Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 17:12:53 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Comp 261 - Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc Mailing List

21 Sep 1997

Folks:  The next two compilations are from Pete Philpott.  This is a treat
for those interested in the Philpott family.  Pete, thanks so much for
sharing this with us.

Nyla CREED DePauk

Subj:	Drucilla Philpott
Date:	97-11-20 14:40:50 EST
From:	Chochojay
To:, HarrisSEM,
To:	NCreed1

I have been reviewing the "book" on my Turner info and find that I
need to do some work on it before sending it out.  So give me some
time on this.

I have made an Ascii file for the ancestors of Drucilla and will
attach it to this.  I hope all of you get it.  I haven't tried this before
so hope it works.  If you don't get the file let me know and I will
send it to each one of you. 

Question asked about Samuel's parents.  He is the son of John and
Mary E (Keech) Philpott.  


Subj:	Philpott/Turner
Date:	97-11-20 14:17:18 EST
From:	Chochojay
To:	NCreed1

I'm in shock.  I just pulled what my computer program calls a
"book" on what I have in my computer on the Turner family.  I
started printing at 1 pm today and it didn't stop till after 5 pm. 
Slow printer.  But the descendants go for 169 pages, the sources
cover three pages and the index, which is two columns covers 39
pages.  My how things grow when you don't pay attention.  

This is a print out of the Descendants of John Turner, Sr. born
about 1689 in either England or Ireland.  His four sons, John,
Meshack, Abednego and Shadrack are listed.  The only one I have
descendats on is Shadrack born about 1720 in England.

Now, the problem is, how do I get this info to you?  If I send a
GEDCOM file it will not cover all the names as this "book" prints
the parents names on any wife and/or husband of a Turner that I
have in my data base.  One of you has expressed that they do not
like GEDCOM files and another has never worked with a
GEDCOM file.  So, what is a person to do?

I am now creating a file with all the info on the Turner family and
their related families that I have in my data base.  This may take
some time.  Reason being is that even on my Philpott family I have
found two people from the same father that married into the Turner
family but with different mothers.  So, I will have to rebuild this
with care.  This will take time.  So, hang in there with me.  We will
make it one of these days.

If you would like a copy of this "book" then I will need a snailmail
address.  Be glad to send it that way as my program does not allow
me to print this info in any other form than to my printer.  Once I
get my new data base built I can provide a GEDCOM file on the
complete data base.  For those of you that wonder about a
GEDCOM file here is what I do when I recieve one.  I go into my
computer program and create a new file.  Then I put the GEDCOM
file in this new file.  Never put a GEDCOM file into your own data
base as you may end up with lots and lots of duplicate names. 
After I have the GEDCOM file in the new database, then I can look
at it at my leasure and see what info I need and don't need.  If I find
something I need then I make another GEDCOM file of the new
info and import it into my data base.  If you have a merge system
on your program, then all you have to do is merge one or two
names and the new info is in your data base.  I know, all of you are
old hats at this stuff.  But I just had to say my piece.

I still have not made it on the internet pages.  AOL was down for
five  hours yesterday and I haven't tried today.  I am not an expert
at this computer stuff so you will have to give me time.  One of
these days I hope to make it to the pages.

Let me know what you want or need and I will send it in any form
you like.

Pete Philpott  

Ancestors of Drucilla "Pricy" PHILPOTT - 20 Nov 1997

1.  Drucilla "Pricy" PHILPOTT1,2,3,4,5 was born on 22 Jul 1791
in Henry Co., Virginia.6,7  Age 59 on the 1850 census of Franklin
Co., Virginia.

2.  Samuel PHILPOTT2,8,9 was born in 1762 in Charles Co.,
Maryland.8  He died in 1837 in Roane Co., Tennessee.  

The exact dates of Samuel Philpott's birth and death are unknown. 
He was born in Charles County, Maryland, the youngest son of
John and Mary (Glover) Philpott.  He was not mamed in his father's
will, so it is assumed that he was born after his fathers death in
1776.  His mother named him heir to a negro girl, Charity, to be
delivered to him when he reached the age of 21.  John's will was
dated October 16, 1761 and probated March 30, 1762. Mary's will
was dated April 29, 1766 and probated May 11, 1766.  At the age
of four he was an orphan.  It is assumed that he was raised by his
half-brother, Philip Glover, son of his mother by her first marriage. 
Philip and his wife Charity (Philpott) Glover were provided for in
Mary's will so that they would have a home and an income to be
able to take care of the orphaned children of John and Mary.

