Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 17:33:38 -0500 (EST) From: To: Subject: Comp 260 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc 21 Nov 1997 Greetings to Everyone: Chris has good news for us concerning GEDCOM files. See below. More cousins have resonded to our poll. From the responses, we certainly have a lot of variety among our group. Although we may be very different in many ways, we all have at least one thing in common--learning about our ancestors. ======================== Subj: GEDCOMs Date: 97-11-19 02:55:33 EST From: (Christine E. Gaunt) To: NCreed1@AOL.COM (Nyla Creed DePauk) Nyla, and All, If folks want to share their GEDCOMs, I can store them either on my server space at (I keep increasing my storage space there as needed), or on Genealogy Online ( One neat thing about GEDCOMs is that they can be converted to html and uploaded to a web page. I've done this for another surname (Gant/Gaunt), and the results are pretty neat. You can see the intro page at: I think it would be neat to list names and email addresses of folks researching that family at the bottom of each family group sheet page. Anyway, if folks have a file they want made available, they can send it to me (but if it's really large, give me a warning so I can clean out my mailbox! <grin>) Chris Christine Gaunt, Campbell-L listowner Co-compiler of Genealogy Resources on the Internet Web: File (1.8M): via autoreply from ============================ Subj: Re: Comp 237 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 97-11-17 21:22:35 EST From: CaseyGenea To: NCreed1 I had fun watching the information coming in. I am <snipped age and gender> and a twin born on Christmas day. My brother just went home to Chicago so that factor was on my mind and I thought I would share it with you. Thanks for your hard work. Carolyn Casey in south Louisiana. ============================ Subj: Re: Comp 237 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 97-11-18 20:56:35 EST From: CaseyGenea To: NCreed1 Dear Nyla, I am an <status> genealogist for 15 years now forever stuck on my Casey line, but occasionally making progress elsewhere. I am a <occupation>. My school in Cade, LA is a private Episcopal one; my BA and MA are from Baylor University in Waco where my parents still live. Sincerely, Carolyn Casey ==================== Subj: Re: Comp 245 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 97-11-19 16:50:46 EST From: DClaw52061 Here is my info for your survey: <snipped> Dave Clawson Fredericksburg, Virginia =================== Subj: RE: Burnetts Date: 97-11-19 02:48:30 EST From: (Kevin K. Stephenson) To: ('') CC: ('') Hi guys!! I've been offline for about a week...just got back on. I ended up replacing the system board in my computer to stop the problems I've been having. Will be converting the compilation zipfiles to self-extracting mode this week. Jonathan says he can unzip them just fine. Tammy- I don't recognize any of the names you mention, but it's possible they tie into my line somewhere. My ancestors were in Owen and Putnam counties in Indiana, and Shelby County, Kentucky...I haven't looked at a map...are these even close?? When I get caught back up again, I'll research this more thoroughly! Kevin K. Stephenson 1600 Kentucky St. #2 Lawrence, KS 66044 (785)865-1586 fax/data: (785)865-2555 e-mail: homepage: ======================= Subj: TURNER, Rebecca Date: 97-11-20 00:26:40 EST From: Meowtalker To: NCreed1 In my search for Rebecca Turner, b. 1801, m. 1822, to Jonas Byrd, Jr., I've found information I need help with. According to Pioneer Families of Franklin Co.,VA, Mechach Sr. and Rebecca (Robertson) Turner had sons James and John, daughter Rebecca. I've just been told by a Byrd cousin that John, s/o Meshach & Rebecca may be the father of "my" Rebecca. However, according to an email I rec'd, info believed to be from WFT, "my" Rebecca is the daughter of Meshach S. Turner and Sally Farmer. Does anyone have anything that might help me here? Thanks Nancy Bozeman Byrd Searching for: Ashley, Barfield, Bozeman, Bruce, Byrd/Bird, Cain, Carter, Fowler, Hix, Hyman, Inman, Prince, Stanfield, Turner, Ward ======================= Subj: survey Date: 97-11-20 01:33:09 EST From: (David K. Williams) To: NCreed1@AOL.COM I have finally caught up with my e-mail that has piled up since my computer died. Here is my data: <snipped gender, age, and occupation> <snipped status> Genealogist (15 years) I have not made any progress with my Turner connection, my 4G- Grandfather, James Turner, who was a