sr. was born appx 1770 and died 1835.

William Jr. married first Nancy Davis, Children: Bond, Isabel, Matilda
(Perry), Jeremiah, Sarah (Cox), Millie Francis (Elkston. Isabel married
about 1841 in Bartholomew Co IN.

I have found where Bond Burnett married 30 Dec 1814 to Elizabeth
Campbell, Bnd; Wilson Gillispie, Consent; Audley Campbell-FB

Does anyone know who Bond and Elizabeth Campbells children were? And is
this Bond William Sr. Burnetts son Bond, or William Jr.'s son??
Jeremiah, son of William Jr. was born appx 1820. 

Does anyone know if this Jeremiah married and to whom, and children? 
I am beginning to wonder if my Jeremiah is the son of one of these Bond
Burnetts or possibly William Jrs, son Jeremiah??!!

I know this must sound terribly confusing!! It's terribly confusing to

I know that Kevin had Burnetts in Indiana. Do any of these names ring a
bell with you Kevin?? And I was hoping maybe June Bork might know the names
of Bond and Elizabeth Campbell Burnetts children, or something about Jeremiah
Burnett, son of William Jr. Can anyone help piece this together. 

I tend to lean that my Jeremiah was born in Indiana due to the marriage
bond states he was from Bartholomew Co.

We are in the process of hopefully finding the marriage certificate and
death certificate.

Any thoughts, ideas of where to look next, knowlege would be GREATLY

Look forward to hearing from anyone!!!


Tammy Burnett Lillich

The end of this compilation.