He lived in Charles County until he was around 16 years old.  This
would have been his age at the time his brother John sold his land in
Maryland and moved to Virginia.  He may have moved with his
brother John to Virginia.  He paid taxes in Henry County in 1780. 
By this date, his birth date can be estimated to be around 1761 or

He may have lived with his brother John in Virginia and, by John's
will, he always lived close by.  It seems that he farmed his brothers
land.  He also acquired other lands on his own.  On March 24, 1804
he received a land grant of 84 acres on the South side of Smith
River.  On November 2, 1806, he purchased 70 acres in Patrick
County, Virginia.  He inherited the land and all the plantation
equiptment from his brother John.

On December 12, 1823 he and his wife, Mary, sold their land in
Patrick County, Virginia and moved to Tennessee.  She died
sometime between this date and 1836, perhaps in Tennesee.

On October 3, 1836 he married Margaret Pyrtle in Henry County,
Vriginia. He was 75 years old.  He died shortly after this marriage
in 1837.  His estate was settled in Tennessee in July, 1838.  An
inventory and appraisal for his Henry County, Virginia estate was
signed by E. B. Turner.

On the death recored of his son, John Wrenn, in the Henry County
courthouse, the parents names are shown as James Chadwee and
Mary Philpott.  Could Samuel's complete name be James Samuel
"Chadwee" Philpott?    He was married to Mary "Polly" HANNAH
on 12 Jan 1785 in Henry Co., Virginia.10,11  (Henry Co., VA
Marriage Book 1 Page 2).  Sur:  John Philpott.10

3.  Mary "Polly" HANNAH2,9 was born in 1762 in Virginia.  She
died in Dec 1823 in Tennessee.12

4.  John T. PHILPOTT2,13 was born about 1720 in Charles Co.,
Maryland.  He died before 30 May 1762 in Charles Co., Maryland. 
His will was dated October 16, 1761 and probated on March 30,
1762.  His inventory was appraised on April 15, 1762 and his
brothers William and Barton were listed.  (Charles Co., Md.
Inventory Liber 78 Folio 25-27.)  

The exact dates of John Philpott's birth, marriage and death are
unknown. He was married for the first time around 1745 to Mary
Posey.  It is believed that they had two sons, David and John.  She
may have died giving birth to John around 1750.  John's second
wife was Mary Glover, widow of Richard Glover.  Her madden
name is believed to have been Keech.  She was the administratrix of
Richard Glowers estate around 1750 and had a son named Philip

>From an inheritance from his father, Charles Philpott, and from a
cousing named John Philpott, he became the owner of a large track
of land in Charles County, Maryland known by the names "Courtes
Pallace", "Cow Grave Yard", "Philpots Chance" and "Temleys
Rest".  He was also the owner of a track of land called "Walkers
Runn".  He was known in Charles County as a Planter, raised
tobacco along with all the other necessities to run a big plantation. 
At his death around 1762 he owned 10 slaves in ages from 55 years
to 2 years.  At the time he wrote his last will his youngest son was
not born, therefore not mentioned in his will.

His death left his wife, Mary, responsible for 18 people, including
her own son by her first marriage, and infant son, and slaves. David,
the oldest son of John by his first marriage was around 16 years old
at this time.  Four and a half years later, on April 9, 1766, Mary
wrote her will and died soon after.  Her will was probated on May
18, 1766.  By law, the estate would go to the eldest son.  In her
will, Mary stated "I give and bequeth unto my son Philip Glover all
my right of Dower that I have in the Estate of my late Deceased
Husband John Philpott".

No guardian bonds were found for any of their children in Charles
County. Philip Glover married Charity Philpott, the sister of
Benjamin Philpott around 1765.  It is normal to assume that, at
first, Philip and Charity took care of the young Philpott children. 
Therefore his mother gave him her dower rights to her husband's
estate to enable him to have a home for her orphan children.   In the
final settlement of John and Mary's estate it is disclosed that Philip
was in charge since there was payment "Of Tobacco due Philip
Glover for the rent of a plantation to finish the last mentioned crop
for the last day of May".  This indicates that Philip had charge of
the affairs of his sick mother before she died.  After her death,
payment went to some one who finished that years crop of corn and
tobacco.  The widow's third was deducted and the legacy left Philip
Glover in John Philpott's will, namely "a Bed and furniture and one
cow and calf", was taken from the reappraised estate.