delegate from Montgomery Co., NC in 1789" 1-- James TURNER (b.1773 NC - d. OCT 1812 Anson Co., NC) sp-Lucy MARSHALL (b.10 FEB 1777 VA - d.27 DEC 1845 NC) dau. of James Marshall and Ann Harrison 2-- Winifred Harrison TURNER (1797-1858) sp-John Spillman KENDALL Dr. (1794-1881) 2-- Henry Marshall TURNER Dr. (1800-1871) sp-Caroline MCNEILL 2-- William James TURNER 2-- James S. TURNER 2-- Martha Ann TURNER 2-- Sally L. TURNER 2-- Elizabeth N. TURNER David Kendall Williams AIA 9966 Dresden Dallas, TX 75220 =========================== Subj: Re: Comp 237 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 97-11-20 00:56:32 EST From: (Pete and Dianne Fullam) <snipped occupation> <status><gender><age> I've been working on genealogy off and on since 1972. Right now I'm working on the National Genealogical Society course and since I live in upstate NY and none of my ancestors are from around here, I have accomplished much on my own lines lately. I descend from John Turner and Elizabeth Dillard(?) through their son George. I'm interested in many surnames. My Rosses are from IL via NJ and MA. Good luck with your survey. Dianne Dianne Boggess Fullam E-mail: ======================== Subj: TURNER, Albert Date: 97-11-20 17:37:25 EST From: Hummerrfun To: NCreed1 I am trying to find out who the parents are of the following people. Albert "Tob" TURNER b abt1858 TN or GA (census shows both places) his wife Josephine SHERER (Schere) b abt 1870 TN died abt 1917 Children are: Maggie b 1891 TN Bertha b 1892 TN Jamess b 1896 TN Lawerance b 1898 TN Joseph b 1902 OK Myrtle b 1904 OK EFFIE May b 1906 OK - Married: Lambert, Frayne, Williams, Shaver, died 1986 AZ EFFIE May TURNER was my grandmother. She lived in OK, NV, NM and AZ Mainly OK and AZ. She had four children: LAMBERT (father) R? Laverne died young July 1930 Bisbee AZ, maybe born Ok or Az about 5-6 years old Lee Y 1925-1994 br OK, died WA FRAYNE (father) James Eileen FRAYNE Dwayne FRAYNE If you have any information please let me know. Lori Gibson P O BOX 750 Battle Ground, Wa 98604 ===================== Subj: Burnetts in KY Date: 97-11-20 10:29:06 EST From: (Brandon Burnett) To: ncreed1@AOL.COM I am looking for ancestors of a Zachariah Burnett, b 11/11/1825 or 9/11/1825 in Grayson County Kentucky. Married Jan 16 1848 to Nancy Ann Foutch. His father was Absolom or Abraham? Thanks in advance for anyinformation! ===================== Subj: Re: Comp 237 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 97-11-20 04:31:32 EST From: BURNUTTI To: NCreed1 I've been without a computer for almost 6 weeks & just got my NEW one! Needless to say, I have a lot of E-mail to respond to! I know this is late, but Iwanted to let you know that I am reading your mailings and hope to find a connection! my stats: <snipped> I inherited 75+year of Gen. material from my husband's gr Aunt who was a professional Genealogist. I'm over-whelmed, but hooked none-the-less! Thanks! Debra Burnett ===================== Subj: Re: Comp #238 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Date: 97-11-18 14:02:27 EST From: RTact I am responding to your poll. I hope it's not to late as I have been off of AOL for a couple of weeks, having updates made to our system. Feel free to use any of my information. I live in Maryland ( near Frederick), although I am a Virginian at heart, as I was born and raised there. I have four children ranging from first grade to a freshman in college. I have been involved with genealogy for about 6 years, trying to tie my VA/NC Turner's to the MANN surname. I paint beautiful glasswear in my spare time. (I will be online with my crafts within a month.) I am researching the surnames: TURNER, MANN AND, BUFFIN, all of Virginia. Thanks to the wonderful information I have recv'd from your newsletter, I have now put my Turners in Patrick and Henry Counties of Virginia. Cynthia ================= Cynthia: It's not too late. Old news is the best news for genealogy fans. Nyla ================= Subj: In reply to chickflet (love it) Date: 97-11-18 15:51:29 EST From: (Jeannie) To: I don't have these people in my database, but I will file this away in the hopes that it may help later on. Unfortunately, with names like Clark, John, Sarah, Susanna, it makes things extrememly difficult. I'm getting very frustrated with the whole thing!!! I've ordered 111 original Patrick Co. Deeds as a last resort. Thank goodness for my cousin going in with me financially on the project! I figure if the deeds don't help, I'll be out of a lot of money for nothing, but I've got to try it. If