It is believed the two boys, Charles Thomas age 13 and Zachariah
age 8, went to Prince Georges County, Maryland to live with their
Uncle Barton Philpott as their guardian.  He was married to Mary
E. KEECH in Aug 1747 in Charles Co., Maryland.

5.  Mary E. KEECH2 died in 1766 in Charles Co., Maryland.  

Mary's first husband was Richard Glower.  It is believed her maiden
name was Keech.  She was administratrix of Richard Glowers
estate around 1750.  They had one known son named Philip.

She wrote her will on April 9, 1766 and it was probated on May 18,
1766. In her will she stated "I give and bequeth unto my son Philip
Glover all my right of Dower that I have in the Estate of my late
Deceased Husband John Philpott".

6.  HANNAH2.  
8.  Charles PHILPOTT2 was born on 19 Feb 1698 in Charles Co.,
Maryland.14  In a deposition dated August 20, 1753 he stated he
"was 55 years old and the son of Edward Philpott".  He died before
12 Nov 1753 in Charles Co., Maryland.  He died intestate.  The
inventory of his estate was dated November 12, 1753.  He was
baptized in Protestant.  

The exact dates of Charles Philpott's birth, marriage and death are
unknown.  In a deposition regarding land boundaries made on
August 20, 1753, he states he is 55 years of age and the son of
Edward Philpott.  The land boundaries in question at this time was
for a track of land called "Walkers Runn" which was a part of the
estate of Edward Philpott.  In the will of Edward Philpott dated
August 19, 1718 he gave "All the remaining Part of my Land lying
on the North Side of a Fresh Runn Called the Hospital Runn I Give
& Devise to my son Charles Philpott & his heirs for Ever....".  This
will was wittnessed by a Sarah Smoot (Smoote).

He married Elizabeth Smoote (Smoot), the daughter of Thomas
and Elizabeth (Barton) Smoote.  He and his wife lived the life of
Planter in Charles County, Maryland on land inherited from his
father Edward. Records show that Charles bought and sold land in
the same County.  On July 5, 1749 he gave a track of land known
as "Walkers Runn" to his eldest son John.

The family of William Philpott, a settler in Frederick Co., Maryland
and a son of Charles, have a tradition that their ancestor Willliam
was a son of Charles and Elizabeth Philpott who came to America
from their home in Clouester Co., England in 1730.  They landed at
a place called Bennedict on the Patuxent River in Charles Co.,
Maryland and settled on a stream called Allen's Fresh 7 or 8 miles
from Port Tobacco, Maryland.  This is an interesting tradition since
all of it is possible to have occured.  Evidently they visited in
England and on their return landed at Bennedict which is truly on
Patuxent River.  Since they owned a home near Allen's Fresh, it
was normal to return home.  The above tradition has been handed
down from the memories of a friend, Reubin Davis.  He was
married to Elizabeth Barton SMOOTE before 5 Sep 1717 in
Charles Co., Maryland.

9.  Elizabeth Barton SMOOTE2 was born about 1698 in Charles
Co., Maryland.  She died before 1752 in Charles Co., Maryland.  

She was named in her fathers will.

16.  Edward PHILPOTT II2,15 was born about 1660 in Charles
Co., Maryland.  He died before 1 Oct 1718 in Charles Co.,
Maryland.  His will was dated 1718 and the inventory of his estate
was dated 1 Oct 1718.  

The exact date of Edward Philpott's birth is unknown.  It is believed
he was 18 years old at the death of his father.  It is estimated that
he was married around 1686 to Susanna Posey, daughter of John
Posey.  He was a mature man when he married and in possession of
his fathers land.

Little is known about his life.  It is assumed that he and his family
lived the life of Planters in Maryland.  Court records show that
Edward entered in the business of a Planter and fulfilled his duties
as a Planter in Charles County, Maryland.  He had inherited his
fathers lands.  His signature appears on an article addressed to King
William and Queen Mary, expressing the citizens loyalty and
happpiness and gratitude in their preserving the Protestant Religion.
His name appears on deeds for the purchase of land, one called
"Philpott's Chance".  At his death he owned around 1,000 acres of
land in Charles County, Maryland.

Edward's estate was appraised and an inventory given on October
1, 1718. It was a large inventory with value given "in money sterl as
L450 Sh 6 d 2 3/4" with an addition for horses given as "L6 Sh10
d0".  In the settlement of his estate the following is found recorded
in pounds of tobacco: "Funeral charges...2000 lbs, To Dr. Gustovus
Brown...1190 lbs, To Dr. Rutherford ...1016 lbs, To Tubman
Nankin & Price for suite of clothes ..250 lbs.  He was married to
Susanna POSEY about 1686 in Charles Co., Maryland.