nothing else, maybe I can find some other way to do something good with these original records. BTW, no one has replied to my earlier question about land records and my Susannah Reynolds possibly being a widow. If anyone has any ideas on this, PLEASE share them with me! Thanks again! Jeannie At 10:32 PM 11/17/97 -0500, you wrote: > >--------------------- >Forwarded message: >From: (chickflet) >To: >Date: 97-11-16 02:45:38 EST > >Nyla, this is in reply to Jeannie or MadamX. Sarah Stephens born circa 1790, in Amherst or Patrick Co., VA, daughter of Mary Unknown Burnett (first married to John Burnett that died in the Rev. War from Amherst Co., VA) and Philip Stephens, married a Mr. Clark. I think she is in 1830 Monroe County, Tennessee, census as a widow, along with several of her brothers. I don't know Mr. Clark's first name. In his 1830 Roane County, Tennessee, probate, Philip Stephens names her as Sarah or Sally Clark. That is all I know about her. > >Chick Burnett Fletcher _____ Jeannie (aka Madam X) ***The truth is out there...can you help me find it?*** PLEASE SUPPORT THE USGENWEB PROJECT!!! Archive Coordinator for the following VA Counties: Patrick, Henry, Franklin, Tazewell, Floyd, Pittsylvania, Halifax, Carroll, Pulaski, Montgomery, Bedford, and Campbell. Start here for more info: ==================== Subj: BURNETT GUEST BOOK Date: 97-11-21 05:58:00 EST From: (waddie) To: NCreed1@AOL.COM Hi Nyla & all my other cuzins, Reason for writing this is because one day not long ago I was on a Burnett home page and there was a guest book there. I took the time to go through all of it looking for Burnett researchers. A lot of them I didn't recognise the names or addresses so I wrote to them. And guess what? I found a brand new cuzin! What I have done is create a Burnett/e (and various spellings) guest book on my Burnett page. Not everyone knows about Nyla'a compilation pages yet but they can find mine and your Burnett web site. I hope they all will do as I did and look at and sign the book. If you would, please sign the guest book and leave your surnames you research there. IT WORKS! Could be a "not yet found" cuzin has the ancestors you are looking for. If you have a Burnett web site or a web site with Burnett information PLEASE let me know so I may create a link to it. My web site is at, Thanks all, Cuzin Waddie ======================= Subj: BURNETT Date: 97-11-21 09:07:07 EST From: (J.R.Burnett) To: NCreed1@AOL.COM File: Re BURNETT.eml (2628 bytes) DL Time (14400 bps): < 1 minute From: J.R.Burnett <> To: Subject: BURNETT Date: Thursday, November 20, 1997 2:23 PM Here is my Burnetts for the group. Maybe I'll get lucky and somehow connect. Generation 1 Richard BURNETT b. abt 1813 Campbell Co. VA m.1st Nancy Saunders Camp.Co.VA m.2nd Mary Rowe Highland Co.OH d. 1871 High.Co.OH Generation 2 Issue of Richard and Mary Frank BURNETT b. 1871 High.Co.OH d. 1948 High.Co.OH Grant BURNETT b. 1868 High.Co.OH d. 1948 High.Co.OH James BURNETT b. 1869 High.Co.OH m. Sarah Murdock d. 1953 Ross Co.OH Richard BURNETT b. 1870 High.Co.OH d. 1871 High.Co.OH Generation 3 Issue of James and Sarah 4 daughters Bernice Edna Florance Mabel 5 sons Delmer Herb Ralph Jasper(adopted name Ted Shakelford) John BURNETT b. 1904 Fayette Co.OH m. Melda Taylor d. 1965 High.Co.OH Generation 4 Issue of John and Melda Robert J BURNETT b.1927 High.Co.OH m. 1st Mary Humphrey m. 2nd Haru Kodama d. 1975 El Paso TX Dorthey BURNETT living Generation 5 Issue of Robert an Mary John R BURNETT living m. 1st Mary Howland m. 2nd Annette Walker Issue of Robert and Haru Lora BURNETT living Lona BURNETT living Lois BURNETT living Generation 6 Issue of John and Mary Quentin living Amber living ===================== More responses to our poll are below. The "?" indicates the responses seemed to me to be be an Amateur Genealogist. We have many Amateur Genealogists who have years and years of experience tracking ancestors. Nyla = = = = = Novice Genealogist 50+ female Secy, Ad Asst, Disk Jockey and Other Radio TV Jobs, Asst Dir Child Advocacy Agency Amateur Genealogist 30-50 female Civics and Georgraphy Teacher Amateur Genealogist 30-50 male Mathematician Amateur Genealogist 30-50 male Architect Amateur Genealogist? 50+ female Owns Small Scientific Equipment Business with Husband; wears many hats (Advertising Manager, Benefits Manager) Amateur Genealogist? 30-50 female Cosmetologist; Apple Grower Amateur Genealogist? 30-50? female Stay at Home Mom; recently went to work Part Time in Sales ========================= The end of this compilation.