17.  Susanna POSEY2,15 was born about 1672 in Charles Co.,
Maryland.  She died before 1708 in Charles Co., Maryland.  

The exact dates of Susanna Posey's birth, marriage and death are
unknown. It is known by other facts that she was a very young girl
when she married Edward.  Her mother was the first wife of John
Posey and died when she was very young.

18.  Thomas SMOOTE Jr.2 was born about 1660 in
Pickawaxonhundrd, Charles Co., Maryland.  He died on 30 Jan
1704/5 in Charles Co., Maryland.  Thomas Smoote's will was dated
January 6, 1704 and probated January 30,
1704 or 1705.  He was married to Elizabeth BARTON on 15 Jun
1688 in Charles Co., Maryland.14

19.  Elizabeth BARTON2 was born on 27 Feb 1671 in Charles Co.,
Maryland.  She died about 1755 in Charles Co., Maryland.

32.  Edward PHILPOTT I2,16,17 was born about 1597 in England. 
He died after 1678 in Charles Co., Maryland.  He was buried in
Charles Co., Maryland.  

The exact date that Edward Philpott came to Maryland has not
been found. He was born in England around 1597, was in Maryland
in 1649 or earlier, and died there in 1678.  On September 9, 1667
he made a deposition stating he was age 70 years.  On this
statement he is said to have been born around the year 1597. (Liber
C folio 212, 237-240 Md. Arch. Vol. 60 (1666-1674 pp 91, 199-
102.)  Other depositions, however, state his age differently. 
In 1662, he received a patent to 100 acres of tidewater land in
Maryland Province from Lord Baltimore II.  He was a "Carpenter"
by trade.   The word "carpenter" in the 1600s is the same as what
we call an architect today.  This would classify him as a fine
workman, in that field of service.  He is declared also to be a
wheelwright and in 1662 was recognized as a Planter by the
officials in the Province of Maryland.  To be a Planter was an
aspiration of the early settlers of that section.  He settled in Old
Charles County, Maryland, near the Patusant River.

He married Bridgett, whose surname has never been learned. It is
assumed they were married in Maryland sometime between 1657
and 1659. She did not sign a deed that was signed by Edward,
dated January 18, 1657, but was listed to testify for Capt. Jenkins at
Court on November 14, 1659.  These references prove that they
were married between 1657 and 1659 and along with deeds on
purchases of land it is known that their home was located in Charles
County, Maryland on the North side of the Potomac River and
West of Wiccomico River.  Their home came to be known as "at
the head of the Wiccomico River".  Like names, this river also has
several spellings (Wiackocomeko, Wiccomoco, etc.).
>From court records about "suites", "deeds", "indentured servant",
etc., it is acknowledged that Edward was a very agressive man.  He
worked as an "indentured servant" for one Levin Burkin Esq. and
was transferred by Mr. Brukin to one Mr. Brooke of de la Brooke
for a period of three months to satisfy a debt between these two
gentleman.  In his years he accumulated at least six hundred acres
of land.  He became a Planter, grew tobacco, and was active in the
business of his day.

It is estimated that he died around the age of 81.  His wife appeared
in court on February 26, 1679 stating that her husband had died
intestate and ask that she be appointed adminestereux.  An
inventory of his estate was made on March 20, 1679.  When David
Philpott, Edward's great great grandson, sold the family lands in
1778, he set aside 30 square yards for a cemetery which his father
and it is assumed his grand parents were buried.

His widow, Bridget, married Robert Ingolsby (Inglesbees) of
Charles County, Maryland according to records found in the Hall of
Records, Annapolis, Maryland.  The date of her death is unknown.

Edward and Bridgett may have had four children, namely three
sons's named John, Edward and Charles and a daughter named
Mary.  Edward is well documented in records in Maryland.  Charles
is recorded as "son of Edward born 19 February 1667".  No other
record of Charles or Mary has been found and it is assumed that
they died in his youth.  

On 18 October 1716 a John Philpott purchased a James Bowe, a
prisoner that had arrived on the ship "Good Speed" out of
Liverpole.  Based on the birthdate of Charles, this John Philpott
could have been a son of Edward and Bridgett.  No further research
has been done.

These four names, Edward, John, Mary and Charles have been
passed down over the years in the Philpott family.  He was married
to Bridget between 1657 and 1659 in Charles Co., Maryland.

33.  Bridget2 was born about 1637.  She died after 1680.  

Her surname has never been learned.  It is not known if she was
born in England or Maryland.  By the birthdates of her children, she
must have been much younger than Edward.

After the death of Edward Philpott, She married Robert Ingolsby
(Inglesbees) of Charles County, MD.  No research has been doen
on any family that may have come out of this union.

34.  John POSEY Sr.2,15 was born on 20 Jul 1652 in Charles Co.,
Maryland.  He was seven years older than his half brother, Nicholas
Belaine.  He died before 24 Jul 1689 in Charles Co., Maryland. 
The inventory of his estate is dated 24 July 1689  A deed to
purchase 200 acres of land called "St. Johns" from Thomas
Allanson was issued on May 28, 1673 for 4,000 pounds of tobacco. 
At that time, one could not claim tittle to land until they were 21
years old.  He had been renting this land since he was 18 years old. 
He paid the "alienation fee", a fee charged when land chnaged
hands, on March 26, 1674.  On October 6, 1674 he applied for a
brand for his cattle and horses, which was required if you owned a
great number of animals.   He was married to Les Amalie
BELAINE about 1670 in Charles Co., Maryland.

35.  Les Amalie BELAINE2,15 was born about 1652.  She died in
1716.15  Her first name may have been Susanna.

36.  Thomas SMOOTE Sr.2 was born before 1634 in England.  He
died before 14 Feb 1667 in Charles Co., Maryland.  The date on the
inventory of his estate was Feb 14, 1667.

In a chart created by Thomas Barton Philpott II of Shelbyvill, Tenn 
shows Thomas S. Smoot (1634-1688) married to Jane Batten on
Jun 15, 1688.  These dates to not agree with information in Meet
Your Ancestors.  He was married to Joan BATTEN in Maryland.

37.  Joan BATTEN2 was born in 1634 in England.

38.  William BARTON Jr.18,2 was born about 1634 in England.  In
a deposition in 1698 he stated his age to be 64 years.  He died
about 1717 in Charles Co., Maryland.  He was prsent at Court as a
Commissioner on November 2, 1672 and may have been appointed
to this office much earlier.  He has been referred to as Justice on
March 2, 1675 and on December 13, 1680.  In 1684 he was named
among those regulating the affairs of the Militia in Charles Co.,
Maryland and referred to as Captian many times.

In a deposition in 1698 he stated his age to be 64 years.  He was
present at Court as a Commissioner on November 2, 1672 and may
have been appointed to this office much earlier.  He had been
referred to as Justice on March 2, 1675 and on December 13, 1680. 
In 1684 he was named among those regulating the affairs of the
militia in Charles County, Maryland and referred to as Captain
many times.   He was married to Mary about 1666 in Charles Co.,

39.  Mary18 was born about 1640.

64.  Henry PHILPOTT Mayor of Folkestone19,16,17 was born in
1544 in Folkestone, Kent, England.  He died on 15 Jun 1603 in
Folkestone, Kent, England.20  

Henry Philpott was thrice mayor of Folkstone.  He possessed
considerable property there and was lessee of rectorial tithes.  He
died in 1603 and was buried in the Folkstone Parish Church where
he is commemorated by a brass plate in the south chancel isle.

>From his will, dated 1602, we learn that his son, John, was then a
boy at school. His mother and the executors were directed to keep
him at school and to pay for his education out of the proceeds of
eighteen acres in Romney Marsh.  When this was completed he was
to be apprenticed to such trade as the executors thought most fit. 
On attaining his majority he was to recieve a sum of money
equivalent to five year's profit on said land. So long as his mother
lived he was to be paid ten pounds a year, but on her death the
houses and lands in Folkstone which had been bequeathed to her
were to pass to him. To his eldest brother, Thomas, was left a
house in which he lived and lessee of the rectorial tithes and
parsonages of Colred and Folkstone. To the two younger brothers,
David and Henry, sums of money were left, payable on their
majority.  In addition to these four sons the will mentions one
daughter, Elizabeth, who married Nicholas Tighman of Faversham
and had a daughter named Judith.  The other four children evidently
died before their father.  They were three sons, Edward, Robert and
Willliam and one daughter, Julia.

It is believed by most writers that Edward, Robert and William did
not die before their father but migrated to America.  He was
married to Judith LEIGH about 1579.

65.  Judith LEIGH16,6.  

Continued in next compilation.